
Egg diet for weight loss

Egg diet for weight loss
Egg diet: testimony and contraindications, species and features, examples of the menu and the chart of the diet, tips.

In order to see the cherished figures on the scales, a woman is ready on a lot. Therefore, it passes a long way to select various ways to lose weight. Since the human body in different ways perceive all these experiments due to the fact that each individual metabolic metabolism, physical shape and taste preferences, it is better to build a slimming system comprehensively, for example, a diet with physical jogs or a daily counting of cyocalorium and fitness training.

How to choose a diet: rules


Often, the use of only one slimming method is less efficient than in the complex. One of the classical ways of weight loss is a diet. There are countless. To find yourself that the most, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

  1. The most basic here is to preserve your health. It is necessary to know about its condition either in time to pass a medical examination, since there are hidden diseases and at the time of slimming the body can respond to such factors aggressively. Therefore, an ideal option will contact your medical record to a doctor to a nutritionist who will appoint you the necessary analyzes. It is on the basis of these results that the nutritionist can later choose the correct diet for you.
  2. Try to choose not an express diet, but a full, proper and healthy eating, which can not be designed for a short time.
  3. The place of your stay plays an important role here. When you choose a diet, look so that it is mostly those products that grow in your area.
  4. Pass the test "The most efficient diet for weight loss." On the Internet, it is completely easy to find and go through such a test that can also help you decide on the choice.

Egg diet


For lovers of welded boiled eggs and citrus fruits there is an egg diet. In this article we will talk about such a diet, we will tell about its efficiency and rules of application, as well as a circuit of a diet menu for a different number of days.

For a long time, experts argued that the use of a large number of eggs is poorly reflected on human health. However, recent studies talk about the opposite, namely, it is possible to include many eggs in the menu and it is even useful, because they do not cause raising cholesterol in the blood, besides the body satisfy, and quench the feeling of hunger for a long time. And if you use them with certain products, then in the aggregate they will help reduce weight, thereby raising the mood and self-esteem.

Diet efficiency

  1. Eggs are a good source of useful vitamins and minerals, due to which the correct metabolism is ensured. They are also rich in the easily friendly protein, so it is not necessary to talk about the dangers of such a diet.
  2. Experts have developed a sufficient amount of egg diet, the menu of which is designed for different lengths of time. Therefore, egg lovers can choose an egg diet, calculated at 4 weeks. And for those who have non-duty to use such a number of the same product there is an egg diet for only 7 days.
  3. One of the advantages of an egg diet is that the use of eggs is capable of longing the feeling of hunger for a long time, as it is a rather heavy and nutritious product of the diet. What can not be said about many other diet, where they just walked, you just want to eat again.
  4. The basis of the chicken egg, namely in the yolk, contains biotin substance. This is a very useful vitamin body. It contributes to the accelerated metabolism, participates in the process of splitting fats, carbohydrates, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.
  5. Recently, biotin is widely used in shampoos and even creams. The composition of the biotin molecule is present a sulfur atom, which is necessary to maintain the normal state of the skin, nails and hair. The overdose of human vitamin organism is not terrible, hypervitaminosis will not cause any harm to biotin. The sense of saturation after eaten eggs lasts about 3-4 hours, and if the eggs are used together with citrus products, this time will increase. Such products may perform oranges, lemons, grapefruits, so sometimes such a diet is called egg-grapefrup or egg-orange.

Egg diet results

What results can be expected after an egg diet?

  1. It is important to say that it will not be able to apply significant harm to the human body. But for this you need to know exactly that you do not have allergies on eggs and citrus products. The combination of these ingredients gives a powerful impetus to energy exchange, which contributes to the accelerated fat burning.
  2. As a result of research, nutritionists observe that the use of one orange per day allows you to get rid of 500 g. From this calculation and make up the egg diet menu.
  3. Depending on the initial weight and compliance with the specified diet with the help of an egg diet, you can throw off 5 - 8 extra kilograms per week. And you can not worry, your body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals for excellent well-being.

Menu egg diet for 7 days


Imagine the detailed menu of the egg diet for the week. Try to stick to the plan below, maybe a small deviation, if you change, for example, Tuesday on Wednesday, but do not get drunk, the menu should be diverse.


  1. As a first meal in the diet, 1 orange, 3 welded eggs and 1 cup of tea are included.
  2. The second meal consists of 280 g of boiled dietary meat, 1/2 of grapefruit, 1 boiled egg and 2 glasses of bottled water.
  3. The third meal is provided for 1 boiled egg, ½ orange and 1 cup of bottled water.


  1. In the morning you can eat 3 boiled eggs, 2 oranges and a glass of tea.
  2. At lunch, you will use 350 g of chicken fillet for a couple, you can salute a little, as well as 1 egg and 2 cups of clean bottled water.
  3. Before bed, you can eat 2 eggs and a kefir bottle for 250 g.


  1. For breakfast take 1/2 boiled egg and drink 250 g of citrus juice. It is desirable that the juice is freshly squeezed, so delicious and helpful.
  2. Lunch must consist of 1 boiled egg, 300 g of boiled white meat with salad leaves and 1 cup of clean bottled water.
  3. Before bed, it is necessary to eat 1 egg, 1 grapefruit and drink 1 cup of water.


  1. In the morning you can eat low-fat cottage cheese 150 g and drink 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  2. You can add 270 veal or beef cooked on the water to the second meal in the diet, allowed to escape a little, and eat 1 grapefruit and drink 1 cup of bottled water.
  3. The third meal must consist of 150 g of boiled low-fat fish with the addition of citric acid, 1 boiled egg and a cup of green tea.


  1. For breakfast, you can eat boiled carrots on a grater with 2 boiled eggs, 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream and black tea.
  2. The dining diet should include 270 g of boiled white meat and 1 cup of freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  3. Before bedtime, 250 g of kefir and 2 boiled eggs can be allowed.


  1. As a first meal, you can pamper yourself with an omelet of 3 eggs with greens and drink 1 cup of water.
  2. The second reception of food at the weekend should consist of 270 g of boiled, slightly salted, rabbit meat and 2 whole grapefruits.
  3. Dinner should include only purified, mineral, non-carbonated water in any quantity.


  1. For breakfast, you can eat 2 oranges and 2 eggs, and drink a glass of green tea.
  2. Lunch provides 2 eggs and 200 g of boiled white non-fat meat, as well as a glass of purified water.
  3. On dinner, you can only purified, bottled, non-carbonated water in unlimited quantities.

During the diet, try to drink as much purified water as possible during the day, oriented to a volume of 2 liters. Chicken eggs can be painlessly replaced by quail at the rate of 1: 3. Also actively engage in sports, it contributes to maintaining a good physical form, give the necessary load on the muscles and will allow a more rapid achievement of a beautiful body.

Egg diet Maggie


American scientists have developed an egg diet called Maggie. It is designed for 4 weeks. This diet received a lot of positive feedback from those who have already time to try. As a result, 4 weeks can be discarded up to 15 kg, but there are a number of requirements for such nutrition.

  1. Eating coffee or tea in pure form without sugar and other additives.
  2. Full rejection of alcoholic beverages. So think over when considering this diet, since the term of 4 weeks is quite long, providing in advance that during this period there are no significant events with solemn tables.
  3. In this diet you can use vegetables, but only strictly those that are allowed. Change them should be in clean water without adding broth, onions and garlic.
  4. Eggs should be used in boiled form, an exception can become an omelet cooked for a pair.
  5. Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail.
  6. You can not change the meals, for example, breakfast with dinner.
  7. During the day, it is important to drink a lot of pure, non-carbonated water. It contributes to the purification of the body and prevents dehydration.
  8. Such a diet is not recommended to repeat, no more often once every 6 months.
  9. Take yourself a rule to engage in any sport not only during a diet, but also in everyday life. It can only be morning jogging, fitness classes or incendiary dances.
  10. If a strong sense of hunger has awakened, and before the next meal is far away, you can eat one raw carrot or cucumber.
  11. in this diet, it is categorically forbidden to eat eggs in raw.


Let us give one of the options for a set of products that can be used during a 4-week diet.

  1. Breakfast can include up to 3 pcs. boiled eggs, up to 2 pcs. Oranges, the same amount of grapefruits, unlimited amount of mineral, purified water, any fruit, except bananas, figs, dates and mango, as well as 1 cup of green tea or coffee without sugar.
  2. In the dining, food can be raised a little. It is allowed to eat, for example, up to 300 g of boiled low-fat meat, rabbit, beef, veal or turbine, as well as vegetables, except potatoes. You can make a salad with boiled eggs and 1 tbsp. Olive oil, and also prepare boiled fish. Fruits, freshly squeezed juices and an unlimited amount of bottled, clean water are ideal as dessert.
  3. The third eating - dinner. Evening meal involves consuming up to 300 g of boiled dietary meat, fruits, vegetables, low-fat kefir, greens, boiled eggs and boiled fish.

Of course, this list allows only to imagine the Magic Egg Diet menu. It is impossible to use everything that is written, and even more so in the amount of how much how much it wanted. Maximum can be for one meal to eat 3 boiled eggs, 300 g of boiled white meat, 2 vegetables or fruit and drink 1 cup of liquid. But, as can be seen, nutrition is quite balanced and the body will receive the whole complex of vitamins and minerals. If you feel it is very hard, you can cut the egg diet to 2 weeks.

A small advice: For convenience, you can plan the egg diet menu so that it is always before your eyes. To do this, try drawing a table in which you can specify days, meals and recommended products. Such a table is best to hang on the refrigerator, so the list will always have before your eyes, and you can control the replenishment of the missing diet ingredients.

Egg Diet Ussama Hamdium


Osama Hamdium is a doctor who has developed his weight loss technique. Its duration is 4 weeks. Therefore, if you have a great desire to lose weight and the strong power of the will then you can try it, and the results will certainly be delighted.

In this diet, it is allowed to saline, pepper food and even add onions and garlic. But in this diet, fats and various oils are strictly prohibited. Food must be prepared only on water and compulsory comply with the following regulations:

  • it is impossible to change food intakes;
  • it is not allowed to complement the amount of products;
  • it is important to use strictly specified portions.

What can?

  1. The main product is eggs in the boiled form.
  2. You can also diet meat, boiled or baked fish.
  3. Fruits and vegetables are in the diet menu, but not all. The list of prohibited products falls grapes, bananas, figs, dates and mangoes.
  4. It is not recommended to use potatoes in general.
  5. From vegetables, you can exclusively eggplants, zucchini, carrots, beans and tomatoes.
  6. A large variety of egg diet boasts fruits: tangerines, peaches, oranges, pears, watermelons, pineapples, apricots, plums, apples, kiwi and melons.
  7. Large cottage cheese and cheese are also included in the menu of this diet.

In order to saturate the body during snacks, when so I want to be sweet with tea, it is better to stock vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots or lettuce leaves. Thus, you will protect yourself from a breakdown of the diet, and during the lunch break, when working colleagues strongly offer forbidden products for you, just take a pause and go through the fresh air.

Important! Osama Hamdium in his methodology focuses on the fact that a person should drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day, but it is necessary to use it throughout the day and do not drink food. You can also drink fresh juice, coffee and tea, but in moderate quantities and without milk.

Specialists such a diet recommend everyone, regardless of age. The exceptions are people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The main disadvantage of such a diet, in principle, as any other, is strictly compliance with the menu.

Good excerpts and expected results.


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