
Vitamins for women after 50. Rating of vitamins for women after 50 years

Vitamins for women after 50. Rating of vitamins for women after 50 years
What vitamins are best used to women for 50 in order to improve well -being, appearance that can slow down old age.

It is no secret that at every age a woman has her own needs. Puberty, menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, menopause - each of these periods is under the rule of its group of hormones, the possible tearfulness, mood changes, increased appetite or its absence ...

It is difficult for a woman to cope with some of these periods on her own. Usually, after it turned 50, menopause comes-someone before, someone later. If you add constant tides to the changeability of mood, you get a completely disappointing picture for a woman. That is why it is so important to help your body cope with age -related changes.

Let's talk about what best vitamins for women after 50, what they regulate and when to start taking them.

Vitamins for women after 50: which is better

First you need to understand what threatens the deficiency of vitamins after 50, as it can appear outwardly:

  1. The condition of the skin worsens. It becomes dry and wrinkled - ideal soil for the emergence of deep age wrinkles.
  2. The process of hair loss is enhanced, they fadem, break and do not want to obey at all.
  3. The condition of the nail plates leaves much to be desired: they are laying and breaking, it is impossible to grow at all.
  4. Deterioration of the work of the central nervous system. Psychological problems are added to the problems of a physiological nature, which in general creates a rather sad picture: depression, nervous breakdowns, mood surges - all this can occur as a result of a deficiency of vitamins.
  5. Pain in the joints, fragility of bones occurs due to a lack of calcium, hence the high probability of a fracture in case of unsuccessful fall.

In order to avoid the above problems, women after 50 should be attentive to their diet, focusing on proper nutrition, and periodically drinking the vitamin complex prescribed by the doctor.

Before talking about any specific vitamins for women after 50, you should understand which vitamins and minerals they lack, what processes they affect and why it is so important to replenish the deficiency of each of them in a timely manner.


Vitamin E for women after 50 years

Vitamin E, aka vitamin of youth, takes care of the appearance, keeping the skin moistened and elastic. Its deficiency instantly affects the appearance of a woman - it is no secret that dry skin is prone to the formation of earlier and deep wrinkles than oily. In addition, Tocopherol removes harmful toxins from the body and contributes to the effective activity of internal organs, preventing them from wear out quickly. The daily dosage of vitamin is 10-30 μg.

To ensure the daily intake of vitamin E into the body, it is necessary to enrich your diet with walnuts, peanuts, almonds, rose hips, sea buckthorn, Brussels cabbage, broccoli, green leafy vegetables. In addition, it is contained in sunflower and butter.


Vitamin D for women after 50 years

That old, that is young. The fact is that this vitamin is also important for infants and people over 50 years. In the first case, this is the prevention of rickets, in the second it is a rejuvenating effect on the condition of the skin, eliminating problems with the intake of phosphorus into the body and increasing calcium digestibility. The daily vitamin D rate is 2.5 mcg per day.

To cover the deficiency of vitamin in the body, you should focus on foods such as fatty fish, mushrooms, dairy products. In the summer, it is worth at least 10-20 minutes to swim in the sun daily!


Vitamin F for women after 50 years

Vitamin F is essentially an Omega-3 and Omega-6 complex. They are responsible for eliminating excess cholesterol, swelling, increasing sex drive, normalization of fat metabolism and many other processes in the body of a woman over 50. The daily vitamin norm is 10 μg. You can get it by consuming avocados and fish oil, as well as vegetable oils - olive, corn, soy and linen.


B vitamins for women after 50 years

First of all, you should pay attention to vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12. They facilitate the functioning of the body during menopause, do not allow excess fat to accumulate and facilitate the functioning of the brain.

In particular, vitamin B12 improves the condition of hair and nails, promotes speedy tissue regeneration and normalizes cell division. Folic acid, acutely necessary during pregnancy, in adulthood, serves as a reliable prevention from cancer.

B vitamins are found in nuts, eggs, fish and seafood, meat, fruits and vegetables. The daily need ranges from 1.2 μg to 1.6 μg, depending on the gender, age and lifestyle.


Ascorbic acid and retinol for women after 50 years

Vitamins A and C in the body of a mature woman are responsible for visual acuity, a strong immune system, the state of soft tissues and the mucous membrane. They play an important role in metabolic processes in the body. The daily norm of vitamin C is 70-90 mg, vitamin A (retinol)-4000-5000 IU.

Vitamin A is contained in fish, liver, different varieties of meat, potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli.


Vitamin C is found in all kinds of citruses, tomatoes, rose hips, apples, strawberries and sea buckthorn.


Even with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, it is quite difficult to ensure the receipt of all the necessary vitamins in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to use special vitamin complexes after 50 women. However, it should be borne in mind that each has its own deficiency of certain vitamins, because only a doctor can prescribe such complexes!

Alphabet: Vitamins for women after 50

Vitamins Alphabet 50+ are recommended for use by women who dream of maintaining youth as long as possible, establish the condition of the skin, give her hair shine and silkiness, restore the condition of the nail plates. Contraindications indicate hyperfunction of the gland and individual intolerance to components. Typically, the drug is prescribed in the amount of three tablets per day - this is enough to make up for the existing deficiency of vitamins.

The alphabet is able to increase life tone and remove traces from fatigue.


Vitamins Centerum Silver 50 for women

The price of this drug varies within the framework of the average market for such drugs and is on average about 700 rubles, depending on the region of the distribution and the number of tablets in the package.

This vitamin complex contains 24 nutrients, including 13 necessary for women for 50 vitamins. It has a positive effect on life tone, supports immunity, generally improves the well -being of a woman during menopause. The drug also positively affects the central nervous system (central nervous system), removing irritability, change in mood, withdrawing from a depressive state. In general, vitamins slow down the aging process, replenishment of their deficiency has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails.

In addition to individual intolerance to components, renal failure is also renal failure, therefore, consultation with a doctor is extremely necessary before use!


Vitrum: Vitamins for women after 50

Another representative of vitamin complexes for women over 50 is, of course, Vitrum. He, like everyone else, perfectly affects the condition of hair, nails, skin, on the well -being in general. The performance rises, the emotional background is stabilized-in a word, it really serves as a wand for women during menopause, and numerous positive reviews on the network of this confirmation.


Vitamins complibes for women after 50

A very popular complex due to wide fame and price-quality ratio. You can find it in almost any pharmacy of any city.
It actively prevents the onset of aging, facilitates the condition of women during menopause. After the first course, the condition of the hair and nails improves significantly, and the skin becomes fit and elastic!


Duvit: Vitamins for women after 50 years

Among other vitamin complexes, duvit can be detected. You can find a lot of good reviews about him - most notes an improvement in well -being, establishing the body, strengthening nails and hair, and the condition of the skin. Depression give way to a good mood.


American vitamins for women 50

In addition to a wide range of vitamins of domestic manufacturers, foreign manufacturers are also represented in the Russian market. They can be ordered via the Internet or also find them in the pharmacies of the city.

As for the Americans, they take into account the features of female needs in the composition of vitamins depending on age, and they also have a line for those for 50. Such complexes interfere with aging, fill up the deficiency of vitamins and help to absorb useful substances from the absorbed food.

With age in the body, a woman slows down cell renewal, and this affects the state of blood vessels and most tissues. American manufacturers took this fact in the production of their own vitamin complexes for women over 50 years.

Of these, these: Garden of Life, 50 & Wiser Woman, One-A-Day 50+, Nature Made^ Multu For Her 50+ and many others.


Finnish vitamins for women for 50

Finns represent good competition in the world market among multivitamin complexes. Ladyvita 50+ deserves special attention, and we will dwell on it in more detail. This complex contains phytoestrogens, 13 vitamins and 8 minerals.

Since the bone mass is reduced over the years, the need for calcium is acutely increased. The drug takes into account these features of the female body over 50, therefore, in the most useful vitamins and minerals, calcium and vitamin D are in the right proportion - the only way they are possible by the body with the body.


We will summarize

We brought a review of the general strengthening vitamins for women after 50, now it will be easier for you to navigate, choosing a particular complex for yourself. However, before you stop at any of them, be sure to consult a doctor. Usually they drink during periods of acute vitamin deficiency - spring and autumn, and it should be remembered that the correct, enriched with useful vitamins and minerals, food must be observed for all women over 50! Support for the body, especially during menopause, is necessary every day, and some vitamin complexes that are produced in the offseason may simply not be enough. If earlier for some reason you did not have time to go in for sports, eat right and generally lead a healthy lifestyle, then try to start at least now-changes for the better will not be long in coming!

Video "Vitamins vs old age: fight over time "


Sasha 04.03.2018 Answer

Thank you, useful!
