
Increased lips with hyaluronic acid - reviews, photos before and after. Which is not after increasing the lips with hyaluronic acid. How to increase the lips with hyaluronic acid - the procedure technique

Increased lips with hyaluronic acid - reviews, photos before and after. Which is not after increasing the lips with hyaluronic acid. How to increase the lips with hyaluronic acid - the procedure technique
Hyaluronic acid enlargement is a fashionable service that many beauty salons offer. How the procedure is carried out, care after beauty injections, reviews and photos before and after the procedure.

Sensual, chubby lips have long been considered the standard of beauty and a sign of sexuality. And even if nature did not award a woman with a beautiful shape of the lips, she has every chance to increase them and give volume. Modern cosmetological procedures allow you to achieve the desired result in just one session and fulfill a dream. One of the safest ways to adjust the natural shape and volume of the lips, as well as to remove asymmetry is to increase the lips with hyaluronic acid. This is a fairly popular and affordable cosmetic procedure offered by beauty salons. Often it is called an injection of beauty. What is the essence of this procedure, how hyaluronic acid is introduced into the lips, photos before and after, as well as reviews about the procedure, read on.

Hyaluronic acid - what is it?

Hyaluronic acid is an important natural component, which is present in all tissues of the human body, it is a component of the epidermis, belongs to the group of glycosaminoglycans. The substance takes part in the development of collagen and elastan, ensuring the connection of water molecules in the epidermis and supporting the water balance in it. Hyaluronic acid is produced by the body only at a young age. Over the years, its production slows down, and the skin loses its natural elasticity and smoothness. To suspend the time and extend the youth of the skin can injections of hyaluronic acid, which fill areas of the skin, which are subjected to age -related changes, for example, lips. Beauty injections are used not only to struggle youth: filling small wrinkles, giving lips to the lips of juiciness and elasticity, but also to correct the shape of the lips, eliminate their asymmetry. When the hyaluron is introduced into the lips, their volume increases, the specified shape is fixed, and the skin of the lips acquires elasticity, smoothness, and attractive shine. The sponges look natural, fresh and young.

To whom will the procedure for increasing lips with hyaluronic acid?

Injections of hyaluronic acid are suitable:

  • For modern young girls who want to be in trend and dream of a perfect shape of the lips. Also, with the help of hyaluron, you can adjust the natural shape of the lips: make narrow inexpressive sponges with chubby, give sensuality and volume.
  • For young women after 30-40 years old, who want to prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles, return the lips to the lost natural elasticity, restore the contour of the lips. Injections of beauty eliminate cosmetic shortcomings, for example, an uneven asymmetric contour or disproportionality of the lips.
  • For mature ladies, whose lips lost freshness and youth. Hyaluronic acid preparations introduced into the lips are able to adjust the age -related changes in the skin of the lips, raise the lowered corners of the mouth, restore the natural color of the skin of the lips, level the contour and give lips to splendor and volume.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement: drugs

Preparations for beauty injections are called fillers. Salons offer various compositions, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid. Each composition has its own characteristics and purpose. For a successful procedure, you should entrust the choice of injections to a professional master who will select a filler, focusing on age, wishes and individual characteristics of the client.
Popular fillers:

  • The composition "Repleri". Filler refers to a stabilized type and is used to correct shallow wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds. The drug is administered into the contour of the lips, gives clarity to the outline of the lips and volume.
  • The composition "Stylage" composition belongs to the group of biodegradable skin aggregates. Introduced into the middle and deep layers of the skin of the lips, expanding from the inside. It is used for significant correction of the shape and volume of the lips.
  • The composition of the “Belotero” composition in the form of a gel is used to give the lips the volume, elasticity, gloss and smoothness of the skin, smoothing small wrinkles and age -related changes.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement - advantages

The popularity of lips in modern women through hyaluronic acid is as follows:

  1. The painlessness of the procedure. The introduction of the composition into the lips occurs after anesthesia with a special cream or injection.
  2. The effect of increasing the volume of the lips is noticeable immediately after the injection.
  3. The procedure does not cause allergic reactions (if there is no intolerance to the substance)
  4. With the administration of the drug, blood vessels are not damaged.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement: contraindications

Contour correction and lip enlargement by injection of hyaluronic acid is not available to everyone and has contraindications for use:

  1. It is forbidden to introduce fillers under the skin to pregnant women, as well as during lactation.
  2. The procedure is not carried out in the presence of autoimmune diseases in the client, during inflammatory processes of the skin or other diseases in the exacerbation stage.
  3. It is not recommended to resort to beauty injections during menstruation.
  4. Scars, lip injuries, a tendency to form scars - an occasion to refuse to conduct beauty injections.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement technique

Injection in the lips of the hyaluron is a procedure that requires careful preparation. It is especially necessary to devote time to the choice of a professional master, on whom the result of how the "new" sponges will look like. Gather more information about a specialist, read reviews, read his portfolio. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to discuss with the master what you would like to see your lips after the introduction of a beauty injection: it will be determined with the form, the volume of the lips. An experienced specialist will help you choose the winning shape of the lips and select the composition for injection. The next step is to conduct a test to an allergic reaction and take the tablets for the prevention of herpes on the eve of the procedure, for example, Acyclovir.

The duration of this procedure is about 30 minutes and it consists of stages:

  1. Introduction of anesthesia. The master cleanses the skin and neutralizes with an antiseptic. Then makes an anesthetic injection with a lidocaine -based drug. For pain relief, local anesthesia is sometimes used with a special cream.
  2. While the skin of the lips loses sensitivity, the master reveals the drug that should be hermetically packed and is in the syringe.
  3. A thin needle is used to introduce filler into the skin of the lips. During the procedure, the master introduces up to 15 injections to a different depth. Linear or fan hyaluron introduction is used. Each puncture is accompanied by light massage of the skin of the lips so that the composition is distributed evenly. The amount of the drug injected affects the volume of the lips. For a visible increase in the volume of lips, 1 ml of filler is enough. Many customers mistakenly believe that the more the drug is to administer, the more magnificent and seductive lips will be. However, a large dose of the drug, especially if the injection is done for the first time, can lead to the opposite effect, and your lips will look unnatural and resemble “duck lips”. If the new lip size does not seem large enough for you, it is better to make correction after 2 weeks.
  4. After punctures, discomfort and slight swelling appear into the skin of the lips, but it has not a long -term effect. After 2-3 hours, edema passes. The effect of the drug in the body lasts about 6 months, and then its resorption and excretion occurs.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement - photo before and after

Hyaluronic acid enlargement: care

What to do after increasing lips with hyaluronic acid? Lip care is carried out as follows:

  1. Use special ointments, antiseptics to care for lips that the cosmetologist will prescribe to you after the procedure. Most often, ointments are used, Bepanten, which relieve swelling. In addition to ointments, the cosmetologist prescribes anti -allergic drugs.
  2. To eliminate swelling, compresses from pieces of ice wrapped in natural fabric are also used. Keep a cold compress for 5-10 minutes, the interval between compressing is at least 5 hours.
  3. On 2-3 days after the injection, you can make nourishing masks for lip from natural products: fat sour cream or cottage cheese. The mask is applied 15 minutes before bedtime. You can also use lip balm.
  4. In order for the substance to be evenly distributed in the tissues, it is necessary to do lips massage. Light massage movements will improve the blood supply to the problem area and soften the keratinized skin of the lips. Massage is carried out 2-3 days after injection. The massage of the lips after increasing hyaluronic acid is carried out with soft patting with fingertips and circular light movements. It is useful every morning after brushing your teeth to massage your lips with a damp toothbrush. Then grease your lips with balm or olive oil. In addition to massage, you can perform such lip exercises:
  • pronounce vowels, while the lips should be highly extended;
  • take a breath and inflate the cheeks, then slowly release the air through the lips elongated by a tube;
  • closure your lips and rotate them in different directions.

Home care for the lips after the introduction of Filler does not require much time and is not at all complicated. Regular massage and the use of ointments, lip masks contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and a decrease in swelling of the tissues.

That it is impossible after increasing lips with hyaluronic acid

The result of the injection of fillers can not be evaluated immediately, but only after a few days, when swelling of the tissues passes. Swelling after increasing lips with hyaluronic acid is a natural and inevitable reaction of the body to the administration of the drug. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and recommendations in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

During the recovery stage, it is recommended to avoid:

  1. For the first few days, refuse to eat hot drinks, hot dishes, as well as spicy and salty foods. Hot food can provoke even greater swelling of the tissues.
  2. It is not recommended to nibble seeds, nuts, the sharp ones of which can injure delicate skin or infect the puncture sites.
  3. During the week, do not try to open your mouth wide and smile broadly. This can lead to cracks and tissue breaks. It will take time for the skin of the lips to adapt to a new volume.
  4. Do not drink alcoholic drinks, as alcohol helps to expand blood vessels and increase blood flow.
  5. For a while, refuse smoking, as nicotine slows down the process of tissue regeneration, and swelling will go longer.
  6. You can not use decorative cosmetics, scrubs, peeling in the lips. For speedy healing of the skin of the lips, air access is necessary.
  7. A week or two after the procedure, you can not visit the solarium, sauna and bath. Avoid direct sunlight to the lip area.
  8. A few days after the injections of beauty, you can not kiss, since a passionate kiss can deform the filler, and bite of the lips can lead to infection of the wounds.
  9. Doctors recommend limiting intensive sports. Physical activity contributes to a rush of blood to the face and swelling of the tissues of the lips increases.
  10. It is not recommended to swim in the pool, since chlorinated water helps to overdry the skin and slows down the healing process.
  11. After the lips increases for 2 weeks, it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach, face in the pillow. This can lead to the deformation of the filler and undesirable asymmetry of the lips.

Hyaluronic acid increase: consequences and complications

Beauty injections are one of the safest ways to change the shape of the lips, however, unpleasant consequences in the form of temporary swelling of the tissues are not excluded, which is considered a normal phenomenon, as well as balls in the lips. Sometimes, due to a violation of the elementary rules of hygiene or the technique of introducing the drug, as well as the inexperience of a specialist, hematomas and bruises on the lips are possible.

Possible complications:

  • Bruises, hematomas, hemorrhage in the tissues of the lips after increasing the lips with hyaluronic acid - the consequence of the needle entering the blood vessels.
  • An allergic reaction to the composition of the drug. It occurs with intolerance to the body of the main component - hyaluronic acid.
  • Swelling of fabrics. This phenomenon cannot be avoided, foreign substance is introduced into the tissue and the body naturally reacts to its administration, which is manifested by redness of the skin and swelling in the lips. Edema soon passes and lips acquire the desired shape.
  • Infection and inflammation at the site of the puncture. Failure to comply with hygiene rules and violation of the technique of the procedure can lead to infection and infection of the wound at the puncture site.
  • Seals (balls) in the lips. The body's reaction to the introduction of a foreign component. Normally, balls are absorbed independently or with the help of lips massage.
  • Asymmetry of the face. The consequences of unprofessional work of a cosmetologist or the administration of a too much dose of the drug. Therefore, choose for the procedure of trusted masters with the presence of a license and certificates confirming their professionalism.

How much does the increase in lips with hyaluronic acid last?

The effect of magnificent lips and the duration of the drug depends on many factors and individual characteristics of the client. In some women, the stunning effect of lung lips lasts up to one year, in others, the drug is excreted in 3-4 months. The average duration of beauty injection is 6 months.

The cost of increasing lips with hyaluronic acid

Before you dare to carry out the procedure, it is recommended to study the market of cosmetic services. The price of increasing lips with hyaluric acid may vary depending on the region, the status of the clinic, the reputation and demand of the master, as well as the cost of drugs. The average cost of the service is from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement: reviews

According to the reviews of the girls who took advantage of the fashionable lips to enhance the lips, there is only one trip to the cosmetologist to completely transform and improve their appearance.

Maria: “I was preparing for the procedure for a long time, I was a little afraid that the result would disappoint. But, the desire to be beautiful and fashionable took up. The procedure passed without pain, there was only a slight discomfort from the administration of anesthesia. There was no fear of injections at all. I saw the changes already during the manipulation and I liked it. Updated lips made me a beauty, I got used to the new appearance quickly.

Victoria: “The edema after the injections was small, almost invisible, the lips were transformed instantly. They returned to normal in a week, softened and looked like natural ones. After six months, I’ll definitely go to stab lips again. ”

Margarita: “I never dreamed of increasing my lips, but I have asymmetry by nature, so I decided to correct this annoying drawback. I took advantage of this service in the nearest beauty salon. As for me, the procedure was painful even after anesthesia. The edema did not go long, hid a week behind the scarf. But, then, when everything was behind, I fell in love with my new full and beautiful lips. "

If you are interested in this procedure and dream of changing the form and give your sponges sensuality, carefully study all the information about increasing the lips of hyaluronic acid, study all the pros, cons and the consequences of the procedure. The most important part of the preparation is the search for a professional master who will complete his work at all 100 percent and will not disappoint the result. Be sure that beauty injection is the safest and most effective way to quickly increase your lips or change their contour.

Hyaluronic acid enlargement: video

About how the procedure for introducing hyalurons on the lips is carried out, watch in the video roller:



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