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We remove dark circles under the eyes

We remove dark circles under the eyes
Why there may be dark circles under the eyes and which methods exist to get rid of them

Circles under the eyes add age and make the face tired, sad and painful. Most often dark circles under the eyes say that the mode of day or power is broken. The skin under the eyes is very gentle and sensitive, and it immediately reacts to the slightest changes in the body. To get rid of bags under the eyes, you must first figure out why they appear.

Causes of circles under the eyes


Most often, the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be an incorrect lifestyle.

  1. The presence of bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking.
  2. Insufficient sleep. It is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  3. Working with a computer or other work that requires constant eye tension.
  4. Incorrect meals In the state of the skin under the eyes, many factors can affect: excessive nutrition in the evening hours, passing acute and salty food, the use of fluid before bedtime.

To get rid of bags under the eyes caused by these reasons, it is enough to change the sleep and power mode and make several face masks.

If the circles under the eyes are chronic character, do not disappear when complying with the right lifestyle, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes it can talk about the presence of diseases. Only the doctor can properly diagnose and assign treatment. Often dark circles under the eyes can be the first and only symptom of a starting disease. Dark circles and swelling under the eyes may indicate:

  • about cardiovascular diseases;
  • about allergic reactions;
  • on problems with thyroid gland;
  • about kidney disease.

The sooner you consult a doctor and begin treatment, the easier it will get rid of the disease and avoid heavy consequences. Edems and circles under the eyes can be provoked by other factors:

  1. Heredity. Sometimes the structure of the face: deeply planted eyes or powerful abnormal arcs give the effect of circles under the eyes.
  2. Age. Over the years, the skin under the eyes is made fine and dry, blood vessels become more visible.
  3. Obesity. Overweight can provoke fluid delay and form swelling and bruises under the eyes.
  4. As a side effect, from the reception of some medicines.
  5. Dry slimming. As a result of rapid getting rid of extra kilograms, dark circles under the eyes and leather flabbiness may form.

Elimination of circles under the eyes

Cosmetology procedures against circles under the eyes

girl Applying Cream On Her Skin Around Eyes

If the diseases are excluded, but the circles under the eyes are still bothering, the methods of modern cosmetology will come to the aid.

  1. Lipophiling. This is a procedure with which the content of subcutaneous fat increases under the eyes.
  2. Microcurrent therapy, which improves venous outflow and lymphatic drainage.
  3. Mesotherapy. This introduction of small doses of drugs subcutaneously.
  4. Laser therapy.
  5. Professional cosmetic massage.

Exercises and massage at home from circles under the eyes


A good tool from circles under the eyes is the "finger shower", which is done in the morning. This massage makes the fingertips on the eye around the eye after morning washing. The procedure is performed by the light tapping movements of the fingers along the lower eyelid from the temples to the bridge. In the morning it does not take much time, enough 2-3 minutes. After that, the same tapping movements apply a cream under the eyes or gel. The "finger shower" improves the venous outflow from the region of the lower eyelid.

Reducing the circles under the eyes and improvement of blood supply contributes to the execution of several simple eye exercises.

  1. Rotation of eyeballs. Close your eyes and how to translate eyesight clockwise in a circle. Perform this exercise 4 times in one direction and 4 times to another.
  2. Translate view up and down. Close your eyes and look at the top, then down. Perform 8-10 times.
  3. Digit V. Perfect with open eyes. View the highest right left, lower the look down, raise your eyes to the right up. Then also in the opposite direction. Repeat 8-10 times.

Folk remedies from dark circles under the eyes


Folk remedies are just a storehouse of experience, wisdom and observations of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Everything you need can be found in any home, time will be required for 15-20 minutes, so we boldly begin to get rid of the circles under the eyes.

  1. The fastest and most convenient means. Put 2 teaspoons in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Chilled spoons apply under the eyes. A spoon has become warm - again in the freezer. It is not necessary to get involved in the face not to hire a face.
  2. Wipe the skin under the eyes of ice cubes cooked from a brewed tea, herbs brazers. Especially well refresh the skin and help remove the circles under the eyes of ice cubes from green and black tea. They can be wrapped in a linen fabric and apply for a few seconds under the eyes.
  3. If you do not like the ice very much, you can use cotton swabs, moistened in black or green tea brew. Putting tampons on closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. This is also a great remedy to remove edema and remove the circles under the eyes.
  4. A contrasting rods from the melissa or sage will be helped against circles under the eyes. Pour a teaspoon of sage or melissa 100 g of boiling water, cover, insist for 30 minutes. Rective infusion is divided into two parts. To heat one part, and the second cool in the refrigerator. In the infusion, moisten cotton swabs. Put in turn warm and cold swabs on the eyes.
  5. Very popular and quick way to remove circles under the eyes - applying cucumber circles on the area of \u200b\u200bdark circles. Cucumber juice tones, brightens the skin and removes the swelling.

Masks from circles under the eyes


  • Mask from raw potatoes.

Grounding potatoes wrap in gauze flaps, put on the eyes. Keep 20-30 minutes. Rinse the face with warm water.

  • Mask from cottage cheese.

For the mask it is better to take fat cottage cheese. Add a few drops to the cottage cheese a strong tea welding, carefully smash. Apply to the skin under the eyes. Keep a nutrient mask for 15-20 minutes.

  • Mask from cucumber and parsley.

In this mask at once, two components that remove swelling and dark circles: cucumber and parsley. Take one teaspoon of grated cucumber and crushed green parsley, add as much sour cream. Keep on the skin for 15-20 minutes. It is perfectly suitable not only to remove the circles under the eyes, but also for nutrition and whitening all the skin of the face.

  • Nutrient nut-based mask.

2 teaspoons of chopped walnut mix with the same amount of softened butter. Add a few drops of lemon or pomegranate juice.

How to prevent the appearance of bags and dark circles under the eyes

If in the mornings in the mirror you are increasingly noticing dark circles under the eyes, this is a reason to reconsider your lifestyle. If you suffer from any kind of allergies, try to avoid the sources of the disease. Take antihistamines during flowering, if you know that you are allergic to pollen.

Compliance with circles under the eyes

Office Life.

Detach a sufficient amount of time. Fall asleep no later than 23 hours. The most useful sleep from 23 to 2 o'clock in the morning. Structuring fluid under the eyes contributes to sleep on the stomach or side. If you are prone to edema or circles under the eyes, it is better to sleep on your back. Choose a comfortable pillow. It should not be very high or completely flat. And in that, and in another case, swelling may occur.

Do not stay for a long time at the computer, walk in the fresh air. Perform simple exercise.

Face care from circles under the eyes

Blending Foundation with FingerTips

The skin under the eyes requires a very careful relationship and care. Even small injuries can weaken it, stretch. Therefore, the skin near the eye can not be rubbed, efforts. It is necessary to remove makeup with light, neat movements using safe hypoallergenic agents. The skin after washing does not rub the towel, but simply get into the skin. Completely unacceptably sleep with makeup.

In order for the skin to retain elasticity and elasticity for many years, use moisturizing creams, oils and lotions. In order to improve the lymphodenage in the eye area, cosmetics are used that contain vitamin C or a combination of vitamins A and K. Improve the skin condition based on horse chestnut and blueberries. If you are in the sun, use sunscreen. The sun can overwhelm thin skin, making it fragile and weakened.

Changing food habits from dark circles under the eyes


Reflecting on the question of how to remove the circles under the eyes, it should be remembered that the state of our skin directly depends on our nutrition. In order for the skin to retain elasticity, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of high-quality drinking water per day. Very good to reduce the use of salt. If it is difficult, try to limit the amount of salt consumed in the evening and afternoon. Salt delays fluid and may be the cause of edema. In addition to salt, long-term fluid delay can provoke alcohol. Try not to drink alcohol at all. If this is not avoided, drink dry red wine. This drink does not delay the fluid in the body and does not damage your figure, since it is not very calorie.

And to disguise dark circles under the eyes, if such a trouble happened, it is possible using a consileder or a corrective cream for the age. To visually make the skin under the eyes lighter, it is necessary to pick up the corrector lighter on the halfone than the skin. Modern consilets are capable of catching the skin flaws to 16 hours, possess the rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.

Circles under the eyes of a child


The appearance of circles under the eyes in children should alert mom. If the causes of fatigue, lack of sleep and long classes are excluded, it may cause the disease. To find out why the kid has a circle under the eyes, it is better to contact the pediatrician. The reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes can be:

  1. Infection of worms or toxic infection.
  2. Chronic tonsillitis. This is a throat disease, in which the child complains of sore throat and difficulty swallowing. A chronic disease may not always flow with a temperature, so it is better to turn to a specialist.
  3. Allergic diseases. Sometimes even minor allergic reactions to dust or animals may cause dark circles under the eyes and edema.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  5. Anemia. The weakness and pallor of the child's skin can talk about the lack of hemoglobin of blood. As a result, the hazard kind of baby.
  6. Teeth diseases. It is important for the state of the teeth to keep track of constantly, attending a children's dentist 1-2 times a year.
  7. Vegeth-vascular dystonia. In this disease, the baby complains of headache, fatigue and rapid heartbeat. Looks like pale and sluggish.
  8. Avitaminosis.
  9. Excessive drink before bed.

In order to stop the disease on time, it is better to deal with the doctor's health problems with the doctor.

Circles under the eyes of men


Circles under the eyes of men can be provoked by the same causes and diseases as women. The only difference is that men are more often a lifestyle, which can lead to the destruction of the body. Harmful habits, violation of labor and recreation, lack of sleep, stress - all this can lead to the appearance of circles under the eyes.

If a man under the eyes of the dark circles of brown shade and a heart complaint, you can suspect the development of ischemic illness or cardiac pathology. Violet circles can talk about failures in the kidneys. This symptom requires the mandatory appeal to the urologist.

The appearance under the eyes of the circles of pinkish color should alert a man and more carefully treat male health. This cosmetic defect can talk about starting inflammation of the prostate gland. This is a very serious illness, so with the slightest suspicion, it is better to visit the doctor and go through the necessary research.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes. Video

About the most popular ways to get rid of circles under the eyes.


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