
Masks for face made of oils

Masks for face made of oils
What oils can be used for masks. Recipes for face masks.

Any skin of the face requires a loving and attentive relationship. It is important to feed and clean, moisturize and soften, bleaching and leveling color, remove inflammation and control fatness. All this is easy to embody with the masks for the face of essential oils. Having exceptional sets of nutrients that are also natural, masks made of oils significantly improve the condition of any skin, and they are very easy to make any newcomer. From a wide variety of essential oils, almost everyone can be used in cosmetology. Moreover, with proper combination, from essential oils can be made in addition to face masks, also creams, cleansing agents and even products to combat age-related changes.

Facial masks: Subtleties

essential oils 3.

Making a face mask from essential oils yourself at home is a useful and convenient practice of care for yourself with your beloved. After all, it's nice in a comfortable, harmonious atmosphere to completely relax, causing me with a mask of oils. And most importantly - after such a procedure, do not go anywhere. But before you buy the whole store of essential oils for self-improvement, it is necessary to understand the nuances of using such face masks.

  1. Rule three. The most important thing in masks for the face of oil is the duration and constancy. First decide what you want to achieve and some problems solve. Choose a recipe for masks from the oil that suits you, and try it very carefully. Watch the reaction for about a day. If this is what you wanted - now the most important thing. Use the face mask from essential oils regularly, about three times a week, about three months without a break. Only when your skin is saturated with the useful substances of essential oils, you will get the maximum effect from your home mask.
  2. Cleaning rule. You know perfectly well that the skin becomes more susceptible to positive, well, of course, and negative factors of the external environment when purified. Before applied to the skin of the face, the mask of oils already prepared - prepare the skin as much as possible. Clean the special lotion or peeling, and better - carefully breathe and raise the pores. So the essential oils of the mask are faster and deeper into the pores of the skin of the face and bring the maximum effect. When makes a mask of oils, be careful with very wounded areas of faces - eyes and lips. Do not apply a mask of oils and there - this will not lead to anything good.
  3. Rule of proper application. Although many do not give it much importance, but the mask of oils must be applied by a specially recommended way - according to massage lines. Do not apply a mask for the face of essential oils with circular motions. Move correctly, in the horizontal direction from the nose to the ear - let you all be on Feng Shui.
  4. Rule of maintenance. After the face mask is inflicted - completely relax. Do not talk in any way, do not smile, and God forbid - do not laugh. Oh yeah, the Mimic muscles around the eyes should also be relaxed, so the eyes better to keep closed. Just relax and enjoy the moment. You can lie in a luxurious foam bath or on a comfortable bed. The main thing is not to deform the mask for the face of the face. Let it get dry and carefully absorbed.
  5. Rule of removal. When you take off the mask for the face of the face - do it very carefully. Do not trite and do not pull the skin, in general, do not deform it in any way. Do everything gently and gradually.
  6. Completion rule. The final stage of the face mask from essential oils will be a natural drying of the skin. Again, do not scrape your face with a towel, do not try napkins. Give the skin yourself to absorb the living elements and heat naturally.

Olive oil mask

olive oil

Olive oil in the composition of face masks performs a mitigating role. Your skin feels fresh after such a mask from Oliva oil.

Chemical composition of face olive oil

  1. Natural acids of olive oil are very diverse. They help mask with olive to be universal oil to eliminate dry skin and feeding dry skin. Arriving a protective layer on the surface of the epidermis cells, a face mask with essential oil protects them from the effects of harmful factors of the external environment, such as low and high temperature, direct sunlight, dust and dirt.
  2. Thanks to the vitamins, and especially e, the composition of olive oil, the mask based on it contributes to the update and regeneration of cells, and also warns the aging and levels the structure of the skin.
  3. The presence of iron in face masks is a useful distinguishing feature of the presence of olive oil in them. Due to this, blood circulation in the skin cells of the face is established and their oxygen saturation occurs.

Using olive oil in face masks


Olive oil is the most popular component of any face masks. It can be added in different combination, it does not cause allergies, fatty and dry skin. It is a binding component among various essential oils and is well absorbed in any mask for the face.

  1. Olive oil is a constant ingredient in masks for dry skin.
  2. If you make a mask for oily skin, keep in mind that it is necessary to add citrus or low-fat milk products to olive oil.
  3. To easily and comfortably wash the mask with olive oil, you need to add a little lemon or its juice into the water prepared for this.

Recipes Face Masks with Olive Oil


  1. Universal Olive.
    Take 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil - this is quite enough for a mask. You can room temperature, you can warm up a bit. Apply a cotton swab abundantly to pre-cleaned face skin, and leave until half an hour.
  2. Oil mask with fruit.
    Take any fruit besides citrus. It can be a melon or apricot - quite suitable. Mind them up to the state of Cashitz in a blender. Mix in a mask 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil with one spoon of fruit mixture.
  3. Oil mask with berries.
    Since you have decided to pamper yourself - take a spoonful of your favorite berries and disintegrate in a blender. Mix with olive oil in a mask one to one. Take a carefully cotton swab on the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. Oil mask with vegetables.
    The most common vegetable in face masks with essential oil is, of course, cucumber. It refreshes and nourishes the skin of the face, rejuvenates it and rightly emotionally suits the spring. Grind half of the fetus on a shallow grater. Mix into a mask one to one with olive oil. Gently apply a thin layer.
  5. Mask with oil from fat skin problems.
    Leave only the flesh of an orange without a peel. Frost everything in solid mass. For the mask you will need only a spoon of olive oil and as much orange mixture. Use no less than 3 times a week half an hour.

Castor oil mask

castor oil

Castor oil is one of the exclusively valuable essential oils that can be included in the face masks. His distinctive feature - quickly and deeply feed the dry skin. Castor oil is ideal for individual masks to people with peeling skin, and universally for other types. Of the practical observations, the use of bone oil in face masks: it is perfect and quickly absorbed by the epidermis.

Properties of face masks with castor oil


The stunning effect of face masks using essential oils, is 80% determined by natural acids in their composition. In different variations, essential oils are used for all sorts of leather masks, uniquely connecting with their components. A distinctive feature of masks from castor oil is the predominance of palmitic acid as part of its natural components.

  1. Stearic and linoleic fatty acids are well filled reviver epidermis cells using a mask with castor oil ether.
  2. Oleic acid is masked from castor oil restores natural complexion, normalizes metabolism, helps with pigmented spots and problem areas of the skin.
  3. Ricinolic acid, castor oil helps to smooth wrinkles and to prevent skin aging.
  4. Unlike other essential oils, castor masks effect, evident already after first use.

The use of castor oil in facial masks

Adhering to the simple rules of making and using face masks with castor oil, you will quickly reach the desired effect and eliminate the inconvenience in use.

  1. Many essential oils are preferable to use masks in hot form and castor - just in need. Be sure to reheat it in a water bath or in steam.
  2. Before applying any mask with essential oils, first check it on the skin of the wrist. Castor oil is generally well perceived by any types of skin, but better to be safe.
  3. Facials content with castor oil, it is desirable to wash a little warmed milk.
  4. Unlike other masks with essential oils, the frequency of the use of cosmetics with castor oil - once a week, every two weeks break.

Recipes for face masks with castor oil


  1. The mask of butter with egg yolk.
    To mask one chicken egg yolk use 1 tbsp. l. castor oil. Rub the yolk thoroughly and gradually add butter - stir.
  2. The mask of oatmeal with butter.
    Cook oatmeal in milk. The mask to flakes add a tablespoon of castor oil and tea - honey. All the mix. Gently with a cotton swab to apply. Soaked for 15 minutes to an hour.
  3. The mask of butter with mashed potatoes.
    Boil the potato slices and the water is drained completely. Now rastolchem \u200b\u200bit into a homogeneous mass in the blend to a viscous slurry with the egg yolk and warm milk. On the resulting spoon mashed potatoes, to complete the mask, add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil. Mix thoroughly. Hold not less than 30 minutes.
  4. The mask of butter with fruit mix.
    Take your favorite fruits, one or somewhat in combination. In a face mask with castor oil, banana and persimmon are well combined, for example. Clean the fruit from the peel and stretch into a homogeneous mass. In a bowl, mix on the proportion of fruit mass one to one castor oil. In principle, it can be applied and so, but some gourmets add more honey, chicken yolk and cottage cheese. Also nothing, but for me - a bust.
  5. Oil mask with sea buckthorn.
    Ripe sea buckthorn berries hide boiling water - now the peel is easier. For mask with castor oil inside the berries, grind in a blender. Mix everything in the proportion one to one.
  6. Mask from castor oil moisturizing.
    For a mask, use castor oil in combination with any other essential oil in the proportion of one to one. Mix all and warm up. Apply warm.

Face masks with coconut oil

coconut oil

Fragrant coconut oil in face masks will be a real indispensable discovery for the care of sensitive and demanding skin. In addition, a pleasant aroma and amazing consistency, pleasant to use, will be an excellent addition to such useful qualities of coconut oil, as the protection and regeneration of cells.

Properties of face masks with coconut oil

  1. Such an element of coconut oil like thiamine, in masks protects the epidermis from premature aging and is responsible for protection against adverse external factors.
  2. Pantothenic acid coconut oil, as an active element of face masks, favorably affects the alignment of mimic wrinkles.
  3. Pyridoxine has healing and disinfecting action. Thanks to this component, coconut oil is used in masks and creams for the treatment of skin diseases.
  4. The niacin component of the coconut oil in the composition of face masks, refreshes the skin color and promotes regeneration at the cellular level.

Use of coconut oil in face masks

  1. Coconut oil mask use more often 1 time per week.
  2. Be sure to break the face and pores before applying masks from coconut oil.
  3. Unlike other oils, coconut masks need to be kept from 5 to 15 minutes, no more.
  4. The effect of coconut oil mask is especially popular for sensitive skin, prone to dryness and irritation.
  5. Despite the beauty, in the use of coconut oil, confirmed contraindications were recorded - allergic reactions to the coconut component.

Coconut Mask Recipes

mask 4.

  1. Oil mask is nutritious.
    Mix a spoonful of sifted rice flour with a spoon of coconut oil into a mask to a homogeneous casher. Pour the same amount of green tea.
  2. Oil mask for skin around the eyes.
    Liquid vitamin E in capsules mix into a mask with coke oil one to five. Mobile tampon carefully apply around the eyes for 5 minutes.
  3. Mask made of oil rejuvenating.
    Mix this mask is necessarily necessary on a water bath. Only that the water evaporates, and did not boil. Take an equal amount of coconut and rosemary.
  4. Oil mask for fading skin skin.
    One spoon of blue clay for masks to twist with spoon with boiled water. In the resulting mask, gradually introduce a spoonful of coconut and a couple of drops of orange oils.

Face Masks with Repeated Oil

burr oil

The ray oil is one of its kind, the universal means is equally well used in domestic masks, just to improve the condition of the body, as well as in medicine. It is popular in order to treat hair and face skin.

Properties of Masks with Tain Oil

  1. The natural complex of useful vitamins in the area of \u200b\u200boil contributes to the restoration of the skin through masks, improves the overall condition and moisturizes cells.
  2. A diverse complex of mineral substances contained in the oil refined oil, indispensable for masks, because it helps to update the epidermis.
  3. The rich content of proteins in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oil makes your skin after mild and velvety masks.
  4. The presence of tanish oils in the loose oil makes the skin after a mask resistant to oppose the surrounding harmful factors.
  5. A distinctive feature of the ray oil from other esters is the content of polysaccharides, which in store masks usually play the role of a softener and humidifier.

For people with problem skin, rash and inflammation - masks from burdock oil will be salvation with proper and regular use. In addition, brass oil masks are able to remove black points from the face surface and perform a light peeling function.

Using a rapid oil in face masks

The lay oil in masks is very useful for recovering the epidermis and is completely safe.
With the help of rapid oil it is easy to achieve cell regeneration and prevent their aging. Before your usual evening procedure, gently apply from 3 to 5 drops of the refinery on the skin of the face - let me absorb. Remove the remnants of a light napkin.

Recipes Masks with Tain Oil

  1. Oil mask from inflammation.
    Thanks to its unique qualities, it is enough to disinfect and heal, it is enough just to lubricate the skin of the skin with a cotton tampon with a few droplets of the rapid oil to full healing.
  2. Mask from burned oil rejuvenating.
    To prepare a mask, add a bowl of fresh parsley beam to the blender, 1 spoon of repenter and a few drops of aloe juice. Use for 15 minutes every two days.

Face mask with honey and oil

milk and medical

If you are striving for beautiful hair and beautiful skin, then honey and olive oil are completely accessible and natural ingredients. This simple combination is so deeply nourishes and softens the structure of the cells, which is not distinguished from completely notes salon procedures.

Properties of face masks with honey and oil

  1. Such masks are perfect for any people with a variety of skin types and problems.
  2. A successful combination of components: honey - pulls the skin, and oil - contributes to mitigation.
  3. Masks from honey and oil do not cause rashes and other negative consequences.
  4. Regular masks of honey and oil contribute to cleansing skin cells.

Recipe face masks from oil and honey

The main ingredients of the mask, of course, are olive oil and honey. They need to be mixed with equal shares in a homogeneous cleaner. The mandatory nuance is to heat all at the end of the water bath. Mask from honey and oil can be used for the whole skin of the face, excluding the area around the eyes.

Face mask based on clay and essential oils. Video


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