
The technique of classical European manicure. How to make European manicure step by step at home

The technique of classical European manicure. How to make European manicure step by step at home
What is a European manicure. How to perform European manicure yourself.

The fact that beautiful manicure allows you to feel like a queen, every woman was convinced of his own experience.   The well -groomed type of nails, indeed, gives good mood and iron self -confidence. The most pleasant thing is that now you do not need to look for a good master or a salon who deserves trust - a great alternative to this is a European manicure. This is a painless and, which is very important, a non -cunning way to care for the nails. A simple and pleasant procedure in 5 minutes can be mastered at home.

European manicure: technology tested by time

Having mastered the basics of bloodless nail design, modern beauties do not suspect that the age of “smart” technology has more than a dozen years. The very concept of manicure originated in the days of ancient Egypt. The beautiful concubines of the pharaoh rubbed the nail plates with red henna powder to become even more attractive to their master. Later, artificial shades of nails became a distinctive feature of the highest estate person, the priest girls could only dream of such a luxury.

The development of European unrealing manicure begins in France, around 1829.   According to historical sources, King Louis Philip suffered from burrs on his fingers. Once, when his Holiness was inflamed by the skin around the nail on one of the fingers, the king ordered the treatment to his court doctor. He developed a whole program for the care of the sensitive skin of the royal hands. Louis Philip praised this innovation, so the set of manicure tools began to regularly replenish, and the technology - to hone. Although the European, or French manicure appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, the technology gained unprecedented popularity only a couple of decades ago.

What does European manicure mean

European manicure is simplicity, safety and convenience. This technology is still known as a dry manicure, since “bathing” fingers in a bactericidal bath before the main treatment, as many of us are used to doing, is not necessary here. However, the “highlight of the European manicure” is not at all in this - whoever was its creator, but this holy man completely abandoned sharp scissors, tweezers for cuticle and trimmers! This is exactly what the European manicure differs from the classical.

Having made a choice in favor of a European manicure, you will forever forget about burrs, bleeding wounds and unevenly growing cuticle. In this case, the skin is removed the skin, however, instead of cutting tools, safe softening gels and orange sticks are used. Today, the European uneducated manicure is unusual in women due to the simplicity of execution and a tidy result.

The advantages of European manicure

There are at least 5 reasons to introduce your handles to this interesting technology:

  1. Reliability of execution. You can be completely calm for your own safety: even if the vessels are located close to the skin, the probability of cutting and infection in this form of unrealing manicure is minimal.   
  2. Lack of unpleasant sensations. A strip of cuticle under the influence of a special solution or gel softens so that in a fraction of a second it is easily removed with a wooden stick.
  3. The ability to carry out the procedure before building.
  4. Achievement of moderate cutting growth. After a classic manicure, the skin of the cuticle grows rapidly, which forces a woman to engage in her nails quite often. European manicure, on the contrary, ensures the length of the varnish on the nails and allows you to increase the intervals between the procedures of the non -cunning cuticle process after 6 to 7 procedures.
  5. With the technology of European manicure, if you wish, any woman will be able to “get along”, then you can deal with your nails exclusively in a cozy home environment.

Admire the impressive results of a European manicure in the photo:

Disadvantages of European manicure

Against the background of the advantages of this procedure, it is difficult to immediately note the shortcomings, but they are:

  1. If you process your nails in this way for the first time, then the master will first conduct a European combined manicure, uniting overwhelming and unrealizable techniques. This is necessary so that the next time the cuticle is more supple and obedient.
  2. The real result after the session will manifest after a few months of the regular procedure.  
  3. In the cabin, the execution of a European manicure costs more expensive than a classic crap procedure.

To whom the European manicure is suitable

Of course, every lady can take advantage of the gentle technology for hand and nail care, but the very real find of the European UNDERSTANY Manicure will become for women who, by nature, got soft, brittle and layering nails. And if your cuticle grows “turtle” pace, then a wonderful effect is guaranteed to you after the first sessions of the European manicure.

Tools for European manicure at home

To put your hands in order on your own, prepare at home the following integral attributes of a European manicure:

  1. A small terry towel. Although the softening bath in this case is not provided, you will need a towel to wipe your nails after the softened cuticle is cleaned.
  2. Glass file for decorating the outer edge of the nail plates.
  3. Hard saw with sandpaper crumbs. It is useful for cutting rough skin on the sides of the nail.
  4. File for polishing. Using this tool, the natural gloss of the nail plates is enhanced. And although polished nails look wonderful, too frequent the procedure does significant harm to them. It is the most safe to polish 1 - 2 times a month.
  5. Orange sticks. An indispensable item for working with a cuticle is convenient to push and clean the skin at the base of the nail. Please note that using a metal scapula for this purpose is strictly prohibited.
  6. A solution or gel to soften the cuticle. Give preference to the manufacturer, which uses fruit acids as part of such products.
  7. Vitamin E solution to moisturize the cuticle.
  8. A means without acetone to cleanse the nails from the old layer of varnish.
  9. Cotton wheels.
  10. Basic coating. Not only will strengthen the nail plate, but also protect it from the harmful effects of decorative varnish.
  11. Color varnish.
  12. Top coating. It will extend the life of the colored coating on the nails.
  13. A nutritious or moisturizer for hand cream.

How to do European manicure

To transform your hands and nails, you will need a little time and a drop of perseverance. After a while, you will forget to think about cosmetic salons, since your manicure will always be on top.

Rules for performing a European manicure step by step:

  1. Cover the cutting strip with a special tool for its softening. Before using the drug, carefully study the instructions on its packaging. As a rule, such compounds should not fall on the nails. No more than 1 minute will pass as a softening agent will work.
  2. Now you can polish the nails to a mirror shine. Some are used to polishing after all the manipulations with the cuticle.
  3. Now take a file with a rough abrasive coating and treat the side rollers along the nail with its help. Do not press hard so as not to injure the skin.
  4. Advise the shape of the nails with a glass file. Go along the outer edge of the nails, washing them as you like. It is most convenient to do this in a traditional way, moving in one direction - from the side rollers of the skin to the middle of the nail plate. In this case, relaxation of your nails does not threaten.
  5. Remove the old decorative varnish from your nails. Moisten the cotton pad with a special liquid, apply it alternately to each nail for a couple of seconds, and then make the erasing movement from the base of the nail to the edge.
  6. Remove the cuticle. To do this, get the sharp tip of the orange stick under the skin and draw it along the nail. In the process, clean the tip of the wand about the towel. Then remove the softened excess skin with the end of the stick in the form of a scapula. Wipe the treated nails with a towel. When removing the cuticle, try not to press too much on your nails, otherwise in the future, when growing on their surface, tubercles and dents will appear.
  7. When the cuticle is over, wash your hands in soapy water to degrease the skin.
  8. At the final stage of the manicure, treat the cuticle area with special oil, and apply the cream to the hands. After a quarter of an hour, when the cream is absorbed, wipe the nails with a cotton pad moistened with varnish fluid.
  9. The most interesting part of the nail care program came - applying a decorative coating. Cover the nail plates with the base, then with colored varnish and finally with a top. Our manicure is ready!

Really nothing complicated? The time spent on hands and nail care can be reduced if you master European hardware manicure. For its implementation, special nozzles installed on a grinding machine are used. With this incredibly convenient device, you will quickly get rid of an unattractive cuticle, cut your nails, eliminate peeling from the side rollers and polish the nail plates.

If you believe the reviews of the European manicure, performing it yourself, you can save the amount of 500 to 1,500 rubles in the family budget, because it is for such a price that the service is offered in the salons of the nail service.

Having got acquainted with the technique of classical European manicure, you will once again see the fairness of the phrase that everything brilliant is simple. With minimal time and effort, you can now shine with beautiful claws and feel incredibly well -groomed!

Features of European manicure. Video



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