
Facial sculpture

Facial sculpture
Improving natural beauty

The face is one of the main components of female beauty, and the correctness of the form plays a lot of important role. Of course, we are all different and not like each other, but whatever our natural beauty, we always want to look even better, decorative cosmetics will help us with this, with which we can emphasize our virtues favorably.

What is a sculpture of a face


Sculpturing is a special way of applying makeup, which is aimed at correcting the oval of the face, while hiding the shortcomings and emphasizing the advantages. Being the first step in applying makeup, color correction can not only help with the virtues, but can also hide age -related changes and visually rejuvenate for a couple of years. As well as the correct use of light and shadow creates the effect of expensive makeup made by the hand of a professional make -up artist. The main thing is to skillfully use cosmetic products and carefully shade them.

As a rule, experienced makeup artists are engaged in sculpturing, but this does not mean that it cannot be done at home. To do this, you should properly study the features of your appearance, identify advantages and disadvantages, and work out well.

The subtleties of the sculpture of the face

  • Having studied the rules of sculpture, follow them in practice.
  • The applied funds should be plucked very well so that the transitions are smooth and there is no mask effect.
  • Having achieved the result that satisfies you, it is worth taking pictures in good lighting. A view from the outside will help to see the shortcomings, if any.
  • Do not be afraid to experiment, this will help you achieve the best result and open new facets of your appearance.
  • The main thing that you need to know about the sculpture of the face is that light colors visually increase and bring closer, and the dark ones are reduced and remote.

    Lightning zones

  • The back of the nose.
  • The center of the chin.
  • The zone under the eyebrows.
  • The upper part of the cheekbones.
  • The hollow above the upper lip and the corners of the mouth.
  • Donesty zones

  • The lower part of the cheekbones.
  • Plot under the chin.
  • Neck.
  • Zone along hair growth.
  • Nostrils.
  • Each face shape is good, but an oval form is considered the standard, and it is for it that it is necessary to strive in the process of face correction.

    Facial sculpture schemes of various shapes


    Square face

    Girls with this type of face are the owners of a wide forehead, a protruding zygomatic arc and widely placed cheekbones. As a correction, it is worth applying dark tones to sharp corners of the face, in particular, along the growth of hair and on the lower part of the jaw. The blush is applied in the direction of the temple, the corners of the lips are not emphasized, the shape of the eyebrows is lifted by the bend, slightly shortening.

    Round face

    Owners of a round face have smooth facial features, a wide forehead and a weakly expressed chin. In the correction of such a person, one should strive for a visual decrease in the volume of the cheeks and lengthening the face.
    To do this, on the side surface of the cheekbones, the side surface of the cheeks and the corners of the lower jaw are applied to the dark powder. The blush here is applied in the form of a triangle: its peak is directed to the corners of the mouth, which, as in the case of a square person, are not emphasized.

    Triangular face

    If you have a wide forehead, pronounced cheekbones and a small chin, then you are the owner of a triangular shape of the face. In this case, for correction, darkening of the side surface of the cheekbones and the temple zone is suitable for us, and the light tone is applied to the jaw area. We apply blush in the form of a rhombus along the ascending part of the oval and on the front surface of the cheeks. Brows should be made in a smooth shape leaving to the temples.

    Rectangular face

    A distinctive feature of a rectangular face is a sharp predominance of vertical sizes above the horizontal: it is characterized by an elongated chin and a high forehead. For proper correction, here it is necessary to visually darken the forehead along the hair growth line and the lower jaw, as well as with the help of powder of a lighter tone, highlight the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks. Blue should be applied in the form of an oval and shade horizontally.

    Facial sculpture products


    • Sculpturing is possible only if we use various tones - light and dark.
    • The funds should only be matte.
    • The corrector close to the color of your skin and no red shades.

    Fat correction

    If you have dry skin tended to peeling, then scattered powder can only aggravate the condition. Also, in the presence of facial wrinkles, you should carefully use dry cosmetics. In such cases, oily correction will help well, it helps to moisturize the skin, nourishes it, and lasts longer, provided that it is fixed with a transparent powder.

    The base for makeup will allow you to smooth out the irregularities of the skin relief, make up for moisture deficiencies and eliminate peeling. Select: moisturizing, silicone, matting, mixed and narrowing pores for makeup.

    Tonal cream is used by two shades - light and dark. When choosing a tonal cream, do not forget that a light foundation should be used for age skin. Such skin cannot be overloaded - this will only emphasize the disadvantages. And working with oily skin, you should not use the products containing alcohol, since the response of the skin will be a more pronounced oily shine.

    The highlighter is applied to the convex parts of the face to give a natural glow. It helps to attract attention and hide minor flaws.

    Dry correction

    This type of correction is used in everyday makeup. Dry correction is carried out using blush or powder, after fixing the tonal base of the basic powder (natural shade).

    A few words about blush

    There are various methods for applying blush for each type of face. Of course, they must definitely know and correctly apply to each type of face (rectangles, rhombuses, ovals, etc.), but do not forget that applying and shading horizontally contributes to the visual expansion of facial features, and diagonally/verticals - a narrowing.

    When applying makeup, lips and eyebrows also do not forget this little trick.

    Facial sculpture brushes

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    The choice of brushes is a very individual business and you need to choose on your own handle. A universal brush with a double natural-synthetic pile is considered, it was created for weightless, light application of powder, highlighter, and shading. With it, you can also easily apply a tonal product and cream blush. For application, brushes No. 130 - 190 are well suited, and for shading - larger with an even cut. For a corrector, a flat, synthetic brush No. 8 is well suited.

    Step -by -step instructions for face sculpture


    Darming the cheekbones

    Visually draw a line from the corner of the lips to the upper ear. Tonal cream of dark shades is strictly under this line, we apply the cream from top to bottom, and not how else. The dark shade will allow us to visually raise the cheekbones.

    The second imaginary line begins from the wings of the nose and goes to the outer corners of the eyes. Almost all of these lines on the right and on the left side are parallel to each other. Tonal cream should be applied between these lines, and not behind them. Be sure to shade all the boundaries. Thanks to this correction, whiskey stand out, the cheeks become more embossed, the eyes rise. Such a game of light and shadow will help rejuvenate your face for several years.

    This technique suits you if:

    • You want to emphasize your cheeks.
    • You have a round face and you want to make it "already."
    • You want to make cheekbones more expressive.

    This technique is not suitable for you if:

    • You are the owner of a narrow face.
    • You have pronounced cheekbones.

    Hair and forehead darling

    To create an oval shape of the face and draw natural shadows, you should apply a dark corrector along the hair line and to the weight. Do not forget to grow carefully.

    When choosing a tonal cream shade, it should be remembered that it should be in the tone of your genuine leather (so as not to create a mask effect). And if you are the owner of a deep -set eye, then you can darken the area just above the eyes. This will help to visually refresh the face.

    The forehead should be darkened if:

    • You have a high forehead.
    • Square or almost round forehead.
    • Leging hair at the forehead.
    • A thin line of hair.

    The forehead is not darkened if:

    • A small area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead.
    • Too low hair growth line.

    Darkening of the area around the eyes

  • It will make the eyes more expressive and focus on them.
  • It will visually enlarge your eyes (to achieve this, you must first shade your forehead, then your eyes).
  • Correction of the chin line

    Thanks to the darkening of the neck and region below the nose, we create a more clear and expressive chin. The adjusting agent is applied to the reconciliation and is carefully shaded.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the correction of the nose

  • If you think that you have a wide nose, then the light tone is applied to the nose and back of the nose, the darker tone of the corrector is on the wings of the nose.
  • If you want to visually reduce your nose, then the light tone is applied to the back and the nose, and the dark one on the tip of the nose. The main thing is to carefully shave so that there are no sharp transitions in shades.
  • If you need to hide a large nose, then you should apply a tonal cream on the floor of the tone darker than the main complexion.
  • To fix the corrector, you should use the powder. Before applying powder - a brush must be shaken. And fix the result of the result with light pathetic movements.

    If at first glance it seemed difficult to highlight a free evening and practice. You will see not only the simplicity of the procedure, but also see how much the quality of your makeup will change.

    Facial sculpture. Video



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