
Lip scrubs

Lip scrubs
How to choose a lip scrub and how to cook it at home

One of the most attractive parts of the female body is the lips. It seems that women always knew about it. The first lipstick appeared 5 thousand years ago. But to paint groomed lips means to spoil the whole impression of yourself. So a lip scrub appeared. It was actively used by women in ancient Greece and Rome. As an abrasive used
crushed fruit bones.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the beautiful half of humanity improved the formula for the perfect lip scrub. And in the 21st century, each of us can choose for ourselves exactly that
The tool that we like best. But the result will be unchanged - velvety, delicate skin of the lips, ready for kisses and compliments.

What is a lip scrub?


Speaking of a lip scrub, you must first clarify what a scrub is in general. So, the scrub (from the English. "Scrub" - to clean, scrape) is a exfoliating agent. It is used, as a rule, to remove dead skin particles, purification of pores, eliminate various kinds of roughness. The result is smooth, delicate skin, ready for further cosmetic influences.

The scrub consists of two main ingredients: it is an abrasive and a cream or gel (it is also called the basis). Each of these two components has its own task. The abrasive acts as a cleaner of the surface of the skin, that is, it eliminates irregularities and peeling. Natural and artificial particles can act as exfoliating component. From natural ones, chopped fruit bones are most often used or
coffee beans, as well as sugar.

And the cream makes this procedure pleasant, and also softens the effect of an abrasive. In addition, gel or cream simultaneously moisturize the skin. If we are talking about a scrub of our own production, then the basis here may be sour cream, honey, vegetable oil, etc.

What is the feature of the lip scrub

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Almost any part of the body can be scrubbed, but it is precisely the lips should be treated more carefully. And all because the skin on the lips is incredibly thin and requires delicate care. It is more susceptible to the negative effects of the external environment (heat, cold, wind). In addition, there is no fat layer on the lips, and the skin of the lips loses moisture daily. Therefore, the task of any lip scrub is not to harm.

If you buy a lip scrub, pay attention to the number of abrasive particles: they should not be too many and they should not be too large. If the skin of the body is perfectly tolerate the scrubbing procedure, even large particles, then lips can “respond” to this cosmetic product and even scratches.

If the scrub is selected correctly and the procedure is carried out correctly, then after the scrubing procedure you will not only get rid of dead cells, but also improve blood circulation due to which your lips will become brighter. In addition, a good scrub base contributes to the nutrition and moisturizing of the skin of the lips.

Skin preparation and application


  1. Some cosmetologists advise applying a scrub to dry skin of the lips, but for more delicate care, most still advise you to pre -prepare the skin, that is, steam it. This can be done in different ways. For example, use a scrub while taking a shower, bath, in a bath/sauna. There is another way: moisten a towel in hot water and attach to the lips for 3-5 minutes. Thus you soften your lips and
    Allow the scrub to "work" more efficiently.
  2. As for the use of a lip scrub directly, you need to apply it with your fingertips. With neat movements, as it were, rub the scrub into the skin. Pay attention, it is necessary to process the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lips, including the skin around the lips. The movements are light, intense movements or solid pressure are not allowed - you can damage the skin of the lips.
  3. Lip scrubs are washed off immediately after use. You need to remove the remains with water, then gently smoke the skin with a towel. If a scrub based on oils, then it is not recommended to use water, otherwise you can negate the action of nutrients at the heart of oils. In this case, delicately blink your lips with a napkin - this is enough.
  4. The scrub dries the skin of the lips, so after the procedure, the lips must be treated with a nutrient cream. Balm and hygienic lipstick are also suitable.
  5. As for the frequency of use of a lip scrub, 1-2 times a week will be enough. Look at the state of your skin. But keep in mind that often does not mean better: too frequent scrubbing can aggravate problems with lips.

Home lip scrub


Of course, now you can buy anything, and a lip scrub is no exception. But it is much more pleasant to prepare this cosmetic product yourself. In addition, the preparation of a lip scrub does not require any special skills and knowledge. And you will find ingredients for its preparation in your refrigerator and on the shelves of kitchen cabinets. Such a home -made lip scrub will be much cheaper than purchased funds. Plus, you will know what is in its composition.

Pluses of home lip scrubs

  1. The very first plus is naturalness.
  2. There are no chemicals (parabens, stabilizers, dyes, etc.).
  3. Cheapness and accessibility.
  4. The ability to improvise and change the components at their discretion.

Bids of home lip scrubs

  1. A homemade lip scrub is a perishable food (store for about a week in the refrigerator), so it needs to be cooked often and a little.

Recipes for making lip scrubs

How to make lip scrub at home? Yes, it’s easy!  Stell the necessary components and create!



Coffee -based scrub is perfect for allergies and ladies with sensitive skin. For this recipe, you can take both ground coffee and coffee thick, which remained after brewing.

Ingredients: 1 tsp. ground coffee, 1 tsp. olive oil.  Mix oil and coffee, use for its intended purpose. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

Soda lip scrub

Soda is a wonderful abrasive, soft and delicate at the same time. Therefore, soda is ideal for the preparation of lip scrubs.

Ingredients: 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. liquid honey, 5 drops of olive oil.

Preparation of this lip scrub is similar to the previous recipes.

Store, like a coffee scrub, in the refrigerator.

Lip scrap from honey

Ingredients: 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. olive oil.

Mix honey and butter, then interfere with sugar. This scrub needs to be left for 3-5 minutes on the skin of the lips for the best effect. Store in a cold place.

Grapefruit scrub for lips

Ingredients: 2 tsp. grapefruit juice, 3 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp.  liquid honey, 1 tsp. olive oil.

First mix sugar honey and olive oil. After the mass becomes homogeneous, add grapefruit juice.

The advantages of this scrub are in the presence of citrus juice. In addition to the softening and exfoliating effect, you will also get vitaminization.  You can also store a grapefruit scrub in the refrigerator.


Ingredients: 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. olive oil.
This scrub for lips from sugar can be prepared in two variations.

  1. Flip liquid honey and sugar quickly and immediately apply it for its intended purpose.  Such a scrub is better to use all and at once.
  2. Mix olive oil with sugar. Use the required amount, the remains can be saved for another procedure in the refrigerator.

Vanilla lip scrub

The divine smell of this lip scrub will not leave anyone indifferent.  In addition, the main advantage of this tool is that after it it is not necessary to apply other caring funds to the lips. Everything already contains: both abrasive and nutrition.

Ingredients: 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract.

Mix all the ingredients and use it as intended. Store the remains in a cool place.

Vaseline lip scrub

It is this scrub that is distinguished by its delicate “attitude” to the skin of the lips.  It is suitable even for allergies for people with sensitive skin.

Ingredients: 1 tsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp. Vaselina, 1/2 tsp. olive oil.

Mix sugar, honey, add oil and petroleum jelly. When using this scrub, you can leave for 3-4 minutes, and then wash off.

By the way, this lip scrub has the longest expiration date - about 2 weeks.

Lip scrub from oatmeal

Ingredients: 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. oatmeal, 1 tsp. Cottage cheese.

Grind oatmeal to the state of flour in a blender or coffee grinder. Important advice: take more oatmeal, as a small amount can be poorly grinded. Mix all ingredients, use for its intended purpose.

Such a scrub is better to cook at a time.


Ingredients: 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. Sleeping.

Mix honey and semolina. Part use, part send for storage to the refrigerator.



Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1/2 tsp. Oils of grape seeds, a pinch of cinnamon.

Mix all ingredients until smooth. You can store 1-2 weeks.

Important! This scrub can be called an increase in the lips, that is, due to cinnamon after applying this product, the lips, as it were, are a little swelling.

But be careful if you are not sure that you do not have allergies to cinnamon, it is better not to use this scrub.

Cute scrub for lips

Ingredients: 1 tsp. Sour cream, 1 tsp. Sahara.

Mix sugar and sour cream. Use immediately.  The fatter you take sour cream, the better your lips will transfer the procedure scraping. In addition, sour cream is perfectly nourishes the skin of the lips.

Mint scrub for lips

Ingredients: 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. olive oil, 2-3 drops of mint oil.

Mix the ingredients until the mass acquires the consistency of the paste.

If the mass is too thick, you can add a small amount of water, but then the shelf life of the product will decrease slightly. You can store such a scrub 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator.


The minus of this scrub is in its short expiration date, but the result

Ingredients: 2 almonds, glycerin.

Soak the nuts for the night in the water. Grind them thoroughly in the morning and mix them with a few drops of glycerol. The output should be a thick mass. Apply immediately, do not store.

SKRAB-peeling for the lips


This recipe is very similar to the salon piling procedure with salicylic acid and alpha-hydro-acid. These substances help exfoliate the skin.

Ingredients: 1/2 tsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp. Aspirin, olive oil and glycerin.

Grind aspirin, mix with the rest of the ingredients and use for its intended purpose. Such a scrub-pilling is also suitable for the skin of the face.


For the most lazy and employees, there is another way to exfoliate dead cells from the skin of the lips - use a regular toothbrush. True, it is better to take precisely a soft brush so as not to damage the delicate skin of the lips.

The procedure is simple: steam lips, apply the base (petroleum jelly, honey, olive oil, etc.) and gently walk with a brush. Leave the base for 3-4 minutes, rinse and lubricate with cream.

Actual tips

  1. Lip scrub, as a rule, is prepared by 1-2 times. After the first preparation, you will understand how much the ingredients to take, so that it turns out exactly how much you need.
  2. Store homemade lip scrubs in a cold place in a glass container. Shelf life is 7 days.
  3. In all recipes, it is recommended to use olive oil, but it is rather advice. You can take coconut, almond, jojoba oil and other oils at your request.
  4. Sugar can be taken both white and brown.

Facial scrubs: review

Homemade lip scrubs, of course, are a wonderful remedy. But not all women have a desire and the opportunity to mess with the ingredients and prepare scrubs once every two weeks. In this case, it will be useful to find out which lip scrubs can be bought, given the reviews.

Lus scrubs from lush


LUSH scrubs produced by LUSH are an excellent tool, the advantages of which can be described for a long time. But the main thing, nevertheless, is that this company makes a really natural product. A great alternative for those who do not like to engage in hand-made, but want to get high-quality and natural cosmetics. In addition, these means
They are stored for a long time without a refrigerator. Therefore, it is convenient to take such a product with you on travel or business trips.

"Sugar scrub" from Faberlik


Lip scrub from Faberlik also focuses on the naturalness of its ingredients. The name “Sugar” sounds in the name, that is, the main exfoliant here is natural. According to reviews about this lip scrub, this tool copes very well with its main task - exfoliation. Abrasive particles gently remove dead skin cells without damaging it. Well, a pleasant taste makes the procedure
Scrubing is very pleasant.

Mary Kay Satin Lips Mask


Using the Mary Kay lip mask, you do not feel any extraneous smells, as this tool does not contain aromatic additives. Plus this or minus is difficult to say. But what can be recognized with all the confidence that this tool is suitable for allergies and women with sensitive skin, which is undoubtedly an advantage.

Speaking about this tool, one cannot but say that it is not just a scrub, but also a mask. Green tea extract and vitamin A will take care of the skin of the lips during the procedure. But the manufacturer nevertheless advises to use moisturizers after the scrub.

Multi-RegeneRante lip soft


Clarins also contains sugar - the most popular exofliant not only in home cosmetology, but also in industrial. According to the manufacturer, during the procedure microcrystals of sugar gently remove dead cells and pollution from the skin of the lips. And raspberry oil will relieve irritation, soften inflamed skin, restore the water balance, and also reduce small wrinkles around the lips. This scrub is also capable of
Give a small volume to your lips. This occurs due to the presence of a malt root extract in it.

Natural lip scrub. Video



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