
How many calories per day to lose weight. How to count calories to lose weight

How many calories per day to lose weight. How to count calories to lose weight
From the article you will learn about the methods of calculating calories for effective weight loss, the secrets of compiling a menu for each day with proper calorie content and much more

Not all the girls who monitor their weight, I know about this method of losing weight as the calorie count. We can say that this is a weight loss without a diet. You can use absolutely all food products, but be sure to count their calorie content. Many might think that this is too difficult and this way of losing weight is definitely not for them. At first, of course, this is unusual. After all, you need to know the weight of each portion of food, take into account the calories of each eaten piece of bread, constantly keep a food diary. But then this method of nutrition will become a habit and you can say without difficulty how many calories are in a boat plate. To help beginners, there are many different programs for a mobile phone that can calculate the calorie content of a particular dish and will count how much you eat in a day. In this article, we will answer the most exciting questions: “How many calories should I use per day?”, “I need how many calories per day to lose weight?”, “How to lose weight without diets?”

How to count calories to lose weight. What are calories

What is calorie? A modern person hears this word everywhere. Any product in the store has information about the contained calories in it on the label. Despite the fact that most people use this word precisely in relation to food, calories have much greater meaning.

  • caloria is a unit of energy that needs to be spent to heat 1 gram of water per 1 degree;
  • the amount of energy in food is the number of calories in it;
  • 1,000 calories are 1 kilocaloria;
  • the word "calorie" is applied not only in relation to food, but to everything that contains energy.

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How many calories per day you need to consume a person

Each person, performing any actions during the day, spends energy. This energy is calories. But depending on how much energy each individual person spends, and the daily number of calories that he must use is calculated. Therefore, there is such a division in the norm of calories for different categories of people. For example, young people, as a rule, spend much more energy than the elderly. And they need to use more calories. There are also differences in the daily norm of calories among men and women. Below we consider in more detail the daily calories for men and women with different degrees of activity. But we must not forget that these numbers are applicable only to those people who have no complaints about their weight. If you want to lose weight, then for you the calculation of calories will be different.

Apple on Scale, Body Weight Watching, Conceptual Image of Dieting, Calorie Count, Healthy Lifestyle and Shape Control

Caloria rate per day for women

Depending on the nature of the life, the following groups are distinguished among women:

  • women with a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to use 2000 calories to women aged 19 to 25 years, 1800 calories - from 26 to 50 years, 1600 calories - for women over 50;
  • women with a moderately active lifestyle. It is recommended to use 2200 calories to women aged 19 to 25 years, 2200 calories - from 25 to 50 years, 1800 calories - women over 50 years old;
  • women with an active way of life. It is recommended to use 2400 calories for women aged 19 to 30 years, 2200 calories - from 31 to 60 years old, 2000 - women over 60 years old.

Caloria rate per day for men

  • Men with a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to use 2400 calories to men aged 19 to 30 years, 2200 calories - from 31 to 50 years, 2000 calories - men over 50 years old.
  • Men with a moderately active way of life. It is recommended to use 2600-2800 calories to men aged 19 to 30 years, 2400-2600-from 31 to 50 years, 2200-2400 calories-men over 51 years old.
  • A man with an active way of life. It is recommended to use 3,000 calories for men aged 19 to 30 years, 2800-3000-from 31 to 50 years, 2400-2800-men over 50 years old.


How to count calories to lose weight

Losing weight using the method of daily calorie calculation is the only scientifically based method of losing weight. In order to lose weight by 1 kg, you need to burn 7700 calories. In order to lose weight it is inappropriate only to cut the diet. You must certainly increase your physical activity. So, you will accelerate metabolism faster, and kilograms will begin to leave faster. How to calculate how many calories should be used to lose weight? Modern nutritionists give the following recommendations:

  • if you have slight excess weight and, moreover, at least 3 times a week you devote time to training, then it is enough for you to “survey” 10% of calories from the daily norm for a healthy person. This will be ideal in order to systematically drop extra pounds and not arrange stress;
  • if you have slight excess weight and you are not engaged in training, then you should “survey” 20% of calories from the daily norm for a healthy person. Those. You will have to eat 20% less per day than you would have been if you did not want to drop excess;
  • if you suffer from obesity, then you need to cut the daily calorie rate by 40%. As a rule, people with such a large excess body mass cannot engage in sports training due to medical contraindications. But for yb [always accessible walking and light gymnastics.

Such a "diet" is very easily tolerated by man, because There are no strict restrictions in products. You can slightly change the number of calories consumed within a week. For example, on one day, increase the number of calories per day by 10-20%. But then you should arrange a fasting day within a week, reducing the number of calories by 40%. There is also a more accurate calorie calculation formula for weight loss. This formula is based on growth data, weight, age, and the nature of the lifestyle. Based on this method of calculation of calories, individual dietetologists are compiled for a single person. This is the formula of Mifflin-san got.


Recommendations for calculating calories for weight loss

  1. In the process of calculating the ideal number of calories for your weight loss by the above formula, it is important to adequately assess the nature of your physical exertion. According to statistics, many people overestimate their “sports successes” within a week. Someone makes truly intense training 5 times a week and sets himself a coefficient of 1.55, and someone lifts dumbbells of 2 kg and makes a small run and also puts a coefficient of 1.55. Remember that it is better to underestimate the nature of your training a little than to overestimate.
  2. Be sure to weigh your portions. Some people correctly calculated the number of calories in 100 grams of portion, but relying on their “eye, put a portion much larger in volume, and then complain that the system of weight loss with the calculation of calories does not work.
  3. The calculation of calories during the day is painstaking and pedantic work. Do not forget to add calories to the total number of calories in mayonnaise, sugar juice, sugar coffee, etc. Some forget to take into account such “little things” and also do not see any shift in weight loss. Absolutely everything that you put in your mouth should be subjected to a strict calculation.


How many calories per day to lose weight. How to distribute calories during the day

In modern recommendations of dietetologists for weight loss, very much attention is paid to the distribution of calories during the day. After how many hours do you need to arrange meals? How much is there a day to lose weight? Or all this does not matter to eat all the 1700 calories in one meal set for you? Here's what nutritionists advise:

  • it is recommended to arrange approximately 5-6 meals per day;
  • the gap between meals should be at least 2-3 hours;
  • if, by virtue of your employment, you cannot eat fractional and frequent portions, then you can make a convenient food schedule for yourself. The main thing is that the number of calories does not exceed the norm given to you;
  • it is better that the most high-calorie products per day are consumed in the 1st half of the day;
  • in the evening, give preference to the most “light” calorie products from your daily diet.

How many calories per day to lose weight. Life hacks for weight loss by calculating calories

Many people who are just going to start losing weight using the calorie calculation method scares the complexity of this whole process. Perhaps in front of your eyes, endless calorie tables come up. To lose weight at present, there is no need for such tables, there is no need to constantly check with it, count the calorie column, for a long time to look for the product that you need in the list for a long time. Today everything is much simpler. Among the most popular life hacks in the calculation method of calories can be noted:

  • try cooking food for a while, with a margin. For example, for 4 days, for a week. Weigh all the prepared dishes in advance, put into containers and glue stickers with information about the number of calories in this portion. Agree, it will be very convenient. On one of the free, weekends, a little more time for cooking, but then you will have ready -made dishes that you just need to warm up. You can even make marks on stickers, which dish is intended for breakfast, which for lunch, dinner, snacks;   podschet_kalorij
  • to facilitate the process of calculating calories in a particular dish, use modern applications for mobile phones. There are a huge variety of them. Some of them keep a whole food diary, summarize how many calories you used per day, for two, etc. Also, in such applications, you can simply choose from the list of products, the product that you want to eat, and the program will instantly calculate the calorie content. For example, in a matter of seconds you will easily find out how many calories are in 200 grams of red borsch made of fresh cabbage in meat broth and 50 g of rye bread;                                               prilozhenie-dlya-podscheta-kaloriy-tablitsa-kaloriynosti
  • take a closer look at a variety of "smart" kitchen weights. Some of the models can be synchronized with a mobile phone and using a specially installed program easily determine the calorie content in a particular dish;                                                         13480_3-1473734623
  • try to avoid "complex" dishes from a large number of components. Choose simple options in which it will be easier to calculate calories. So, the errors when calculating the calorie content of the dishes will be minimal.

How to calculate calories in a complex dish to lose weight

For an accurate calculation of calories in the dish, you need to consider the calorie content of each ingredient of this dish. Of course, the smaller the components in the dish, the easier the process of calculating calories becomes. But how to count if the dish is complicated? In the process of preparation, you need to weigh every product that you put in a pan, for example, and summarize with other products. In such a simple way, you can easily calculate the calorie content of the Cheburk, cutlets, pickle, etc. Do not forget to take into account the oil on which you are going to fry something. Spices, tea, coffee do not affect the general calorie content of the diet.


The use of calories to lose weight. Is it possible to achieve a decrease in the daily calorie consumption without their calculation

If you still doubt that you can constantly conduct such a detailed calculation of calories, then you can try to lose weight, not counting them. And this is quite possible:

  • reduce to the very minimum consumption of fatty foods, sugar, flour products. Due to this, the calorie content of your daily diet may decrease by 20%;
  • make your food fractional. Eat a little, but often. So, you will achieve a decrease in the daily calorie intake by another 5-10%

How to use calories to lose weight. Daily diet options with different calorie content

Option menu for 1800 kcal

  1. Breakfast. Loof boiled meat 90 grams, green peas 250 gr, 1 boiled egg, coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch. Apple.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup 200 grams, steam cutlets of 120 grams of low -fat meat, salad of stewed beets 150 grams, jelly with sugar substitute 50 g.
  4. Afternoon snack. Fatfundant cottage cheese 100 grams, unsweetened compote 200-250 gr.
  5. Dinner. Boiled fish 100 g, fresh vegetable salad 150 gr.
  6. Before going to bed. Low-fat kefir 200-250 gr.


1200 kcal menu option

  1. Breakfast. Boiled fish 100 g, fresh vegetable salad 200 grams, coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch. Apple.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup 200 grams, chicken 100 g, fresh vegetable salad 40 grams, unsweetened compote.
  4. Afternoon snack. Low -fat milk 250 gr.
  5. Dinner. Low -fat boiled meat 90 grams, stewed vegetables 200 gr.
  6. Before going to bed. A glass of low -fat kefir.

800 kcal menu option

  1. Breakfast. Fat Fool Cottage cheese 100 grams, coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch. Apple.
  3. Dinner. Soup for vegetable broth 200 grams, boiled meat low -fat 90 g, sugar compote 200 g.
  4. Afternoon snack. Sugar compote 200 gr.
  5. Dinner. Chicken breast boiled 90 g, green peas 50 gr.
  6. Before going to bed. Smired kefir 200 gr.


Pluses of weight loss using the calorie calculation method

Perhaps, after reading the main advantages of this method of losing weight as the calorie calculation, you will drop all your doubts. If you still have doubts, then read the advantages of this method that confirmed most nutritionists and a huge number of women who have lost this way:

  • firstly, you do not need to abandon any products. There are no restrictions in the diversity of the diet. You can eat everything that you ate before, just “fit” into your daily calorie norm. Of course, the volume of consumption of “harmful” products will be reduced, but no one forces you to exclude them at all. Do you like chocolate? Amazing. Just write calories from 2 cubes in your diet;
  • secondly, you can continue to visit your favorite cafes before. Almost all establishments prescribe the composition of the dish and its calorie content in the menu. This is a huge psychological plus in weight loss;
  • thirdly, once having mastered the skill of calculating calories, you will bring it and such automatism that you will subconsciously continue to count calories “in the mind”, even when weight loss will end. And this means that you will not gain weight after the diet, proper nutrition in the framework of a certain daily calorie content of dishes will become your way of life. You will know how to eat right every day to lose weight.


Cons of losing weight using the calorie calculation method

  • Opponents of the calorie calculation method put forward the theory of weight loss, based not on a decrease in calorie content, but on the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Some nutritionists believe that extra pounds come to us not because of overeating, but because of the improper ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And it will be more logical not to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, for example, but to completely exclude them from the diet or bring to the permissible minimum.
  • Another opponents of the calculation of calories propose to learn how to distinguish between hunger and appetite. Accordingly, you need to eat only when you actually feel hunger. And a sense of appetite needs to learn to control and suppress. The main drawback of the weight loss system using the calorie calculation method is that you do not “listen” to your body.
  • Some nutritionists offer another alternative to calculation of calories - a landmark not on the calorie content of the dish, but on its volume. Most often they offer to compare the volume of portions with any landmark: a fist, palm, glass, dessert plate, etc. In their opinion, you can avoid constant mathematical calculations, but maintain a low calorie content of the daily diet and fractional of nutrition.

The weight loss system based on the daily calorie calculation is not a novelty in dietetics. The method was invented back in the 20s of the last century. To adhere to this method or not is only your solution. But it’s definitely worth trying if you want to achieve a persistent result in losing weight, saving your body from stress. Smooth and natural, proper weight loss in normalization of daily calorie content of dishes has long been proven and tested by many people. Success in weight loss!



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