
Radio wave lifting

Radio wave lifting
Return the skin youth and health is possible without surgical intervention.

Radio wave lifting is one of the most popular cosmetic and wellness procedures. The reason for this is the high performance and painlessness of the process. Every year, thousands of women use radiolifting to rejuvenate and restore the skin structure. In more detail about the procedure is written in this article.

What is radio wave lifting

Radio-wave lifting is a non-operative method of skin rejuvenation using radio frequency power with a capacity of up to 200 J per cm2. Radio wave radiation stimulates collagen generation, cells activate. Due to what is happening a natural skin update. The price of radio wave lifting is quite high, however, this procedure is very in demand among adherents of non-surgical suspended methods, as it gives excellent results.

Radio wave lifting in medicine

The opening of the device for radio wave lifting in the United States of America in the late 80s of the 20th century has become a breakthrough in the rejuvenation industry. Prior to this, the only similar procedure was a photorejuvenation that had a number of significant drawbacks:

• Application only on light skin;
• the presence of burns after the procedure;
• Using common anesthesia.

Therefore, there was a need for the invention a more comfortable and effective method of rejuvenation. The instrument for radio wave lifting developers took the electrode covered with a special semiconductor. The new electrode received the name of the manipula. The presence of a semiconductor restricted the penetration of energy deep into the tissues. Radio waves began to be absorbed by the derma and subcutaneous fatty tissue.
The next discovery was the invention of bipolar devices, which provided local action without spreading radio-wave energy into extensive areas. The power of generated energy from 300 W to 10-15 W decreased. Since the impact has become less aggressive, the technique made more secure and comfortable, although he demanded more procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages of radio wave lifting

The most important advantage of radio wave lifting is that it is based on stimulating its own cell resources without the use of additional substances. Thus, the launch of the natural process of rejuvenation. Currently, the remaining techniques do not have such advantages and positive results.

Radio wave lifting has a number of significant advantages:

• non-invasiveness;
• comfort;
• without the use of anesthesia;
• lack of a rehabilitation period;
• does not leave scars and other traces;
• There are no seasonal restrictions (in contrast to chemical pylling);
• Power and duration of exposure is selected separately for each client;
• wide age-related range (from 20 to 60 years);
• The procedure is carried out at different parts of the body;
• minimum risk of complications and side effects;
• Maximum natural results;
• does not have contraindications by skin type;
• Long effect of rejuvenation.

Of course, it was not without flaws. The gentle technique of radio wave lifting will not provide an instant resistant result. Therefore, you need to go through a course of 4 - 6 procedures, with an interval of 1-2 weeks between sessions. It is not recommended to interrupt the course, since the effect of the effect is growing and fixed to the session. To estimate the end result, you will need at least six months.
For radio wave lifting there are special limitations. Such a procedure is not used for people who have metal implants or implanted electronic devices. Since the effect of radio wave energy can lead to heat of metal parts or a failure in electronics.

Effect of radio wave lifting

The maximum effect of radio wave lifting is possible when taking into account such factors as the density and moisture of the skin. Electromagnetic waves act on liquid components of cells, so if the skin is prone to dryness, the course of moisturizing procedures should be passed before the radiolifting.
It is recommended to carry out radio wave lifting patients aged 30 years, but the best results can be achieved at the age of 35-45 years. During this period, distinct signs of aging appear, but in the body there is a sufficient amount of resources to start the rejuvenation process.

Appointments in age categories:

1. 30-40 years - course 4-6 procedures 1 time per week, interval 1-2 weeks between procedures. The effect remains more than 5 years with proper cosmetology care and observation. The re-course of radio wave lifting is prescribed no earlier than in 2 years.
2. 40-50 years - a rate from 6 to 10 procedures 1 time per week, the interval of 1-2 weeks between sessions. The effect remains more than 5 years with proper cosmetology care and observation. The preventive course is assigned by testimony.
3. 50 and older - course from 8 to 15 procedures 1 time per week, interval 1-2 weeks between procedures. The effect of lifting is noticeable after the first procedure, an improvement has been improved during the next 6 months. The results are saved from the 1st to 2 years. The ppovtor procedure of radio wave lifting is no earlier than after 6 months, once every 1-2 months.

The effectiveness of radio wave lifting depends on the type and condition of the skin of the patient, the qualifications of the specialist used equipment. A professional cosmetologist should provide clear balance of safety and impact efficiency, guided by individual characteristics and patient health.

Reviews about radio wave lifting are positive, only if the procedure has taken into account all the nuances:

• The skin is fresh and pulls up;
• rises skin tone;
• a blush appears (when exposed to the face of the face);
• increase in elasticity and elasticity;
• smoothing of nasolabial folds, mimic wrinkles;
• reduced pigmentation;
• reduce stretch marks and manifestations of cellulite;
• improving the blood supply to the skin;
• formation of a clear lip contour, facial oval;
• narrowing;
• smoothing wrinkled grid (on the skin of the hands).

Photo of radio wave lifting of various sections:




The procedure of radio wave lifting

The skin condition is due to the presence and activity of fibroblasts and collagen fibers. During the procedure of radio wave lifting, the production of these components is stimulated. The radio frequency wave penetrates into the skin, reaching the collagen fibers, activates the bloodstream and the metabolism of the dermis cells.

The intensity of the flow of subcutaneous processes depends on the effect of exposure:

1. T 42 ° C is the most optimal and comfortable temperature, ideal for preventive procedures.
2. T 43-44 ° C - protein structures are destroyed, which ensures the sealing of collagen-containing structures and cellular frames. The effect of this temperature is possible within a few minutes per session.
3. T 45-50 ° C - more powerful processes of intentable tissue damage are launched, which ensures the activation of the recovery and a longer increasing effect. A safe impact is possible only to 20 seconds per session.

The best result from the session will depend on the competent combination of three factors: temperature, time and depth of exposure.

With each procedure of radio wave lifting, the following processes are activated:

• elimination of stagnant blood processes in small vessels (thrombophlebitis prevention);
• improvement of blood flow;
• restoration of the functionality of the vessel walls (increases elasticity);
• destruction of fat cells;
• restoration of the normal metabolic process in subcutaneous fatty cells;
• eliminating the process of clogging and swelling of tissues at cellulite;
• prevention of fibrous processes;
• as a result of improving blood flow in tissues, their oxygen enrichment increases;
• The elasticity of the skin is changing, it becomes more touched and elastic.

Methods of radio wave lifting

The techniques of radio wave lifting, which are used in cosmetology practice, are based on a shallow penetration, but the maximum effect on the dermis and the subcutaneous fat layer. Modern radio wave devices have various specifications and parameters. The frequency of the generated pulses varies from 470 kHz to 6 MHz. Such a wide amplitude of power determines the possibility of modern radio wave systems to work in different methods.

Types of techniques:

1. Monopolar radio wave lifting technique - the use of two electrodes, one of which is a working manipula, and the second electrode is a passive pole. During the procedure, the passive pole is put under the patient, the working manipuum process the effect zone, while the current flows between the manipulat and the pole. This technique has a greater depth of penetration of radio frequencies into the dermis. The disadvantage of the monopolar method is considered to be less comfortable execution of the session. When changing the exposure zones, the Pole electrode must be moved.

monopolar method
2. The bipolar technique is one working manipula with several built-in electrodes. The impact takes place within the manipula, without affecting other sections. This method is more comfortable if necessary for the procedure in small areas of the skin. At the same time, radio frequencies almost do not reach the dermis. Also, the local energy concentration may cause discomfort.

bipolar method
According to experts, the combination of two techniques provides the best results, so apparatus for radio wave lifting, in which two technologies are combined, more priority. Given the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated surface and the nature of the problem, it makes it possible to combine or apply them alternately. For example, the monopolar technique has an extensive spectrum of exposure, so it is often used for radio wave body lifting (the inner side of the hips, shoulders, belly, buttocks). The bipolar technique is used for radio wave lifting of the face due to its ability to influence local areas of the skin.

Preparation and conduct of radio wave lifting

Before appointing radio wave lifting, consultation is held with a specialist who will conduct a procedure. In case, anamnesis (information on suffered diseases, operations, injuries, pathologies, pregnancy, allergic reactions, etc.) is drawn up, as necessary, consultation of a dermatologist or a specialist for the correction of the figure is appointed. Be sure to negotiate the shortcomings and benefits of the procedure, as well as possible complications. In the absence of contraindications, a radio wave lifting technique and a course duration, begin preparation for the procedure.
During the day before the procedure of radio wave lifting should eliminate strong physical exertion, intensive thermal impact (bath, sauna, hot tub), aggressive mechanical impact on the alleged areas of the skin. It is also desirable to moisturize the skin. Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove cosmetics from the processing zone, as well as remove metal items from the body (decorations, removable prostheses).

The session proceeds as follows:

1. The site to be adjusted is carefully cleaned and photographed.
2. Then the special conduction gel is applied - this will ensure efficient contact of the electrode (manipula) with skin.
3. The manipulatory is processed by a zone of exposure to smooth movements. The thermal effect that occurs at the same time, penetrates the dermis, without damaging the epidermis.
4. The problem zone is heated from 42 to 50 degrees Celsius, and lightly tingling and heat can be felt. The effect of exposure is adjustable with high accuracy, in order to avoid burns or drying the skin.
The procedure can last from 20 to 50 minutes depending on the desired result and the area of \u200b\u200bthe body being processed.

Indications for use:

• lethargy, damage to the skin of the face, neck and zone decolte;
• Mimic folds and wrinkles on the face;
• Stretch marks, old scars;
• hyperpigmentation;
• manifestations of cellulite;
• accusation of the skin after weight loss or pregnancy;
• loss of elasticity of belly skin, chest, buttocks, hands and inner thighs;
• Package;
• Preparation of a specific area of \u200b\u200bskin to the operation (contributes to the rapid healing of the skin after surgery).

Unfortunately, as in any other cosmetic or therapeutic procedure, radiolifting has its own contraindications. In some cases, the session is possible only with approval of the attending physician.

Contraindications for conducting radio wave lifting:

• the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
• infectious diseases, sepsis;
• chronic diseases in the aggravation stage;
• injury, inflammation, abrasions (any mechanical damage at the exposure place);
• thrombophlebitis, epiphysis;
• Steroids use long time;
• acne keratosis, seborrheic warts;
• epilepsy;
• Metal implant at the exposure site;
• pacemaker;
• oncological diseases;
• Pregnancy (on any time) and breastfeeding;
• diseases of connective tissue;
• diabetes;
• phlebeurysm;
• Moles, warts at the exposure place;
• The exhaustion of the body.

Skin care after radio wave lifting

After the procedure, it is necessary to increase the water consumption rate - this will speed up the process of removing the decay products and fragments of old cells. It should be abstained from sunbathing and a hike into a solarium, use sunscreen for several weeks after a radiolifting session.
It should be remembered that every organism is individual, and even the most qualified and experienced specialist is unable to anticipate his reaction to the procedure. Therefore, it is important to know what the side effects of radio wave lifting are expressed.

Possible side effects:

• Unbearable pain and discomfort at the place of exposure;
• severe redness;
• swelling;
• subcutaneous hemorrhage (bruise, hematoma);
• burn;
• allergic reactions;
• sensitivity disorders;
• Strengthened pigmentation.

If you have at least one of the points, the course of radio wave lifting should be interrupted and turn to a specialist.

Combination of radio wave lifting with other procedures

Radio wave lifting is a universal technique, as it can act as an independent medical or additional cosmetic procedure.
In plastic surgery, the radiolifting is indispensable in combination with facial lifting operations, neck, eyelids, when correction of the figure (removal of excess fat or skin tissue). In the postoperative period, radio-wave sessions are prescribed to accelerate the processes of tissue healing and decrease in puffiness. In the future, to maintain the effect after the operation should be with the help of radio wave lifting, which will avoid re-surgical intervention over a long time.
The clinics of aesthetic medicine constitute special integrated programs based on the combination of various rejuvenating procedures and radio wave lifting. Thanks to this integrated combination, the action of the procedures is enhanced, and the effect is maintained for many years.

Examples of comprehensive programs:

1. Radiolifting + microcurrent therapy.
2. Radiolifting + photorejuvenation.
3. Radiolifting + Botox.
4. Radiolifting + contour plastic (gel injections).
5. Radiolifting + volume modeling (filling with injections).
6. Radiolifting + biorevitalization (injections of hyaluronic acid).
7. Radiolifting + mesotherapy (most effectively when correction of the figure).
8. Radiolifting + cosmetics.


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