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How to treat cones on your feet with folk remedies

How to treat cones on your feet with folk remedies
The bumps on the legs bring a lot of troubles. It is difficult to get rid of them, but you can. Despite the fact that the process itself is long and takes a lot of time, the result will pleasantly surprise you!

A bump on the leg is not only the external unattractiveness of the limb, but also a lot of problems that it brings. If bumps appeared on your legs, then the foot began to deform: the thumb “goes” inside, and the bone grows out. Sometimes this whole “procedure” is accompanied by severe pain - it pulsates and even “scrape”, so a person often cannot walk. In addition, due to the bone that increased in volume, it becomes difficult to choose shoes, since friction occurs in narrow shoes, which contributes to the occurrence of unpleasant and pain. That is why people who have bumps on their fingers want to get rid of them in every way.

Fingers on the fingers


Bumps on the legs, as in the photo below, do not occur immediately. To “grow” such a growth, it is necessary a certain time, perhaps that is why few people attach great importance when deformation begins. Well, think, a little shoes have become cramped, well, think, a small cosmetic defect - you just need to choose more closed shoes.

In fact, the problem lies much deeper. Bumps are a pathology of tendons, ligaments, bones, and all of the lower leg at once. Due to such changes, arthrosis, exostosis and bursitis develops, flat feet appear - and, both transverse and combined. All these ailments must be treated for a long time and seriously, so it is better to carefully monitor your feet and prevent the occurrence of growths.

Foot cones: reasons


Modern doctors call several reasons why the lump grows on the leg.

1. The most important is an increase in the content of acid in the blood - urea, as a result of which a violation of purine metabolism is obtained. Crystals of uric acid can be deposited on various surfaces, for example, they envelop bones, cartilage, joints, tendons and even kidneys. Why is the level of acid in the body disrupted?

  • first of all, this is malnutrition:
  • if a person often resorts to diuretics or treated with aspirin, then this is also fraught with an increase in urea:
  • injuries also lead to an increase in urea level:
  • urea rises during enhanced physical exertion:
  • in people who are prone to chronic fatigue, who often have overwork, excess urea in the body is noted.

2. Another reason for the emergence of the growth near the thumb is a long mechanical deformation of the finger. For example, uncomfortable shoes, and equally badly wear narrow shoes or high -heeled shoes.

3. The lumps on the legs appear due to work that makes you walk or stand a lot.

4. Experts note that the bump on the leg grows due to such a genetic problem as a hereditary predisposition. And this is not at all meaningless.

5. Excess weight is able to cause deformation of the foot.

6. Investments, including obsolete, are often causes of growths and cones on the legs.

7. People suffering from flat feet are more often susceptible to cones on their feet than those who do not have any pathologies of the limbs.

Foot cones: how to get rid of

As soon as you have protruding bones on your feet, you need to turn to an orthopedic. The specialist carefully examines your limbs and determines if you have any other disease, perhaps arthritis, arthrosis, cyst or osteoporosis have been added to the cones. The inflammation of the periosteum should not be excluded.

Only after a thorough examination, it will be possible to find out that the grown bone on the leg can be reduced using improvised means or still you will have to remove the cones on the legs with a surgical method.

In the case when the changes in the foot are visually not very visible - the bump is just starting to grow, then experts strongly recommend not to let everything on its own, but to do treatment, which can prevent severe deformation. To do this, it will be necessary to purchase and constantly wear special inserts, insoles or supinators - they can be bought in orthopedic departments. All kinds of proofreaders also help well - this includes interdal and finger rollers and screeds.

As a relief of the condition, doctors prescribe massage, BRT, physiotherapy, balneotherapy, etc.

If the bump is strongly expressed, the leg is swollen and inflamed, then whatever you do, it will be ineffective. It will be necessary to fix the deformation and remove the grown bone only quickly.

Treatment of cones on the legs: folk methods

There are a huge number of folk methods that can relieve pain, as well as reduce the growth of bones on the foot. Here are some - the most famous methods.

  1. Lubricate cones with bile - it can be bought at any pharmacy. And at night it is necessary to put compresses - again from the bile: wet the cotton wool and attach to the place that hurts you, wrap it with cellophane and warm cloth on top. Go to bed in socks. It is necessary to be treated for two months in a row, making the above manipulations every day.
  2. If the bump hurts on the leg, you need to make baths. They are not only able to calm the pain, but also contribute to resorption of growths. It will be enough only 20 minutes to hold your legs in the water. Previously, in the water it will be necessary to dilute salt (100 g per three liters). After the procedure, you need to do a massage to yourself: carefully, with your fingers, stretch the seeds and places near the seeds.
  3. Grind bay leaf (10 g) until the powder is obtained. Pour bay leaf with ammonia (100 ml). Stir and determine for seven days in some dark place. After time, the solution will need to be rubbed into cones on the legs twice a day.
  4. In the event that you are sure that the bumps on the legs are a consequence of the deposition of salts, it will be necessary to grind the dry sheet of lingonberries into powder, pour boiling water (200 ml) and insist eight hours. The resulting tincture will need to be drunk twice a day for 100 ml. In the morning, drink before meals - on an empty stomach, and in the evening immediately before bedtime. This method can be treated for no more than two months.
  5. Mix iodine, vinegar essence and glycerin, add boiled water in a proportion of 1: 1: 1: 2. Frighten your legs thoroughly before bedtime, then grease with the mixture, which is described above. The treatment is long - at least three months, but effective. With this tool, you can also cure the fungus on the legs.

Treatment of cones on the legs: Exercises

A good way to prevent the occurrence of cones on the legs, and if they are already - slow down or even reducing them - these are simple, but proven exercises.

  1. The rotation of the feet is first in one, then in the other direction.
  2. Flexion and extension of the fingers on the legs - alternating a quick and slow action.
  3. Pour various small objects to the floor, and then raise them using the fingers. These should be small items, for example, pens and pencils, small parts from a designer or toys, handkerchiefs or socks, small balls or toys.

Treatment of cones on the legs: the use of analgin and iodine

  1. It is necessary to grind six analgin tablets and dilute the powder of 50 ml of iodine. The resulting mixture must be processed as often as possible - at least five times during the day. At least, the pain from this method disappears almost instantly.
  2. Grind two analgin tablets, mix with 3 percent iodine-one ampoule is enough. The resulting mixture must be transferred to the cotton wool, and put the cotton wool on the bump on the leg. On top, as usual, to apply cellophane and wrap it in warm. The compress must not be done often - once every seven days. You should not do more than five times the procedure. According to people who have tried this method on themselves, the pain after such treatment will pass completely.
  3. If the cones on the legs are inflamed: hot and red, and the pain is so severe that a person begins to limp or cannot walk at all, then you can try the following remedy. Grind the analgin tablets in powder (10 pcs.), Mix with iodine (10 ml) in a small bubble that can be tightened. Add tincture of a golden mustache (buy in a pharmacy) in a proportion of 1: 1. Thanks to analgin and iodine, you can relieve pain and inflammation, and thanks to the gold USU you can remove redness. Experts say that with the help of this tool you can cure not only bumps on the legs, but also gout, as well as a shift of the joint. True, the only “but” to receive healing will need to undergo a very long course of treatment.

Treatment of cones on the legs: ancient methods

  1. A very extraordinary method: using fresh fish - necessarily river. Cut off a piece of fish and put on a bump. Leave all night on the bone. Repeat the procedure seven times - daily. The fish cannot be frozen - it must be kept simply in the cold. After seven days of fishing, it will be necessary to lubricate the bump for the next seven days with fir oil. The repeated course can be repeated no earlier than in three months. It is believed that thanks to this treatment, the bones will cease to hurt and grow - they will soften and disappear over time.
  2. Every day, every morning rub the bumps on the legs with your own saliva, which is produced on an empty stomach. About 10-15 days of this procedure, the pain will disappear, but not for long-this “treatment” is enough for two to three months, no more. After the deadline, it will be necessary to repeat.
  3. Mix in a proportion of 1: 1 ordinary kitchen salt and honey. Rub the mixture until it becomes white. Apply the product straight to cones, cover with polyethylene and some kind of cloth on top, and put on socks on top. The procedure is repeated a month, daily. People who have tried on themselves this tool claim that the bones on the legs are completely absorbed.
  4. Collect rainworms on the street, wash them thoroughly and put them in a jar. Clean tightly and put in heat for a day. A day later, cotton wool to the mass that formed from the worms, and put on the bone. Cover with cellophane and something warm, put on socks. Repeat two or three times.
  5. So that the bones do not hurt and grow, you need to walk around the house in felt boots - both in winter and in summer, and, exclusively on the bare foot. With this simple tool, you can get excellent massage.
  6. Ficus sheets (large - 4 pcs.) Finely chop and pour kerosene (500 ml). Let it brew in a warm place for 10 days. Moisten the fabric in the solution and attach for 15 minutes to the lumps on the legs. Literally two or three procedures and pain will disappear for a long time. With the same remedy, you can get rid of joint pain.
  7. Dise the bumps on the legs with tincture of alokasia daily. It is necessary to do this in the evening. A good tool to relieve swelling and pain.
  8. In order to get rid of the strongest pain that the lump on the leg causes, it is necessary to brew wormwood (300 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp) and drink the decoction in small sips throughout the day. Pain pass in about 5-6 days. This tool also helps to recharge with positive energy.
  9. Grab bumps on the legs of a golden mustache. You can directly apply a sheet of the golden mustache on the cone, wrap with cellophane, wrap it with a cloth on top and put on a toe. As soon as the sheet dries, it is necessary to put a new one (preliminary tasting it several times). It is not recommended to wash your legs - wipe the maximum with a dry towel.
  10. Grate raw potatoes on a grater and attach to the bump on the leg. Light a compress with a bandage. To withstand at least an hour, but ideally - two hours.
  11. Glue soft propolis to the sore seed and bandage with cotton cloth.
  12. Put fresh eggs in opaque container, pour vinegar and set aside for 14 days in a dark and warm place. The egg shell should melt in vinegar. After that, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed, add pork lard (first you need to melt it) - 1 tbsp. And the turpentine ointment - 10 g. The mixture must be applied to the sore spot every other day.

Woman Legs

Treatment of cones on the legs: Foot baths

Taking a foot bath is as pleasant as for the whole body. And if you know that such a procedure brings noticeable relief for the body, and even more so!

  1. The pain in the bone, which grows near the thumb, can be pacified: it is necessary to hold the legs in warm (not hot!) Water with soda (3 tsp) and iodine (8 drops). It will be enough in time 20 minutes to have the expected effect. After the bath, the legs must be wiped dry, and then lubricate the growths with iodine (5%enough). After all the procedures, you need to put on socks, but first you need to wrap your feet with paper.
  2. If the bones are very painful, it will be enough to steam your legs just apply an iodine net.
  3. Steam the leg with a bump in hot water along with household soap. It is good to massage the limb, fragmenting the bone. It is believed that thanks to such manipulations, the cone will disappear altogether or at least noticeably decrease.


Treatment of cones on the legs. Video



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