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Do -it -yourself powder

Do -it -yourself powder
Home powder for the face and body. The main ingredients and their use

Today in cosmetics stores you can find a large selection of powder in color and composition. But among such a set of products, it is not always possible to make the right choice, so cosmetics created by yourself are becoming more popular every year. And she has much more advantages than the store, the chemical elements of which can cause allergies.

DIY powder and in the store: benefit, high -quality comparison

Modern girls are increasingly trying to replace store cosmetics natural, made only from natural ingredients. The powder is no exception, therefore, in order not to lose such an important part of everyday makeup, you need to learn how to do it at home. In addition to the fact that home powder takes care of the skin of the face, it is also suitable for girls of all ages.

There are many positive points in the influence of home powder:

  • gives the skin to "breathe";
  • does not overlap the pores;
  • prevents acne and oily shine on the face;
  • removes dark circles under the eyes;
  • protects the skin from excessive influence of the sun, from dirt and dust;
  • aligns the tone;
  • suitable for sensitive skin type.

This cosmetic product is far superior to what is sold in stores, since the composition can be determined personally. And almost every woman knows that there is nothing complicated in the preparation of home cosmetics, plus she does not require large financial costs. All ingredients are completely natural, and they can easily be purchased at the pharmacy.


DIY components for making powder

To make powder at home, you can use only those ingredients that correspond to a certain type of skin:

  1. For a sensitive type, rice is suitable, as well as red, blue and yellow clay. You can not add cinnamon, as it can provoke an allergic reaction and irritation.
  2. For teenage problem skin, clay should be used white, blue, red and green, as well as cinnamon.
  3. For a fat and mixed type, you can add starch, cinnamon and any clay except green.
  4. The skin, prone to dryness, will be useful for rice, cinnamon, red or blue clay.
  5. For normal skin, the best option will be cinnamon with blue clay.
  6. For sluggish, tired and dull skin - cinnamon, red or blue clay.
    Portrait of Fresh and Beautiful Brunette Woman

DIY powder: characteristics of the ingredients used

For the preparation of face powder, knowing lovers of home cosmetics use the following ingredients:

  1. Cinnamon helps to increase blood circulation and cell metabolism, since it is saturated with various vitamins. The powder with cinnamon helps to remove pallor and earthy complexion. Great for people with tanned skin.
  2. White clay in the composition of the face powder at home acts as an excellent antibacterial agent, helps to deal with advanced pores and excessively active work of the sebaceous glands.
  3. There is a lot of iron and potassium in yellow clay, which actively eliminate toxins and enrich the epithelium with oxygen.
  4. Green clay eliminates irritation, restores hydrobalance and improves blood circulation in capillaries. The powder based on this ingredient smoothes and tones the skin, eliminates shine. Thanks to unique trace elements, the surface becomes soft and silky. The whitening effect helps to fight pigment spots. Powder with blue clay can be aligned with skin tone, increase elasticity and “younger” for several years.
  5. Red clay eliminates peeling, redness and various irritations. It contains a large amount of iron and copper oxide, which improves oxygen metabolism and blood supply.

DIY powder: Types of home powder for face

Several types of home powder are distinguished by the main components.

It is very difficult to find real plant powder for the face on sale, but it can easily be made at home. As a rule, dry powder from plants and roots for problem areas of the epidermis is used. This mixture does not cover the pores and gives a feeling of freshness. Apply mainly before bedtime instead of other nightly products. Carefully selected plant components can save acne and black dots, remove excessive shine, moisturize the skin and give it an even color. After the course of using powder, tonal creams and bases will no longer need to be used. There are a lot of trace elements and vitamins in the herbs so that the skin looks much younger.


Corn starch is a white powder with a yellowish tint. The starch in corn grains is interconnected using a protein. In the process of processing, the protein is separated, and then it is dried and the finished product is obtained. In cosmetics, in particular in powder, it is used to treat skin diseases.

Rice powder has been popular among the fair sex for many years and is suitable for all skin types. It has absorbing and matting properties, heals minor damage and cleanses the pores. Rice powder can be used at any age, as it does not provoke an allergic reaction.

Oatmeal - a real find for the skin. It is absolutely hypoallergenic, easily and transparently lays on the skin, quickly eliminates oily shine. Fans of natural cosmetics will certainly like this powder and will certainly become part of everyday makeup.

With your own hands, mineral powder can serve as the basis for makeup. Due to its light structure and natural components, it perfectly masks significant drawbacks on the skin, does not clog pores, hides redness and wrinkles, as well as dark circles under the eyes. Minerals are excellent antiseptics that do not cause allergies, in addition, they protect against ultraviolet influence. Using powder, you can get rid of the appearance of acne.


Do -it -yourself powder recipes

It is not difficult to make the powder at home. Choose the suitable for you from the recipes below.

Plant powder:

  • tissue powder - 1 tsp;
  • powder of the bark of American elm - 1 tsp.;
  • marant root - 1 tsp;
  • kaolin powder - 1 tsp;
  • beet powder;
  • lavender essential oil (orange or pink).

The first four components are well mixed in a glass vessel. Add 1 drop of essential oil to the mixture and mix with a wooden spoon. We vary the desired shade of powder by beet powder. Store in a container with a hermetically sealed lid.

Starch powder:

  • cup starch;
  • the remains of shadows or blush for a certain tone of powder.

Put 1/4 of the starch and a blush or shadow in the container in the container. Stir until you get a suitable shade and the desired consistency.

For starchy powder, you do not need a lot of ingredients, it is easy to cook, plus, if you get too rich tone, it can be diluted with an additional portion of starch. For an evening exit, add a little golden shadows to her.

Oatmeal powder:

  • 3 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • pure water.

Grind oatmeal and soak in water temperature in water for 2-3 hours. Then crush the mixture and mix well. Drain the resulting muddy water and perform this operation about 3 times for a greater consistency of powder. When the precipitate drops to the bottom, drain the liquid, and strain the remaining gruel through a sieve. Collect a plaque from the walls, dry it, grind it into powder and sift. After drying, the powder should be poured into a glass container. How to cook oatmeal at home watch the video.

Mineral powder ingredients:

  • 30% of the miceter (a fairly expensive ingredient. The alternative is white clay, talc or ordinary chalk) - 6 ml;
  • 15% silk powder - 3 ml;
  • mickey "Sericite" - 6 ml;
  • silica-microsphere-1.5 ml;
  • 7.5% aquafloid - 1.5 ml;
  • zinc oxide - 1.5 ml;
  • 2.5% Mikka color of any light color to choose from - 0.5 ml.

Grind all the components and mix in a container with a sealed lid. To obtain a natural shade of the composition, add 3 dyes - red, blue and yellow. You can apply the product after the foundation. The powder is obtained with a beautiful matte effect.

Rice powder:

  • 3 tbsp. round rice;
  • clean glass container;
  • boiled warm water.

Start the jar and break through the rice from dark grains. Rinse in running water several times. Pour the grains into the jar and pour warm water to the top. Then cover with gauze and leave in a cool place. Change water every day once a day, but if the smell of fermentation appears, then 2-3 times.  After a week, softened rice, grind into the gruel, add water and mix well with a spoon. When the sediment leaves, gently drain the rice water into the jar, but so that the grains do not get inside.  After 60 min. The resulting sediment will fall to the bottom.  Carefully drain the water and what remains through the paper filter.  As a result, a white wet powder will remain on the filter, which needs to be dried for 12 hours. Then sank it with a nylon. With the fact that it remains to repeat the same thing.  So the rice powder turned out. Put it into a suitable container and store it away from brightly exposed smells. The shelf life is the same as the usual powder.

The rice powder came to us from Asia. In ancient times, the girls believed that in addition to her healing and cosmetic properties, she protects them from the evil eye and damage. The product can be used for problematic and oily skin, as it has an absorbing effect, improves face tone.


DIY body powder

As you know, you can make powder with your own hands not only for the face, but also for the body. In terms of functionality, it is 100% coincide with the powder for the face. It is also simple and necessary to use it, because sometimes there is what you want to disguise on the body. Such a powder copes with irritation on the skin, with scuffs and sweaters, with an unpleasant odor, as it has an absorbing effect.

Types of body powder:

  1. Hygienic powder absorbs sweat and pollution on the skin, gives a light aroma, supports the level of humidity and freshness. The powder is only in a crumbly form and it is almost not visible.
  2. You can choose perfumed powder for your favorite aroma of spirits. It is evenly distributed throughout the body, invisible to the skin, so it does not dirty clothes. The powder is as stable as possible, but has a completely unobtrusive smell.
  3. The flickering body powder has two effects - hygienic (eliminates increased sweating) and cosmetic (gives radiance to the skin).  The composition includes small particles that reflect light. It can fit under the tone of the skin or be colorless. In the afternoon, such a powder is almost imperceptible. But in the evening, in the light of lamps, it looks especially enchanting on the body.

Do not be afraid to use something new in daily body care. Try to make the powder with your own hands, and your skin will be grateful to you.

Do -it -yourself powder: recipes for homemade body powder

Almost all the ingredients that are part of most of the home remedies can be found in specialized so soap stores or ordered via the Internet.

For perfumed powder you will need:

  • talc or chalk - 3 g;
  • corn starch - 10 g;
  • zinc oxide - 1 g;
  • coconut oil - 10 drops;
  • the fragrance is 20 drops.

How to cook powder:

  1. Mix starch with zinc oxide and grind in a coffee grinder for 10 seconds.
  2. In a water bath we melt coconut oil. It will perfectly fix the aroma.
  3. Add the fragrance to the heated oil and, by drop, mix to the mixture. After that, we grind another 10 seconds in a coffee grinder.
  4. We apply a fragrant powder to clean and dried skin with light, slamming movements. Throughout the day, your body will be pleasant to smell.

For hygienic powder you will need:

  • rice flour;
  • cornstarch;
  • 15 drops of your favorite essential oil;


  1. Mix corn starch and rice flour in a glass jar.
  2. Add the essential oil of mint, rosemary, lavender or any other tonic aroma to this mixture.
  3. Close the jar with a tight lid and mix all the ingredients well. You can apply powder with a sponge.

The powder can be different, and its benefits are really invaluable - this is the protection from smog, dust and ultraviolet radiation, and giving a beautiful natural tone, and skin nutrition. You can make sure that today it is completely easy to make homemade powder for the face and body. The main thing is to stock up on patience and suitable ingredients.

Do -it -yourself powder. Video



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