
Paraffin therapy for the face and body. How to do paraffin therapy at home - instruction

Paraffin therapy for the face and body. How to do paraffin therapy at home - instruction
Paraffin therapy for the face and body: technology and selection of materials, recommendations, contraindications.

All women try to preserve their youth for a long time. Someone resorts to this to plastic surgery, and someone uses simpler methods. One of them is paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy procedure: Description

  1. Therapy of such a plan is a fairly effective way with which you can give the skin freshness. A special paraffin is used to conduct it. It has the properties of softening and moisturizing, therefore it is easily able to cleanse the skin of dead tissues, restore its structure and rejuvenate.
  2. The advantage of this procedure is that it can be applied anywhere, which needs additional nutrition and tonic. Most often, the procedure is done in hand, as well as in zones subject to cellulite.
  3. The effect of therapy will be visible at the end of the first session. It is pleasant enough and is carried out completely simple, so many even make it on their own at home. In this case, a cosmetic paraffin is first acquired. It is important that it does not include synthetic substances and dyes of artificial origin. It is good if paraffin is made on the basis of essential oils and other natural components. Such compositions have a more effective effect.
  4. During therapy, paraffin is applied to the skin in a molten state. It is better to melt it in a water bath. In this case, the container in which the substance is placed should be completely dry. All due to the fact that even a small drop of water can cause a strong burn.
  5. The substance begins to melt at 54 ℃ heat and has a fairly low thermal conductivity. That is why the heat of heat is very slow.

The benefits of paraffin therapy

It doesn’t matter where the tool is applied, its effect in any case remains exactly the same.

  1. When applying the composition to the skin, its temperature rises slightly. This leads to the appearance of additional space between the cells, which greatly facilitates the absorption of useful elements and vitamins that are contained in paraffin.
  2. The level of sweating also increases, so toxins and other toxic substances come to the surface. After applying paraffin, a thin film is formed, which does not allow water to evaporate, so after a while it is absorbed by the skin. Toxins are not absorbed and then leave with paraffin.
  3. At the place of application of the substance, blood circulation is stimulated, which helps the healing of abrasions and restores damaged areas of tissues.
  4. As soon as the temperature of the paraffin decreases, its volume also becomes smaller. During its application, the skin is smoothed, and swelling leaves.

Paraffin therapy: contraindications

Such types of procedures by nature are a kind of thermal compresses. Therapy is quite effective, but it cannot be used if the following problems are observed:

  • there are abscesses on the skin;
  • a person is sick with diseases of the cardiovascular type;
  • there is diabetes;
  • with hypertension;
  • with tumors;
  • if a person has a hypertrichosis;
  • there is a rosacea;
  • people with telangioectasia;
  • with a large number of warts.

Home paraffin therapy: What do you need?

  1. To perform this procedure, you will need:
  • paraffin for paraffin therapy, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or a cosmetic store;
  • polyethylene gloves (if the procedure is performed for brushes);
  • gauze -based napkin (to apply on the face);
  • film (for therapy against cellulite);
  • terry towel;
  • brush for applying a substance;
  • bath for paraffin therapy;
  • blade flat for applying a substance;
  • scrub;
  • cream with a moisturizing effect.
  1. A bath for paraffin therapy is not required to use. It is quite possible to replace it with some other convenient container.
  2. A set for paraffin therapy can be completely assembled in a pharmacy or a cosmetic store.

Paraffin therapy at home

This procedure is carried out easy, so many use it on their own. If you follow the instructions of the instructions, then the effect will not differ from the salon, but the costs will be reduced quite noticeably. Indeed, in the cosmetology room you will have to pay not only for the necessary materials, but also for therapy itself.

Hand -to -house paraffin therapy

  1. Conducting one session does not take much time, everything is done quite simply. Follow the following instructions:
  • start by warming up paraffin, it is better to do it in a water bath;
  • while the substance turns into a liquid, take care of your hands: remove the varnish from the surface of the nails, wash the brushes with soap well and apply a scrub.
  • use the cream with the power effect to enhance the effect of the substance on the skin;
  • as soon as the paraffin melts, place your hands in it;
  • hold them in this position for no more than 10 seconds;
  • take your hands out of the container and let the skin dry;
  • repeat the actions up to 7 times so that a thick layer of paraffin forms on the hands;
  • without removing paraffin from the hands, put on them gloves made of polyethylene, and on top of them - gloves made of terry fabric, this will help maintain heat for a longer period and enhance the effect of the effect of the substance;
  • you can remove everything from hand after half an hour;
  • link cream with nutritious effects on the brush and wait until it is absorbed.
  1. Paraffin therapy for the hand is carried out 2 times a month. For intensive restoration of the skin, it will be enough 4 - 5 times. This will help get rid of dryness and small cracks, bring your hands into a normal look.

Paraffin therapy: Instructions

  1. Heat the mass to a temperature of 80 ° C.
  2. Degrease the skin, but do not use alcohol -based substances.
  3. Using a special spatula, apply the composition to the skin.
  4. If the procedure is used to combat cellulite use a wrap film.
  5. Cover your legs with something warm.
  6. Lie in this position for 60 minutes. If suddenly a strong weakness or dizziness is felt before this time, then immediately you need to remove paraffin from the skin.
  7. Light the skin with cream for nutrition and moisturizing the skin.

One course of such treatment consists of 10 - 15 sessions. After therapy, you can massage the legs to enhance the effect.

Cold paraffin therapy for hand

  1. In this case, it is necessary to use paraffin with a low melting point. Such a substance in consistency resembles a cream.
  2. It is quite easily applied to the skin. It is necessary to distribute it with neat massage movements:
  • before use, clean the skin from dirt;
  • wipe your hands dry;
  • apply a scrub for hands;
  • apply paraffin using a brush, mainly one layer is enough;
  • put on plastic gloves;
  • pour gloves from Mahra on top of them;
  • hold them in your hands for 20 minutes;
  • remove the gloves and remove the remaining paraffin;
  • light hands with cream.
  1. The effect of this procedure is very long. After its end, the hands will remain tender and velvet for a long time when touching.
  2. In general, cold paraffin therapy is used on all parts of the body, except for the face. The basic rules for its implementation are the same.

Face paraffin therapy

  1. This type of procedure is used quite often for rejuvenation. With its help, it is very easy to return the skin to youth and a healthy look, to make it soft and elastic.
  2. Such a mask will help not only moisturize, but also return the water balance of the skin. Surgery and swelling disappears immediately. As a result of using this maxi, the face is noticeably tightened, and small wrinkles disappear. It is recommended to carry out therapy before going to peeling or facial massage.
  3. It is difficult to carry out such a procedure independently, because you will need an assistant who will apply the substance in layers on the face. At this time, you need to lie in the most convenient and relaxed state.
  4. What to do:
  • wipe the skin of the face with a tonic, it is important that there is no alcohol in its composition, because of which burns can then remain;
  • light the skin with a nutrient cream;
  • melt paraffin;
  • it must be applied quite quickly, it is best to do this through the brush;
  • start applying along the massage lines of the face: do this from the chin in the direction of the forehead, while you must definitely pass the zone around the eyelids, nose and lips;
  • put the gauze napkin on the first layer, which is better to prepare before the procedure, in it you need to make holes for the eyelids and nose;
  • a few more layers of paraffin must be applied on top of gauze;
  • put a towel over all this;
  • lie for another 20 minutes, try to relax;
  • remove the mask from the face and spread it with a moisturizing cream.
  1. Apply this substance for skin rejuvenation must be based on its condition. One course is from 5 to 15 applications. Masks need to be applied every other day.
  2. It is recommended to combine therapy with special gymnastics for the skin. This will provide a more noticeable result, and then you can not worry about the aging of the skin.

Foot paraffin therapy

  1. Such a session can be held for different parts of the legs. Very often it is used to combat cellulite.
  2. In this case, you will need not only paraffin, but also sea dirt, plankton, algae, minerals and vitamins. In order not to collect all the ingredients separately, you can buy a ready -made mixture of these components with paraffin.
  3. This type of procedure will reduce the amount of fat deposits. After its use, microcirculation normalizes, and the water-salt balance of the skin is restored. The body is cleansed of toxins, and the skin becomes more elastic and elastic.

Paraffin therapy for children

  1. This procedure is prescribed for children quite often. Paraffin has a therapeutic effect not only on the skin, but also on the muscles and internal organs of the child. Therapy allows you to expand the vessels and capillaries, relax the muscles, increase the intensity of metabolism, and relieve pain from the foci of inflammation.
  2. When applied:
  • in diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with problems with the peripheral nervous system;
  • if there are sprains of ligaments or strong bruises;
  • with spastic muscle contractures.
  1. Contraindications for the use of therapy are the same as for adults.

Paraffin therapy for children: how to do

  1. Melt paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Lay cellophane on a baking sheet and pour paraffin on it. Enough a layer of 1.5 cm.
  3. Wait for it to harden.
  4. Separate the paraffin from the film.
  5. You can use the substance only in warm, but not hot, condition.
  6. Attach it to the right place and cover it with a blanket to maintain heat.
  7. You need to keep for no more than 20 minutes.

Paraffin therapy: reviews

After applying this procedure, the condition of the skin improves significantly, wrinkles, swelling disappear. It feels like it becomes soft and velvety. The state of the body as a whole becomes better.

Sometimes dizziness may begin during the procedures. In such cases, therapy must immediately be stopped. This is rare, such symptoms indicate that paraffin has been held on the body for too long. To avoid such cases, you need to keep the substance on the body as little time as possible, which is slightly slightly increased each time.

Paraffin therapy: Price

In the salons, such a procedure is carried out at the wrong price. It depends on which part of the body therapy is carried out. For example, the hand procedure will cost from 200 rubles, for the legs - from 300 rubles, for the face - more than 300 rubles.

Paraffin therapy: photo

Before proceeding with the procedure, you can first view photos that show the main stages of action. This will help to avoid many errors in conducting therapy.

Paraffin therapy: video

Today, there are many videos on the network, which show the technique of therapy in detail. When combining theoretical knowledge with visually viewed actions, the procedure should not cause any problems and difficulties.

Paraffin therapy of the house is performed quite easily. At the same time, it is important to clearly follow the instructions in order to get the maximum effect of this procedure.



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