
Application of salt scrub

Application of salt scrub
Scrubs cooked at home with salt will help to care for the skin and hair.

Salt is a mineral of natural origin. Without it, life is impossible on earth. Salt is part of plants, fruits and vegetables. For normal vital activity, a person needs to constantly replenish the supply of salt in the body. In this matter, it is important to observe the balance, because in terms of health it affects both surplus salts and its disadvantage. Saluing salt threatens hypertension and overweight, and the disadvantage leads to a violation of sodium metabolism, which is manifested in such symptoms: the drying of the skin, weighing the muscles and a sharp weight loss. A person gets salt in its pure form by adding it to food as well as from food.

The use of salt scrub: cosmetic salt properties


Salt has a positive effect on the skin, so it is used in cosmetology:

  • whitens skin;
  • removes extra moisture and fat from the skin;
  • It has an antiseptic effect;
  • saturates skin with natural minerals;
  • It has a soft mechanical cleansing.

Salt is part of the peels, tonic, scrubies and exfoliating masks, which are manufactured by pharmaceutical firms. This wonderful remedy is used in spa for cosmetic skin care procedures. But the most affordable use of salt is the preparation of a salt scrub at home.

Salt Scrub: Tips

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In order for the salt scrub to bring the skin the maximum benefit, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. The scrub to clean the face will be much more efficient if it is applied to heated skin. To do this, you can use the usual compress: wet the terry towel in warm water and attach it to the cleaned skin for 7-10 minutes. After such a compress, the skin will become more susceptible to cosmetic procedures. Body scrub is better to use after a shower or bath.
  2. During applying scrub on the skin, care must be taken. On the face, the composition is applied on massage lines, and on the body - circular motions. It is impossible to make force when performing massage movements, it can injure the skin.
  3. It is not recommended to apply the scrub on the skin around the eyes and lips, as well as caution to massage the zone with the neckline.
  4. It is impossible to make a procedure if there are eating rashes, urets or dermatitis on the skin. This can cause skin infection and strengthen the inflammatory process.
  5. Optimal frequency for the salt scrub: for fatty and problem skin 1 time in 5-7 days, for normal and dry 2-3 times a month.
  6. The procedure is completed by the deterioration of the composition with warm water. Regardless of the skin type, after the scrub it is necessary to moisten the skin with cosmetic milk or light nutritional cream.

Salt scrub


Smooth velvet skin is impossible without the correct regular cleansing. The skin should not remain dead cells and decay products, which highlight the epidermis as a result of metabolic processes. Simple hygienic procedures for high-quality cleansing is not enough. Therefore, the scraping procedure is recognized as cosmetologists necessary. The most popular abrasive agent, on the basis of which scrubs are manufactured, is salt. 2 types of salt are used in cosmetology: marine and cooking.

  1. Sea salt is a natural product that is extracted from seawater by evaporation. Salt of seawater retains all the beneficial properties and trace elements in the sea moisture. Salt scrub, cooked on the basis of sea salt, nourish the skin of the sea minerals. Choosing a sea salt for scrub, you need to give preference to the product without fragrances and dyes. In the process of creating a scrub at home, sea salt granules are recommended to chop in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Salt salt is also a natural product, it is mined in underground mines. Despite the more modest composition compared to the sea salt, the cook salt has a number of benefits: it has pronounced antiseptic properties and is hypoallergenic.

Application of salt scrub: recipes

Cleansing scrub for problem skin

  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 1 tsp food soda;
  • 1 tbsp. Natural yogurt or sour cream.

All components of the scrub to connect. If the skin is very fat, the sour cream can be replaced with boiled water. Apply on the skin. Gently fingers to lose problem places with black dots. Scraper 5-7 minutes. After the procedure, it is possible easy to redness of the skin, you should not be afraid of the skin reaction to the composition. To calm the skin, apply a nutrient cream.

Toning scrub for normal and mixed skin

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For the preparation of scrub, components will be required:

  • 1 tsp shallow salt;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. Lemon juice.

This composition is a homely acid peeling. Salt and lemon juice work in a duet, cleaning and bleaching the skin. When performing the procedure, caution should be taken. In order not to cause skin irritation, the time of procedure should be no more than 10 minutes.

Soft scrub for dry and sensitive skin

To mitigate the aggressive action of salt in the scrub, you can add flour. It is best to grind oatmeal or rice in a coffee grinder, but the usual wheat flour is suitable.

  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. water or milk;
  • 1 tbsp. shallow salt.

From the flour and liquid to prepare Cashitz, add salt to it. It is impossible to store the composition, so immediately apply it to the skin and massage 2-3 minutes. Leave the scrub on the skin for another 5-7 minutes, then you can remove it with warm water.

Body Salt Scrub


Body salt scrub removes dead surface skin cells, removes excess moisture, making the skin smooth and taut. Some components of body scrubs are used to prevent and get rid of cellulite, as well as for the removal of stretch marks and skin irregularities. The composition is applied to clean skin, after which the massage is carried out using the palm or sponges from natural raw materials. Duration scrub - 10 minutes. Then scrub with water residues are removed, the skin gets wet towel and a light cream smeared.

The composition of body scrubs include such basic components:

  1. Table salt or sea salt.
  2. Butter. Choose exactly what suits your skin, you can only. To prepare a body scrub, you can use any oil. If you prepare scrub for the future, a part of you can not add almond oil, because it is very rapidly oxidized. Better add olive or canola. Good composition scrub make massage oils, they are adapted to the skin and kept for a long time. You can enjoy and corn or sunflower oil, is suitable peach and grape seed oil.
  3. Skin after scrub is fragrant aromas, if part of the added essential oils. To aroma scrub was harmonious, consider the other components in the composition means. For example, if the composition includes lemon or orange peel, it is possible to add essential oil of citrus. In order not to cause unwanted allergic reactions, essential oil should be no more than 5-7 drops.
  4. Additional ingredients. To improve the composition can be added to oatmeal, organic coffee, citrus peel, honey, dried herbs, dry green tea bags.

The use of the salt body scrub: recipes

A simple recipe for body scrub with a moisturizing effect

  • 0.5 cups of salt;
  • 3 tbsp.l. olive oil;
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil.

This scrub is well kept in the refrigerator if it is packed in a jar and close tightly.

Body Scrub orange


The composition has an excellent tonic effect. Scraping the skin after the procedure will be velvety and toned. Orange peel can replace the lemon or grapefruit.

  • 2 tbsp. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. orange zest, grated on a fine grater;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil of orange.

Scrub with honey body


Honey has the ability to moisturize and feed the skin with the useful substances contained in it. In addition, honey has a bactericidal and reducing effect, so the skin after the honey scrub becomes gentle and elastic. How not to remember after such a procedure of our grandmothers, which in the bath gripped honey. Still, women are very developed intuition, they always know what to use for beauty and health!

  • 1 tbsp. large salt;
  • 1 tbsp. high-quality honey;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.

All components mix and apply to the skin. After easy body massage, the composition can be washed off with water.

Cellulite salt scrubs


Scrubs with salt help to fight with the advent of "orange peel" on the hips of modern girls. To do this, the scrubies include different ingredients: natural coffee, sugar, citrus singer, chopped almond bones and apricot. Use such scrubs is better in the complex with proper nutrition, because only cosmetic procedures will not be able to defeat cellulite.

Salt scrub + natural coffee

Girls who have tried on their skin the magic effect of natural coffee, do not agree to other types of scrubies. The coffee scrub improves blood circulation in the skin, which helps to restore and increase skin elasticity. After regular use of the scrub, the swelling is due, irregularities caused by cellulite and leather flaws. The scrub is popular with girls leading to themselves after childbirth, to fight stretch marks.

  • 2 tbsp. Natural ground coffee of large or medium grinding;
  • 2 tbsp. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil.

All ingredients mix, optionally you can add a few drops of essential oil. The composition is ready for use. On problem areas to apply scrub. For 8-10 minutes, massage the body with a washcloth, then rinse the composition with warm water.

Salt scrub for cellulite with sugar

The effectiveness of this scrub is caused by two abrasive materials. Preparing it is very easy, just from the fact that there is in every kitchen. Scrub with salt and sugar helps to make the skin smooth and pleasant to the touch, remove bumps and stretch marks on the skin. The composition may very well be stored in the refrigerator.

  • 1 cup salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 0.5 cup vegetable oil.

In the scrub on request you can add cinnamon or dry green tea. They contain antioxidants that have a positive effect on the skin and accelerates the intracellular metabolism in the epidermis.

Salt scrub head

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Scrubs with salt help to care for hair. Moreover, these procedures are so effective that it is not inferior to manipulations carried out in prestigious beauty salons. All recipes for head scrubs can be divided into 2 categories:

  • scrubs for hair restoration and growth acceleration;
  • Scrubs for cleansing hair.

Application of saline scrub: recipes

Getting started to cook scrub, it is necessary to consider the type of hair. If the hair is fat, it is possible to include clay, which, together with salt, will eliminate curls from excessive fat content. With dry hair, it will be very useful to add to the scrub fermented milk products: natural yogurt, kefir or yogurt.

Hair scrub is recommended to apply 1 time per week with fatty and normal hair, if the hair is dry, then the optimal period will be 2 weeks between procedures. Like all cosmetics, the scrub will bring more effect if it is applied to the course of 5-6 procedures.

The prepared composition is applied to clean wet hair over the sample. Then the skin is massaged for 10 minutes. It improves blood circulation in the scalp and allows nutrients to penetrate the structure and to the roots of the hair. After that, the scrub is removed with warm water.

It should be remembered that in dermatitis of the scalp, rays and scratches, it is impossible to apply a salt scrub. It is not recommended to use a scrub with salt for painted hair. Salt can promote rapid flushing of pigment and the appearance of dullness.

Salt scrub for oily hair with clay

Divide 2 tbsp. Blue clay in 1-2 tbsp. Warm water before receiving Cashitz. Add 1 tsp. Sea salt crushed in a coffee grinder. Scrub is ready for use.

Salt scrub for dry hair

For preparation, 2-3 sheets of aloe, indoor plant will be required. Grind leaves on a meat grinder.

  • 2 tbsp. Aloe Leaf Cashes;
  • 1 tbsp. shallow salt.

Even after the one-time application of this scrub, hair becomes smooth, shiny and obedient.

Salt scrub to accelerate hair growth

Prepare candy infusion. For this, 1 tbsp. Dry nettle pour 1 cup boiling water. Capacity cover and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, the infusion is strain. Ingredients for the preparation of salt scrub:

  • 1 tbsp. salts;
  • 2 tbsp. Understanding;
  • 1 tbsp. Natural honey.

This scrub not only activates hair growth, but also improves their appearance.

Salt scrub hair. Video

How at home to prepare a salt scrub to care for hair.


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