
Application of salicylic acid from acne, instruction. How to use Salicylic Acid from acne at home - recipes

Application of salicylic acid from acne, instruction. How to use Salicylic Acid from acne at home - recipes
Today, many women to treat acne use a large number of penny pharmacy products such as salicylic acid. Based on this solution, you can make a large number of different facilities for the care of the face and treat acne.

Each girl wants to look amazing and well-groomed, having a clean and fresh skin and hands. The meager number of beautiful girls can boast just perfect skin of the face, most of the time from time to time faced with the most different problems. These are freckles, a variety of moles and warts, pigment stains and, perhaps, the most terrible acne and acne. It is acne and acne deliver the largest number of problems and headaches for girls and women.

Most often, cute ladies rushes to buy the most expensive drugs and even a series, but not always from them there is a positive result. Much more efficiently draw your attention to more affordable funds existing in almost every first-aid kit. One of these is salicylic acid - a real wand-cutter in the treatment of acne and inflammation on the skin of the face.

In this article, we consider the features of using salicylic acid from acne, reveal the basic properties and scope of this drug. We give an example of the most popular and frequently used recipes from acne with salicylic acid.

Acne Salicylic Acid - Definition and Properties of the Preparation

Salicylic acid is so habitual and budget pharmacy that often we forget about the miraculous effect of this drug. If you look good, the salicyl acid bubble is found in the first-aid kit for each girl. In addition, the composition of many cosmetic lotions and creams for the treatment of acne and acne is precisely salicylic acid. When visiting a cosmetology cabinet, you can also offer quite affordable and efficient peeling salicylic acid. This is a budget, cheap and such a simple and ordinary tool can be a rescue in the fight against the most different acne, acne and other inflammation of the skin of the face, which could not cure expensive imported drugs.

Consider what is the secret of salicylic acid against acne. Undoubtedly, every girl will doubt whether salicylic acid from acne helps, and it is no wonder, because it is worth it to dope. In essence, salicylic acid is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug, which can be used for external use as a disinfectant. For the first time, this remedy was synthesized at the beginning of the 19th century from plant materials, namely the bark of the willow tree and the leaves of ordinary raspberries. At first, it was precisely this tree that was a source of salicylic acid solution. Later it began to produce using carbon dioxide according to the studied technology.

Today you can go to any pharmacy and purchase a bottle of salicylic acid solution from acne different percentage of alcohol content: Salicylic acid 1%, salicylic acid 2%, salicylic acid 3%, salicylic acid 5% and 10%. For home use it is recommended to acquire 1% salicylic acid and 2%. Also, pharmacists can offer you Salicyl Ointment Out other means based on salicylic acid.

Properties of salicylic acid

  • One of the most valuable for the treatment of acne properties of salicylic acid is its drying effect. After you have shown point, salicylic acid from acne, the use of other means will not need. Within 2-3 days your pimple will dry up and fall off. However, if you have a more serious problem with the skin of the face and there is a lot of acne, it is best to use special recipes from acne with salicylic acid or a bolt, as they are called in everyday life. So you will not burn your face skin, however it will be needed a little longer.
  • If there are spots after acne on your face, salicylic acid will help them cope with them. After acne pass, there are rather unpleasant spots after them, which spoil the whole look. Salicylic acid after applying penetrates the skin very deeply and provides a good blood flow to damaged skin areas. And this, in turn, contributes to the renewal of the skin and the disappearing of spots from acne. However, in this case, it is important not to cut the skin.
  • Salicylic acid helps from acne, as it struggles with the cause of their appearance - with bacteria and microbes. Sometimes pores on our skin are clogged, which prevents the normal output of the skin. This is the reason for the appearance of a comedone, hitting where, bacteria cause inflammation and the appearance of all hated acne and acne. In this case, salicylic acid will help to destroy these harmful bacteria. However, it is worth being very attentive, because this drug kills and useful bacteria, so it is important after the use of acid to use soothing tonic and cream.
  • Many girls and guys appear a problem with excessive selection of sebum, which leads to increased fatty skin. With the help of salicylic acid, you can adjust this process.
  • If there are black dots on your face, salicylic acid is also able to help. After applying it to problem areas, black dots are discolored and dissolved over time.
  • Due to the presence of acid in the solution, you can successfully deal with pigment spots. This drug may be slightly whiten the skin and flatten the skin tone.

As you can see, salicylic acid has a number of distinct advantages that can help cope with bored acne and other problem skin.

Who can use a salicylic acid acne

Salicylic acid is quite dangerous drug, so when it is used it is important to be careful. Always use a salicylic acid acne according to the instructions, do not think the larger cause, the better the effect. It will only get worse. As with all drugs, salicylic acid has a number of indications and contraindications, which is to adhere to, so as not to hurt yourself and your skin.

  • First of all, salicylic acid solution can not be applied to people with very dry skin. If your face skin constantly peels, salicylic acid with alcohol content will aggravate this process. You can try to use alcohol-free solution, but also very carefully. When complete intolerance of salicylic acid you can get burned.
  • If you have sensitive skin, after the application thereto of salicylic acid or a mash of acne with salicylic acid, be sure to use a nourishing cream or ointment, such as panthenol. So you reduce the negative effects of the drug.
  • It is also not recommended to use salicylic acid in the winter. Given the characteristics of the climate, the skin, and so much dries.
  • Do not apply salicylic acid for all skin swab, it must be applied, for example, a cotton swab dot.
  • You can not use salicylic acid twice a day.
  • If you have dry or combination skin, it is best to use salicylic acid without alcohol content, ie in the form of lotions.
  • If you have a problem to wipe the skin with salicylic acid, it is necessary to limit and stop the use of other drugs, particularly alcohol. This can lead to severe skin peeling.
  • It is not recommended to use salicylic acid during pregnancy and lactation.
  • If you have too oily skin and increased sebum production, you can use salicylic acid to normalize the skin glands and reduced fat face.
  • When using salicylic acid is not recommended for a long time to be in the sun, as this may cause the appearance of age spots, from which are also very difficult to get rid of.
  • It is impossible to use salicylic acid all the time, it will help lead to the appearance of peeling and dry skin. It is recommended to take a break for about 2-3 weeks.

Medical and cosmetic preparations containing acne salicylic acid

In any pharmacy or cosmetic store you can purchase a variety of products and preparations with salicylic acid content. It can be both the most budgetary and cheapest agents and expensive, released under the brand brand. Do not immediately chase expensive and think that they will become panacea from all your problems with acne. It is worth trying cheaper and affordable preparations, such as a conventional solution of salicylic acid. We present the list of the most popular forms of preparations containing salicylic acid in different concentrations.

  • Salicylic acid alcohol solution. It is sold in a pharmacy and can be with different alcohol content: salicylic acid 1%, 2%, 3%, 5% and 10%. For home use, a solution is suitable with an alcohol content of no more than 2%. Such a drug must be used very carefully, since the peeling of the skin can begin due to the content of alcohol.
  • An aqueous solution of salicylic acid. In addition to the alcohol solution, you can purchase aqueous, which is more gentle by the skin of the face and does not cause burns and peeling.
  • Salicyl ointment. This active ingredient, which includes alcohol of different concentrations. In total, the ointment with an alcohol content from 2% to 10%. As noted above, at home it is better to use funds consisting of no more than 2% of alcohol. A similar ointment acts as a scrub and well cleans the skin of the face, especially with a large accumulation of acne. However, it is worth remembering that the use of salicyl ointment is needed no more than once a day and in small quantities, otherwise you risk getting burns.

  • Salicyl cream. It is practically the same as ointment. The difference is only the density of the drug.
  • Various powders and pastes from acne with salicylic acid content. Such a preparation is very convenient to use at home, especially when pointing. There is a minus of such a means - the talc contained in the composition cloculates the pores that produce skin fat.
  • Lotions. Such drugs do not contain alcohol, so ideally suited for regular use. They do not dried the skin and kill all harmful bacteria. In a pharmacy or store you can purchase such lotions for different types of skin.
  • Peeling. Also a very effective cosmetics to combat acne. Most often contains a mixture of organic acids. With it, you can remove the upper layer of oroging cells and fight black dots.

Any means containing salicyl acid in its composition must be used very neatly. First of all, it is important to check the skin on an allergic reaction, and then then use the drug.

How to use Salicylic Acid at home - instruction

Most often, we prefer to use salicylic acid yourself at home. However, such experiments may result in serious problems if you do not comply with the instructions for the use of a salicylic acid solution at home.

  • If you first decided to try to fight with acne salicylic acid, remember that it is best to purchase 1% or 2% solution in a pharmacy. You should not take with a great content of alcohol - the skin can start to peel.
  • It is further important to make an allergic test for salicylic acid Go other components of the drug. To do this, a small amount of solution is applied to the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow and is withstanding for several hours. If redness or itching has not appeared, salicylic acid can be used to treat acne.
  • Wipe skin salicylic acid is recommended in the evening. Pre-cosmetic milk or tonic need to carefully clean the skin.
  • If you have only a few acne or inflamed areas of the skin, it is recommended to apply salicylic acid point. To do this, lower your cotton wand into a bottle with a solution of salicylic acid and attach it to the voyage for a few seconds. Do not handle the whole face in this case.
  • Curly lubricate acne can be in the morning and in the evening.
  • If you have more serious acne problems on your face, then the whole face can be wiped with mortar. To do this, moisten a piece of cotton or cotton disk with salicylic acid and gently blocked the skin. You should not rub the solution into the skin, it begins to act at the first touch.
  • After applying the acid, it is recommended to withstand it for 15-20 minutes, after which it was washed with warm water.
  • At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizing and nutritious cream type Panthenol, which will calm your skin on the skin.
  • When using salicylic acid for acne treatment, do not be afraid of light plugging and tingling. This is normal, because you use acid.
  • In the treatment of one or more acne such a procedure, spend within 2-3 days. During this time, the pimple will power to mature and dry. In the future, even within a few days, it is recommended to lubricate distressed areas in order to prevent the secondary appearance of acne and to remove spots from acne.

Side Effects when using Salicylic Acid from acne

  • The skin reaction to the application of salicylic acid can be different and manifest itself individually.
  • In some cases, a rather strong allergic reaction may appear. To prevent it before the procedure, swipe the test.
  • On the skin of the face, redness and irritation of varying degrees of severity may appear.
  • Redness after the application of salicylic acid can be accompanied by a slight or strong itch.
  • There may be severe dry skin or her peeling.
  • With excessive use of salicylic acid or with a large alcohol content in solution, burns of the face of the face may appear.

In the manifestation of any side effects, it is immediately necessary to stop using a solution of salicylic acid and seek advice to the dermatologist.

Acne Salicylic Acid - Reviews

Today, many are looking for real reviews on the Internet for the use of various drugs to decide whether to use them or not. A large number of reviews and stories can also be found about the use of salicylic acid or bolts with it for the treatment of acne and spots from them. Many reviews can be complemented by photographs of salicylic acid from acne before and after.

  • Natalia. I have quite serious problems with the skin of the face. Periodically appear large rashes of acne. All the time I used expensive means that constantly changed in the hope of finding the most optimal and efficient. However, the ideal result did not reach. Recently, my mother advised me to make a salacy acid tank and wipe the skin for some time. The result was pleasantly surprised me, and the cost of the procedure pleases. Now I use only such a solution.

  • Paul. In my 17 years, the question of the fight against acne was quite acute, which often appeared on the skin of the face. I had to sit on the diet to remove the reason for their appearance, but completely acne did not disappear. Something on the Internet came across an article on salicylic acid as an acne treatment agent. It was interested in me, so I decided to try. With the help of a 2% salicylic acid solution, I could remove annoying acne and even small spots from old acne. I definitely recommend this tool, the main thing is not to overdo it.

  • Olga. Salicylic acid I use for a long time. I have never had a global appearance of acne on my face, but the single fastened in the most inconvenient places - on the nose or forehead. For treatment, it is enough to moisten a wand in the solution and wipe the pimples. Literally a few days of such use, and the pimple is like. For my skin, the main thing after the procedure is used to use the cream so that there is no dryness. And so everything is super and the result is always pleased.

Acne Battle - Recipes with Salicylic Acid at home

In addition to alcohol solution, salicylic acid and all sorts of drugs with a content of this fund, at home, you can use my own prepared chatters and lotions that can help you cope with acne. We present the most popular and efficient recipes.

  • A bolt from acne with salicylic acid and leftomycetin. This agent is perfect for oily skin and fights well with acne in adolescence. For the preparation of such a bolt, except Levomycetin need boric and acne salicylic acid. Take 50 ml of boric acid and alcohol, add 5 grams of a 2% solution of salicylic acid and 5 grams of Levomycetin tablets. Mix everything well and wipe the skin in the evenings.

  • A bolt from acne with salicylic acid and leftomycetin. In this recipe, aspirin tablets are used as a source of salicylic acid. Take 2 aspirin tablets and 2 Levomycetin tablets. Distribute them into powder and add 50 ml of alcohol. All mix well and wipe these skin.
  • Battle with streptocide and gray. Such a tool will help to cope with large red acne, guns and subcutaneous acne. Take 50 ml of 2% salicylic acid solution, 7 grams of streptocide, 7 grams of sulfur and 50 ml of boric alcohol. Mix well and wipe the face with the resulting skin once a day.
  • Facial mask with bodie and clay. With salicylic acid, you can cook both masks that will help you fight acne. For this option, buy in the pharmacy of Bodhaga and any cosmetic clay. Bodhage and clay are mixed in different proportions and are bred with warm water to the state of the casher. After that, a couple of drops of salicylic acid is added to the tool, everything is well mixed. Apply on the skin of the face, withstand 15 minutes and wash off warm water.

  • Lotion for oily skin. For this recipe, there will be salicylic acid, lemon juice and chamomile tinctures in proportions 1: 0.25: 2. The resulting mixture must be stored in a cool place and use two times to wip the skin of the face.
  • Anti-inflammatory lotion. Take 1 tbsp. Dry calendula colors and fill their half cup of salicylic acid. Give the solution to strengthen the same day, after which it is straining it and for use, dilute one tablespoon in 1 cup of warm water. Wipe the skin in the evening.

Salicylic acid is an excellent budget tool for the treatment of inflammation of the skin of the face and acne. However, one should not consider this drug in real panacea and apply thoughtlessly and carelessly.


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