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How soda affects the skin of the face. Treatment of face skin with soda. How to bleach the skin with soda at home, face masks with soda

How soda affects the skin of the face. Treatment of face skin with soda. How to bleach the skin with soda at home, face masks with soda
Stunning cleansing of the skin of the face with soda - features and rules of care, contraindications, recipes.

Healthy and well -groomed skin is the result of high -quality and regular care. But this does not mean that you need to buy exclusively expensive cosmetics from world brands. You can perfectly cope with this task with the help of simple ingredients surrounding us in everyday life. For example, an excellent tool against difficult to displayed black dots, pimples, freckles and other skin defects is ordinary and all of us familiar baking soda. Read more about how soda affects the skin, how and why it is worth it in the list of the most necessary cosmetics for the face and skin.

Unique properties and benefits of soda for skin

Soda for the skin is a natural detergent that can replace soap and foam for washing, demacky products. Just a couple of minutes and the epidermis is flawlessly cleaned of tonal cream, dust, skin fat.

Despite simple composition and accessibility, soda is often used in cosmetology. Its soft, but effective effect on the skin helps to fix a lot of skin flaws, improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prepare the skin for other cosmetic procedures.

The main properties of soda in relation to the skin:

  • The anti -inflammatory property - washing or peeling using the powder eliminates the skin of redness, foci of rashes, swelling.
  • Cleaning - cleaning the skin with soda quickly releases clogged pores, rinses sebaceous fat, removes the remains of makeup.
  • Scrubbing - small particles of soda are washed out of the pores of dirt, remove black dots, remove the dead epidermal cells. After that, the skin is updated, while traces of inflammation are completely absent.
  • Disinfectant - soda powder destroys the microbial flora, contributing to the excretion of acne, boils, as well as healing of damage to the skin.
  • Bleaching - you can easily remove freckles, pigment spots or bleach the skin with soda.
  • Expansion of pores - this effect after applying to the skin allows it to “breathe”, be cleaned of pollution well and deeply absorb beneficial substances from creams or masks.
  • Antifungal - the drug completely destroys the spores of fungi of mold, candida, etc., therefore it is used both for the treatment of fungal lesions of the face, and for the legs, head and other parts of the skin. In addition, soda is useful for the scalp, it removes dandruff and the reasons for its appearance.
  • Absorbing - soda masks perfectly absorb toxins, decay products of microorganisms, radicals from the upper skin layer. These substances in large quantities are located on the skin and are very poorly removed by ordinary soap.
  • Restoring-food soda normalizes the water-base balance of the skin and promotes regeneration and rejuvenation of cells.
  • The effect of "anti-age"-soda for the skin of the face plays the role of anti-aging agent. It does not just update the epidermis, but smoothes the first wrinkles, pulls the oval of the face.
  • Softer - soda softens water, which prevents skin dehydration, supports the functionality of capillaries and freshness of the face.
  • Anti -burn - soda solution helps the skin more likely to recover after sunburn.

Advice! Soda is a faithful assistant for people with a fat or combined type skin. But for dry skin, it can only be used occasionally and necessarily followed by moisture.

Soda for the skin: indications and possible contraindications

Soda has several contraindications that are not categorical, but to take them into account before the start of its use in cosmetology is still worth it:

  • Thinned, flabby, prone to dryness and peeling skin.
  • Opening, bleeding skin injuries.
  • Damage to the skin with a thick vascular mesh.
  • Skin hypersensitivity and skin diseases.

Advice! To make sure of whether the baking soda for your skin is suitable, conduct a test. Prepare a small amount of soda gruel and drive, spread the bend of the elbow from the inside, and wait a few minutes. If you notice a burning sensation, redness or itching, give up this tool.

Options for using soda for skin in home cosmetology

Caring for the skin with soda, you can not be limited only to masks. In fact, there are many effective ways to prepare “soda” skin products. Consider all available options:

  • Soda mask is an ideal option for careful cleansing and full nutrition of the skin of the face. The mask copes well with excessive fat content, pigmentation, rashes.
  • Scrub for the skin - after application, the skin becomes soft, smooth, matte. The pores are well cleaned, the exfoliated ball of dead cells is removed.
  • Soda washing solution is an antimicrobial treatment-preventive agent for acne and furunculosis. After regular use, the skin is pulled and refreshed.
  • Lotions - this method of using soda for the skin around the eyes helps to quickly eliminate traces of fatigue. In 15 minutes, swelling, dark circles, pallor of the skin disappears.

How to properly use soda in skin care

Masks or scrubbing based on soda are suitable for skin of any age and type, but the final result largely depends on the correct use of “soda” products.

  • The frequency of applying funds from soda to the skin of the face or body is determined by its type: for dry skin it is acceptable to do 1-2 procedures in decade, and for oily-4-5 per week.
  • The duration of the mask or scrub is from 3 to 20 minutes. If the procedure is slightly extended, cleansing the skin with soda will be deeper, but it will be greatly dehydrated, it will become dry and tight. Therefore, it is better to spend several short sessions, instead of one long.
  • The mask is applied to the face zonally, excluding the area around the eyes and lips.
  • The use of soda recipes should be only to solve a specific problem, but just for prevention, it is better to choose more gentle means.
  • Regardless of which area of \u200b\u200bthe skin a soda mixture was applied to, then you need to apply a moisturizer or body milk.
  • The exfoliation of the skin of the face and neck of the neckline in the summer is best done in the evening. If you get involved in this procedure in the morning, falling under the sun, the skin will be more covered with pigment spots.
  • The influence of pure soda on the skin is aggressive, so this product must be combined with water, oils, vitamins.
  • The use of soda powder should be in the full cycle of skin care: cleansing or exfoliation of soda, then tonic, moisturizing.

The best recipes with facial skin soda

There are plenty of options for soda compositions for skin care. All recipes are characterized by the composition and, of course, the way of use, only the main component - soda, or nutrients can be presented in them. Consider the most effective combinations of masks and scrubs that deserve special attention in home cosmetology.

Soda for dry skin - nutrition and moisture

Dryness of the skin entails not only a poor face appearance, but also contributes to a faster aging and the appearance of all kinds of defects in the form of peeling, sagging, redness. Soda is not a source of moisture, but rather, on the contrary, enhances its evaporation. But with a competent combination with moisturizing agents, it is quite possible to achieve full moisturizing and purification at the same time.

Car masks with baking soda for dry skin:

  • With floral honey, soda, peach oil. In equal shares, mix the ingredients, apply to the face, wash off after 7-10 minutes. The mask is used three times a month. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores its surface, removes small wrinkles.
  • With linden honey, soda, red clay and herbs. Brew a weak infusion of the grass of chamomile, calendula or coltsfoot, take 2 tbsp. l. The resulting liquid and dilute in it 1 tbsp. l. clay. Then add 30 ml of milk, ½ tsp. soda powder, 15 g of honey. Stir the components, apply them to the face, wash them in 10 minutes. The mask not only moisturizes, but also pulls up the skin, slightly brightens its tone. To lighten the skin with soda, 3-4 procedures will be needed. If the skin is very dry, it is better to replace the clay with oatmeal flour.
  • With soda, egg yolk, fresh yeast. Pick 30 g of yeast with a pinch of sugar and wait until they start to bubble. Enter the yolk, 1 tsp. soda, mix the components. Hold the mask for exactly 15 minutes, then rinse off its remains from the face. In addition to the effect of moisturizing, the epidermis is additionally disinfected, rashes are underway.
  • With kefir, rice flour, soda. In 100 ml of sour -milk product, mix 2 tsp. rice flour (you can ground rice in a coffee grinder) and 1 tsp. soda powder. You can use the product as a scrub, but then the amount of kefir must be reduced by half.

Advice! Soda helps with sunburn. In a glass of cool water, mix 5-10 g of soda, rinse the burnt places. Then moisten a cotton napkin in this solution and attach to a burn for a quarter of an hour. After that, pain and redness of the skin will decrease.

Soda for oily skin - antibacterial effect and cleansing

Fat gloss, very open pores, pollution - not the best friend for the skin of the face. To refresh, fill the skin with vitamins and resume the normal functioning of the glands on the face. The following recipes will help:

  • With soda and soap (children's or household). Grate a small piece of soap on a grater, mix two pinch of soda and 1 tsp to it. drove. Apply gruel to the most fat areas and black dots. Hold the product for 12-15 minutes. During this time, tingling, burning can be felt - this is normal. Then wash off the chamomile infusion.
  • With oatmeal and soda. It will be necessary to grind 3 tablespoons of oatmeal to the state of coarse flour, add 1 tbsp to them. l. soda, and dilute with water to the consistency of sour cream. The scrub is applied to the face, rubbed into the skin for 3-4 minutes, washed off. To better cleanse oily skin with soda, you can slightly change the proportions and mix soda with flakes 1: 1.
  • With citrus juice (lime, orange, grapefruit) and soda. Squeeze 25 ml of juice, add ½ tbsp to it. l. Soda powder, dip the brush to apply the mask to the mixture and apply the product to the face several times. Rinse the mask with light spraying movements after 20 minutes.

Advice! In the fight against acne, antibacterial soda solution is useful. In a glass of boiling water, completely dissolve 1 tsp. soda powder. Let the product cool slightly, drip 2-3 droplets of tea tree oil. Wash your face and immediately apply a moisturizer to the skin.

Soda for bleaching the skin of the face - removal of pigmentation, tone leveling

Non -visible pigment spots, freckles, uneven skin color can be fixed not only in a cosmetic salon. Such masks will cope with these problems:

  • With lemon oil, soda and salt. In equal parts, mix salt, soda powder, sugar. Then drip 1-2 droplets of oil and add 1 tbsp. l. Oil-Ozov. The mixture has a peeling effect. It is applied to the face with further rubbing into the skin. In the process of the procedure, all contaminants are removed and the upper keratinized layer of the skin is removed. Thanks to this, black dots disappear, pigmentation.
  • With kaolin, hydrogen peroxide and soda. In order to completely whiten the skin of the face with soda, you need to take all three components in the same amount, stir and apply to a steamed face. After 10-15 minutes, it should be washed with cold water to wash off the mask and help the purified pores narrow.

Note! Soda, it turns out, is also an excellent remedy for swelling around the eyes. If you did not get enough sleep, you are very tired, brew 20 g of sage grass in a glass of boiling water, then add ½ tbsp to it. l. Soda powder, dip the cotton pads in it and attach to the eyes. You will notice the effect after 20 minutes.

Soda treatment with soda - recipes for the head, body

Soda can be safely added to the list of universal tools for caring for the whole body. After all, she not only takes care of the purity of the skin of the face, but also helps to get rid of dandruff on her head, fungus on the legs, and some experts even claim that there are successful experiments for the treatment of skin cancer with soda. Briefly consider options for using soda for body skin.

Soda from dandruff on the head

If it enters the scalp, the soda interacts with fat and dandruff, and then successfully washed off with them in the process of rinsing hair:

  • Pour 50 ml of warm water into any container, add 10 g of soda and 2 tbsp. l. Shampoo. Shame the components, apply on your head, grate the roots and rinse right away.
  • Take 200 ml of water, 2 yolks, 2 tbsp. l. soda and 50 g of vodka. Mix everything, apply to the scalp and curls, rinse with warm water with the addition of 2-3 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar.

Soda from body fungus

Soda has the ability to kill most fungi, because they do not survive in such an alkaline environment. With her participation, soda paste or solution is prepared and the fungus of the legs, head, and genitals are successfully treated:

  • Soda solution - for 5 liters of warm water, 2.5 tbsp. l. soda and ¼ tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. In this solution, arms or legs are immersed for 20 minutes (if a large area is affected, it is better to prepare a whole bath with soda for the skin). Repeat the procedure every three days before the cure.
  • Soda paste - you need to take 50 g of soda powder and gradually pour water into it until the mixture becomes pasty. Then the paste is applied to the affected area and fresh lemon juice is buried on top of it. After that, a chemical reaction occurs. The paste is washed off in 5 minutes. Procedures may need 10 or more, depending on the type of fungal infection.

Soda for the skin - reviews

Having tried such a cheap and affordable product as soda, many women immediately replaced them with expensive scrubbing and cleaning masks and did not regret it. Many note that soda in a correctly selected dosage helps adolescents survive the acne period, and older people - stop the appearance of boils and acne.

Often use soda for the removal of kamedons - black dots on the face. Soda masks expand the pores, stretch dirt and gathered fat, and completely cleanse the skin of third -party formations.

But by inexperience, often women burn sensitive skin with soda. Due to the excess of the specified amount or too long rubbing into the skin, redness, soreness and swelling of the face appear instead of cleansing.

Soda is a universal assistant in the house. Now you know one of its property, indispensable in cosmetic skin care. Use this tool with caution and then your skin will look healthy, clean and snow -white.

Facial facial soda at home. Video



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