
The use of sea buckthorn oil for the skin of the face. Facial masks with sea buckthorn oil at home

The use of sea buckthorn oil for the skin of the face. Facial masks with sea buckthorn oil at home
The use of sea buckthorn oil for the skin of the face: beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, features of application, recipes.

Today, sea buckthorn oil is one of the trends among cosmetics used to care for the face. With its help, you can conduct a fairly effective struggle with changes in the skin of the age type.

Sea buckthorn oil - therapeutic properties for the face

  1. This substance is obtained from the fruits of the crushy sea buckthorn. Berries are collected only in special places where the trees are planted in an organized manner. During periods of ripening, all berries are collected. But the most useful qualities are fruits with the color of a bright orange shade. Such places are under guard, they are not so simple to get on them. The collection of berries without permission will be considered poaching.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil is highly valued due to its composition. This plant belongs to the drug group. It has a lot of vitamins and other components that dissolve well in water and fats. All these components are well absorbed by the human body.
  3. Sea buckthorn is a plant, the content of vitamins in which exceeds any other crops of the drug type. The most important of them are vitamins:
  • E: This substance is present in the fruits in a considerable amount, in the prepared oil, its volume will be about 240 g per 100 g of used fruits;
  • K: This component in the quantity in the sea bundle exceeds rose hips and black currants;
  • C: This vitamin is also contained in a fairly large amount: 1300 mg per 100 g of fruits.
  1. In addition to these components, there are also phenol -type compounds, which allow you to keep the vessels in tone, as well as the skin. Some elements also contribute to the prevention of pathological tissue growth.
  2. This composition helps to accelerate the process of skin restoration. It is especially effective when using it as a means for healing burns. In two weeks, it restores up to 20% of the skin of the body.
  3. The healing properties of this oil have been tested more than once, but no side effects or contraindications have never been discovered.

Sea buckthorn oil for the face: Properties

  1. The oil has a considerable amount of useful properties: restoration of the skin, wound healing, the fight against inflammatory processes.
  2. The most important is antioxidant effect. Various factors are constantly affected by the human skin, for example, ultraviolet. Because of it, antioxidant protection of the body ceases to work, because The load is quite high.
  3. This leads to the aging of cells, the course of pathological processes in them. Therefore, in order to prolong the skin of youth, prevent the occurrence of cancer and simply maintain a reserve of the forces of your body, antioxidants must enter our body.
  4. During the use of sea buckthorn oil for such a purpose in the body, important components will be preserved in the right state. This is facilitated by vitamins E, C and carotenes contained in the composition of the product.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil is a whole complex of natural substances that provide a sufficiently powerful protection to the skin.

Sea buckthorn oil for the face: application

Today, this substance is used in several ways. In different cases, external or internal use may be more appropriate. The first option is suitable in the presence of burns, cuts or some skin injuries. The second option provides for the presence of intestinal diseases, problems with the stomach.

In cosmetology, sea buckthorn oil is used for such purposes.

  1. For the prevention of aging. Usually it is prescribed to maintain the tone of the fading skin, because This is a set of vitamins that will easily be absorbed.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles. Oil is able to soften the epidermis and fight the problem of dehydration. In general, skin tone after a course of such treatment is always improved.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil for acne. There are elements that actively fight with inflammation on the skin in the composition of the oil. It also has an antiseptic effect. The composition is quite well in suppresses the pathogenic microflora, so the inflammations disappear quickly enough, and there are no scars and scars.
  4. Having a healing effect on the skin. This composition is mainly used to accelerate the process of regeneration of the skin of the skin. It allows you to heal the wounds not only around the edges, but also helps the formation of young skin around the entire perimeter of the wound. After closing the wound, the oil is continued to use to soften the skin and prevent the appearance of scars.
  5. For moisturizing and fostering the skin. This type of treatment is prescribed only to owners of dry skin type. Especially often this composition is used in winter, when the skin is most necessary for constant nutrition.

Sea buckthorn oil for the face how to use: oil is applied to the affected areas in their pure form without diluting. In the presence of burns, it is applied through applications. Often, various masks are prepared from oil that have a comprehensive effect on the skin of the face.

Sea buckthorn oil at home

  1. This substance can be used independently. There are several options: use in pure form and laying masks. In the first case, it is simply applied to the desired areas of the skin for a while, after which it is removed from the surface of the excess.
  2. In the second case, sea buckthorn oil for the skin of the face is connected to some other components. First you need to decide for what purpose the mask will be applied. Depending on this, the composition of the mask is selected. Each of them has its own differences not only in effect, but also in the duration of its application.

Face masks with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil in a face cosmetology is used for different purposes, but before its use it is necessary to take into account several factors.

  1. In order for the composition to bring more benefits, you need to prepare it taking into account the properties of all components.
  2. For masks, it is best to use frozen sea buckthorn. It preserves all the beneficial substances well and does not cause any allergic reactions.
  3. When using fresh berries, pay attention to the fact that the mask can be kept for no more than 10 minutes on the face.
  4. The choice of oil should be carried out quite responsibly. When choosing a composition, it is especially important to pay attention to its appearance. The oil should be painted in a bright orange shade. It should be dense, and its smell-oily-mountain. The optimal content of carotenoids in the composition is 180 mg by 1%.
  5. Before applying the composition to the face, make sure that it will not cause an allergic effect. To do this, apply a little bit on the wrist and leave for 15 minutes. If, after removing the composition from the skin after 2 hours, there are no signs of allergies, then the mask can be safely applied to the skin of the face.
  6. Before applying the substance to the face, you need to steam the skin well. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use infusions of linden, chamomile, calendula, and other drugs of the drug type.
  7. For the skin of the face, it is better not to use mashed potatoes from sea buckthorn or oil in an undiluted form. The oil contains a lot of fat, so it can greatly paint the skin and poorly remove from the surface of the skin.
  8. The mask is applied to the skin in a heated state. The most optimal temperature is 35g. This allows you to enhance the effect of the composition.
  9. The mask rests on the skin for no more than 20 minutes. Too often, it is not recommended to carry out the procedures with oil so that the face does not acquire a yellow shade.
  10. The mask is washed off carefully. First you need to use warm and then cold water. After removing the composition from the skin, you need to use a moisturizing cream. In the summer, it is better to go out into the street two hours after the procedure. This is because during this period the epidermis sharply increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 1: Nourishing

  1. This option is recommended to be used in winter to maintain skin condition and protect it from frost, and in the summer - from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. How to cook:
  • measure 1 t.L. oils and warm it up;
  • combine sour cream with oil - 2 tsp.;
  • mix.
  1. Please note: the mask will have the best effect if the sour cream was chosen. Apply the composition to the skin for 20 minutes twice a week.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 2: Toning

  1. Such a tool is used to fill the skin with all the elements it needs. With it, you can maintain the elasticity of the skin and improve its color.
  2. Preparation of the mask:
  • 1ch. l. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil is well warmed up;
  • add the yolk to it if the skin type is dry, or protein, if it is oily;
  1. This mixture is often used as a lifting agent. During the application of the mask, it is necessary to be in a horizontal position for 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the composition twice a week.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 3: Prevention

  1. This mask is used as a prevention of wrinkles. It can also be used to combat the already emerging wrinkles. It is most effective in it affects small and superficial wrinkles.
  2. Cooking process:
  • take 1 tsp. oil and warm up;
  • 2 tsp. honey must be melted on fire;
  • then mix the ingredients.
  1. The product must be applied warm. Honey is a good antiseptic, so it is recommended to be used to protect the skin and combat inflammation. Oil enhances this action.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 4

Sea buckthorn oil in its pure form can be applied to the lips at night. It will have a nutritious effect, so that you can forget about peeling.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 5: Rejuvenation

  1. This mask will have an anti -aging effect on the skin of the face.
  2. How to cook:
  • place Kaolin in a bowl;
  • take the sea buckthorn in a frozen state (40 g) and pour boiling water;
  • after some time, remove the water and place the berries in a blender for grinding;
  • mix the resulting puree with clay pain (20 g will be needed);
  • add 1 egg protein to the mixture;
  • interior.
  1. This mask is used once a week for 2 months.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 6: Mask for moisturizing

  1. Take liquid honey - 5 ml and mix it with sea buckthorn oil - 5 ml.
  2. Heat the resulting composition on the water. Bring the composition to a temperature of 35 gr.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture with 20 g of sour cream, the optimal fat content of which should be 20%.
  4. Mix all the components well.
  5. Apply a mask with a thick layer.

Face mask with sea buckthorn oil. Recipe 7: Mask against wrinkles near the eyes

  1. In this case, it will be necessary to prepare a composition based on sea buckthorn oil and cocoa. Such a tool will have a softening effect and level the skin, so it is great for use in areas around the eyes.
  2. For a more effective effect, you can add vitamin E. Mix all the ingredients in this proportion: 5: 20: 5 \u003d sea buckthorn oil: cocoa oil: vitamin E.
  • first melt the cocoa oil;
  • then connect it to the other two components;
  • cool the composition in the refrigerator;
  • apply in cold form.

Sea buckthorn oil for the face: reviews

  1. Already many women have tried on themselves the action of masks based on the oil of this plant. Today, there are many reviews on the network about this tool.
  2. Most women remained quite obtained results: the skin becomes more fresh, small wrinkles disappear, dryness disappears, inflammation disappears, pores narrow. The mask did not cause any side effects.
  3. Some are unhappy that after undergoing a course of treatment, the skin changed its shade to yellow. This is due to improper use of masks.
  4. If you keep it on the skin more than the due date or use it more often, then this result will not work. In general, those who used this tool were satisfied with them.

Sea buckthorn oil is a fairly effective remedy that helps eliminate wrinkles, get rid of inflammation, giving the skin more freshness and has a tonic effect on the skin as a whole. Today it is one of the most commonly used tools in cosmetology, which has no side effects.



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