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The use of nicotinic acid on the face is instructions, reviews. Nicotinic acid masks for facial skin

The use of nicotinic acid on the face is instructions, reviews. Nicotinic acid masks for facial skin
Nicotinic acid: benefits, how to use, precautions. Recipes of masks with nicotinic acid. What is the effect of the effect?

Nicotinic acid is a completely different substance contained in tobacco products. These are vitamins B3 and PP, which are in the body in minimal quantities in each person. If acids are not enough, it immediately becomes noticeable - the skin on the face loses elasticity, sagging, peeling appears, and the complexion changes. To prevent this from happening, nicotinic acid for the face will help.

Where is this substance present? In plant products, as well as in animal products: buckwheat, beets and carrots, pumpkin, celery, fish and meat (only white), as well as offal (liver) and even mushrooms. In some plants, there is also a small amount of vitamin PP: in sage, ginseng, roof burdock, rosehip and hops. You can help your body in different ways: to establish nutrition and resort to cosmetic procedures.

What is the benefits of nicotinic acid for the skin of the face

This substance in small quantities is present in cosmetics.

Vitamin PP helps:

  • expand small vessels;
  • improve complexion;
  • refresh the skin;
  • accelerate metabolic processes, remove toxins;
  • activate cellular metabolism;
  • promotes to improve the condition in inflammatory processes.

Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP is an indispensable product in the treatment of certain diseases. So, acid helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, improve the patient's condition with deviations in the digestive organs, with a lack of vitamins and even in the treatment of insufficient body weight (anorexia).

Nicotinic acid for the face in ampoules and tablets is sold.  One unit contains a lot of vitamin PP, as well as vitamin B3. Moreover, the cost of such a useful substance is available for each buyer.

Acid in a tablet form is prescribed for oral administration, and in ampoules - for injection subcutaneously and intramuscularly, for the preparation of homemade skin care products (foam for washing, lotions, masks and cream).

Useful properties:

  1. Moisturization, expansion of pores.
  2. Healing of small wounds and cracks, rashes on the skin.
  3. Improving blood circulation in cells, which leads to an improvement in skin tone.
  4. Acid is actively fighting not only rashes, but will also help in the fight against freckles, pigment spots.
  5. It removes excess fluid from the tissues, removes the "bags" under the eyes.
  6. It has a slight tightening effect - the skin becomes elastic and elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  7. Protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation - and this is an excellent prevention of neoplasms.

Nicotinic acid for the face - about precautions

Vitamin PP is widely used in cosmetology. Sometimes a jar of a miraculous cream with nicotinic acid is ten times more expensive than the packaging of ampoules purchased in a pharmacy. Therefore, in pursuit of beauty, many girls have long learned how to save and look attractive.

Before you start taking acid and preparing skin care products, read this information:

  1. Be sure to make a test in an allergy test before applying a mask or cream with the addition of acid. If the skin began to “burn”, there is severe itching and even burning, then the product must be immediately washed off with water.
  2. With very dry skin, this substance is forbidden to use.
  3. If there are open cuts or wounds on the skin, wait until they drag out.
  4. With a vascular grid on the face.
  5. About the frequency of use of masks: To see the result, it is necessary to conduct a course of procedures within 2 weeks, then a break of 6 months.
  6. The daily dose of the useful substance is only 2 ampoules (or 4 acid tablets). It is extremely dangerous to exceed the specified dosage.

Nicotinic acid for the face. Application

The benefits of homemade face masks are of great importance, because all active components, including acid, quickly penetrate the deep layers of the skin. As a result, blood circulation improves, cells begin to be more actively renewed and the result can be seen after several applications.

Moisturizing mask with nicotinic acid for the face

In order to prepare a mask, you will need:

  • nicotinic acid in ampoules - 1 pc.;
  • olive fruits oil - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp

How to prepare a cosmetic product:

  1. Pour oil into the bowl, add honey. Put in a water bath or in a container with hot water. It is necessary that the honey melts and the whole mass warm.
  2. In the oil-honey mixture, pour the acid ampoule, mix.
  3. Keep in mind that the finished mixture must be applied immediately to the skin, while fresh. It is allowed to leave the mask for 1 hour, but no more. The medicine gradually evaporates and there will be no benefit from such a product.
  4. If there are no ampoules, then take nicotinic acid for the face in tablets. Instead of one ampoule, you need 2 tablets, they need to be chopped into powder.

How to apply correctly:

  • before the procedure, the skin needs to be cleaned, removed, wiped with a tonic. Ideal - make a steam bath (use herbal decoctions instead of water). Such preliminary preparation will help the pores to open and then you will get a maximum of nutrients;
  • use a soft brush to apply a mask to cleansed skin. The product can be applied with fingers, evenly distributed and hold for about half an hour or a little more;
  • rinse - with ordinary water, but not cold, but not too hot. Do this: wash yourself with warm water, then hot and cold. Contrast hardening will not damage your skin. She will only be grateful to you.

You can also make a mask according to this recipe: take olive or linseed oil (only 1 tbsp), add 3 drops of acid, mix, apply to the face. Keep 20 minutes. Be prepared for redness of the face, this is a reaction to nicotinic acid. After 15 minutes, everything normalizes.

How to make a mask from acne with nicotinic acid for the face

Nicotinic acid is simply salvation for the skin of the face, especially when it is necessary to eliminate the visible cosmetic defect.

We make a mask of such ingredients:

  • a decoction of calendula and birch buds - 1 tbsp.;
  • acid in ampoules - 1 pc.;
  • cokos oil - 1 tsp

We make a mask like this:

  1. Mix dry flowers and birch buds in equal proportions (in this case, 1 tbsp), pour half a glass of water, make a rich herbal decoction.
  2. Strain the decoction, pour only 3 tbsp, add heated oil and acid ampoule, mix.
  3. The mask must be applied to the skin prepared in advance (cleansed, steamed) with a napkin. Take a cosmetic napkin, moisten in liquids, put on the skin. The exposure time of active components is about 30 minutes.
  4. Then the napkin must be removed, washed with warm water.

Result: pure radiant skin, without redness and rashes.

Cleaning mask with nicotinic acid for the face. Recipe 2

Preparing such a mask a little faster and easier, perhaps this option will like it more.

List of components:

  • nicotinic acid in ampoules - 1 pc.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
  • cosmetic white clay - 1 tbsp.

How to make a mask:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. lemon juice, add the same amount of water, pour the ampoule of vitamin PP, mix.
  2. Add white clay to the liquid mixture, mix again. The mask should turn out by consistency, like thick sour cream. If it doesn’t work out, pour a little more clay powder.
  3. You need to apply a mask to cleansed skin, preferably steamed. After 10 minutes, clay will grab, so laughing, talking and in general, moving a lot is undesirable. It is better to relax and listen to pleasant music.
  4. Rinse the mask with warm water.

Result: purified, radiant skin, without oily shine.

Nicotinic acid for the face. Reviews

Girls and women who managed to evaluate the action of acid are very pleased with the result. The skin is noticeably pulled, rashes go away, the complexion improves, small wrinkles are smoothed. The skin becomes young and beautiful, a light blush appears.

Alexandra, 33 years old: “For the first time I decided to try to make such a mask. Honestly, the sensations were special. I did not expect that after applying nicotinic acid, the face would “burn” like that. In a panic, she wanted to wash off the mask, called a friend who shared a recipe. It turns out that it should be so. After the mask, the skin was like a baby. I am satisfied with the result, I make a course of such masks and I advise all my friends. ”

How to make a smoothing mask from wrinkles with nicotinic acid

In order to get rid of small wrinkles and smooth the deep, it is necessary to take half of the acid ampoule, add the same amount of hyaluronic acid and apply this mixture to prepared skin. You can with your fingers or with a cotton pad.

Mask with honey and egg: Prepare a spoonful of liquid honey and a chicken egg protein, add nicotinic acid (5 drops) to this mixture, as well as the pulp of half the banana. The tropical fruit should be overflowering. Put the mask on the prepared face, leave for 15 minutes. You can do every day.

Nicotinic acid for the face. How to get rid of spots and freckles?

Nicotinic acid is quite successfully used in face cosmetology to cleanse the skin, get rid of rashes and small wrinkles, as well as to remove the stains, pigmentation and even freckles.

We prepare a mask from these products:

  • liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  • 1/4 lemon juice;
  • nicotine acids - 5 drops.

The mixture must be applied to the skin, leave for 10 minutes. Then wash off with water. Use the mask at least 2 times a day. We recommend that each time make a new portion of the mask, then you will notice the effect after a week of applications.

We get rid of black dots with the help of such a tool: thick cream (2 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), crushed fresh raspberries and 1/4 of the acid ampoule. Everything needs to be thoroughly mixed, applied to the skin, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water!

Nicotinic acid came to the face, what to do

What if the preparation of a cosmetic mask did not work as we would like? A few drops of undamosed nicotinic acid fell on the face. Just a few minutes later, a bright red spot appeared on this place. What to do in this case and how dangerous it can be?

Nothing terrible will happen if you have no allergy to this substance. Otherwise, with a strong burning, redness, dizziness and even nausea, it is urgent to wash off the acid with warm water.

How to neutralize the effect of acid:

  1. Rinse the affected area abundantly with water directly from the tap, the duration of washing for about 15 minutes.
  2. After such a water procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the plot with a solution of soda (baking soda 1 tsp. Dissolves in a glass of water).
  3. Do not touch the place of redness with your hands.
  4. If you feel strong weakness, the pulse is reduced, and the breathing is rapid, then you need to drink tincture of valerian in an amount of 15 drops.
  5. In difficult cases, it is necessary to call a doctor at home or get a consultation from a specialist.

The expected effect of the use of masks with nicotinic acid for the face

So is it worth trying or better to buy a ready -made disposable mask in the store? Most girls argue that after the first procedure, the result, as they say, on the face: the skin brightens, shines, pulls up, wrinkles are smoothed, and the oval of the face improves.

With gray skin color, insufficient nutrition, living in megacities - such a mask will become a real salvation for your skin. Excessive bodies are eliminated, freckles, spots and pigmentation disappear, the skin becomes healthy, toned, a beautiful blush appears. And for women prone to the formation of pigmentation, such masks are simply indispensable, especially in the warm season, when the skin becomes very vulnerable in front of bright sunlight.

Try and you make a mask with nicotinic acid to extend youth and abandon painful expensive rejuvenation procedures.



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