
The use of wheat germ oils. Wheel of wheat germ for face, hair, eyelashes and skin. Properties of oil of wheat germ

The use of wheat germ oils. Wheel of wheat germ for face, hair, eyelashes and skin. Properties of oil of wheat germ
The beneficial properties of wheat germ oils. How to use concentrated and diluted wheat sprout oil.

Nature has created for humans many products with rare health and regenerative properties. For example, natural oils that are extracted from different plants are characterized by a complex composition, a harmonious composition of vitamins, hormones, mineral and biologically active substances. Particular attention deserves the oil of wheat germ. From the depths of centuries to this day, the product is successfully used in the therapeutic and cosmetic sphere. Read more about the features of the use of wheat germ oil.

Natural products are always in fashion. Today we will introduce our readers to one of the most valuable vegetable oils. If you want to feel the delighted glances of others as long as possible, certainly replenish your piggy bank of beauty with oil from wheat sprouts.


Useful raw materials are obtained from juicy wheat sprouts by cold pressing. To preserve the maximum number of valuable components in the composition, only fresh material is selected for oil production. High -quality oil is a dense substance of beautiful green color, which has a pleasant fresh smell. The product is almost not amenable to oxidation and is well dissolved during dilution.

Wheat jacket oil is appreciated not by chance - it really cares for the face and body perfectly. The product has become a valuable cosmetic product thanks to a rich chemical composition. Here are the useful components there were discovered there:

  1. Fat -soluble vitamins. This includes vitamins A, D, E, F, K. These are natural blood circulation catalysts, which also have strong antioxidant properties. Under the influence of such a vitamin complex, the skin is smoothed and restores its former elasticity. The muscles also come to a healthy tone, which positively affects the dynamics of the work of such muscle organs as the heart and uterus. Without these vitamins, the body is not able to absorb other beneficial substances: vitamins C, B and trace elements.
  2. Vitamin B. is an indispensable component of cellular metabolism. Vitamin is water -soluble by nature, so without its presence the human body cannot function normally.
  3. Allantoin. The substance is formed when potassium permanganate oxidizes urinary acid. In the young wheat shoots, a high level of this natural antibacterial agent with a pronounced bactericidal effect was noted. The presence of allantoin in wheat sprouts explains the effective effect of the product against acne and black dots.
  4. Badge. "Ambulance" for the body. The representative of the group of unsaturated hydrocarbons is a potent wound healing substance. In addition, with the participation of a squale, general immunity increases. For the first time, the substance was obtained from the liver of a shark, but an analogue of wheat germ oil is more appreciated, since it is a plant component.
  5. Octacosanol. With the participation of this biologically active substance, the ability of the skin to absorb oxygen during active physical exertion increases, as a result, its surface layer becomes more elastic, and muscle tissue is formed more actively. Octacosanol is a natural antioxidant who, on the basis of its high activity, quickly connects free radicals.
  6. Zinc. The chemical element is directly involved in the formation of red blood cells. The substance as soon as possible suppresses an inflammatory reaction, and this, as you know, is the main condition in the fight against acne.
  7. Selenium. Natural aphrodisiac, which is often used to stimulate and enhance libido.

Remarkable properties of wheat germ oils

The product is unusually valuable for the fair sex. He is able to have a large -scale effect of a cosmetic nature on the female appearance:

  1. Massage of unsightly areas on the body using wheat germ oil is characterized by increased efficiency - the product establishes blood circulation in places affected by the notorious orange peel, and, accordingly, improves the appearance of the skin.
  2. The oil strengthens and fuels hair follicles, the state of the hairstyle improves noticeably.
  3. After a course of cosmetic procedures based on a product from wheat sprouts, wrinkles on the face become less noticeable - the positive effects of the beneficial components of the oil (phytosterol, tocopherol, polyunsaturated acids) affects.
  4. The skin after contact with the cosmetic oil of wheat germ is pleasantly surprisingly surprised by special velvety and referred. Thus, the epidermis responds to linoleic acid, vitamins B and E as part of a natural remedy.
  5. Allantoin, which is rich in a natural product, puts in order a micro -relief of the skin, refreshes and moisturizes its tissues, reduces the manifestations of pigmentation.
  6. Oil strengthens tooth enamel and nails (with complex external and internal therapy).
  7. Long -term use of the product is expressed by a slight bleaching effect.
  8. Masks made of wheat germ oil show a sedative effect in relation to sensitive skin, prone to irritation.
  9. The use of a natural product makes stretching on the skin less noticeable, increases its elasticity (zinc, retinol, copper and sulfur in oil stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in tissues).
  10. On the surface of the skin, wheat germ oil acts like a natural scrub, slightly exfoliates its horn layer and narrows the pores.

Due to the large amount of vitamin E, the benefits of oil of wheat germ for female attractiveness are truly huge. The competent use of the product is a simple and pleasant way to preserve youth.

Who should not use wheat germ oil

The action of a valuable natural remedy is not always positive. The use of such oil is completely contraindicated to certain categories of people. The limiting factors are as follows:

  1. Cooperosis. In the presence of a vascular mesh and sprockets on the face, use wheat germ oil is risky. The product activates blood circulation and stimulates metabolism, which only complicates the course of the disease.
  2. Extensive skin damage. Wounds that do not drag on for a long time, and wheat germ oil are incompatible. The oily consistency of the product forms a film on the skin that overlaps the access of oxygen to the wound surface. Under such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms will appear in damaged tissue and rapidly multiply, so the regeneration process will slow down significantly.
  3. Plastic surgery. Wheat germ oil has excellent regenerative properties, but in this case it is not used for speedy skin healing. Applying the product to the skin after plasticity can end with infection and thereby suspend the recovery process.
  4. The seams after surgery. Damage to the skin of this nature can be equated to an open wound, which means that the oil sprout oil must be postponed before its healing.

How do wheat germ oil is used

There is an internal and external way of using a useful product. Many drink wheat sprouts as a food supplement. The tool helps in the treatment of the peripheral and central nervous system, overweight, cardiovascular diseases and hormonal background. The oil has a beneficial effect on people who are restored after a long period of the disease. The internal use of the product also helps people suffering from insomnia on the basis of constant stress.

Typically, oil is taken for 1 ml daily for 30 - 60 days. For more comfortable use in the pharmacy, oil germ oil in capsules is sold. The doctor prescribes the dosage and frequency of their use individually, in accordance with the diagnosis of the patient.

For cosmetic purposes, wheat sprout oil is used externally. The main jewelry of a woman - skin, hair and nails - perfectly react to such care from the first sessions. In addition, the product is a successful addition to the treatment of wounds, burns and acne. The consistency of the oil of wheat germ is quite dense, so for convenience, the product can be mixed with olive, almond oil or avocado oil (their structure is easier). At the same time, they adhere to proportions 1 to 4.

The product in concentrated form is used only in limited areas of the skin: wrinkles, irritation, and loaded areas of the skin. Oil is not used on the entire skin of the face - there is a risk of complete blockage of small pores. Also, an undiluted tool cannot be applied to delicate skin around the eyes.

The use of diluted oil of wheat germ at home

To stay young and beautiful as long as possible, women and girls actively use wheat sprout oil in home cosmetology. The tool is used as a mineral and vitamin supplement for finished cosmetic products, as well as a component of homemade creams and lotions, masks, remedies for makeup, cleansing the skin, hair care and nails.

Wheat germ oil for dry skin

To soften dry skin and moisturize it, prepare a special mixture based on wheat germ oils. To do this, dilute a dense remedy with a light olive or almond oil in a ratio of 1 to 3. Every evening, apply a moisturizing agent with a cotton disk before going to bed.

Oil germ oil for oily skin

To slightly reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, due to which the face constantly shines, it will allow a mixture of wheat germ oil with grape seed oil (proportion 1: 4). The tool is applied to problem areas before going to bed.


This tool will help to refresh the stiffing skin of the face: in 3 tsp. Add orange, mint and sandalwood oil oils with wheat germ - each 1 drop. Pissing a thin towel from natural fabric with a useful mixture and put on the face. The anti -aging applique action time is 25 - 30 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for skin, which is often inflamed

Mix 3 tsp. The main component with 2 drops of cedar and 2 drops of lavender oil. The healing composition must be moistened with a towel of fabric and attach to the face for 25 minutes. Try to relax and relax during this time. Such a beauty session will not be in vain - problem skin quickly says goodbye to inflamed areas.

Wheat germ oil for uniform skin tone

To whiten the skin and leve it, mix 3 tsp. Wheat oils with 1 drop of lemon or orange essential oil. Cover the face with a thin layer of fragrant agent for 20 minutes. No need to wash off the mask, just get your face with a paper cloth. To achieve the maximum effect, the procedure is repeated in the morning and evening for 25 days.

Wheat germ oil from a mose of wrinkles around the eyes

To prepare a tonic product, 3 tsp will need. Wheat sprout oils, sandalwood oil and nrooli oil 1 drop. With light “stomping” fingers, apply oily liquid to problem areas around the eyes and wait for it to be completely absorbed.

The use of undiluted oil of wheat germ in home cosmetology

The concentrated product acts more powerfully and purposefully than its diluted analogue. However, you need to treat the skin on the face in this way very carefully. It is the most safe to use the undiluted tool pointwise.

Wheat germ oil for problem skin

Lubricate small burns, acne, acne and abscesses with a small amount of oil. It will quickly relieve inflammation and tighten damaged areas on the skin.

Wheel germ oil from wrinkles on the face

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, the concentrated tool also process areas on the face predisposed to the formation of wrinkles in the first place: forehead, nose bridge, nasolabial triangle, external corners of the eyes.

Grysteen oil oil

It is convenient to use the undiluted tool for dry and weathered lip skin. Just spread a little oil with your finger on the lips and do not wash. Also, wheat sprout oil can be applied to healthy lips to protect them from bad weather.

Nail wheat

The daily use of concentrated oil will help strengthen constantly laying nail plates. Typically, the first positive results are noticeable after a week of regular lubrication of nails with a useful tool. It is not worth using nail polish at this time. If the nails are prone to fungal diseases, 1 drop of essential lemon oil, which has excellent disinfectant properties, add 1 drop of wheat germ.


After aggressive impact of curling, staining or building, weakened cilia need special care. Wheat germ oil will contribute to their speedy strengthening: lubricate the eyelashes from the middle to the ends. The oily liquid itself will cover the cilia to the very roots and at the same time will not get into the eyes. The procedure is repeated once every 2 to 3 days for 2 months.

If the skin of the eyes is too sensitive, wheat germ oil is mixed with rose oil in equal parts. A delicate consistency and the composition of such a mixture will insure you from the development of allergies.

Wheel germ oil from stretch marks

To make gross strias on the skin less noticeable, apply wheat sprout oil every day, and then rub it with massaging movements. The results will be especially impressive if you apply such a procedure to fresh stretch marks.

In the fight against a cosmetic defect, special cocktails are also used. For example, mixing oil of wheat germ with calendula oil 1 to 1 or with cocoa oil in a proportion of 1 to 8 is mixed. The product is very nutritious, with good regenerating properties.

Wheat germ oil against cellulite

Anti -cellulite massage with undiluted oil sprouts of wheat is done every other day. To improve the results, for massage, you can use banks or a special nozzle with dumb protrusions. The procedure accelerates blood circulation in problem areas of the body and increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Hair wheat germ oil

Against the background of regular hair care using wheat germ oils, curls get rid of fragility, dryness and dull color, become obedient in circulation. Other problems disappear: hair loss, irritation of the scalp.

As a means for express control of severely damaged locks, we offer such a hair mask with oil germ oil: first, a concentrated agent is applied to the scalp for 1-1.5 hours. For 2 months, arrange wellness sessions 2 times a week.

Then some adjustments are made to the recipe: the main component is mixed with Jozhoba 1 to 1 oil. The mixture is not only distributed over the scalp, but also applied from the roots to the ends of the hair. The mask is washed off after half an hour.

In order for the effect of a healing agent on the hair to be constant, 1 tsp.  A spoonful of oil is added to a bottle of neutral shampoo for daily shampoo. Judging by the reviews, this method of applying oil of wheat germ has a favorable and prolonged hair effect. Over time, the energy reserve of hair will be replenished and it will be possible to move away from daily use of oil.

Buying oil of wheat germ will not be difficult - the product is sold in any pharmacy. It is produced by numerous manufacturers, but, according to the girls who compared the product of different brands, they did not notice the significant difference in the properties of the natural remedy. The price of oil of wheat germ is quite democratic - from 90 rubles. per bottle of 100 ml. If you have not used this product yet, be sure to check the healing power of a small wheat grain - you will not regret it.



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