
Atraumatic facial cleaning - features of the procedure, reviews, photos before and after. Holy Land atraumatic cleaning - how to use

Atraumatic facial cleaning - features of the procedure, reviews, photos before and after. Holy Land atraumatic cleaning - how to use
Atraumatic facial cleaning is a gentle, but effective way to overcome problems on the skin of the face. Read more about this method in the article.

With age, every woman can notice the unpleasant changes on the skin of the face. Pigmentation, withering of the skin, black dots, the frequent acne, comedones and other unattractive problems are an occasion to consult a cosmetologist. Today, a specialist of this kind can offer you a huge number of ways to solve these problems. One of the methods is atraumatic facial cleaning. This procedure has already won many fans, thanks to gentle execution and good result. In this article, we will describe the essence of atraumatic facial cleansing and all the features of the procedure.

Atraumatic facial cleaning. What is this

In general, atraumatic facial cleaning is sufficiently a gentle procedure, it is absolutely painless and has a maximum skin protection level.  Such a procedure is carried out using special cosmetics. It is noteworthy that the drugs have practically no contraindications, do not cause allergies and irritation of the skin and are allowed to use even people with sensitive and thin skin or rosacea.

The most obvious effect after atraumatic facial cleansing can be seen for people with the following problems:

  • roubing the skin due to acne;
  • photo of the skin of the face;
  • seborrhea;
  • wide pores;
  • black dots;
  • comedones;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • too oily skin;
  • withering of the skin of the face;
  • small wrinkles of the facial type.

Atraumatic facial pure is a kind of peeling for the skin with chemicals.

Modern cosmetologists use more than 50 different chemicals for this procedure, depending on the problem.

Atraumatic facial cleaning is divided into three types:

  • deep peeling (performed when scarring of the skin or facial wrinkles);
  • average peeling (with the above skin problems);
  • light peeling (to maintain a good condition of the skin).

Atraumatic facial cleaning can be used at any age, at any time of the year. After the procedure, there is no redness, swelling or any other unpleasant manifestations that usually occur during mechanical cleaning of the face. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that atraumatic facial cleaning is not recommended to do if:

  • there are cuts or abrasions on the skin;
  • there is a pronounced rash with pustules;
  • you have a herpes in an active stage;
  • you have dermatitis.

Atraumatic facial cleaning is also prohibited to people who have individual intolerance to any components of the drugs.

During the procedure, the doctor himself selects the drug to you, depending on your problem. In general, the most common funds are based on such acids:

  • dairy;
  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • pyrovinoshedral;
  • wine;
  • salicylic;
  • retinoic and other acids based on organic compounds.

According to the reviews of atraumatic cleaning of the face, many female representatives note noticeable improvements after the first procedure. And with constant procedure, a positive result is maintained and improved.

Atraumatic cleaning. Protocol of the procedure

As mentioned above, atraumatic facial cleaning is a completely painless and safe procedure. It should be carried out exclusively in the cosmetic office of the relevant specialist. In general, the procedure is sufficiently simple and passes in several stages.

  1. First you need to wash off cosmetics and wash using a cosmetic for washing. Many experts in this area recommend washing first with cold water, then warm, that is, to conduct, the so -called, contrasting shower for the face.
  2. The second stage is intended to prepare the skin for the effects of acid. To do this, a mask, lotion or light peeling based on fruit acid in a low concentration is applied to the client’s skin. At the same time, the product acts on the skin in such a way that dead keratinized cells are peeled off the surface of the epidermis.
  3. Further, the specialist removes the previous remedy from the skin and makes a light massage on his face, which contributes to even more pore disclosure and softening pollution inside them.
  4. Further, the cosmetologist should make a vacuum, galvanic or ultrasound cleaning of pores, depending on the global of problems on the skin.
  5. Then a special acid -based mask is applied to the skin, which is the essence of atraumatic facial cleansing.
  6. After the main process, an antiseptic is applied to the skin, protecting you from infection and unpleasant consequences.
  7. At the end of the procedure, a special cream is applied to the skin, which is designed to narrow the pores.
  8. In the final stage, a special powder is applied to the face, which over the next few hours will protect your face from pollution.

In general, the procedure lasts from 45 minutes to one hour.

It is worth noting that although the procedure is easy to perform, you should not do it with inexperienced cosmetologists and, moreover, yourself. Atraumatic cleaning of a person should be done exclusively by a professional trained in this technique. Indeed, with improper use of funds, atraumatic facial cleaning can have consequences in the form of a chemical burn. In addition, when conducting this procedure, it is very important to choose the desired one from the variety of drugs, the one that is right for you and will cope with your problem.

Atraumatic cleaning. Prices

Depending on the problem, the price of atraumatic facial cleansing can range from 15 to $ 30. It should be taken into account that the course of treatment should be 3-5 procedures, with an interval once every 10 days.

Atraumatic reading of the face before and after

As already indicated above, many women note an improvement after the first procedure. Having passed the course of treatment, a positive result becomes obvious and persists for a long time.

Atraumatic facial cleaning photos and after-

Atraumatic cleaning Holy Lend

Recently, most cosmetologists prefer to use cosmetics of Holi Land for atraumatic facial cleaning. This is a whole complex of Israeli preparations, with the help of which the facial skin is improved. The essence of these drugs is not only to get rid of visible problems, but also to moisturize, nutrition and maintain a healthy state of the epidermis using cosmetic products: masks, lotions, scrubs, cosmetic solutions, etc. Also, with an athletic reading of holi Land, the skin is disinfection due active antibacterial properties and anti -inflammatory effects.

In general, such advantages of the use of cosmetics holi Land can be distinguished with atraumatic facial cleaning:

  • safety. Holi Land preparations pass several stages of inspections and are made by the best specialists using the latest technologies;
  • preparing the skin for the main procedure. With atraumatic cleansing of the face of holi Land, solutions are previously applied to the skin, which soften the skin and carefully, but sparely prepare it for subsequent acid peeling;
  • excellent antiseptic properties;
  • the possibility of an individual selection of the drug depending on the type of skin. Atraumatic facial cleaning using cosmetics holi Land is allowed even to people with dry, thin, sensitive or rosacea;
  • the possibility of local processing of certain areas of the face.

Atraumatic facial cleaning. Video



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