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Oil use from stretch marks

Oil use from stretch marks
What are the oils from stretch marks

Stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that bothers many women. Most often they appear in the hips, buttocks and on the chest. In medicine, there is another name for this problem - “striae”. Today, many ways and means of combating them have been developed. Not the last place among them is occupied by stretch marks. About how effective it is and how to treat striae with this method, we will tell you later.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

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Stria is elements of cracked skin collected together with connective tissue. Initially, “fresh” stretch marks have a reddish or purple color. Further, they become white.

The most common reasons for the appearance of stretch marks are:

  1. Fast weight loss. Then the skin does not have time to “fit” to a new state and bursts. In damaged places, connective tissue grows, which is a “stretch”.
  2. Rapid body growth. Most often this happens in the teenage period.
  3. Heredity. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Incorrectly and unbalanced nutrition.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Dehydration.
  7. Hormonal imbalance.
  8. Obesity.

Essential oils from stretch marks


You can treat striae in various ways. In folk medicine, various oils from stretch marks are often used. They penetrate deep into the skin, thereby relieve the existing swelling, improve blood flow, increase the elasticity of the skin, and reduce the skin tension. If you have received permission from your doctor, you can try to use oil from stretch marks and during pregnancy.

The cosmetic industry, taking note of folk recipes, also developed many ways to treat this cosmetic problem. The most popular among them is BIO OIL stretch marks, which helps to improve the structure of the skin, which allows you to treat both striae and scars on the skin.


The oil composition of the OIL stretch marks includes many essential oils, among which:

  • calendula,
  • lavender,
  • chamomile,
  • rosemary.

Also, according to the manufacturer of this tool, in this bio -oil there are useful vitamins A and E.The, before acquiring this cosmetic product, you should get acquainted with possible contraindications. It is also necessary to remember that this oil from stretch marks received conflicting reviews in women who tried it on themselves. For example, many representatives of the fair sex say that this product improves skin elasticity and nourishes it, therefore it is suitable as a means of prevention, but, unfortunately, does not completely relieve the scars and stretch marks.

There is also a cosmetic oil from Veled stretch marks (Weleda). It includes a mixture of almond extract, oil germ oils, jojoba oil, etc.


Let us consider further what other oils are from stretch marks.


Olive oil from stretch marks

Wraps with this oil are very useful. Such procedures will have a positive effect on the skin of the body and, in general, the whole organism as a whole. For example, wrapping with olive oil and sea salt is considered a good prevention of stretch marks and cellulite. Thanks to salt, excess moisture is excreted from the body. In this case, the metabolism in subcutaneous tissue improves. Oil, in turn, enriches the skin with useful vitamins, increases its tone and elasticity. Before the wrap procedure, it is important to first clean and warm the skin, especially in problem areas.


To prepare the mixture, you need to take one glass of sea salt, a glass of olive oil and warm water. After that, dissolve the salt in water and add the oil there. You can also supplement this mixture with several drops of aromatic oil for your choice.

After the mixture has cooled to room temperature, it is applied to the problem areas of the skin. Then we wrap us in ordinary food film and put on a warm pajamas on the body. Next, we lie for half an hour. After that, remove the food film from the body and take a shower. Such spa treatments can be arranged at least 1-2 times a month.

Jozhoba oil against stretch marks


This oil contains protein, which is responsible for elasticity, tone and elasticity of the skin. Due to the fact that in this product there is vitamin E, it is able to stimulate active cell updates. In addition, vitamin E helps to use this oil not only to treat stretch marks, but also of various skin pathologies.

The use of this oil is quite wide. In particular, it is successfully used to care for the body, skin and hair. After applying the product, the skin soon acquires a healthy color and rejuvenates. In addition, this oil can return the former beauty of tired skin. Therefore, every day the fair sex is used as a daily care product. Moreover, this is relevant for owners of any type of skin. Jojoba oil has good regenerative, stimulating, anti -inflammatory, moisturizing, as well as softening properties. Thanks to excellent penetrating ability, it is completely absorbed into the skin. For this reason, this product usually does not leave oily shine on the skin.

This healing oil allows you to moisturize and nourish dry, overdred, inflamed and peeling skin. It is also used in order to soften the compacted areas of the skin on the soles of the legs, palms and elbows. And most importantly, this product is successfully used to reduce the sizes of scars, scars, for the prevention and elimination of striae that appear after pregnancy.

Jojoba oil, among other things, is used as a means of caring for brittle, split and dry hair. If you use it in a pure form or as the main ingredient of cosmetics, then you can enrich the skin with useful substances. It is also used as a good basis for the dissolution of essential oils for masks, lubrications, applications and massage in the treatment of stretch marks. In addition, it is used for weight loss. Indeed, it includes an important substance that contributes to a natural decrease in appetite and the production of hormone cholecystokinin, which “sends” the signal to the brain about satiety.


  1. Jojoba oil for stretch marks and cellulite today is used both in its pure form and with the addition of 1-2 drops of orange essential oils to it, lavender, geranium, juniper, rosemary, bergamot, fenhel, lemon, patcholi.
  2. In order to soften the scars, stretch marks and compacted skin areas use another recipe. To do this, take 2 tsp. Jozhoba oils and add 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil. Suitable for applications and massage.

Orange oil from stretch marks


The substances that are part of this oil contribute to the formation of collagen cells, which allows the muscles to regenerate. This property helps in the treatment of rickets, muscle spasms and stretch marks. By updating the cells, the orange extract makes it possible to improve the health of the skin and get rid of age spots.

This product is also an immunostimulating agent with which respiratory diseases can be treated. However, its main effect is aimed at treating cellulite and stretch marks. To do this, carry out a clay wrapping procedure with orange oil. To prepare the mixture, you need to dilute 4 tbsp. l. Cosmetic clay in 130 ml of water and mix until the pasta is obtained. Then add 5 drops of orange oil and apply to the problem areas of the skin.

The use of orange oil from stretch marks makes it possible to increase the skin tone, improve its elasticity, and accelerate the process of removing toxins.

Rose oil from stretch marks


Essential oil, or rather rose extract, is approximately 86% of more than three hundred chemical components. The remaining 14% are various compounds that are of great importance in creating a unique and characteristic aroma of a rose, as well as its healing properties. The most useful and saturated are the Damascus and Moroccan rose.

This oil has useful properties that allow you to smooth out stretches and scars. It will be very interesting to those women who care about how they look. So, the regular use of creams based on such oils helps to cope with the scars that appeared after acne, get rid of traces of boils. This product is used as a means for resorption of stretch marks, surgical scars. In addition, it can help in the treatment of old striae, which appeared after pregnancy.


  1. Based on the rose oil, you can prepare a lot of useful products that help cope with scars and stretch marks. To do this, mix 3-4 drops of rose oil, lavender and neroli with 15 ml of almonds. Next, add 6 ml of wheat germ oils. Such a tool should be periodically applied to areas of damaged skin to obtain a positive effect.
  2. There is another recipe. So, you need to mix 2-3 drops of rose oil, 15 ml of jojoba, 4 drops of chamomile and 8 drops of lavender oil. When this mixture of oils is applied, the effect of cooling the skin is felt. You can mix a few drops of pink oil with any cream and leather lotion. Such a tool will help in the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin, for example, herpes and eczema. Thanks to such procedures, you can reduce swelling and inflammation.

Coconut oil from stretch marks


The skillful use of coconut oil can help in a rather short time to solve the cosmetic problems that arise. In addition, the use of this product improves overall well -being. Most importantly, adhere to a clear dosage.

The use of coconut oil into cosmetologists has no boundaries. Today, on its basis, you can purchase or make various useful cosmetics for the skin of the legs, face, hands with your own hands. This oil can help with stretch marks on the skin, but it is not considered a professional tool to eliminate such a problem. However, it can be used for prevention. The fatty acids that make up this product unique in many respects can be carefully careful for skin and hair with proper use.

Coconut oil helps to maintain the health and beauty of any type of skin, but it will be especially useful for coarse, peeling, dry and wilting skin. A similar effect is due to the fact that this plant product has excellent softening properties. After applying oil, a certain invisible film that performs protective functions appears to the skin. Due to which a fairly long period of time maintains the optimal balance of skin moisture. The product is sometimes used in order to get rid of excessive dryness and peeling of the skin in the shortest possible time. In addition, this oil prevents the formation of a keratinized skin layer. It can also help smooth the skin, remove shallow wrinkles, increases the overall skin tone, its elasticity and elasticity.

Additional recipes based on oils from stretch marks

Body Care: Young Woman Applying Lotion

  1. Almond oil from stretch marks. We rub the carrots and pour warm water. Let us brew this way for 20 minutes. Then squeeze the carrot juice and add 3-4 drops of almond oil there. Apply for 15 minutes.
  2. Grind the zest of lemon, add 5 drops of almond extract, 50 grams of natural yogurt. Mix. Apply for 15-20 minutes.
  3. 5 ml of rosemary oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, 50 ml of any milk milk. Mix. Apply on dry skin for 20 minutes.

Oil from stretch marks: video



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