
Application of coconut oil for skin

Application of coconut oil for skin
Coconut oil is a rich source of vitamins and trace elements. How the product affects the skin, we will tell in the article.

Owners of a healthy smooth skin today will be infrequent, and the face of both women and very young girls suffer from the imperfection of the skin cover. The problem is not at all that they did not learn to correctly care for themselves, just our skin today is forced to adapt to a variety of external factors that prevent her to look good a priori. It is bad ecology, and unfavorable climatic conditions, and food, far from perfect. Each of us in our own sad experience I managed to understand how many cosmetic one-day tools that help only for a short time, and so I want to find anything that can guarantee a persistent result! But it seems that the fashionable bloggers of beauty closely approached the problem solving: a useful and highly efficient skin care tool with various dermatological problems, they unanimously recognized coconut oil. Today we will introduce our readers with this product.

Based on coconut oil prepare various leaving faces. Active substances in the composition of the natural product not only eliminate the face from rashes, but also protect it from the aggression of weather phenomena.

Coconut oil power in the chemical composition of the product

In leather care, coconut oil became popular due to the fact that it contains a unique number of trace elements and vitamins. The oily substance is mined by the production processing of the copra - so called the dehydrated secondary endosperm of the coconut. Bold vegetable oil is obtained in different ways. Most often pressed dry pulp at a very high temperature, but sometimes the method of cold pressing of coconut raw materials is used. In the product, which was produced by cold spin, the concentration of utility components is maximum. This oil is the most effective, albeit more expensive compared to the analogues obtained by another way.


The rich "cocktail" of biologically active substances makes coconut oil for the skin incredibly useful:

  • vitamin B1, or thiamine will give the second youth to even the most emaciated person, since it quickly returns to the active activity of the cells, which slowed down in their development. The substance protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and prevents its peeling during the cold season;
  • vitamin B3, or pantothenic acid smoothes mimic and age wrinkles on the skin;
  • vitamin B6, or pyridoxine effectively fights inflammation. The substance has long been used in cosmetology and dermatology to reduce various flaws of the skin;
  • vitamin B9, or folic acid reduces and prevents the emergence of comedones and other "troubles" on the face. Intensifying the effect of thiamine and increases the resistance of skin cells to the unwanted influence of external factors;
  • vitamin C, or ascorbic acid plays the role of a natural antioxidant who takes part in the rejuvenation of the person;
  • vitamin RR, or niacin neutralizes the yellowness of the skin and struggles with a pallor, returning natural paints. In addition, wonderful wounds and regenerates weakened areas of the skin;
  • laurinic acid exhibits antimicrobial and bactericidal effect, so it falls very by the way in the treatment of rashes of various origin, including acne, acne and boils;
  • oleic acid deeply moisturizes the epidermis, which is very important for those who have dry, mature or aging skin;
  • octanic acid leads to the operation of the skin glands, so coconut oil will appreciate women with oily skin of the face;
  • stearin and palmitic acids whiten the skin and make pigment specks on its surface less noticeable.

Such a rich complex of beneficial substances Any skin will appreciate!

It is important! Regular use of masks involved in coconut oil will change your skin beyond recognition. You yourself will notice how the number of black dots and dark specks will decrease, the face will become more fresh, scammers will disappear. The dry skin coconut oil will give the missing moisture, and the fat will dry a little and deprive the unattractive gloss.

Moreover, the frequent impact of a natural product on the face will make the skin more "hardened" and resistant to attacks of ultraviolet, cold, toxins, dust and dirt particles. You only need to properly use the product - in any case there are its own specific nuances.


Application of coconut oil for face

With all the utility of this natural product, you should not forget that you have to deal with oil. Prepare to the fact that the masks of which it enters is rather fatty, and they are not very easy to wash off. It is because of these shortcomings of negative feedback on the coconut oil for the face as much as positive. However, those who, as they say, in this case a dog ate, argue that with such difficulties you can face if it is wrong to use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes. We decided that the recommendations below for the use of the product would be useful to you and will not lead the hunt to care for themselves with such a useful product.

  1. If you find a coconut oil produced by cold spin, take it without the slightest doubt. It will bring your skin relatively more benefits than its analogues mined as a result of hot pressing of raw materials. The price may seem too high to you, but the quality will satisfy 100%.
  2. If you decide to try coconut oil for the first time, be sure to make sure it is safe for you. To do this, apply a thin layer of oil on the inside of the brush - here the skin is very gentle, so in this case the role of a lactium paper will play. After a quarter of an hour, remove the oil film with the hands and watch this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin during the clock pair. If you do not see and do not feel any disturbing symptoms in the form of itching, burning, redness or rash, you can safely use coconut oil to care for skin and body skin.
  3. Do not hurry with the choice of a suitable mask recipe. The fact is that coconut oil as a cosmetic means is a universal product, since it has a beneficial effect on all skin types without exception. During the cooking mask with coconut oil for the face, those or other components that complement the main ingredient of the cosmetic agent are added, will help to get rid of the corresponding flaws on the face. So, to maintain dry skin, coconut oil is combined with various moisturizing means. It can be other basic oils, egg yolk or dairy products with a high fatty coefficient. To pamper the fatty skin of the face, a lemon, egg protein, degreased "milk" necessarily add to the mask with coconut oil. To reduce spindles on the skin, find products with drying and anti-inflammatory properties. For each woman with the individual needs of the skin of the face, you can choose the original mask based on coconut oil, so a lot of recipes.
  4. The effect of coconut oil on the skin is enhanced if the product is used in preheated to 40 - 45 0 With the form. Use the water bath for this. If you decide to use other oils in the mask, you can warm them together with coconut in one dish. The positive properties of the products will remain unchanged. Please note that the mixtures with the egg do not heat strongly, otherwise the protein or yolk will be thrilled and ruptures the mask. From water bath it is better to refuse if you added a few drops of essential oil into a cosmetic mass - a high temperature neutralizes all the valuable qualities of the substance.
  5. If possible for the preparation of cosmetic masks, use only natural home products.
  6. The mask is applied to cosmetics and other contaminants, so directly before applying the cosmetic mixture, clean the face with the help of the gel. To strengthen the effect of the procedure, highlight 5 - 7 minutes to a steam grass bath for the face: under the influence of pair, contaminated pores will reveal and the skin will absorb the actors of coconut oil more actively. After the bath, we massage the face through massage lines using the scrub - so you will improve the transport ability of the epidermis.
  7. Cosmetic mixture based on coconut oil is also applied through massage lines using fingers or special tassels.
  8. Each mask is held on the face for a while, which is determined by its composition, but the most optimal solution for any mixture is to wait 20 - 30 minutes.
  9. Coconut oil forms a thin film that repulsive water on the surface of the skin, which is why such masks are seriously washed. Even if you slip your face with water many times, you still have a feeling of oily skin and disappointment in the mask. Just at this stage, many people have ever to use coconut oil ever, and in vain - the water mixture is poor to wash the cosmetic mixture, you need to be able to delete correctly. First, blot your cotton disc with warm milk and wipe your face. After that, apply on the face of a gel or foam for washing (without adding water) and some time massaging the face, foaming the cleansing agent. Only now you can wash under running water and apply day or evening cream on the skin.
  10. And finally, let's talk about the frequency of masks with coconut oil. For problem skin, the procedure is arranged twice a week, and if the skin is normal, then with the prophylactic goal of masks make 1 time per week. After 2 months of active use of homemade cosmetics with coconut oil, it is necessary to take a break for 10 to 14 days.


Coconut oil recipes

It is going to pamper yourself with a facial mask, remember that the effectiveness of the procedure depends on the individual approach to the skin, because all it is different. If one mask did not come up, the other will be suitable - you only need to try and experiment.

Universal nutritious mask for all skin types

Connect 2 tbsp. l. rice flour and 1 tsp. Coconut oil and bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream with freshly cooked hard green tea.

Caring eye mask around the eyes

60 ml of coconut oil mixed with 10 ml solution of vitamin E. The mixture can be stored in a refrigerator for several distributing procedures.

Purifying Mask against comedones

1 h. L. coconut oil, add the 2 tbsp. l. fresh coffee grounds

The mask for sensitive skin

Soak a small piece of stale white bread in the milk and add to the pulp for 1 hour. L. coconut oil

Mask with coconut oil for facial wrinkles

At 1 hr. L. coconut oil, add 4 drops of essential oil of rosemary.

Mask for mature and aging skin

Mix in one vessel 1 h. L. coconut oil, 1 hr. l. blue clay and 3 drops of essential oil of orange.


Mask for all skin types

1 h. L. coconut connect with honey and cream taken 1 tbsp. l., mix thoroughly.

Nourishing Serum for skin improvement

Such medication is suitable exhausted lack of sleep or illness of the skin, as well as useful to those who have declared war on the first wrinkles. So, mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut and almond oil, 1 part. L. avocado oil, then add to the mixture of 3 - 4 drops of wheat germ extract and ether carrot seeds. Thoroughly mix and stir the mixture. Apply the serum every day, putting it along the contour of the lips, the skin around the eyes and wrinkles on the go.

Cream with coconut oil for the face

Finally, we decided to share with you a recipe for a wonderful vitamin cream, thanks to which your skin will not be lacking in nutrition, hydration and tone. Products for cooking at home, you will need:

  • grapeseed oil - 200 ml;
  • coconut oil - 50 ml;
  • lanolin - 10 ml;
  • waxes of plant origin - 20 ml.

All components needed to mix and send in the microwave for 30 - 45 seconds. As a result, you will have the liquid slurry to which to add 200 ml of distilled water, 100 ml of aloe vera gel, 10 crushed pellets ascorbic acid and 4 drops of essential orange oil. Stir until smooth mass, then beat with a mixer. Keep the tool in the refrigerator.


Coconut oil - a universal product for augmentation of female beauty. Be sure to make a few cosmetic masks, to be sure. The product might become your favorite skin care.

Coconut oil for beautiful skin. Video


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