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The use of a talker for acne. How to make a talker for a pimple at home. Dermatologists talker recipes

The use of a talker for acne. How to make a talker for a pimple at home. Dermatologists talker recipes
A chattering can of acne: components, composition. How to make a chatterbox for the face at home. Recipes of talkers from acne from dermatologists.

At least once in a life, each of us had to fight acne on the face. Adolescence and hormonal changes, malnutrition, stress, poor ecology - all this can adversely affect the condition of our skin. Naturally, it is impossible to predict when to expect the appearance of pimples, so it is impossible to prepare for this unpleasant event in advance. And although there are enough means for problem skin in pharmacies, many do not help, cost a lot and even cause allergies. In this case, the old proven remedy will help - a acne chatter.

What is a talker from acne and why it is necessary

A chatterbox is a liquid form of a drug for external use. The basis can be different: an antiseptic (for example, ammonia, medical, salicylic acid or boric acid), excipients that contribute to drying elements: sulfur, zinc, extracts of medicinal herbs and even antibiotics.

The main task of the talker is to cleanse the skin from excess sebum, disinfect and dry the problem areas on the face, and relieve rashes. But before starting to prepare it or purchase a finished tool in a pharmacy, you need to get a specialist consultation. The task of the dermatologist is to choose the components of the acne agent, given the individual characteristics of the patient and write out the recipe so that the pharmacy is made a talker for a particular person.

Since any chatterbox that the doctor will write out is a strong disinfectant that allows you to get rid of acne, this drug does not relieve the cause, but removes only its manifestations. Therefore, if this tool helped you once, everything can be repeated again. Therefore, you need to look for the cause and path of its solution. For example, if this is a transitional age, the doctor will choose the optimal skin care, write out the boltry prescription, if it is associated with malnutrition (for example, spicy and fatty foods) and stress, you will have to adhere to proper nutrition, lead a healthy lifestyle and simultaneously care for the right skin .

Acne chatter

A talker for the face from acne is a strong tool, as there are aggressive components in the composition. Using a chatterbox, you must not forget that this tool can dry the skin, because the composition includes various active components: it can be alcohol, zinc, salicylic acid, antibiotics. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, having deprived the skin of natural protection, you must learn to use this tool correctly.

How to use acne chatter?

Rules for applying a pharmacy and homemade talker:

  • before using the bubble with the product, you need to shake vigorously several times to distribute all the components evenly;
  • the first application is after the sensitivity test. Apply a little product to the internal bend of the elbow, if there is no tingling, redness, rashes, you can apply a chatter to problem areas;
  • apply agent for acne pointedly, 1 or 2 times a day, depending on the nature of the problem, on previously cleansed skin;
  • after rubbing the talker, it is necessary to moisten the skin with cream;
  • it is necessary to store the product in a cool place;
  • when used, avoid hiding and not applied to healthy skin;
  • rubbing the product more than 3 times a day is extremely undesirable, since you can overdry the skin.

Acne talker at home

If there is no way to go to a cosmetologist, all components for making a talker are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Knowing the components and their quantity, you can make a chatter with acne.

Acne chatterboxes, the best recipes:

  1. How to cook yourself a talker from acne with levomicetin: you need to take 2 tablespoons of levomicetine powder (crush 5 tablets), a tablespoon of boric acid, crushed aspirin tablets in the amount of 2.5 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons of sulfur and medical alcohol 90% - 70 ml. First you need to prepare all the components, crush the pills in powder, mix the dry components, dilute with alcohol and mix well so that the suspension is homogeneous.
  2. How else can you make a talker from acne based on levomicetine: 10 streptocide tablets, 4 lyomicetine tablets - grind into powder, add 30 ml of salicylic acid and 80 ml of camphor alcohol. Mix everything thoroughly, before each use, the suspension must be shaken. The first three options for making a chatterbox will help get rid of teenage rashes and dry acne that appeared as a result of an excess of sebum.
  3. Another of the variations of cooking a talker that will help get rid of rashes associated with nervous stress and when the hormonal background is changed during menstruation. It is necessary to take a sulfate powder 2.5 g, 2 tablets of levomicetine (crush into powder), add 3 tbsp to the dry components of boric acid and medical alcohol. each drug.
  4. We prepare 2 suspensions for morning and evening use. Salicylic chatterboxes from acne are prepared on the basis of salicylic alcohol and zinc ointment (in the amount of half a teaspoon) - it is used at night, before bedtime. And this suspension is used in the morning: consists of boric acid and half a teaspoon of sulfuric ointment.
  5. Suspension for acne based on camphor alcohol (teaspoon), calendula tinctures (50 ml) and ammonia - a teaspoon. Connect all components, wipe your face twice a day.
  6. Betin -based chatterbox (1 tablet), warm boiled water - a glass. The components are connected, shaken. Problem places must be wiped once a day and immediately after applying after 5 minutes, use a moisturizing face cream, because the betadin is very drying the skin.
  7. Boric acid - 25 mg, water boiled chilled to room temperature - 25 ml, 3 lyomitin tablets, crush into powder. A good remedy for acne can be used twice a day.
  8. A super-resistant way to prepare a talker yourself: we take vodka in the amount of 2 tablespoons, squeeze the juice from the lemon to get as much as vodka, mix. We pour the resulting talker into the bottle, used twice a day. If there is no lemon at hand, you can take apple vinegar of home cooking without a pulp.
  9. A chatterbox from pimples with inflammations based on Trichopian tablets. Take 4 tablets, chop, pour in 250 ml of alcohol, mix.
    Leave a bottle of dark glass in a dark place for 3 days, every day it needs to be shaken for uniform distribution of the components. Then you can store in a cool place, wipe only areas with rashes. After processing the skin after 5 minutes, apply a moisturizer.
  10. Tincture of chlorophylipte 1%, water and dimexide, proportions: 2: 5: 1. All components need to be mixed, applied in the evening 1 time per day, shaking well before use. When the liquid is absorbed, you can apply a children's cream or nutritious, suitable for skin type to the skin. You can also make another chatterbox based on dimexide (50 ml) and doxycycline tablets - 20 pcs., Dilute 50 ml with mineral water.

Before using any means, it is necessary to make a sensitivity test.

Acne chatterbox - minuses or pluses?

All chatterboxes are effective because rashes are well dried. Pros, most likely more than minuses. Firstly, because the product costs a penny, you can buy all components in any pharmacy. If one chatterbox did not fit, we try another and so on. So women thought at the end of the last century, when, in addition to chatterboxes, there were no more other funds from rashes.

Briefly about the pluses:

  • accessibility: components are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription;
  • low cost;
  • speed of cooking;
  • efficiency.

Everything is fine, but due to the fact that there are a lot of recipes for cooking talkers, they are all different, this suggests that the product needs to be selected individually, given the skin characteristics and the nature of the rashes. In almost every bolt recipe, there are active substances that dry the skin: these are alcohol, acids, antibiotics that can help in the fight against acne, but provoke side effects.


  • the product dries the skin;
  • consultation of a dermatologist is necessary, and this always takes time;
  • allergic reaction.

Side effects and contraindications to acne chatter

After applying the product, the skin can react not as expected:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • dryness, tightness;
  • irritation.

These symptoms may appear due to the fact that any of the components is not suitable or due to improper use. You need to wipe the rashes 1, a maximum of 2 times a day, but no more.

It is forbidden to use any chatterbox during pregnancy, when feeding the baby with breasts and with individual intolerance even one of the drugs that make up the drug.

Chattocks from acne from dermatologists

Often, in the treatment of skin rashes, cosmetologists prescribe a talker from acne with salicylic acid.

It is prepared from these components:

  • Medical alcohol - you need 50 ml.
  • Salicylic acid 2% - take 5 ml.
  • Levomycetin - 4 g.
  • Boric acid - 50 ml.

All components of the therapeutic chatterbox must be mixed, use the product in the evening before going to bed. In the morning, applying a chatterbox is undesirable, because it will dry the skin. Before use, the bubble must be shaken.

Another recipe for dermatologists for the treatment of problem skin based on 2 types of acids.

Need to take:

  • Boric acid- 2%- 50 ml.
  • Salicylic 2% acid - 50 ml.
  • Erythromycin - 4 g.
  • Zinc oxide - also 4 g.

It is necessary to mix all the components in the bubble, store in a cool place, apply 1 time per day or twice if the attending physician prescribed so.

If you do not want to mess with bubbles, measure and mix everything, acne chatter is sold in a pharmacy without a recipe. It is called "propeller" - this is a very effective talker from acne.

As part of the pharmacy: salicylic acid, zinc and lactulose. The volume of 25 ml, according to the instructions, can be stored at room temperature (it is not necessary in the refrigerator), but provided that the temperature will not be higher than +25 degrees in the room.

You can buy a talker from acne at any pharmacy, the cost of the product is within 100 rubles.

Acne chatterbox: reviews

Marina, 17 years old: "" There was time, pimples “love me” so, there was no place of free. We tried many pharmacy products with my mother, but nothing helped like a propeller. I am happy and this difficult period is behind. Now the face is clean and beautiful, but I will advise you to adhere to a diet during treatment. No sweets and flour, still fatty foods, spicy and salty (especially preservation). It was not difficult for me to refuse harmful food, because she was tired of walking with acne, was very complex, was ready for anything, just to get rid of them faster».

Maxim, 21 years: "" I had a cosmetologist for consultation, a bolt recipe was written out. I bought in a pharmacy and wiped acne, helped. A friend said that she was advised of such a simple recipe for such a chatterbox, which you can do it myself, but I did not do it, since I trust more to specialists».

Anya, 20 years: "" I tried a lot of pharmacy expensive drugs and chatterboxes were also prescribed to me, the cosmetologist changed the components several times. At first it helped, then everything returned. I was even desperate. My mother and I chatter calendula and I need to take a bubble, add paracetamol tablets to the tincture (grind into powder) - 4 pcs. And the same number of aspirin tablets. Mix everything, leave for a day so that the components dissolve. Before application, I shake well. And you know, acne began to pass gradually. Surprisingly, this penny remedy helped me more than expensive products from advertising. I just advise you to apply a talker on acne and not touch healthy skin, because at least a chatterbox is harmless, tincture of calendula for alcohol and still dries the skin».

Anya, 16 years old: "" Acne “came” to me early, did not know how to deal with them, even tried to squeeze out. They were going to go to the dermatologist, but the Propeller was advised to mom in the pharmacy. It is inexpensive, and what an assistant! The skin is not dry after that of the neutral smell lotion, applied it at night with a cotton pad. After a while, acne disappeared. I can’t boast that they are not at all, probably, my “transitional age” has not yet passed. But now I know how to deal with rashes and I advise you


Media 28.02.2018 Answer

It was probably enough to use Clerasil ....) Guys from recommend ...
