
Causes and symptoms of hirsutism in women, diagnostic methods. How to treat girsutism by medication and folk remedies

Causes and symptoms of hirsutism in women, diagnostic methods. How to treat girsutism by medication and folk remedies
In this article we will tell you how to treat hirsutism to women.

Have you ever found girls in your life, who are growing on their face exactly with the same force as men? Alas, but this phenomenon happens, and it is very dangerous for women's health. In this article we will talk about the disease, which is called Girsutism. You will learn why women can grow a beard and mustache, how to get rid of this ailment.

Girsutism: What kind of disease is it?

If a woman has a malfunction in the work of the endocrine system, then hair is starting to grow hard on the body - the abdomen, chest, back, ear sinks, and nipples, face, are most affected. This happens because in the body of the lady begins to produce hormones more, which must prevail at the men's half of humanity, but there are little female hormones, and in this case the hair follicles begin to function very actively.

Girsutism in fair sex representatives are not frequent. As medical statistics testifies, the disease occurs approximately 5% of the female population of the planet. The ladies have to deal with unpleasant manifestations, taking drugs, applying all sorts of expensive cosmetic products and even turning to surgeons.

In men, such a disease can not be. In relation to representatives of the strong half of humanity, we use the word hypertrichosis, and not girsutism. Hypertrichosis is a disease in which a woman has excessive overeximation in different parts of the body, including those where hair growth does not depend on the amount of androgen allocated by the organism. Such a disease can develop from representatives of the strongest half of humanity, and in women, and Girsutism is exclusively female pathology.

If Girsutism has developed to a very difficult stage, then the lady, except the hair cover, appear, and other external signs of the male body appear:

  • threshing voice;
  • the hair falls on the head;
  • the chest begins to decrease;
  • and the clitoris, on the contrary, increase;
  • there is angry rash on the face.

Next, we describe in more detail why women can develop hirsutism, as he will show himself and what to treat him.

Girsutism: Causes

Girsutism in women may arise due to many reasons:

  1. The girl was diagnosed with ovarian polycystic diseases, because of which not only the amount of hair on the body, but also develops infertility, obesity, the menstrual cycle is knocked down.
  2. The lady has the place to be Cushing's syndrome - a disease in which glucocorticoids are produced in excessive amounts. Most often this is due to stress, which is forced to worry a long time. With this disease, the woman faces obesity in the cheek area, under the blades, it becomes a round face, acne and stria appears on the stomach, and hypertension and diabetes are developing, it becomes a mentally unnewned person, it gets a menstrual cycle, and as a result - she can not get pregnant.
  3. If a woman suffers from congenital hyperplasia of adrenal cortex, it means that it has a predisposition to the hirsutism. This reduces the amount of cortisol in the blood, the ACTH concentration, on the contrary, increases, which provokes an increase in the size of the adrenal cortex and an increase in the level of androgen - hormones provoking the development of hirsutism.
  4. The presence of tumors in the body of a woman can cause an increase in hair in her body and face. If there is some kind of neoplasm in the internal organs, then besides the girsutism, the woman is still faced with a number of unpleasant symptoms - she begins to lie, her menstrual cycle is shortened, it becomes fruitless, it disappears the chest (gradually decreases in size), acne appears on the face.

Girsutism: Symptoms

As we have already mentioned earlier, the main feature of the girsutism is the active growth of pigmented hair, which differ in particular rigidity and short length, on face, abdomen, back, chest, on the aroles of the mammary glands, buttocks and hips.

However, there are also secondary signs:

  • hair and the dermis become very solo due to the actions of androgen;
  • monthly go is irregular, and the woman loses the opportunity to become a mother in the future;
  • it becomes a threshable;
  • the body weight increases dramatically;
  • voice with gentle changes rude;
  • at the temples may appear bald;
  • libido is enhanced;
  • the chest becomes small;
  • obesity is developing on male type;
  • increases the clitoris, and sex lips, on the contrary, decrease;
  • cuts out the vaginal lubricant.

Depending on how much the symptoms of hirsutism in women are expressed, doctors determine the degree of development of the disease and the corresponding treatment.

Hisutism in women: forms

Girsutism can develop a woman in 3 forms:

  1. Constitutional - this form is most often determined by hereditary predisposition. A woman develops increased overexposition on the body, but the amount of androgen in the blood does not exceed, their level is quite normal. Such a form of hirsutism is more to the girls living in Eastern and Mediterranean states.
  2. Exogenous - this form of hirsutism can develop in a woman after it is introduced into the blood of androgens in excess. Such procedures can make pregnant women, for example, or ladies in maternity age, which very much limit themselves in nutrition to lose weight.
  3. Idiopathic - the form of hirsutism, in which specialists cannot establish the cause due to which the disease arose.

Girsutism: Diagnostics

If you have found the symptoms of hirsutism, then you need to ask for help to the endocrinologist so that it will require the necessary diagnostic procedures. The first and most importantly, which should make an endocrinologist - to determine which amount you have some biologically active substances in the blood:

  • Testosterone (the level of this hormone is normal to be - 20-80 ng / dl). If the indicator is reduced, it means that a woman has ovarian polycystosis, or it takes prednisone and various oral contraceptives. If the concentration of testosterone is above 200 ng / dl, it can already be about tumor growth and the development of hirsutism.
  • Dehydroepiyndrosterone serum sulfate (DGEAS), identified as a result of analyzes for girsutism, testifies to the level of secretory adrenal activity (the presence of tumors on them or them).
  • Androstendion serum - if the level of this hormone is elevated, it speaks of garissultism and on accompanying ovarian diseases.
  • Cortisol - if the concentration of this hormone in the hirsutism is increased, it means that the woman is syndrome Izenko-Cushing.
  • Gonadotropins - if there are deviations in one or another direction relative to their quantity, then we can say that the ovarian polycystic urban is developing.

After analyzing the hormones, a woman is sent to additional surveys. Most often, they are already prescribed by the following doctor who should cure the root cause that led to the Girsutism.

Girsutism: Treatment

Girsutism, if diagnosed it, must be treated comprehensively. For example, a beautician should fight with external manifestations of this ailment to establish a woman's psyche, you need to work with her a psychologist, otherwise it will never be able to recover intimate and family life, adapt in society.

Together with these doctors, the lady must treat an endocrinologist and surgeon, which will eliminate the cause of the disease or conservative ways or operational. A nutritionist is also connected, which will write a special diet to the lady so that it is gradually getting rid of the excess mass of the body and the propelled physique. According to the reviews of women who collided in hirsutism, the treatment is carried out by cycles for half a year each. After each course of treatment, it is necessary to take tests for hormones.

How to treat girsutism medication?

Medicate therapy of girsutism includes the reception of certain groups of drugs:

  • It is necessary to take oral contraceptives that have antandogenic effect, they are used if the disease was caused by the ovarian ailments or it has an idiopathic nature. They reduce the amount of testosterone in 90 days of months (perhaps before) and eliminate the symptoms of hirsutism. Among the most effective drugs in Girsutism include Diana-35 and Zhanin.
  • If a woman cannot for some reason (more often because of the poor health status), take the above preparations for the treatment of hirsutism, then it is prescribed a medocaliprogesterone, which is intramuscularly 1 time every 3 months of 150 mg. But this drug is prohibited if the woman is pregnant. These drugs are forbidden to use if a woman wears a child.
  • Must be assigned antidrogenic drugs for women from girsutism, but they have side effects, so they are only suitable in the event that oral contraceptives did not give results.
  • A woman will need to take and antidiabetic agents, if the heightened sugar in the blood caused Girsutism. It is possible to be treated with a "sofor".
  • If the cause of the girsutism was the disease of the adrenal glands, then the woman is appointed "Veroshpiron".

Girsutism: Folk Remedies for Treatment

If you are in the number of women who do not want to take hormonal drugs, you can try to work from girsutism by folk remedies, because it is at least safe. Just keep in mind that it is impossible to quickly cure girsutism with such methods. It is necessary that at least a year has passed regular reception of folk remedies. In addition, alternative medicine is not able to fully heal from the disease, it can only slow down the formation of new hair, but the hairs themselves will not disappear completely.

What recipes can be used to prepare yourself medicines:

  1. Take the walnut to squeeze the juice from it: you need fruits that have not yet been ripened, grind the green walnut peel and squeeze it in the hands. The juice appeared as a result of the juice and immediately drink, it will contribute to the soft removal of unwanted hairproof. Making 3 procedures, you can already see the results.
  2. Prepare a broth of dope. Fill 4 glasses of water roots, plants leaflets and its stem, bring it all to a boil and negotiate at least 60 minutes. Wipe the resulting site where the hair is growing strongly, but only keep care of it, because the dope is a plant relating to the number of poisonous. You can not drink this decoction.
  3. Make yourself Depilator: Take 30 g zinc and starch oxide, you will also need 60 g of barium sulphate. Prepare a homogeneous thick cassea from these chemicals, make sure that there is no lumps. Apply the skin to wipe in advance with some kind of cleansing tonic in advance, hold about 8 minutes, then the hairs can easily and simply delete. You can mix for depilation of 10 g sodium sulfate with starch, as well as add 6 g of glycerin. Lubricate this cassel face, keep the mask for 10 minutes. After that, you will smell warm water, you will see that together with the mask in the sink will be a hairs that disappeared.

How to cure hirsutism by a surgical method?

Under the surgical method of treating hirsutism, we mean not only the operational intervention in the abdominal cavity to remove tumor from there and other neoplasms, but also cosmetology procedures that are conducted under anesthesia special medical devices. What could it be:

  • hair discoloration on the body;
  • pulling out hair from different parts of the body;
  • hair removal wax;
  • electrolysis;
  • laser hair removal.

However, in order to completely get rid of the historicism, it is advisable to combine conservative treatment together with the surgical method of treatment.

Girsutism girls: consequences

If not to treat hirsutism, then complications may occur:

  • Sugar diabetes mellitus.
  • A woman will lose the ability to dry pregnancy (fertilization will occur, the pregnancy will break away).
  • A woman in general can become fruitless.
  • Lady may develop obesity.
  • Numerous rashes and dandruff will appear on the skin.

Prevention of girsutism

To never encounter Hisutism, having a predisposition to him, women are encouraged to comply with some preventive measures:

  • first of all, change your diet if you eat irrational and unbalanced - try more there are products containing a lot of fiber, refuse fried dishes, canned vegetables, do not eat all that is too hot and acute;
  • constantly control their body weight;
  • you are contraindicated any physical exertion, as well as stress;
  • refuse bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • twice a year to undergo a survey at the gynecologist;
  • timely treat the diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glands.

Girsutism: photo

With all the trouble of such a disease, like girsutism, it should be noted that it is not dangerous for life. If it is properly treated, that you can easily and simply restore the menstrual cycle, get pregnant, change your appearance for the better for 1 year of productive treatment. Your task is to show perseverance and patience throughout the time of treatment.

Video: "I am a woman and shave. Face diagnosis »


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