
The benefits and harm of the infrared sauna. Indications and contraindications to the infrared sauna, how often it can be visited

The benefits and harm of the infrared sauna. Indications and contraindications to the infrared sauna, how often it can be visited
All the nuances of visiting an infrared sauna: rules for performing a procedure, features of influence on the human body, mechanism of radiation.

The infrared sauna not so long ago appeared in the business of the business services of the cosmetological and medical spheres. Meanwhile, the beneficial properties of thermal procedures every day allow us to conquer an increasing number of supporters of the unusual procedure.

So how is the infrared sauna useful and are there contraindications for such electromagnetic radiation? How often can I visit an infrared sauna and how does it differ from an ordinary sauna or bath? Let's try to figure out all the advantages and disadvantages of this non-traditional medical and recreational product.

Infrared sauna, description and principle of action

  • The infrared sauna is a special cabin with infrared radiation for conducting heatotherapy sessions.
  • Made of environmentally friendly material - natural wood, the cabin when heated releases additional useful phytoncides that suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • The source of radiation is infrared heaters hidden in the cab and working from the mains.

  • The essence of the electromagnetic radiation of infrared waves is to determine the thermal object and transfer the thermal energy to it. Waves can be of different lengths (short, medium and long), which depends on the heating temperature. The higher the temperature, the more intense electromagnetic radiation. The infrared bath provides the safest range of emitted waves for humans.
  • Unlike an ordinary sauna, where air can heat up to 100 0C, in the infrared cabin, the air temperature is not too high, only thermal objects are heated, i.e. Human body.
  • Steaming, as in a traditional bath, also does not occur. Therefore, there can be no question of a possible stuffiness or lack of oxygen.
  • IR - the cabin, as a rule, is small and compact, conveniently placed in the room. The dimensions of such mini saunas are designed for one or several people. To assemble such a booth, it will take no more than one hour. The design does not take up much space and has mobility.
  • Currently, a variety of showers with a built -in infrared sauna is in special demand. Compact and multifunctional, combined shower and infrared sauna is an excellent modern plumbing device that everyone can install in the bathroom. Of course, you can visit the IK - saunas in sports clubs, medical centers or cosmetic salons, but such services will cost much more than buying a heat booth for personal use.

Infrared sauna mechanism

  • Infrared rays have a high penetrating effect and are able to warm up soft tissues, organs, muscles and joints of a person to a depth of 4 cm. During the radiation on the skin, soft pleasant heat is felt.
  • The infrared sauna provides intensive heating of the body and exceeds at times a similar effect of other types of saunas, for example, a Finnish bath (where the body heating up to a maximum of 5 mm).
  • Such an intense thermal procedure naturally provokes abundant sweating, and therefore the best removal of toxins or toxins.
  • Infrared radiation sessions exclude, unlike an ordinary sauna, a possible formation of hot steam burns.
  • In the infrared sauna, uniform heating of the body occurs, the temperature in the room ranges from 35 to 55 0WITH.

Rules for the procedure in the infrared sauna

  • Before starting the session, the recommended humidity level (45-50%) and the initial temperature regime (35-37 0WITH).
  • During the session, the human body temperature rises to 38-39 0C, intensification intensifies. The protruding sweat is better to periodically wipe with a towel so that it does not prevent the further passage of IR - waves.
  • The duration of the session, as a rule, is 30 minutes. Moreover, the main condition for the beneficial effects of electromagnetic radiation is the continuity of the process. That is, for half an hour you should not leave the cabin.
  • The first visit should be limited a little-up to 15-20 minutes, giving the body the opportunity to gradually adapt to the effects of infrared rays. The temperature in the booth at the first visit should also not exceed 40-45 0C. In subsequent visits, the time of stay can already be increased to 30 minutes, and the temperature is up to 55 0WITH.
  • You can visit the infrared sauna at any convenient time, even in the morning, before going to work, since the skin does not steam, and the pores are not revealed. In the evening, on the contrary, before taking the procedure, you can pre -steam the skin by taking a hot shower. Then the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body will occur most effectively.
  • While in the booth during the adoption of the procedure, it is necessary to take a convenient position: to sit down exactly, dropping your hands along the case, and your legs stable on the floor.
  • After the heat therapy session, it is recommended to relax for 5-10 minutes, then take a warm shower and replenish the reserves of fluid lost by the body. Green or herbal tea, mineral non -carbonated water is best suited. You can drink liquid not only after taking the sauna, but also before it.
  • At the end of the procedure, a person feels a surge of energy and vigor. Massage of the body, peeling or anti -cellulite massage will help to complete the cycle of wellness procedures. These manipulations will be especially productive and useful, since the body after the sauna is already well -heated and prepared.
  • During the visit to the sauna, it is impossible to use skin cosmetics (cream, oil) in order to exclude the possible appearance of allergies or burns on the skin when the active substances of cosmetics with infrared rays.

There are no strict quantitative restrictions on visiting the infrared sauna. As a rule, the procedure is taken no more than once a day. The infrared sauna will provide the best healing effect with regular heat therapy sessions: a course of 10-12 visits for 2-3 procedures per week.

Infrared sauna, benefit

So, what is the useful of the thermal procedures of infrared radiation? Such saunas have a positive cosmetic and therapeutic effect on the human body, namely:

  • Clean and smooth the skin, accelerate the processes of regeneration of skin cells, and contribute to the intensive removal of toxins.
  • They activate metabolic processes, sweating, blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Strengthen the immune system, increase the stress resistance of the body, and help restore sleep.
  • They allow you to reduce blood cholesterol, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Provide a surge of strength and energy, contribute to the healing of the whole organism.
  • Accelerate wound healing, resorption of scars and adhesions, treatment of skin diseases.
  • Promote the elimination of vascular fragility, stabilize blood pressure.
  • Relieve head or muscle pains, return the joints with flexibility and mobility.
  • Stimulate brain activity, improve memory.
  • Contribute to the treatment of ENT painting and kidney diseases.
  • The muscles are heated before loading (training).
  • Have a calming effect on the central and peripheral nervous system.

According to people and a number of medical studies, thermal therapy of the infrared sauna significantly reduces the risks of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis; Roots to normal blood pressure; relieves mental strain and fatigue after physical exertion, improves mood; It has a positive cosmetic effect.


Indications for the use of infrared sauna

IK - saunas, unlike steam types of saunas, do not expose the body, in particular the heart, with large loads and overheating. Therefore, such procedures are shown to people of different ages as preventive measures or to solve specific health problems.

  • Many cosmetologists recommend visiting such saunas in the process of combating cellulite and excess weight. One session of abundant sweating in the sauna can be compared with a 10-kilometer run. The infrared sauna, combined with the right diet, is recognized as an indispensable tool for weight loss. In addition, IR - rays contribute to the rapid resorption of subcutaneous deposits and eliminating the unwanted “orange crust”.
  • Infrared heat-therapy has proven itself as an effective spa procedure. After visiting the sauna, the skin is rejuvenated, becomes smooth, elastic and elastic, small facial wrinkles are smoothed. Inflammation available on the skin, wounds or acne quickly heal and drag out.
  • A visit to IK-saunas to people with violations of cardiovascular activity, immune, genitourinary systems, with nervous disorders (insomnia) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (with arthritis, rheumatism, scoliosis, etc.).
  • Effective therapeutic effects of IR - rays are exerted with muscle spasms or during the recovery period after injuries and operations. Thermal radiation helps to remove lactic acid from the body, which, in turn, is accompanied by the removal of pain syndromes.
  • Infrared saunas are indicated during the treatment of ENT - diseases (colds, bronchitis, pneumonia), skin diseases (acne, eczema, psoriasis), with varicose veins.
  • In case of digestive disorders, it is also useful to visit IR saunas during menopause.


Infrared sauna, harm

Using the infrared sauna without taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the procedure may not bring expected benefit, and even cause irreparable harm to a person.

Subject to all operations of operation and not exceeding the recommended standards for conducting heat -therapy sessions, infrared saunas are considered absolutely harmless.

Deterioration of a person’s state after visiting IR -Cabinet is possible in case of non -compliance with the above rules for adopting the procedure and in case of existing contraindications.

Separately, it should be noted the possible individual intolerance to a person of such intensive heat radiation. Therefore, if during the period of the procedure a person feels a burning sensation on the skin or in the nasopharynx, dizziness or headache, and tearfulness, you should immediately leave the sauna. Otherwise, infrared rays can provide significant harm to human health.

In any case, IR-the sauna is considered as a preventive or additional measure in the treatment of any diseases. The thermal procedure is not able to completely replace drug treatment.

Contraindications to the use of infrared sauna

In addition to individual intolerance, there are a number of medical contraindications in which a visit to the IR -booth is undesirable or even strictly prohibited.

Such contraindications include:

  • Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Increased body temperature and persistent arterial hypertension.
  • The presence of infectious diseases in the acute period.
  • Acute purulent-inflammatory diseases.
  • Open form of tuberculosis.
  • Extreme exhaustion of the body (cachexia).
  • Laby form of the disease with diabetes.
  • The period of pregnancy, breastfeeding or menstruation.
  • The disease atherosclerosis and a tendency to abundant bleeding.
  • The presence of silicone implants in the body.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Chronic alcoholism.

All contraindications are associated with the undesirable effect of thermal loads on the body.

In addition, if a person takes any drugs, before visiting the infrared sauna, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to eliminate side effects when the drugs with thermal waves interact.

The use of IR saunas is not contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, but, given the specifics of the diagnosis, the course of the disease, complications and the degree of pathology, there are also a number of restrictions. Therefore, in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, a mandatory consultation of the attending physician is necessary, the advice and recommendations of which should in no case be ignored.

Ideally, before taking the procedures related to infrared radiation, in any case, you need to consult with the doctor or undergo a medical examination.

Thus, the infrared sauna is an effective therapeutic and cosmetic means of affecting the human body. But in order for thermal radiation to benefit, not harm, it is necessary to reasonably approach the adoption of such procedures. Consultation of a doctor, compliance with the rules for visiting the sauna, the lack of contraindications and individual intolerance will become the key to a successful visit to thermal booths with a positive and effective result.

Infrared sauna, photo


Video: "The benefits and harm of an infrared sauna"



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