
Exfoliating face masks

Exfoliating face masks
When and how to apply exfoliating face masks. Recipes and application.

In order for the skin of the face to be always beautiful, it needs to be constantly looked after and protected from the influences of the external environment. The cleanliness of the skin depends on the quality of the cleansing of the keratinized layer of the epidermis and the depth of pores. Among other things, exfoliating masks are used for high -quality skin care at home. Such products effectively cleanse the skin on the surface and in the depths, and also nourish it and saturate with vitamins. In addition, exfoliating masks can easily be made at home with a number of improvised means. The exfoliating face masks are acquired precisely in the autumn-winter and hot summer periods, when the effects of weather conditions on the skin are especially significant.

The causes of peeling of the skin


The sensations of skin tightness after washing and its irradiation are the first signs of dehydration of the epidermis cells. The reasons can be both external factors and internal changes in the human body. The most elementary ways to cope with a similar situation are: an increase in the quality of care and nutrition of cells, ensuring the consumption of fluid in a sufficient amount of at least 1.5 liters per day. In this case, exfoliating masks at home become an elementary and economical way to give the skin a fresh and healthy look in a short time.

Of course, in some cases, by the nature of peeling, it is possible to diagnose skin diseases and malfunctions in the body, which leads to a deterioration in the state of the epidermis. In such cases, you need to immediately seek a consultation with a professional doctor who will prescribe the right medicines and pharmacy creams.

Effects of exfoliating face masks


Of course, what ingredients you will use to prepare home masks, you will achieve this effect. Most of the recommended components of the recipes of exfoliating masks are aimed at cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing the cells of the epidermis.

  • deared cells are carefully removed from the surface of the skin, remove contaminants from the depths of the pores and cleanse the face of the skin fat;
  • level the structure of the skin, smooth out irregularities and improve the condition and complexion;
  • certain bleaching components effectively cope with the pigmentation and bleaching of freckles;
  • active work inside the pores activates blood circulation and internal nutrition of the skin;
  • stop inflammatory processes, relieve acne and black dots;
  • young cells of the epidermis are actively breathing and get enough useful trace elements and vitamins for healthy functioning;
  • affect the strength of the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, on the elasticity and tone of the skin;
  • make the skin radiant, fresh and toned.

Each exfoliating mask tones the skin and removes the consequences of fatigue and stress.

How to use exfoliating face masks


In order to get a qualitative effect from the exiting masks proven according to reviews, it is not enough just to correctly mix the ingredients, the preparation process also plays an important role. Adhering to clear rules for the preparation, application, withstanding and removing masks, you will extract maximum benefits from the procedure.

  1. The composition of each homemade exfoliating mask should contain ingredients for scrubbing. Usually these are abrasive organic substances with solid particles, such as: honey and sugar, grains and nuts, salt and soda, etc.
  2. If you decide to make an exfoliating mask on your own at home, use only high -quality natural ingredients. Home eggs and sour -milk components, purified water, natural cosmetic nutrient oils, etc.
  3. If you use a separate composition of the mask for the first time, test it first on the inside of the wrist. Natural ingredients have a high concentration of natural substances of different orientations and can cause an allergic reaction to their components.
  4. Before choosing a mask recipe, determine the type of your skin and those problems that you would like to eliminate using the scrubbing procedure.
  5. To obtain a constant effect, use the mask regularly at least 10 days in a row, and then take a break. Only after a while the cells will be updated so much that already healthy I will delight you with beauty and grooming.

Preparation of the skin

In order for your homemade mask to have a quick effect, the skin must first be cleaned of cosmetics residues, remove excess fat using special lotions and ideally cleanse the skin with a light exfoliating pilling that can simply be bought at any cosmetic store. You can also cook similar funds yourself. Depending on the type of skin, ordinary coffee thick, the remains of small -leaf tea brewing or even oatmeal and wheat bran are often used, are often used, slightly soaked in water. All these funds carefully remove the keratinized epithelium and allow the exfoliating home mask to immediately penetrate the deeper pores, having a positive effect.

  Domestic exfoliating masks recipes


  Exfoliating mask with sugar and lemon


Sugar crystals are ideal natural ingredients for scrubbing and peeling. In addition, it is quite affordable and is always at home at hand. Due to its structure, it carefully and effectively removes the upper keratinized layer of epithelium, without injuring the surface of the young skin.


  • sugar is regular scattered - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • board sugar-1 tbsp. L.;
  • honey, preferably sugared - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Method of preparation:

For cooking, we need pure lemon juice. The lemon washed with soap is cut into 2 or 4 parts. Gently squeeze the juice with the hands or use the juicer. Carefully clean the juice of pulp and seeds that could get there. Mix in a convenient container of 0.5 tbsp. l. Two types of sugar and honey - add half the juice obtained and interfere until the sugar is dissolved, but we will not get a homogeneous mixture. We add further ingredients sequentially in equal proportions until the mixture is a mixture similar to a thick sour cream.


Lemon juice is a sufficiently strong ingredient and in large quantities can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin. Be sure to apply the mask first by the inside of the wrist. If after 3 minutes the place does not turn red and does not itch, you can use it on the face. Wash off after 7 - 10 minutes with slightly warm running water.

Soda exfoliating mask


Coding soda is an excellent abrasive natural ingredient for a home mask. Thanks to the structure of small grain, it perfectly and carefully cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis. In addition, in the composition of exfoliating facial masks, it has a bleaching and leveling effect on the surface of the skin. The properties of soda to “pull” harmful substances and relieve irritation, allow masks with soda composition to effectively fight acne manifestations in adolescents.


  • food soda - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • cosmetic essential oil to choose from - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • the water is purified or mineral - 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation:

For more effective moisture, especially dry skin, use essential oils as a liquid solvent. In this case, coconut oil or grape seed oil is well suited. For normal and prone to oily skin, you can simply extinguish soda with water in the necessary proportion.


On pre -cleansed and prepared skin, gradually apply the resulting mixture in a circular movement. Avoid the area around the eyes and lips and pay special attention to problem areas: the T-shaped zone, the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal sinuses and the frontal part. Rub the mask carefully for 5 to 7 minutes, then leave it on your face until you dry and rinse with warm purified water. In conclusion, slightly get your face with a towel.

Exfoliating homemade coffee mask


Another natural element that is ideal for home peeling, scrubs and masks. Depending on the nature of the grinding, coffee beans can be either a soft scrubbing element or more rigid. In addition, caffeine is rich in natural coffee acid, which perfectly disinfects skin areas and contributes to the active production of collagen enzyme in epidermal cells.


  • ground coffee beans - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • cosmetic essential oil to choose from - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • the water is purified or mineral - 1 tbsp. l.

Method of preparation:

Gradually add either essential oil or water to coffee until its consistency becomes a fat sour cream. As essential oils, olive or linseed oil with a rich composition, useful for restoration, nutrition and moisturizing skin cells, is perfect. If you are afraid for the normal fat content of the face, you can try such a mask on the water, it also turns out very well.


On slightly wet clean skin, apply the mask with even movements, you can use a special spatula. While the water has not completely evaporated, slightly rub the composition of the mask on the surface of the skin in a circular movement, except for the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelids and skin of the lips. Then withstand the mask for about 30 minutes on the face without movement. It is recommended to relax at this time and relax in a horizontal position, listen to relaxing music and completely eliminate the movement of facial muscles. Then wash the mask under running, slightly cool water. Remains the oil mixture get wet with a paper towel. It is recommended to make such masks before bedtime so that overnight the skin has time to relax and completely absorb useful substances.

Exfoliating soothing mask from oatmeal


Oatmeal of cereal refers to soft pillings and are recommended for people with very sensitive facial skin. In addition to their scrubbing properties, oatmeal cereals contain a lot of useful minerals for moisturizing and nutrition of cells. In addition, the ingredients and vitamins as part of oatmeal are so delicate that the skin eats but does not fat.


  • eat oatmeal - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • food salt of small grinding - 1 tsp;
  • warm water purified or mineral - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 tsp.

Method of preparation:

In a comfortable bowl, carefully mix oatmeal with nutrient oil. In a separate container, dissolve salt in water. The resulting solution, mixing to introduce oatmeal and oil into the mixture until you reach the desired consistency. Give the mixture to brew a little - about 5 - 7 minutes before use.


On moisturized skin, apply the masks received by the masks with uniform circular movements. Apply the mask until the entire surface of the skin of the face, with the exception of the eyes and lips, is evenly covered. Leave on your face for 15 - 20 minutes. Then rinse with a warm tincture of chamomile or thyme.



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