
Milk peeling at home

Milk peeling at home
Want to extend your youth? Then take the milk peeling!

More than a couple of thousand years have passed since on Earth lived the most beautiful of all women - Cleopatra. Of course, today we all know: Egyptian Queen has lives in each of us. However, the question remains: how to wake it up? We use for this one of the three secrets of the most beautiful, according to the opinions of numerous fans, women. Namely: on their own, organize a milk "bath" Cleopatra at home!

Why make milk peeling?

The term "peeling" occurred from the English Peel - "depart". So we will have to "Occhat" dead skin, clean our velvet (in perspective) of the cover from the husk. And we will do it with anything other like lactic acid.

What is a peeling of lactic acid

Milk peeling is an emerging solution of lactic acid, which is used by cosmetologists to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body. It refers to chemical superficial peels. The principle of this method of purification lies in the chemical composition of the mixture, namely in acid. Since the lactic acid is produced by our organism independently (yes, this is the most substance that accumulates in our muscles, if you do not play sports for a long time, why they are desperately hurt after the first easy workout), the procedure for such a rejuvenation can be practiced independently at home. However, it is not necessary to actively get involved and recklessly rush with your head: For starters, read the article about the dairy peeling in order to:

  • spend it right;
  • do not harm your body;
  • achieve maximum effect in the shortest possible time.

The effectiveness of dairy peeling

What effects should be expected by Cleopatre, who decided to pamper themselves with a dairy peeling at home?

  1. Whitening of the skin.
  2. Improving its tone.
  3. Increased degree of hydration of dermis and epidermis - Simply put, active moisturizing.
  4. Getting rid of acne, acne, black dots, reducing pigmentation.
  5. Prevent the emergence of early wrinkles.
  6. Lightening and leveling of skin color.
  7. Removal of stretch marks.
  8. Improving the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.


In order to experience the maximum effectiveness of dairy peeling at home, start practicing it as early as possible. Girls under 30, who have already begun to the "homework", are unlikely to clean the essential changes in their appearance. But they will not notice the appearance of small wrinkles, reduce inflammatory processes, if there are those on the skin, in one word, will extend your youth! But women of more mature age (40+) may not feel the effect of the procedure at home or in the cosmetic salon. Take care of beauty from youth, dear girls!

Recommendations and contraindications for milk peeling

The advantage of dairy peeling in front of other surface chemical procedures on the skin is that its active substance is absolutely organically the nature of man, which means that the procedure can be carried out without one and allergies! And for girls with sensitive skin, milk peeling will be a rescue circle before inevitably impending age.

However, there are a number of contraindications that cannot be missed if you want milk peeling to benefit your health and appearance.

  1. If you wear under the heart or feed the baby's breast.
  2. With sugar diabetes.
  3. Even small wounds, abrasions, scratches and other open or irritated areas of the skin (the same herpes) can acutely react to falling there of lactic acid.
  4. Diseases of a cancer or dermatological nature.
  5. Individual intolerance of the components (you can consult about this with your doctor or dermatologist).
  6. After a long stay in the sun, including - on the fresh tan, the milk peeling is not recommended.

Beauty Women Getting Facial Mask

How does milk peeling work?

So, we got to the very sacramental question: how does milk peeling work and how to spend it at home?

To begin with, it should be understood that there are two methods of milk peeling: to prepare an exfolizing mixture or buy it in store. With the right approach to the procedure itself, the effect of the first and the second mixture will be the same. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, in the fact that you correctly calculate the proportions for dairy peeling, you better contact the finished product.

What components of milk peeling should pay attention to?

To find out the indicators listed below, it is possible to carefully studying the label on the packaging of the ingredients if you are preparing a mixture for peeling with lactic acid at home yourself. Observing the recipe, you and without special knowledge and skills can be confident in the safety of the prepared mixture for peeling face with lactic acid. However, it is still worth abandoning with these knowledge in order to comply with safety techniques when conducting a rejuvenating procedure at home.

  1. The concentration of fruit and lactic acid (total) should not exceed 20%, otherwise there is a risk with careless use of skin covering.
  2. For the same reasons, the pH should be no higher than 3.5.
  3. Hydroquinone - if you met this component as part of your preparation, in any case, do not use it! This toxic substance causing disturbances in the human endocrine system.
  4. If the composition of the mixture includes dairy peeling glycerol, it should be used only in conditions where the air humidity is not below 65% because otherwise it will pull moisture from your skin, instead of taking it from the environment.


If you are not sure that the ingredients you want to use, comply with the above rules, play it safe: do not become easy prey for those who want to enrich themselves at your expense.

Prepare a mixture of lactic acid for peeling at home

List of home recipes for cosmetics, including milk and peeling, is constantly updated. There are both traditional remedies and recipes created through the efforts of experienced cosmetologists. Most important in the creation of mixtures for dairy peeling at home - not to be mistaken with the concentration of lactic acid. Therefore, in this article we'll look at some proven formulations exfoliating solutions.

1. One of the most common ways - to create a mix for milk peeling on the basis of drops Hilak forte. The composition of the pharmaceutical substance in addition to the breast also include citric acid and phosphoric acid, so before using, make sure that your skin will not harm these components: do not risk, if a substance your body can react aggressively. A few drops of the drug can be added to the mask (if its composition does not include lactic acid) in order to increase its effectiveness.

2. To create the most efficient mixture in a conventional purchase or veterinary pharmacy (or online store) solution with lactic acid. It is applied and held from 1 to 4 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin and what kind of time you have to make peeling.

Important! The concentration of lactic acid in such a mixture should not exceed 10% -15%. If you find the lactic acid could not be an appropriate concentration, take a more intense and, by doing some simple calculations, bring it to the desired percentage. Such a mixture can be brought to mind adding a necessary amount of water. In this case, make a proportion to calculate the amount of water needed for dilution of lactic acid to the desired concentration.


3. Buy the fermented dairy product (kefir or sour cream fit), add a bit crushed in a blender or legged into a mortar, berries, vegetables. Break this sour "cocktail" to homogeneity. Apply on the skin of the face and leave for 30 minutes. So simple complex surface peeling can be held every summer!

The advantages of the last recipe are obvious. First, the content in the used lactic acid products is very low (varies in the range of 5%) than in a mixture for milk peeling based on pharmaceutical preparations. So, the procedure can be carried out more often. Secondly, it is a great way to get rid of the summer from the products you have begun to deteriorate: slightly acidic fruits, born berries, soft vegetables that can be sacrificed without a revelation of conscience to sacrifice from the dining table to the cosmetic table. However, the effect of such peeling will be not great, except that the peeling will be inherent in dry skin type.

What brands of dairy peels are the most priorities (according to reviews)

If you do not want to stand in the kitchen with a pestle and a mortar or corpe over measuring cups and measured the portions of lactic acid, preparing a cosmetic mixture, you should buy ready-made milk peeling. Especially for you, we have created a list of the best firms manufacturers of dairy peelings based on feedback tolls.

  1. Mediccontrolpeel - combined (that is, in its composition, in addition to lactic acid, others include the peeling of Lactic Peel.
  2. Tian DE produces universal milk peeling, which is suitable for both the face and the skin of the hands.
  3. Algologie has the widest line of cosmetics based on lactic acid: basic peeling, peeling for eye contours, for lip contours and others.
  4. Premium Peeling Hour also produces several types of mixtures for milk peeling, the basis of which is the Lactic Re-Generation gel (30%), plus cosmetics to be used before and after the procedure.
  5. Novacid - Ericson Laboratoire peeling mixture.
  6. Holy Land Cosmetics has released a Lactolan series, in which peeling mask and cream with lactic acid are particularly popular.

The peculiarity of cosmetic finished mixtures for dairy peeling is that they may contain from 30% to 90% of lactic acid, which increases the effect and increases the risks of negative consequences. In addition, these drugs were created in laboratories from chemical components, more complex and potentially dangerous than natural compounds present in fruits, berries, vegetables, dairy products. So strictly follow the instructions!


Milk peeling: Milk Acid Principles

To complete this section, I want to describe the principles of the action of lactic acid on the skin, so that you are better understood: will this procedure help or, on the contrary, will aggravate the state of your skin?

The effect of milk peeling on the skin is not a magic. It has a number of properties, thanks to which you can observe a good effect of the procedure.

  1. Exfoliating action. The lactic acid destroys the relationship between the cells of the epidermis, as a result of which the process of separating the removal particles of the skin is launched, and this in turn stimulates its update.
  2. Rejuvenating effect. The same lactic acid increases the rate of synthesis inside the cells and between them, we help with metabolic processes. It smoothes small wrinkles, makes skin more elastic.
  3. Moisturizing effect. Initially, in the cells of the epidermis contains a moisturizing natural factor (NMF). In young people, it contains a lot, and in older - little. Milk acid and itself is a component of a moisturizing factor, and also activates skin hydration processes.
  4. Reduced fat cells from cells. This process (setal) is determined by the fact that lactic acid has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Due to this, the skin becomes cleaner, acne, rash and acne are irrevocably leaving skin cover.
  5. Milk Acid accelerates cell division processes allows milk peeling to have a lifting effect on the skin.
  6. Among other things, lactic acid brightens the skin. Therefore, dark and tanned milk peeling girls should be used with caution so as not to look ridiculous.

How to make milk peeling at home (video)

So, now you understand whether you need milk peeling and what mixture to use. Now proceed to the procedure itself.

If you have a free quarter of an hour, see the video below. There are described in detail the effects of milk peeling, it is described about the components of dairy peeling, the application technique is shown.

If you prefer to do everything in order, below text you will find detailed instructions for action.

Preparation for dairy peeling

Since milk peeling is in principle safe, some special preparation for it is not required. However, the rules for "safety" should be known in order not to fall into the risk group and not to detect the unwanted consequences on the face after the procedure.

During a couple of weeks before carrying out dairy peeling both at home and in a cosmetic salon, do not sunbathe. Let me remind you that the impact of ultraviolet on the skin does not only occur during special procedures: resting on the beach or in solarium. It is undesirable to undergo the procedure if you are in the mountains or during the summer period when the weather is particularly clear.

If you are not sure how your skin reacts to the effects of lactic acid, it is better to start preparation for the peeling for a while before. To do this, every day before going to bed, apply a cream containing 1-2% of lactic acid or several low concentration fruit acids.


Applying a mixture of milk peeling

If you have conducted a preliminary training, you can proceed to directly carrying milk peeling.

Step 1. Clean the skin. Remove the makeup if you spend your face peeling.

Step 2. Degrease the skin with a tonic tonic.

Step 3. Predping - applying a special cosmetic substance with a low content of lactic acid. It is conducted if you ignored the preparation for the peeling and want to know how your skin will react to the effect of the mixture.

Step 4. Milk acid should be applied with a special cosmetic brush, if necessary, use cotton chopsticks. If you use a milk peeling for the face, you should stick to a certain application route: forehead - whiskey - side surfaces of the cheeks - the side surfaces of the neck - the neckline - the front surface of the neck - the chin - the area around the mouth - the nose - the area around the eyes (retreating from the back of the upper eyelid 1 cm, from the bottom - by 0.5 cm).

Step 5. Neutralization of peeling is made in the opposite direction: from the area around the lip of the forehead. To do this, you can use a special mixture or simply moistened with a cat disk with an alcohol solution.

Step 6. Be sure to be plenty of cool water. Hot water reacts with lactic acid, which is why it is impossible to use it after the procedure: it can cause extensive irritation.

Little secrets of milk peeling:

  1. If you are experiencing an unpleasant burning, a hairdryer, installed on the cold mode of blowing, will facilitate your burden.
  2. Lubricate the gentle of the skin of the eyelids and lips with a petroleum, so that they are not injured from the effects of lactic acid.
  3. Do not touch the skin during the procedure!

Recommendations for the conduct of dairy peeling at home

  1. If you do a procedure yourself for the first time, at home or not sure as a mixture, do not neglect the precautionary measures and preparation for the peeling. Low blood will go around if find out in advance that your body is sharply reacting to lactic acid.
  2. Consult your cosmetologist before the procedure. He is familiar with the peculiarities of your skin and helps to choose the mixture correctly, to push the proportion for your type of appearance.
  3. Try to minimize risks. For example, carry out milk peeling in winter when the probability of getting irritation and inflammation of the skin is lower than the rest of the year.
  4. Before performing milk peeling on the face, experiment on other less open and gentle skin areas - for example, on the neck or abdomen.
  5. Carefully monitor the skin reaction to lactic acid. When a strong red leather, peeling should be neutralized immediately.
  6. The first procedure is better carried out using a low-concentrated solution of lactic acid and for a short time (from 4 to 10 minutes). If the skin moves well peeling, gradually the concentration of the solution and time can be increased with each of the following procedure.
  7. Conduct the procedure in the bathroom or behind the cosmetic table with good lighting so that cold running water is in fast availability. Keep all jars with the necessary cosmetics at hand in case of an unexpected situation.


After the milk peeling

Despite the fact that the procedure itself of dairy peeling can be successful, its effect is easy to turn into a negative, if not observed postal mode.

  1. After the procedure itself, it is useful to pay the time to moisturize and calm the skin. Since it is likely after the peeling, it will look blushing and can even join. Apply a moisturizing mask or cream (with retinoids), try to relax and not injure the skin. A good method is to spend on the skin a piece of ice (frozen distilled or micellar water, welding of chamomile or other medicinal herbs).
  2. Avoid hitting the skin of direct sunlight. Be sure to use the protective cosmetics with the SPF 30+ value.
  3. Do not use decorative cosmetics if the procedure was performed on the face. If peeling was applied to the skin of the hands, do not use aggressive detergent without rubber gloves. Do not remove the epilation shortly after the procedure.

If the procedure is provided on all safety regulations, but the results confuse you, you should figure out the correct skin reaction to milk peeling.

  1. Tangible heat and moderate plugging until the lactic acid is applied to the skin and "works", it is quite acceptable: it will pass shortly after you remove the peeling from the face and process the skin.
  2. The epidermis can peel over several days after the procedure.
  3. All redness should go through the first two days.
  4. In the owner of gentle skin, there may be increased sensitivity. If she starts disturbing you, use Panthenol or Shea Oil.
  5. Panthenol and Olazolem should be used in obtaining burns from lactic acid.

Adhere to safety, and unpleasant consequences will not touch you.


How often can you make milk peeling at home?

Milk peeling, as has already been repeatedly said, one of the safest methods of skin exfoliation. And, nevertheless, they should not be abused. Normal rhythm for this procedure is several times a year. It is not necessary to hold it whenever you think that your pores clogged or the quality of the skin has deteriorated. First, it is likely that in these cases you will sufficiently change the diet or to do with scrabics tonic; And secondly, you can with a lacaround to remove healthy cells of the epidermis than disturbing the integrity of the skin (imperceptibly, at the cellular level), which will lead to the negative effects of milk peeling. And if it seems to you that several times a year throughout life is too small, then read about phenolic peeling, which can be carried out only one-only time in life!

Do not risk disappointed in milk peeling! With proper use, this procedure will help you extend youth for many years.

Before and after milk peeling (photo)




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