
Face masks with aspirin

Face masks with aspirin
The use of cosmetics for skin skin with aspirin at home.

The aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is widely applied in medicine as an antipyretic and anesthetic. The effectiveness of this drug was perfectly studied and proven clinically - at the same time, not everyone knows not all as a component of acetylsalicylic acid as a component of the face masks. However, many women have already discovered for themselves that aspirin-based funds are very useful for the skin.

The benefits of face masks with aspirin

Due to the beneficial properties of acetylsalicylic acid, the face mask with its content in the composition has a powerful antiseptic effect, perfectly clean and restore the skin. Cosmetologists recommend the use of this tool for young and problem skin with various rashes (the use of aspirin from acne on the face), as well as for the skin prone to high fatty skin. Acetylsalicylic acid affects the skin, stimulating blood microcirculation - as a result of this impact, the exchange processes of the epidermis are normalized.

In addition, due to the soft effect of this substance in the composition of scrubies, it can be used by women of any age. For the peeling of the face at home with aspirin, it is used chopped into powder pills dissolved in a small amount of water. Such procedures for light chemical peeling, characterized by gentle influence, are indispensable - they can be used at home for the skin of different types. At the same time, aspirin can be freely acquired in any pharmacy without a recipe. Thus, an effectively affecting a mixture of a face mask with aspirin without special financial costs can be prepared from almost primary means.

As a cosmetic agent used for the skin of the face, acetylsalicylic acid is characterized by the following beneficial properties:

  • eliminates various inflammations, removes swelling and soothes irritated skin;
  • localizes mineral infections, preventing their further distribution, helps to get rid of acne and rubric scars;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, reduces the selection of sebum fat - as a result, the skin is generously dry, the fat shine is eliminated;
  • the procedure for cleaning the face aspirin will help to save skin surfaces from various contaminants and toxins, as well as remove black points and reduce extended pores;
  • it has a mild effect of exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis;
  • slightly brightened the skin;
  • serves as the prevention of the appearance of ingrown hairs;
  • promotes the normalization of the water balance of the skin.

As a result of the regular use of face masks with aspirin, you can save the skin from inflammation and acne, refresh it, increase the elasticity of the epidermis and align the tone of the face.

Contraindications for use with aspirin for face

Taking into account that aspirin is a drug, it is worth considering that in the process of its application there may be some side effects.

As contraindications to the use of aspirin for skin, it should be noted:

  • availability of individual intolerance to this means;
  • infectious diseases and chronic in the aggravation stage;
  • pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding period;
  • the presence of extended vessels, as well as rosacea;
  • the presence of wounds and damage to the skin in the processed zone.

Due to the property of aspirin to dry the skin, the use of funds based on it is not recommended for dry, dehydrated and peeling skin, as well as immediately after the epilation. In addition, with increased vessel fragments, the regular use of this agent can provoke the development of cuperosis, manifested in the appearance of a vascular grid on the face. It is not recommended to use masks with acetylsalicylic acid more often than one or twice a week.

If there is a doubt, it will be suitable for you for your face masks with aspirin or peeling, it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist or a beautician.

How to make a face mask with aspirin

To prepare a face mask with aspirin at home, take advantage of conventional acetylsalicylic acid tablets. They are required to grind to the state of powder and dissolve in the liquid.

Depending on the type of skin and the presence of problems requiring correction, various combinations of components can be used in such face masks (for example, aspirin and honey, various vegetable oils, cosmetic clay, etc.) It should take into account the following features of the use of aspirin As the main active component of the masks for the face and scrubics:

  • previously, it is necessary to prepare the skin - wash off makeup and pollution, thoroughly wash warm water. To enhance the impact of a face mask with aspirin, it is recommended to first make a steam bath for the face with the present of herbs;
  • for each procedure, a freshly prepared composition should be applied, such mixes for masks and scrubics are not subject to long-term storage;
  • the tool is applied to the face, avoiding sensitive areas around the mouth and eyes;
  • it is necessary to accurately adhere to the concentration of the active substance specified in the preparation recipe, as well as to comply with the specified exposure time on the skin. Upon exceeding the duration of the procedure, the likelihood of the appearance of unpleasant side effects in the form of peeling of the skin and the appearance of peeling plots on it;
  • after applying a face mask with aspirin, with the appearance of unpleasant sensations - itching, significant burning, the appearance of irritation on the skin, the current composition should be immediately removed from the skin with a napkin and rinse her face thoroughly;
  • the procedure for applying a face mask with aspirin is recommended to spend in the evening - thus, the skin during the night sleep will be able to fully recover. In addition, in the first day, after applying the mask, it is necessary to avoid sunlight, as a last resort - apply sunscreen.

Fatal faces with aspirin

There are many variations of face masks with the main component in the form of acetylsalicylic acid. Such means are easy to prepare independently, at the same time they are effective, and in most cases using their use you can greatly improve the condition of the skin, eliminate various irritations and clean it. To do this, you can use the following recipes for face masks with aspirin:

  • soothing mask with honey and aloe juice will remove irritation and soften the skin. Mix at 1 tsp. Fresh aloe and honey juice, add two crushed aspirin tablets. This mixture neatly distribute in the form of a thin layer on the face, and then waiting for a complete drier on the skin, wash. In this composition, honey can be replaced by fermented with milk products, as well as olive oil. The specified recipe for a face mask with honey and aspirin will calm the irritated epidermis and normalizes the state of sensitive skin;
  • prepare a universal face mask with aspirin suitable for different types of epidermis - for this mix 1 tsp. Honey, ½ tsp Jojoba oil and warm it in a water bath (about the body temperature). Grind 2 aspirin tablets and add them to the mixture. Mask apply with light massage movements, leave a quarter of an hour, and then rinse the skin with warm water. For oily leather, oil should be replaced with water or chamomile decoction. Applying this composition of 7-10 days, you can achieve a significant improvement in skin condition and to align the complexion; 17
  • from aspirin and lemon juice, it is possible to prepare the composition, clarifying freckles and pigment spots, as well as effectively cleansing oily skin with rashes. For this, there will be 5 tablets aspirin, as well as 2-3 ppm Lemon juice. Add aspirin to lemon juice - you need to get a casczyce mixture. Such a face mask with aspirin is applied to the purified face, the tips of the fingers massaging with circular motions, wash off after 5 minutes;
  • take one teaspoon of pink clay powder and aspirin, add ½ C.L. Almond or olive oil, dilute with a small amount of water to the consistency of Cashitz. The prepared composition applied to the face for 10 minutes will provide delicate skin care. Pink clay in the composition has an antiseptic and soothing epidermis action. This face mask with aspirin cleans the skin from various inflammations and rashes, tones and softens, and also moisturizes and gives elasticity; 25
  • to prepare a caring mask with oatmeal, dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in 1 tbsp. Kefir, add a tablespoon of ground oat flakes. Apply this composition to the skin, then accurately obscure it. Leave the mixture on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with a moistened cotton swab and smell cool water. This face mask with aspirin eliminates irritation and has a soft exfoliating effect;
  • for moisturizing and tone of the tired skin, a means with a nautical salt and honey is suitable. Such a face mask with aspirin, removing dead particles of the epidermis and the leveling of the face, has the scrub effect. Prepare 4 tsp sea \u200b\u200bsalt, 1 tsp. Honey, add powder from two aspirin tablets. Mix the specified ingredients and apply a layer of mask on the face. Easily obscure the skin by this composition. After 2-3 minutes, wash this mask scrub, apply a caring cream. The procedure facilitates the cleansing of the skin, gives elasticity, has a disinfecting and soothing effect.

Aspirin is sufficiently successfully used in the composition of not containing alcohol lotions and facial tonic. To do this, add 2-3 crushed tablets into the usual means for the face, mix thoroughly and apply in the usual mode for you. Praying this preparation of the skin of the face has a cumulative effect, contributing to the elimination of acne and gradual soft skin cleansing.


Mask-peeling for face with aspirin

In order to make a light chemical peeling independently, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Grind to the powder condition a pair of aspirin tablets, pour out the soda (on the tip of the knife), and a half hundred C.L. Waters, mix with 1 tsp. Honey. This composition neatly distribute massage movements on a pre-purified face. The exposure time of the present face mask with aspirin is 8 minutes, then you need to rinse the skin and apply the cream.
  2. 1/2 C.L. Moisturizing cream Mix with a powder of crushed aspirin tablets. Apply to the skin. The exposure time of such a composition is a quarter of an hour, then wash the cool water.

These folk recipes will help get rid of acne rashes. In addition, aspirin will eliminate black dots in the T-zone and pulling the extended pores, it will help to equalize the relief of the skin and the skin tone.


Face mask with aspirin - video


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