
Milk peeling for face

Milk peeling for face
How to make milk peeling at home?

Every woman knows that peeling Very important for the skin. He is capable not only to clean it, but also rejuvenate. In this regard, all experienced cosmetologists recommend not to forget about this procedure. In addition, to save money, you can independently prepare special mixes without leaving home. Among the many women are particularly demand for milk procedure piling.. In order to carry out skin care at home, you should know the features, rules and recipes for the preparation of cosmetics for milk piling.. It is considered to be a procedure that eliminates dead skin cells. It is also less malicious, has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. In addition, dairy peeling It is able to give freshness to your face, eliminate minor wrinkles, pigment spots and acne. This way of skin care is ideal for people with a problem type.

Properties of milk piling.


The advantages of milk peeling:

  • practically does not create unpleasant painful sensations;
  • absolutely suitable for all skin types;
  • lactic peeling leaves no visible traces that continue to allow you to go for a walk or go anywhere without problems;
  • it does not require pre-preparation of the skin;
  • peeling based on lactic acid has the best effect on skin hydration and recovery, and does not allow its peeling and dryness;
  • lactic peeling you can do throughout the year, but keep in mind that during the summer is important to use a special protective agent against the sun, and occasionally visit the beauty parlor in order to avoid any kind of problem;
  • effective outcome milk piling. will not make a long wait, you will experience amazing results in just a single procedure;
  • at the end of the milk peeling procedure you do not need to acquire a large number of cosmetic products, as for further skin care need is a moisturizer and sunscreen.

disadvantages of milk peeling:

  • Lactic peeling has a single flaw - to carry out such procedures on skin problems should be aware that this kind of peeling not an assistant in getting rid of the most serious damage to the skin.

Who should make the milk peeling

Indications for the procedure milk peeling:

  • poor skin tone;
  • abundant arrangement of age spots and freckles;
  • sagging skin;
  • presence of inflammation and enlarged pores;
  • the excess fat of the skin, acne or comedones.

Contraindications to the procedure of milk peeling:

  • during childbearing and lactation;
  • the presence of various types of somatic and skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • high blood sugar;
  • presence of open skin wounds, ulcers or edema;
  • herpes.

Rules of milk piling.


  1. Lactic peeling It is one of the most delicate kinds of chemical piling.. For playback procedure must purchase lactic acid concentration of not more than 4%.
  2. If every day for any period of milk to wash the face, then you will be able to get a favorable result.
  3. For just 3 months you can get a brilliant long-term effect. This period must be divided in such a way that for all the time you have completed a maximum of 6 dairy procedures piling.. Experienced specialists recommend to look this way in the skin autumn and winter time, in order to avoid problems with the adoption of "sunbathing".
  4. And means for dairy piling. you can buy in cosmetic departments.

Peeling lactic acid at home: User

Peeling lactic acid can easily reproduce at home when you see fit.

  1. To start, you should buy a mixture of milk piling. in a specialty store. Pay your attention to the fact that in peeling set present instructions for use, it is useful to you for the correct execution of milk piling..
  2. We have already said that for milk piling. the most suitable for beginners Star 4% lactic acid. It is necessary to eliminate the lactic acid with higher concentration, because you can damage your skin when you first applied the wrong.
  3. In order to begin the process of milk piling.You will need to gently cleanse the skin with a cosmetic cleansing tonic.
  4. If the aforementioned tonic for the face does not contain alcohol, the clear skin of fat, taking alcoholic solution.
  5. With a cotton pad distribute milk peeling on the face, leave for a maximum of 3 minutes. Such a time is recommended to follow the procedure in the first three milk peelingIn order to clarify the absence of any adverse reaction.
  6. This is followed by wash the mixture with cool water.
  7. Moisturize the skin moisturizing lotion or cream.

You have realized that produce milk peeling at home easier than ever. The procedure is comparable to the application of face masks. Therefore, if you are not able to purchase the mixture piling., You can just prepare a moisturizing, cleansing and firming mask for the face.

Preparation mask with lactic acid. In a bowl, mix separate 50 ml yoghurt without any additives or cream, add 1 ml of lactic acid and 1 tablespoon bran porridge. Spread the mixture over the skin, and then remove just over 20 minutes.

How to care for your skin after a milk piling.


  1. treated milk peeling the skin should not be touched by hands and scratching.
  2. Throughout the day, use decorative cosmetics are also prohibited.
  3. Also be careful with the use of detergents.
  4. It is important to avoid the sun.

In order to get the most positive results of breast procedure to do a one-time 8-rate with an interval of 2 weeks. The resulting changes are kept in the treated area of \u200b\u200byour skin for at least a year.

outcome milk piling. - Photo

Lightening age spots and freckles, healthy skin color and its softness and elasticity - this is the minimum of what a dairy peeling. With the help of this wonderful and difficult procedure, you will cope with acne, excess fat of the skin, wrinkles and some other damaging skin nuances.




Reviews of milk peeling

"It was not decided to cook the mixture on my own, because I was afraid to do something wrong. Went into a specialized store and bought dairy peeling from a proven cosmetic company. Before done peeling Different species, but the dairy tried for the first time. I want to say that the differences are enormous. Of course, the procedure is very painful, but I suffered 4 minutes, then washed away with cold water, as mentioned in the instructions. " Kristina.
"Previously always did dairy peeling In a cosmetology office in a professional. Then it turned out that it was not possible to spend the opportunity to spend money on regular skin care. Decided why should I stop care for the skin due to lack of funds? Apparently, while learn to independently do similar procedures in the home atmosphere. Of course, doing the milk peeling At home, I was very nervous, because there were doubts that I do something wrong. Thank God, no problems did not have the result from the work done with their own hands I was pleased with the same way as after the salon. " Olga.
"A month ago mastered dairy peeling at home. Decided on the procedure after the Sisters Tips. The most responsible followed by all the rules and tips specified in the instructions for use. I can not believe my eyes, I wondered for 4-5 years literally through several procedures. " Kristina.
"I am very careful about similar independent procedures, of course, scary to spoil the skin on nonsense. Therefore, the three minutes, indicated in the instructions, I reduced to two. The result was completely satisfied, pigment stains were not at all. Wrinkles? I forgot about them! Girls, do not be afraid to experiment, most importantly - follow the instructions! " Nina.


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