
Almond face peeling - indications, contraindications, how the procedure is carried out. Piling almondic acid at home

Almond face peeling - indications, contraindications, how the procedure is carried out. Piling almondic acid at home
Almond acid has several advantages over other types of chemical peeling. You will learn about how this procedure is carried out, what is its features from the article.

In the list of services of modern beauty salons and cosmetology rooms, the service of almond peeling for the face has long appeared, which managed to become incredibly popular and collect a huge number of enthusiastic reviews. What is the meaning of this procedure, what is the advantage of almonds for the skin? It turns out that almond peeling is the only peeling with acids that can be carried out at any time of the year. This cosmetic procedure is suitable for absolutely everyone. If you have never done acid peels before, then most experts will recommend that you start a course of transforming your skin with almond peeling. We will talk about the harmlessness of this procedure, its pluses and minuses, the possibility of it at home in this article.

Chemical peeling with almondic acid: what is it

The amazing effect of almonds on the skin has been known for a very long time. Based on almonds, they make a variety of facial care products. In modern cosmetic stores, you can find almond milk for removing cosmetics, almond tonic for the face, face -based cream, hand -based cream or body -based and much more. In addition to the almond itself in cosmetology, almond acid is actively used, which is obtained as a result of hydrolysis.

  • Almond acid belongs to the an-acid group. It is the most gentle acid for the procedure for cleaning the face.
  • A huge advantage of peeling almondic acid is the possibility of it at any time of the year. As you know, any products with acids should not be used in the summer and late spring. Almond acid is an exception.
  • Almond chemical peeling is suitable for people with almost any type of skin. It acts on the upper layer of the skin, having a minimum of irritating effects. People with sensitive skin, who usually face the negative effects of any acids on the skin, can try almond peeling without fear. The stunning effect of skin cleansing will not be long in coming.
  • Almond acid can have a soft, but effective, exfoliating effect. The keratinized particles of the upper layer of the epidermis dissolve, and the skin becomes velvety and delicate to the touch.
  • Antimicrobial properties are also attributed almond acid. It is not for nothing that for a very long time, almond acid calcium salt was used as an antiseptic in the treatment of some infectious diseases. This property of acid will especially positively affect the problematic skin, prone to the appearance of purulent acne, acne, and subcutaneous acne.
  • Almond acid also has no less important gum. Acid dissolves the scales of the upper epidermis and dissolves black dots inside.
  • The secret of the gentle effects of almondic acid on the skin is its structure at the molecular level. Acid molecules have too large sizes and they can penetrate exclusively into the upper layer of the epidermis. That is why almond peeling does not carry a strong irritating effect on the skin.
  • Almond peeling can be performed for people of any age. When it enters the skin, acid does not reduce the ability of the skin to produce collagen and elastin. Unevenness on the skin becomes less noticeable only due to the dissolution of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Almond peeling is almost the only careful peeling for people with very sensitive skin. Acid molecules penetrate the skin very slowly, which additionally reduces the risk of an allergic reaction on the skin.

Pilling almondic acid. Advantages

You can list a number of advantages of almond peeling:

  • the possibility of almond peeling in the summer, i.e. almost all year round (in the absence of contraindications);
  • the ability to conduct almond peeling to people with hypersensitive facial skin;
  • almond peeling stimulates the production of collagen, which explains the rejuvenating effect of this procedure;
  • almond peeling can be a preparatory procedure before more aggressive procedures for facial cleaning;
  • almond peeling is an ideal tool for treating a teenage acne, getting rid of age spots, acne and acne scars;
  • almond peeling is perfect for owners of very oily skin with a loose and porous structure. The acid is very soft, but at the same time effective, removes the upper layer of the epidermis, regulates the production of sebum, makes the skin look more fresh and healthy;
  • due to the fact that almondic acid has an exclusively sparing effect on the skin, this procedure is possible at home. If you still first encounter funds based on any acids, then it is better to get a preliminary consultation of a cosmetologist.

Who needs almond faces

You can determine whether you need almond peeling or not you can both yourself and with a specialist. The procedure for cleansing the skin with almonds will be useful in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • small wrinkles and irregularities on the face. The effect after the almond peeling will be especially noticeable at the first facial wrinkles. But deeper wrinkles will not look so noticeable;
  • acne, acne, traces of acne and acne on the skin;
  • the presence of brown spots on the face - melasm;
  • lentigo;
  • oily skin with advanced pores, prone to the formation of acne;
  • individual intolerance to any other types of peeling;
  • preparation for laser grinding of the skin or for another more aggressive procedure on the skin;
  • age -related skin;
  • decrease in tone and the appearance of sag of the skin of the face;
  • the heterogeneous complexion of the face.

Contraindications for almond peeling

There are practically no contraindications to the conduct of specifically almond peeling. The exception is individual intolerance to almonds and drugs based on almonds, almondic acid. The following contraindications to the piling of almond with almonds are also applied to any other facial cleaning procedures:

  • during pregnancy or during the period of breastfeeding, experts advise to refrain from conducting peeling with almonds;
  • you should also abandon the almond peeling, if you are sick with SARS, you have high body temperature;
  • refrain from the almond peeling if you suffer from any bacterial, fungal or viral ailments of the skin;
  • the presence of oncological diseases, psoriasis, tuberculosis, atopic dermatitis;
  • do not peel based on almondic acid for any mechanical skin damage (scratches, abrasions, cuts, cracks, burns);
  • refuse almond peeling, if less than 1 month ago, you performed aggressive procedures for cleansing the face. For example, laser cleaning;
  • if you have just returned from the sea with a fresh tan, then refrain from conducting peeling with almond acid.

Almond peeling. Photo

Almond peeling procedure

It is worth noting that you need to choose a salon or cosmetic office where you want to go through the almond peeling procedure, you need to carefully. Numerous positive reviews from your friends will become a significant plus towards a particular institution. Also pay attention to the qualifications of the master, take an interest in which drugs will be peeling, from which manufacturer. The master must thoroughly know all the products that he will work. If you have not received a clear and accurate answer, it is better to continue the search for a professional. The process of peeling with almonds itself usually includes the following stages.

Stage 1. Removing cosmetics before almond peeling

The stage of demacky should never be passed. If you came to the master without decorative cosmetics on the face, then he should still cleanse the skin with a means to completely exclude the likelihood of finding cosmetics on the face.

Stage 2. Squicking the skin before almond peeling

Before the procedure for carrying out almond peeling, as before peeling with any other composition, you need to steam the skin. In the process of steaming, the pores are revealed, due to which the efficiency of peeling will increase. In order to steam the skin of the face, you can bend over hot water, covering your head with a towel. You can simply put a towel moistened in hot water on the face.

Stage 3. Cleaning the skin before almond peeling

The skin cleansing before peeling almonds is carried out by a special tonic based on 5%almondic acid.

Stage 4. Preliminary almond peeling

This stage is a kind of sensitivity test. The composition is applied to the skin with a 10%solution of almondic acid. The master will be able to make sure that your skin does not negatively respond to the exfoliation composition, and that you can carry out the procedure further.

Stage 5. Basic almond peeling

At this stage, the strongest concentration of almond acid is applied to the skin - 30%. This is the main part of the peeling, as a result of which the bulk of the keratinized scales on the upper epidermis dissolve.

Stage 6. Neutralization of almond peeling acid

No matter how sparing almond acid may be, its effect on the skin needs to be stopped. This is done by applying a special neutralizing composition that stops the effect of acid on the skin.

Stage 7. Completion of almond peeling

After the upper layer of the skin is well exfoliated and cleaned, the face must be moistened. Masks and creams with algae, collagen in the composition are usually applied in the salons. After almond peeling at home, you can apply any nourishing face cream.

Almond peeling. Reviews

Popular drugs for almond peeling

If you came to the beauty salon for the almond piling procedure for the face, then be sure to ask the drugs which brand the master will use. The best option would be to use funds only from proven brands that are “by ear”.

Medi Dermma almond peeling products

The Italian brand Medi Dermma has in its assortment drugs for both the peeling procedure itself and the preparation for peeling.

  • Water-spire solution Mandelac. The drug consists of 40%almondic acid. Actively promotes the leather production of collagen and elastin, intensively smooths out small wrinkles and bumps of the skin, makes the face velvety and soft.
  • Gel Exfoliant Mandelac. The gel is shown to eliminate small wrinkles and small pigmentation. The composition includes 50%almondic acid.

  • Body and face scrub Mandelac. This tool is used as a preparation before almond peeling. Contains a 1%solution of almondic acid. It has a soft exfoliating effect.
  • Mondelac moisturizing gel. The gel is aimed at intensive moisturizing the skin of the face. Contains 8%almond acid and 5%glucoric acid.
  • MondeLac moisturizer with almond and glucoronic acids in the composition. The product is suitable even for sensitive skin. Apply 1 time per day. The cream is enriched with vitamin C, tocopherol, allantoin.
  • Mondelac moisturizing serum. This tool is recommended for age -related skin, skin, which has lost its elasticity and has become flabby. Serum is rubbed into the face along the massage lines 1-2 times a day. The product contains a 10%solution of almondic acid.

Such funds belong to the line of professional tools that only a cosmetologist can use or recommend using.

Novacid almond peeling products

The French brand has released a whole line of funds for a full -fledged facial peeling procedure. The composition contains not only almondic acid, then citric, apple, wine, mucin, salicylic. This complex of acids in combination with other active components provides an anti -aging and regenerative effect for the skin.

Funds for almond peeling from Christina

The Israeli company Christina has long been known for its professional facial care products. Many beauty salons take the lines of the means of this company into their service. One of the most famous and popular series of preparations for professional care for Forever Young faces includes means with almond acid in the composition. For example, a restorative base mask »Forever Young Regeneration Under-Mask."


OTI almond peeling products

The Italian brand OTI has earned international recognition thanks to effective facial skin care products. The line of funds that are declared as funds for home use was popular. For example, DMAE MANDELATO almond peeling O159. This tool acts on the skin as softly and gently, does not have aggressive and irritating effects. Almond acid for another 1 week after the peeling procedure continues to launch the regeneration processes in the skin, the process of collagen production.

Almond peeling products from alpik

The Alpika company produces a new generation cosmetics, for the creation of which professionals work. Extracts of herbs of alpine meadows are often added to the composition of funds, which explains the name of the brand. Cosmetics are produced in Russia, but has already earned global recognition. Among the facial care products, you can find home care products, including almonds in the composition.

  • Bio-tonic with almond acid from an alpik. The composition of the tonic includes citric acid and echinacea extract. The tool is considered as a preparatory procedure before almond peeling. Very gently and gently dissolves the scales of the upper layer of the epidermis.

  • Multi-word peeling with 33%almond acid from the Alpik. Pilling is called multi -word, as there are as many as 5 acids in the composition. Piling is suitable for age -related skin, problem skin, skin with advanced pores, gum, acne, acne.

  • Multi-word peeling with 15%almond with alpik. Piling also contains 5 different acids, including 15%almondic acid. Suitable for skin with signs of aging, skin with scars, post -acne.

  • Multi-word peeling with 5%almond acid from the Alpik. If on the previous two peels there is a note “only for professionals”, then on this tool there is no such note. It contains only 5%almond acid in combination with amber, citric, apple, and wine acids.

Belita's almond peeling

The Belarusian company Belita also did not stand aside and released its peeling remedy with almondic acid. Long pill for the face 30%, PH 2 “Professional Face Care” is suitable exclusively for professional use. The manufacturer recommends a course of 8 sessions with intervals between them in 10 days. Of course, it all depends on the condition of the skin. Piling is recommended to people who suffer:

  • skin sensitivity with rosacea;
  • uneven skin tone;
  • age -related changes;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • gum;
  • sagging of the skin and loss of tone;
  • pigment spots;
  • photo starting.

Almond peeling funds from ONDEVIE

Currently, funds from the French brand ONDEVIE for almond peeling are currently popular. The assortment of their funds presents gel peeling based on 35%almond acid. Acid is obtained as a result of hydrolysis. The texture in the form of a gel allows you to conveniently apply the product and control the peeling procedure. To achieve the best result, the manufacturer advises to take several piling courses with almonds:

  • dry skin or normal will require about 4-6 courses with an interval of 7-14 days, depending on the problems of the skin;
  • bold skin or combined will require 6-8 procedures with an interval of 7-14 days, depending on the problems of the skin.

Almond peeling at home

You can conduct the almond chemical peeling procedure not only in the beauty salon or in the cosmetology room, but also at home. There is nothing complicated to find a professional cosmetics store and buy a whole set there for the home peeling procedure. Such sets are usually always attached to a detailed step -by -step instruction for the procedure. Carefully study it all. With non -compliance with the stages of peeling, you can encounter such unpleasant consequences as redness and itching of the skin, peeling, the appearance of pigment spots, the appearance of acne. Be sure to observe sterility during home peeling to prevent the possible infection of the skin. Do not use a towel to wipe your face. It is better to prefer disposable paper towels.

Instructions for almond peeling at home

  1. When purchasing a set for almond peeling for the home, pay attention to the expiration date, integrity of packaging, give preference to a well -known brand.
  2. Do not do peeling immediately with 30% -35% almond with acid. For the first home use, choose 5%almond acid.
  3. In 7-10 days, start preparing for peeling, which will also be a kind of test for allergies or individual intolerance. You can start using a cream with almond acid in a composition, a tonic with acid. You can even just apply almond acid to the elbow and look at the reaction of your skin.
  4. Before starting the procedure, be sure to clean your face from cosmetics.
  5. Within 5-7 minutes, make a steam bath for the face. This will help to reveal the pores and increase the effectiveness of the almond peeling procedure.
  6. If the set has a cleansing tonic with almondic acid, then using a cotton pad, treat them the whole face. Of course, the eye area should not be affected by any means with acids in the composition.
  7. Conduct a peeling of 5%or 10%almondic acid.
  8. After peeling, you need to apply a neutralizer on the face, if one is in the set.
  9. Do not neglect skin care after the almond peeling procedure. Although the exfoliating effect was superficial, the skin should be restored and moistened. If the set does not have a special soothing mask, then apply your usual nutrient mask and moisturizer.

The effect of one procedure will not be too noticeable. Depending on what problems you want to solve, you can spend up to 8-10 courses of homemade peeling with almonds. Be sure to observe the minimum interval between peeling-10-14 days. Throughout this time, you need to eat intensely and moisturize the skin to minimize the irritating effect of acid on it.

Mask recipes with almonds for home use

Recipe No. 1

You will need to prepare a mask with almonds:

  • almond;
  • oats flour;
  • dry milk.

Almonds need to be chopped to the state of flour. Take all components for 1 tsp, mix, apply on the face moistened with water, and carefully massage. Especially pay attention to problem areas. Rinse with cool water. Such an almond face mask can be used 1-2 times a week.

Recipe No. 2

For the preparation of almond mask for oily and problem skin, you will need:

  • almond;
  • aloe juice;
  • almond oils and lavender;
  • oatmeal;
  • kaolin;
  • pure or mineral water without gases.

Mix 4 tsp of ground almonds, 4 tsp of the Tolcon and 2 tsp Kaolin with 4 tsp of water. Water should be hot enough, but not boiling. Then 9 drops of lavender oil, 2 tsp almonds, 4 tsp aloe juice are added. Apply the resulting mass to the face. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes.

Almond peeling. Before and after

Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of the almond peeling procedure. An amazing effect will not be long in coming. Take care of your skin and be beautiful!



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