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Liepaian diet menu

Liepaian diet menu
Do you dream of parting with excess weight, but do not want to radically change your diet? Use the author’s methodology of nutritionist Lev Khazan from the Latvian town of Liepaja. The weight loss program is called "Liepais", and losing weight with it is easy and pleasant.

The Liepaian diet of Dr. Leo Hazan has been known since Soviet times. Then people from all cities and the outskirts with a single goal - to lose weight, find the desired forms gathered to the popular nutritionist.  For many years, the Liepaian diet has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most popular weight loss methods, and its results were able to conquer even the most convinced skeptics. The Liepaian diet really works, and numerous enthusiastic reviews of people are talking about this.

Secrets of the success of the dietary program

Not many know that there is a certain Liepaian diet. Its creator is not public, it is extremely rare to hear about this technique on TV. It is only known about the miraculous results that are shared by the weighty people, recommending to their friends and acquaintances the Liepaisian diet. By the way, observing the rules of this diet, one subject managed to reset 120 kg. And the most striking here is that a person loses weight, using the usual and sometimes calorie food.

The author of the idea Lev Khazan thought out a diet in such a way as not to limit people in his favorite goodies: sandwiches, meat delicacies and salads. The whole secret of the program is three meals a day and small portions. For example, to enjoy 100 g of olivier or a sandwich with sausage, not exceeding the permissible consumption rate per appointment. In the Liepaian diet, the daily menu consists of only three meals, snacks are strictly prohibited. A person begins to part with extra pounds without a feeling of hunger, and the desire to eat tasty. Lack of vitamins can be replenished with natural juices.

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The main principle of a diet is the calculation of calories. You need to know everything about the food that you are going to eat. Naturally, the weight will go against the background of calorie consumption. That is, the higher the consumption, the more active the process of losing weight will occur. Starting to comply with the rules of the Liepaian diet, each losing weight draws up a special table, into which all data on the food eaten and its calorie content.

In the book "Liepaisa diet", which was written by Alexei Bogomolov, the personal experience of losing weight of the author, all the nuances and difficulties of the diet are described in detail. The duration of the course is three months, guaranteed weight loss in compliance with all rules - up to 10 kg per month. This technique not only “gives” a new body, but also develops in a person new correct food habits.

As described in the book, the most important thing is to eat tasty and according to the rules. Then there will be a result.

young Woman Eating a Huge Sandwich on White Background

Basic rules in the menu of the Liepais diet

List of the rules of the Liepaian diet:

  1. The optimal weight loss course is 3 months.
  2. Food should be taken strictly according to the scheme, without missing meals.
  3. The maximum weight of any dish of meat or fish should not exceed 135 g.
  4. You cannot ignore the ingredients that are provided in the program.
  5. The interval between breakfast, lunch and dinner - 5 hours. For example, 8:00 - 13:00 - 18:00. You can detain any of the receptions for no more than 10 minutes.
  6. The total calorie content of all dishes per day is not - more than 1,1200 kcal.
  7. Sweets and alcoholic drinks should be completely eliminated from the diet.
  8. Snacks are also not allowed.
  9. You can drink coffee and tea without sugar, jam and lemon.
  10. It is not recommended to visit cafes and canteens, since everything should be cooked with your own hands.
  11. Physical education and sports are welcome.
  12. It is very useful daily to massage the abdomen, hips and buttocks.
  13. So that the skin does not sag after weight loss, the author of the idea advises 2 times a week to take a hot bath (40 degrees) with the addition of sea salt. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Such a procedure should be abandoned by people with increased blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  14. Every day in the morning, you need to weigh and fix the weight change in the table.
  15. Once every ten days it is advisable to measure the chest, waist and hips.
  16. It is important to monitor the duration of sleep, it should be at least 8 hours.
  17. During a diet, the losing weight should not feel the cold. Otherwise, you need to contact a specialist with this problem.
  18. Every day, the pulse, blood pressure is measured.
  19. If one day you broke the diet and overeat, then the next day you do not need to be exhausted by starvation. Just continue the Liepaian diet mode to restore the rate of weight loss.
  20. Sometimes it happens that after a loss of 7-10 kg, the weight stops. This phenomenon does not need to be scared, since this is how the body enters the process of the “weight plateau”. It is necessary to continue observing the diet and a few days later the weight will begin to decline again.
  21. Physical exercises are not required. According to Dr. Khazan, additional loads can slow down the weight loss process.
  22. After graduating from a three -month course of the diet, you can start normal nutrition, avoiding overeating.

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Answering the question how many kilograms you can lose weight with the Liepainian diet, Leo Khazan speaks of phased weight loss. For example, during the first stage (1 month), a third part of the weight will go, the second and third - the same. The fourth stage is final and fixing, during it the losing weight additionally drops a few kilograms. Special massages, spa treatments and wraps will help tighten the sagging skin.

Recommended menu

Like any other Liepaian diet implies strictly observing the menu. All dishes for each day were developed by Dr. Khazan, and according to the dietary diet, the meal scheme is as follows:

  1. Monday: Curd day. During the day, you also need to eat 3 tbsp. honey, 2 apples, 100 g of walnuts, 0.5 l of milk. The amount of cottage cheese eaten on Monday is 250 g.
  2. From Tuesday to Thursday, it is recommended to eat a small sandwich with cheese and butter for breakfast, drinking 200 g of tea without sugar.
    Lunch: 2 boilers for a couple or 150 g of goulash or cabbage rolls, 100 g of vegetable salad, which must be seasoned with lemon juice. You can drink lunch with freshly squeezed juice.
    Dinner: a slice of bread from 1 tbsp. Fish canned food or caviar, 100 g is vines in vegetable oil, a glass of low -fat kefir. If kefir is not like, then it is allowed to drink 250 ml of water, freshly squeezed juice, tea or coffee.
  3. From Friday to Sunday, you can have breakfast with two boiled eggs and a glass of tea. In addition in the morning, it is allowed to pamper yourself with a slicer of whole grain bread and a piece of boiled chicken breast.
    Lunch: 200 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad.
    Dinner: boiled potatoes (150 g) and a portioned piece of low -fat pork steamed. Vegetable salad seasoned with sour cream. A glass of low -fat kefir, juice, tea or coffee with milk.

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Recommendations for the diet:

  • every day, except for Wednesday and Saturday, drink coffee or sandwiches for breakfast. On Saturday, two eggs are allowed instead;
  • in all days, lunch should include a fish or meat dish, as well as a portion of vegetable salad;
  • for dinner, it is recommended to eat any vegetable salad daily;
  • wednesday is a fasting day during which it is best to eat fruits and low -fat sour -milk products.

It is forbidden to use Liepaian diet for people with diabetes, ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. In the presence of the above symptoms and before the start of the diet it is better to consult with an experienced specialist.

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Given the power rules of the Liepaian diet, you can paint in your table the menu for three months or more, depending on the initial weight. If willpower and excerpt allows, then such a diet can adhere to a longer period, feel great and lose weight. The diet is always unchanged. It is important to remember that vegetable dishes need to be cooked without salt, and hot only a little salt.



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