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Menu detox diet
What is detox diet and what is its danger? How to properly spend a detox diet and cleanse the body.

Detox diet is a special diet that contributes to a comprehensive cleansing of the body from the inside. Adhering to a special nutrition menu, you quickly and effectively remove toxins and metabolic products. This kind of diet is primarily focused on cleaning and restoration and only then - on the loss of excess weight. That is why it can be used not only for weight loss, but also for the “general cleaning” of the body. Today, the detox diets have become very fashionable and the varieties cannot be counted. How to choose the right one among all information and not harm your health - read in this article.

General information about detox diet

Having decided to sit on the detox diet, first of all, you should set the main goal-to cleanse the body. When it does not have products and deposits of undigested food, which poisons blood from the inside, metabolism will be restored, oxygen will enter the bloodstream, and extra pounds, if any, will go away by themselves. This is the main advantage of the diet - you do not starve yourself to lose weight, but simply switch to another food and get a “full bag”: health and beauty!

It is not surprising that the reviews of detox diets are such promising, especially since the whole procedure does not take so much time. As a rule, the process lasts from 3 to 5 days. At this time, the diet should consist mainly of freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, fruits and vegetables. The main emphasis is on fiber, which, as you know, can quickly and qualitatively clean the intestines from the inside. There are detox codes for cleansing for 7 days, but not one of them can last more than 10 days, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can harm the body and simply “tear” the stomach.


Important: before sitting even for 3 days of detox diet, it is necessary to prepare the body for changes in nutrition. It will take about 20-25 days, but the preparatory phase is required! A sharp change in nutrition will entail a stressful situation on the physical and psychological terms, and then there will be no question of any recovery.

What does the preparatory phase mean? About a month before the cleansing diet, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum, and it is better to completely exclude high -calorie dishes. Gradually, refuse all smoked, fried, salty, oily, sweet, coffee and strong tea, it is also better to temporarily remove from the diet. Do this gradually, constantly listening to your own feelings. About 10 days before the start of the diet, exclude all animal foods from the menu: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, refrain from eating dairy and dairy products. At this time, you can eat green buckwheat, moderately sweet fruits, vegetables, greens (the more, the better), berries. If it is very difficult to refuse meat, once a week you can cook low -fat fish for steam or turkey. Well, of course, it is worth temporarily (and better forever) to forget about the use of alcohol.


Useful advice: to get used to the new diet, eat often and little by little, taking breaks between meals of 2-3 hours.

Useful recommendations for detox diet

It is best to clean the detox diet in late spring or early summer, when you can buy fresh herbs, inexpensive fruits and vegetables in stores. If you feel discomfort from a diet change or a continuous feeling of light hunger, drink more filtered water. Drink a large mug of warm, but unpaid water in the morning on an empty stomach. It will warm the internal organs and accelerate the metabolism, which is why the body will be able to quickly and easier to rebuild in a new way. And if you add a little lemon juice there, it will be even better. From drinking, it is generally recommended to leave only water and green tea without sugar. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but stop taking 3 hours before bedtime.


Do not add salt and other seasonings to food. If you are going to do a detox diet for 10 days, refuse salt and pepper at least half of this period, and the rest of the time, bring them to a minimum. Food sodium salt replace the sea.

Do not "focus" on any one product during a diet. Such mono-education is unbalanced and can harm the digestive system, even if you adhere to it only 2-3 days. Try to diversify your table as fruits, green vegetables, root crops and seedlings as much as possible. Be sure to eat greens in large quantities - chlorophyll in its composition will help to quickly cleanse the body from the inside.

Organic Raw Green Cilantro

Useful advice: many, abandoning animal food, are afraid to suffer from a lack of protein. However, plants, especially green leaves, contain a complete set of amino acids, from which proteins are folded. Sea cabbage, for example, contains a lot of vegetable protein, iodine, an almost complete set of vitamins of group B.

It is very important during each meal to create a calm and pacified atmosphere, carefully chewing food and without distracting anything. You need to have dinner no later than 20:00.

Since the detox diet menu will be very different from the usual one, it will somehow create a stressful situation for the body. Therefore, it is best to postpone cleaning before vacation or festive weekend, when nothing will distract you. It is recommended to start a diet in the first phase of the female cycle, since with the onset of the second phase the formation of fat deposits and fluid retention in the body, which means detox will give a minimum effect.

Fresh Vegetable Juits on Wooden Table, On Green Background

You will be surprised, but the reduction in the diet and its change towards fresh fruits and vegetables will give you vigor and strength, and spend the released resources best on light physical exercises: long walks or charging. If you play sports or go to fitness, it is better to refuse strong loads for the duration of the diet.

You need to get out of the detox diet as smoothly as you enter it. If after 10 days on juices and fruit salads, you will heartily “celeb” with fat lasany or steaks, nothing good will come of it. You can start with the return of seasonings and spices, but it is better to radically review your diet, which was before the diet and forever remove harmful products from it. After cleaning, it will be easier for you to abandon sweets, baking of white flour, fat and fried. If you have long wanted to try vegetarianism or raw food diet, here you have the right moment - your body is ready.

The danger of detox-diet

Agree that the concept of detox diets looks just wonderful: eat fruit, drink juices in unlimited quantities, take up health and lose kilograms. However, in practice, everything is not so simple. Over the years of improper nutrition, not a healthy microflora was formed and firmly rooted in the body, which will resist all changes. This will appear in the form of a constant feeling of hunger, discomfort, weakness, drowsiness, distraction. How, in this case, do not lose minds and adhere to the established schedule?


The very concept of detox diet is not so new. Someone knows her under that name, others call a mono-diet, and others-fasting days. In the past, special methods of cleaning and losing weight were very popular, when some miraculous fat-burning product was added to the diet to the maximum: Kayen pepper, grapefruit, pineapple, vinegar, etc. However, such a practice does not withstand any scientific criticism - nutrition only with one product cannot cleanse the body of toxins and at the same time maintain health. Moreover, our body is constantly busy with the splitting and removal of metabolism. The detox diet relieves the load from the digestive and excretory system, since a person consumes only easily acquired food. In other words, the body does not spend energy on the processing of “complex” food, but directs all strength to self -cleaning.


However, in order for everything to turn out in this way, it is necessary to provide proper nutrition and plentiful drink. The hunger strikes or the use of only one product will only lead to a slowdown in metabolism, but upon returning to the usual diet, lost kilograms and volumes will return. What happens to the body when it begins to starve? He literally panic, thinks that hungry times have come and inhibits the metabolism, reducing the rate of splitting of fats and calorie consumption. So he tries to maintain the volume of beneficial fabrics. With the correctly composed menu of the detox diet, you do not starve, but change the quality of the food itself, supplying only useful components inside.

The sad consequences of Detox diet

Obviously, such diets involve a reduction in the calorie content of food, however, the studies showed that 3-5 days after a sharp tightening of the diet up to 1200 kcal per day, the body stops developing the IFR-1 protein. This is one of the most important vital components for the growth and development of the body. In addition, the production of thyroid hormones and insulin is reduced, which over time inevitably leads to deplorable consequences as chronic fatigue, fragility of bones, various mental disorders.


To avoid such a fate, some starve every other day. This really helps people with obesity well, but only at first. For those who need to clean the body or throw off only a couple of kilograms, this is not a way out. They have constant irritability due to a sense of hunger, distraction and weakness. Remember - for the body, the rapid loss of weight is completely unnatural, and if it happens, it does not smell like health here. Therefore, if you are offered to try a detox dodium and lose 10 kg in 10 days, feel free to refuse such a “tempting” sentence, if you do not want to say goodbye to kilograms with health.

I also want to mention hydrocolonotherapy, which often complement many detox-complexes. Such a procedure in the most rough way intervenes in the life of intestinal bacteria, which are responsible for the splitting and assimilation of food digested in the stomach. It should be resorted to hydrocolonotherapy only in extreme cases and only for medicinal purposes, but not in order to lose weight faster.

Correct detox diet

Nevertheless, the detox diet can benefit, but only if it is compiled correctly. The correct menu will lead to unloading the digestive system and protect it from stressful situations, as a result of which the body will have more effort to independently clean from the inside. Fiber, vitamins, minerals and amino acids must be present in the diet. The detox diet is permissible juices, but only if the juices are freshly squeezed and contain flesh (fiber).


In order to avoid sharp changes in blood sugar and changes in the mood, you need to eat often, but little by little-every 3-4 hours. In the intervals half an hour before meals and an hour, it is recommended to drink a glass of water or more-depending on thirst.

The approximate menu for the week looks like this:

  1. In the morning, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning, and after half an hour to have breakfast with mussels, oatmeal with dried fruits or make an omelet only from proteins, sprinkling it with herbs.
  2. After 3-4 hours, you can eat a fruit salad or a handful of nuts.
  3. For lunch, prepare vegetable soup, vegetarian stew or green salad with spinach, patch beans, broccoli and olive oil. You can make vegetables for steam, a salad with seaweed.
  4. Between lunch and dinner, if you want, have a snack with citrus or natural yogurt without additives.
  5. Dinner should be light, but hearty, so prepare a salad with tomatoes, bell pepper and herbs. You can eat a fish or a bird fillet.
  6. If you really want to eat something, but the time already later, cross your appetite with grenade grains or a small portion of natural yogurt. You can also crunch with sweet red pepper - it has a lot of fiber, it is juicy and satisfies hunger.

Useful advice: if you can’t live without sweets, try the potato - sweet potatoes.

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Today you can find a lot of varieties of unloading complexes from foreign and domestic nutritionists. In Russia, the detox diet of Julia Vysotskaya is very popular. However, no matter what choice you make, you should first listen to your own sensations and, if necessary, depart from strict rules. Pownshring to recognize the signals of your body, you can find health and beauty.



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