
Honey hair mask at home

Honey hair mask at home
Honey hair mask is an excellent competitor to salon procedures. Give you beautiful, healthy and shiny hair

Each girl knows how important it is stunning. Beautiful curls are almost the main part of her image. But, often, beauty faced with such troubles as dull, secant and simply not shiny hair. Causes can be absolutely different: rigid water surrounding ecology, continuous use of the hairdryer and all sorts of laying, and much more. So that the appearance of the hair is always at the height you need to follow them carefully, take care and constantly feed with vitamins. Women resort both salon treatments and procedures that can be done periodically at home. One of the very effective means are honey hair masks. Today, let's look at the honey hair masks at home.

Why is the best hair masks are precisely honey?

We all know that honey - a unique medicinal product. In its composition resembles human blood plasma. It is used for treatment in all areas of health and beauty. Of course, the treatment of hair is no exception. Due to its composition, honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. It contains a very large number of different vitamins and minerals, as well as minerals that are very essential for our bodies. Honey is best to neutralize the effect of the so-called "free radicals." After all, they adversely affect our hair. Honey is used in cosmetology for a long time. He has no analogues. Therefore, many cosmetic companies often release means the line is based on honey. This and cosmetics for body care and hair products. The use of honey in folk remedies is justified. A lot of the recipes include honey in different variations.

Varieties of honey hair mask has a huge amount. Honey can be used as a separate mask, and in tandem with other additives. If you use one of honey, it will be enough to put on clean, dry hair. This mask can help you restore all the damaged hairs, prevent loss, make hair shiny. Unable to find negative reviews about a honey mask. They like everyone who has ever tried them on your hair.


General recommendations to the honey hair mask

In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to know such aspects:

  • Always be aware of their individual intolerance, not only honey, but also in the rest of the ingredients. For example, milk or eggs.
  • For masks should be used only natural honey. It is a natural component can give you the necessary vitamins. It is used for masks, liquid honey. Everybody knows that honey can often sugar. Do not worry! Just put it in a warm place in advance. Do not rush it to heat on the stove or in the microwave, as this will lose all useful properties.
  • Periodically try to add new components to the mask. Even if you are used to a new will help you even more power to the hair.
  • To avoid colds, as well as to improve the mask is recommended to always wrap up head with a towel.
  • To save the result after hair masks, give up aggressive styling, use the hairdryer only in extreme cases, do not pull the hair with an iron.
  • Always use only soft shampoos. Be sure to always use balm. In no case do not use the shampoo 2-in-1.



Honey hair masks at home

Honey is sold everywhere. Therefore, make a honey mask at home will not be great work. These are very affordable masks that can prepare absolutely everything. They do not require expensive ingredients, everything is found in a simple grocery store. Let's look at the most popular recipes of honey hair honeymills.


Medovo Egg Hair Mask

Any hostess can easily find in her refrigerator and honey, and an egg. It is from them that can be cooked a honey egg mask. With regular use of such a mask, your hair will look like after expensive salon procedures. Make such a honey mask is very simple. It will be enough to just melt a couple of honey spoons in a water bath and mix with one egg yolk. In the eggs of honey hair masks, it is the yolk, since it nourishes her hair very well. Apply such a mask need to absolutely clean hair. It is necessary to keep it about one hour.

Honey hair mask with oils

Even among home honeymills, masks with oils are in great demand. They are the best honey masks. Such masks carry a huge amount of vitamins for our hair. Honey mask with oils gives them silkiness, as well as an incredible shine. You can take absolutely any oil (coconut, linen, castor, peach, grape, etc.), but olive and burdow are most popular. For its preparation, you must take in the same quantities honey and oil. All mix, warm, for example, in a water bath. When you apply a mask on your hair, massage the scalp slightly. Then, shutting her hair with a towel, waiting for about 40 minutes. Such honey home masks will give you a long result. Your hair will be grateful to you.


Hair mask with honey and herbs

Such a mask will provide intensive hair growth. This is an excellent perchota prevention. For her you will need 3 teaspoons of the collection of herbs, 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil, 1 tea spoon and half of the teaspoon of propolis. From 100 ml of water, make a decoction of herbs (better to do on a steam bath). Cool down. You need to apply on wet, washed hair. Keep about 40 minutes and just wash off warm water.

Honey Hair Mask with Aloe

For dry hair, it is best to cook a mask with aloe. It makes wonderful feeding the scalp, and also restores the hair. For her cooking you will need one egg yolk, one tablespoon of honey and a couple of aloe leaves. The leaves need to be frozen and squeeze the juice, mix with other ingredients and apply head and hair on the skin. You can wear a hat for the soul, then cover the whole head with a towel. An hour later, you need to wash your hair with shampoo.


Hair mask with yeast and honey

Also a popular honey mask is a mask with yeast. It will help to cope with hair loss, will accelerate their growth and give shine. For her preparation, take 50 g of milk, 1 tablespoon of yeast and honey. We mix everything, let's give a little time to activate yeast. It will take about an hour. Then, everything, as in other masks. We apply, withstand time, wash off.

How and how to wash off honey hair masks?

Wash the mask need warm water. If necessary, rinse your hair with shampoo. It will still be very good if after applying a honey mask, you will sing her hair herbal decoction. Prepare it is also completely simple. It is enough to take different herbs in 50 g (nettle, chamomile) and pour boiling water. It is usually taken exactly these herbs, as they are also very useful for the hair. Peel all this on slow fire within 10 minutes. Cool to a pleasant temperature for skin and rinse hair. The duration of the course of honeymills is one month. A week must be done in two procedures.

The composition of the honey mask can be changed according to their preferences. Visit the perfect mask for yourself you will always be with luxurious and healthy hair. Your hair mask for hair will also always be only positive. This very effective tool will give you truly luxury curls. Love yourself and be healthy!


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