
Acne masks at home

Acne masks at home
Recipes homemade masks for face. How to make a mask of clay, egg squirrel, honey, gelatin. Activated Coal Facial Masks

Pimples - with these manifestations of the human body, each girl has come across in his life. Get rid of rashes are not easy, acne may appear at the most appropriate moment and spoil the mood. You can get rid of rash on your face in different ways, the best is to begin fighting acne at home and make effective acne masks.

Why appear pimples?

Not all girls know the reason for the appearance of acne. They are formed because the greasy docks are clocked, the skin stops breathing, the oxidation process occurs and therefore black dots appear on the surface. First, they do not darken, but remain white, but over time, the skin fat is compacted, the pores are even more polluted and the surface of the pimple is black. If in these pores the infection (with incorrect skin care), then the inflammatory process begins in this place. It can lead to the appearance of strongly inflamed and purulent acne. Such rashes are a real problem, because it is impossible to touch the place of inflammation due to pain. When the pimple is opened, the separated one appears on the surface - it is a pus that has accumulated in the swamps. After the glance opens, the wound can not heal for a long time, and after tightening it remains on the skin track.


Acne masks at home

It is known that on the face, as well as the chest and back, the pimples appear most often. Especially they "attack" a young organism during puberty. Why it happens? The fact is that hormonal activity reaches a peak mark, the skin fat is produced faster and the pores are not able to derive an excess to the surface. It turns out a vicious circle, the skin fat is mixed with dust and other contaminants that fall on the skin of the face and therefore rashes appear. Another situation may aggravate the wrong skin care of the face, because not all girls, as well as guys know how to properly care for the skin during this period.

It is necessary to clean the delicate skin of the face from contaminants gently and carefully, take care of the fall of sun rays, as well as wind, do not be long in the cold, to ensure that the skin is not overwhelmed. Care - only careful cleansing and in no case should the pimples can be squeezed, because the infection quickly applies to the face.

How to be if you do everything right, and the pimples do not want to leave your beautiful face? Then you need to resort to heavy artillery and make homemade acne masks. It is much better than even the most expensive advertised stores that promise quickly and forever get rid of pimples and rashes on the skin. This information is difficult to believe, because one thing I bought expensive cream, smeared and everything, wait for the result, and another thing - on my own, almost every day you need to make masks against acne from affordable ingredients. It takes more time, but the result is worth it.

There are a lot of recipes for masks from acne for adolescents, their main advantage is that there are no preservatives, chemicals, dyes and fragrances - only natural components. And also, recipes are transmitted from generation to generation and checked for years, so it is worth trying.

Preparatory moments

Before proceeding with the fight against rashes and make a face mask from acne, you need to explore these rules:

  1. Never squeeze your hands and any items pimples on your face and body! Even if you see that the pimple asks, he is about to burst, you just need to press out with your fingers and the problem is solved, it is not worth doing this. Even if you do everything neatly and you can boast that your fingers have been processed by an antiseptic, the likelihood of enhancing infection is not excluded, and this is fraught with the spread of infection and new foci of rash and even blood infection.
  2. All homemade face masks from acne should be kneaded only in clean dishes, clean objects. It is best to highlight a bowl and watch out for her cleanliness. As for the ingredients, they must all be proven if these are natural ingredients, it is better to buy components in a pharmacy if they went for the preparations of medicinal herbs on their own, collect plants away from industrial facilities and road highways.
  3. Use the minimum with decorative cosmetics, and best of all for the treatment period to abandon the tonal cream, powders and the roast completely, because they are clogged.
  4. Before you impose a mask, you need to clean the skin from pollution and unpack.
  5. Do not hurry, this process is not fast, so you have to be patient and not stop. It is impossible to get a good result from the first time.


How to make a mask from acne at home

The most efficient acne mask is from the household soap. This method is checked for years. Suitable mask for the owners of oily skin of the face, because the soap suits the skin and well cleans all the contaminants.

The main thing you need to do is try to find soap without additives.


Acne Mask from Economic Soap

How to make a mask of their household soap

  • clean the skin of the face, impregnate the skin with a towel;
  • take a small piece of soap;
  • wet the soap in water;
  • mixed a piece of soap plots on the face where there are rashes;
  • leave up to complete drying to get a thin film;
  • after some time (3-5 minutes), the mask can be washed off with water, if you put soap in the morning and leave for the night, if in the evening.

Such a mask is very effective, it works only if you do constantly: every day, in the mornings or evenings. If the skin is fat, you can 2 times a day.

And this recipe is most like best to cosmetologists, the mask is well cleaned pollution:

  • you need to cut off a piece of household soap and grate it in a small grater;
  • add some water to grated chips to beat foam;
  • in a thick foam, you must add a teaspoon of small sea salt, mix;
  • the mask is applied to the cleansed surface, the time is 30 minutes, then washing the water of the contrast temperature. Make such a mask needed 1 time per week.

Another proven homemade mask recipe against acne with clay. This natural component cleans the skin well, pulls all the contamination from the pores, and also calms the inflammatory processes. The mask can be made 2-3 times a week using a pharmacy clay.




Woman with Clay Facial Mask in Beauty Spa.

Home mask against acne with clay

Recipe home mask from clay

  • purified pharmacy clay takes - 2 tsp;
  • the clay with vegetable oil is mixed (if the skin is fat, then the olive oil is better not to use) - 1 tsp;
  • added to a mass of 1 yolk;
  • all components need to mix, apply completely, and not point, leave for 15 minutes, then wash the water from under the tap. Course of treatment 1 month, 2-3 times a week.

Yeast is this component in third place in efficiency. Yeast includes many recipes for acne masks, this component is universal, well relieves inflammation, cleans the skin. Mask is preparing extremely simple, you need to dissolve a small piece of yeast with water so that it turns out a thick mass, apply such a mask on the face, leave for 10 minutes or a little more. To enhance the effect of mask, the lemon juice, herbs extracts, vitamins add to the mass. It is very important to remove the mask correctly, it can not be sidewged. As soon as the mass on the face starts to push, it is impossible to laugh and talk, any facial expressions or conversations are undesirable. It is better to lie down and relax. You need a snack mask with water, and then gradually wash off. Number of applications - no more than 2 times a week.


Another popular means included in the face of the face masks, according to the reviews of girls who got rid of acne - this is an egg whites. He tightens the skin, capturing the black dots behind him. Protein is also a prophylactic agent. If the fight against rashes and black dots is complete so that this no longer happens, the mask must be imposed for prevention to prevent 1 time per week.

Pat mask from acne spots

  • mask is made only from egg protein, so it is necessary to carefully separate the yolk;
  • in the protein add lemon juice (as much as possible to 1 tsp);
  • optionally, it is allowed to enrich the composition with essential oils, in the amount of 5 drops suitable for your skin type;
  • the protein needs to be mixed with lemon juice or essential oil, beat the fork to get foam, apply the resulting composition on the skin of the face;
  • mask work time - up to 20 minutes, then wash off with water from under the tap;
  • very important moment: when the mask starts to push, it is impossible to talk, it is important that the muscles of the face are alone.

Another egg whites can be mixed with honey to enhance the effect, add clay, vegetable oils, lemon juice.


Kefir, Badyag and Bow - effective components of the mask, now about everything in order:

  1. Mask kefir with oat flakes. It is necessary to grind oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder, mix the flour from 1 tbsp. Kefir (preferably domestic), add a couple of droplets of lemon juice, put the mass on the face. It helps not only to defeat the pimples, but also remove the black dots. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, 2 times a week.
  2. This is a super remedy for the treatment of skin on the weekend, the smell is unpleasant, but the result is worth it. Mix onion juice (1 tsp) with the same sugar, add rubbing soap (pinch) grated. Mix the mixture, apply on the face, if the skin is sensitive, keep the mask for 5 minutes, normal - 10-15 minutes. Make such a mask need every weekend for 8 weeks.
  3. Badyaga well removes inflammation. You need to mix the powder with water so that it turns out Cashier, keep 10 minutes. The mask removes inflammation, pulls the skin, improves the complexion.

Homemade masks from black acne

An organic mask against acne is the most efficient, after the first application to see the result - the skin is freed from pollution, black points in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, the wings of the nose, bridges and chin are disappeared. It is in these places like "settle" black pimples.

How to make a scum mask

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • food gelatin - 1 tbsp.

We make a viscous mass from these components. It is necessary to breed gelatin in milk, warm in a water bath or put for a few seconds in the microwave oven. As soon as the mask is ready for use, it must be applied to the face, it is desirable to cover only the T-zone, capture the chin and the most problematic places where the most black points are available. It is better to not apply a mask on the whole face, because it is to shoot it - a real test.

As soon as the mask is grabbed on the face, you need to wait 10 minutes or a little more, and then the most interesting thing is the mask film from acne you need to remove from the skin, gradually pulling away. She is not removed with a solid layer, the process does not bring pleasure, but such a mask well cleans the skin from pollution.


After you remove the remnants of the mask from the face, you need to wash the cool water and apply nutrient cream on the skin.

Tip from the cosmetologist: if you add a little cosmetic oil or face cream to a mask, then it will be easier to remove it, efficiency is not reduced.

Another mask from acne from coal - she cleanses well from pollution, removes toxins, the skin becomes smooth. If you do such a mask regularly, you can forever get rid of black points. Just need to then care for the skin and not forget about the prevention measures.

Black acne mask

  • it will take activated carbon - 1 tablet;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • water or cold milk - 2 ppm

All components need to be mixed, the tablet is pre-molded into the powder, gelatin to dissolve in water. Put in the microwave oven for 10 seconds or a little more, depending on the power of the device. Finished warm mixture apply to the cleaning face of the face, leave until complete drying. It is very important to apply this mask only to the sections where there are black dots: it is nose and wings of the nose, bridge, chin. On gentle skin, this mask is not applied!


Black acne mask

After drying, it is necessary to remove the movement from the bottom up, gently pushing the film with your fingers and slowly shoot. It is unpleasant, but the mask is very effective.


Acne mask from activated carbon

What is important for mask from acne from activated carbon:

  1. Coal must be fresh. Check it easy: if it turns well, it means fresh, if it is difficult to grind into powder, these pills are better not to use.
  2. Allergic reaction is no exception, although usually the skin reacts well to activated carbon. But it is better to rebuild and if you make a mask for the first time, you need to check in advance on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin (wrist area). If everything is fine, there is no redness and irritation, the mask can be applied to the face.
  3. Constancy is a very important point, you need to do such a mask constantly, once a week for 1.5 months, then a break of 2 months and you can again do a course of treatment.
  4. The mask is desirable to apply on the pre-sparkled skin, you can lie in a hot bath or hold your face over the ferry.

Is there any contraindications?

Even if the mask is the most efficient, it can harm.

In which cases you need to listen to the recommendations of specialists and to postpone in the fight against acne:

  • when inflammatory foci on the face of more than 30%;
  • for diseases of the internal organs - you must first remove the cause;
  • at high body temperature;
  • when there are purulent rashes on the skin, pimples are inflamed;
  • with individual intolerance to the components that are part of the mask (for example, allergic to beekeeping products, egg protein, etc.).


Now you know how to get the skin beauty and get rid of rashes. It remains only to choose the current mask recipe and comply with the above rules. Good luck to you and pure healthy skin!


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