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Eye makeup for blondes

Eye makeup for blondes
Favorable options for daytime and evening makeup for fair -haired girls

The idea of \u200b\u200bwhat blondes should be the same for everyone, and therefore many believe that by nature they are given a bright appearance, which they skillfully control with small manipulations in makeup. In fact, this process requires a lot of effort, knowledge and individual skills, and not all fair -haired girls manage to master it perfectly. There are a lot in the nature of blondes, so any makeup should be combined with the color of the girl’s eyes and hair.

Eye makeup for blondes: Features of daytime makeup

Naturalness and simplicity are the main points that are required to observe blond girls in the use of everyday makeup. It should emphasize the advantages that are inherent in blondes, and hide likely small flaws on the surface of the skin. In the make -up, everything is interconnected, so beautifully designed eyes and lips should be combined with a flat complexion.

There are some tips from professionals in choosing the right foundation:

  • tonal cream should not dry the skin and cause discomfort, since it is on the skin of the face all day;
  • do not choose too “heavy” cream that will create the effect of the mask. There are many light cosmetics on sale that does not “overload” the face.

Quite often, many makeup artists use concealer in their practice. Due to its thick formula and a high degree of content of pigmenting substances, it is able to hide even the biggest disadvantages.


The main rule is proper skin care, so any cosmetics must be washed off the face in the evening, and then carry out cleansing procedures. Your skin should look well -groomed even without makeup.

Blurious representatives of the fair sex are not recommended to use dark shadows, mascara to increase volume, combine contrasting colors in daytime makeup. Among the cosmetics of knowledgeable blondes, you can find shadows of soft shades, dark brown mascara and two pencils: for the eyes to the tone of the carcass and for eyebrows under the color of the hair.

The main makeup begins with the fact that the inside of the eye should be lightened with a corrector, and the upper eyelid and under the eyebrows are covered with selected shadows, even with a slight radiance, in order to give playfulness to your view. In order for the face not to seem too pale, you need to apply a blush of a natural shade and lip gloss closer to natural.

One of the types of makeup for blondes is presented in the next video.

Eye makeup for blondes: daytime makeup for green eyes

Natural blond girls with green eyes are very rare, so the selection of the desired makeup becomes a difficult task.

However, there are still several recommendations that should adhere to the creation of the image:

  1. Choose for yourself an eye pencil (eyeliner) and brown mascara, which will emphasize the naturalness of your image. Try to work with green - perhaps it will perfectly complement your day makeup, but experiment with this option in advance. If you have small eyes, then instead of a white pencil for their visual increase, use unsaturated golden eyeliner.
  2. To form the most successful image for you, select the shadows for the eyes of a warm color (peach, emerald, golden), since the cold will only add age. Do not be zealous with the application of pink shadows, because visually your eyes will look like you cried all night long.
  3. Choose the powder according to your skin color - for the bright, all pink tints are suitable, and brown or beige is dark.
  4. To complete the image, apply lipstick on the lipstick of the color of pink cherries or translucent corn color.

Eye makeup for blondes: daily makeup for blue eyes

Light curls and blue eyes are a classic, as this combination has been considered exemplary for girls for many years. There are fewer restrictions in this make -up, so you can actually use everything to form an elegant and aristocratic image.

The girl should select all the shades to the color of her hair:

  1. If your hair is golden-yellow, then for daily eye makeup use silver, heavenly, cornflower, blue. The elongating mascara of blue or brown color will make your eyes a little puppet. The tone of powder can vary from pale pink to bodily, and the tone of shine or lipstick-from coral to peach.
  2. If you are a fair -haired girl, then try to apply the same recommendations in the color scheme, but with the addition of a blue shade. The choice of powder tone can change from light with pink to a little golden.
  3. In the event that your hair is closer to the ashes, then you should abandon the cold blue. Use delicate shadows, for example, bronze, light milk chocolate, muffled blue, warm beige. You will suit you bodily powder and lipstick in the color of the pink peach.

Eye makeup for blondes: daily makeup for gray eyes

Fully makeup for blondes with gray eyes is close in terms of their characteristics to the makeup of blue -eyed.

Below are several basic combinations that are selected for your hair color:

  1. For all types of blond hair, use shadows of heavenly shade. Apply the searletal sight with a thin contour near the eyelashes and paint them with blue mascara.
  2. For ash -colored hair, use golden or yellowish shadows, mascara and brown eyeliner, as well as closer to the base will be a powder with pink intersperses.
  3. If you have wheat hair, then select blue or silver shadows for yourself. They will help to make your look more expressive and brighter.
  4. For very bright hair, use sandy or beige shadows for an open and soft gaze, mascara of dark brown color, a powder of a bodily tone and salmon-pink lipstick.

Eye makeup for blondes: daily makeup for brown eyes

In makeup for blondes with brown eyes, you should adhere to a certain color scheme, since mainly such girls choose ashen blond, so vanilla, cognac and copper shades are the main colors for daytime makeup.

It is recommended to select powder closer to the color of the skin, but basically it can be a bronze or yellowish-pink tone. For brown eyes, gray or blue shadows with a brown color will look very harmonious, exactly, like translucent shadows of flesh -colored. Mascara and pencil of the same color as in previous cases, but you should not intensively stain eyelashes. In daytime makeup, it is recommended to emphasize them slightly. The tone of lipstick should correspond to, so you can choose yellowish pink, and for tanned skin, coral of different intensities is suitable.


Evening eye makeup for blondes

In an evening or festive output, any girl wants to be irresistible. Each trifle in an outfit, hairstyle and especially makeup thinks in advance and very carefully.


Evening eye makeup for blondes in the same way as daytime, requires maximum efforts and appropriate skills in order to make it original and at the same time not causing. In this case, you can experiment with various shades, which in combination give an excellent effect. However, do not forget that if you want to draw the attention of others to your eyes, then the saturation of the color of the lips in this case is not relevant.

Evening makeup is more saturated, therefore it requires an even skin tone. The right foundation cream will help you with this. It is necessary to choose a tool light in structure, but also completely hiding all the shortcomings. Professionals recommend starting to apply the base from the middle of the face, gradually blending it with a soft brush to the outside. If you have an open evening outfit, then you should apply a tonal cream and to the neckline.

The eyebrows should not be lost against the general background, so they should be highlighted with a pencil or shadows, drawing well along the contour.

Eye makeup is characterized by color intensity, so they most often practice a humid way to apply shadows on the eyelid. To do this, you need to moisten a little brush that you usually use - the more moisture, the more saturated the color turns out.

The standard for daytime makeup is a combination of shadows and the color of your eyes, but in the evening version you can experiment. Shades can be completely opposite and unconventional in the selection, but they should be in harmony with each other.


There are three main shades that are used in any evening makeup:

  1. The first is the white shadows that you apply to the entire mobile eyelid, paying special attention to the inner part of the eye, and under the line of the eyebrow. It can be shadows with a slight flickering effect.
  2. The second is a deep dark (dark gray, terracotta, chocolate, dark brown) in order to highlight the outside of the eye and smoothly go to the corner, and then to the edge of the lower eyelid.
  3. The third is a transitional shade between light and dark. It can be golden, light golden, olive, pink, etc.

Try not to leave clear boundaries between all three shades - they need to be carefully blended for a smooth transition from one to another.

The eyelashes need to be painted well from the roots to the tips with mascara for volume. You can use overhead cilia completely on the entire eyelid or glue somewhat on the outer part.

For the lips, you should choose a more neutral shade (colorless shine, pastel-pink lipstick with a slight gloss or completely matte) so as not to oversaturate your appearance with bright accents. The only exception is the image of the film a movie of the 60s. In this case, you can make wide arrows with black eyeliner, and make lips with a lipstick of saturated scarlet or red color.

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In evening makeup for blondes with blue and gray eyes, you can use a matte black, dark gray, dark blue, muted blue, bluish-gray as a second shade.

For girls with brown eyes, you should apply a second shade of coal, gray-brown, dark brown, bitter chocolate, and the first-milk.

Eye makeup for blondes: evening makeup in the Smoky Eyes style

Spectacular makeup in the style of "smoky eyes" or smoky Eyes is becoming more and more popular. It can be completely universal for girls of any color type, since it can be performed in any shades.

The step -by -step creation of "smoky eyes":

  1. With a soft black pencil or kayal, draw an arrow along the height of the upper eyelid eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye to the external. Try to paint the skin between the cilia well. Carefully make sure that there is not the slightest section of the flesh -colored. It is allowed to take the arrow a little outside the external corner of the eye.
  2. The lower eyelid also needs to be well drawn on the height of the eyelashes and along the border of the mucosa. The lines should be neat and accurate.
  3. Then proceed to apply the shadows. Choose them according to your eye color, for example, it can be blue shadows in combination with silver. Apply them to the entire upper and lower eyelids with a special flat brush or finger. The upper layer of shadows can overlap your arrows - this will contribute to a smooth transition from dark to light.
  4. The next stage is the shading of all clear boundaries. To do this, use a special soft brush or cotton wool.
  5. Apply light shadows under the eyebrow and soften the boundaries of the dark on the lower and upper eyelids. Also leave two light points in the inner corner of the eye.
  6. Pay due attention to the eyelashes, as this will be your final chord in the makeup of Smoky Eyes. Use black mascara with a double effect - lengthening and volume. Color them from roots to tips, gently rotating with a brush to avoid the appearance of lumps and sticky eyelashes. If you decide to use the overhead cilia, then at your request you can additionally attach a small rhinestone to the outer angle.

Blondes are very capricious girls with sometimes a unique appearance, therefore makeup should be unique, multifunctional and easy to use for them. The main thing is to determine what shade can emphasize the beauty of their eyes.



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