
Best hair paint. How to choose the hair paint

Best hair paint. How to choose the hair paint
We decided to paint your hair, but do not know how to choose the paint? Our article will tell how to do it.

Often, after dyeing hair, women remain unhappy result. Hair or begin to fall out, or the color is not the one that needs. What is the reason? Everything is simple. You just need to learn how to properly select high-quality paint so that there are no unpleasant consequences. First of all, determine which kind of "native" hair color and only then proceed to choose paint. Carefully prepare your hair to the procedure. In particular, this concerns dark-haired women. Light colors change much easier. To properly select the color, use a special card that helps determine your color bottle.

Hair paint palette

It represents a small cardboard book, with curls located on it in different colors, which have its own sequence number. They have two digits. The first means the depth of color, and the second is the necessary shade.


Be sure to follow one very simple rule: a new shade should be different than two tones.

Colors and shades of hair paint

As we have already said, shades and colors are designated on packaging numbers. It is necessary to take into account that, with the following procedure, do not get the result that you are not waiting at all.

As a rule, the palette has 10 main colors:

  • Blondie (simple, platinum and bright).
  • Blonde (dark, medium and light).
  • Brown (Dark, light, medium).
  • Black.

As for the paint, it has fewer colors:

  • Matte, pearl.
  • Brown.
  • Purple.
  • Red.
  • Copper.
  • Golden.
  • Ashen.
  • Natural.

With the help of a special table, you can easily choose the desired shade and color.

Samples of paints for hair


  • What to do if you still have something wrong after staining? This means that you chose the paint wrong.
  • If you want a brown paint with a golden chip, then the numbers are 4.3.2 (brown) and 11 (golden) must be necessarily on the packaging.
  • Often the situation happens when the color image on the package may differ from the final result. In this case, you better choose a brown tint 3. Maybe your color will be chestnut. The main thing is to trust your feelings.

In addition, the numbers should also be carefully referring to:

  • Shelf life. In order not to harm the hair, be sure to see when paint was made, as an overdue product can deliver a lot of problems.
  • Cost. The price is usually overestimated due to the presence of a variety of additives, and not due to high quality. Therefore, it is not necessarily more expensive - it means better.
  • The presence of ammonia. If it is added to the paint, then it will delight you much longer. In addition, the remedy will effectively cope with the seeding. But if you just need to highlight your own hair color, then it is better to buy paint without ammonia.

If you are not sure about your abilities and think that you cannot paint your hair with high-quality yourself, then better contact the hairdresser. In this case, you do not have to learn the features of this procedure. You just just explain to a specialist what you want to get in the end. He will independently select a tool for you and take painting.

We also recommend that you remember ten simple rules for choosing paint.

Selecting paint rules for hair


  • Leather and hair must match the color.

For each skin type, their colors are suitable. This is due to the fact that a special pigment is produced - melanin. Therefore, they must approach each other. For example, blonde colors go blond if the skin has a shade of copper, then the hair is scattered. Red color is suitable for white and pink skin. Therefore, to obtain an attractive appearance, it is better not to neglect this rule.

  • Tone hair, skin and eye color should be selected carefully.

Who are you - Autumn, Spring, Summer or Winter Girl? Each given color has its own colors and hair tones. For example, you found out that your color of the fifth degree. But this does not mean that this color is final, because it happens warm or cold. So that your beauty looked natural, the color of the eyes, hair and skin must be approached to each other.

Girls having gray or blue eyes and white skin are perfectly suitable for cold colors: medical and chestnut; Copper and golden. Burn Karim - at least redhead. Also, they are perfectly suitable chestnut or black.

Girls having a permanent blush on the cheeks also better choose not warm tones, as they will give an extra blush. It is even better to use cool tones: sandy, champagne, ash blond or brown. If you suffer from allergies on your face, then you can not use red shades: a grenade, a red tree.

  • Color is determined depending on the skin condition.


If you can not boast of attractive skin on your face: the presence of acne, rash, hepatic spots, circles under the eyes, then in this case you will not go too light or dark tones. They emphasize what is best to hide. Of course, with the help of various masking cosmetics, it can be hidden, but it should always be with you. It concerns even hot summer days.

  • Do not do nonsense.

If you want to drastically change the appearance, for example, with a brunette on a blonde, then do not change the color sharply. Do it gradually. Review no more than two tones at a time. Otherwise, you will then be very difficult to return your color, because the hydrogen peroxide burns the hair, and here it will not be possible to cope without a specialist.

  • Carefully disguise the gray.

To hide gray, use light colors. The higher the age, the lighter tone. With the help of such colors you will look younger and fresh. If you don't have a lot of seeds, then get the paint that will not hold on for a long time. In addition, it must be the same as your natural or a little lighter. If you have a bright hair yourself, then boldly buy wheat, blonde and ash colors. They give the way freshness, youth and health. If you are the owner of brown hair, then paint their dark red or light brown color. If you have on the contrary, there are many seats, then use only stable paint.

  • Use the paint card.

In any cosmetic store, purchase this useful tool and learn to use it. This is your personal guide for the kingdom of paints.

  • Read the instructions when buying.

Choose paint not via bright color, packaging and manufacturer, and quality level. If you acquire even a popular paint, then look at the instructions for it and the composition. Be sure to pay attention to what shade you take is warm or cold. Paletki with samples and make suitable color with them.

  • Determine the resistance time.

Before buying paint, decide how for a long time you want to apply the selected color. If you do everything just for the sake of the experiment, then you need quick-moving paint, which is enough for only a few weeks. It will not penetrate deep into the hair, but will only paint it from above. In addition, the hair will receive an extra shine, but here it is better for disguising the seeds. If you plan to make staining for a long time, then buy persistent paint.

  • Prepare for the procedure.

Before the procedure, actively use masks, creams or air conditioners to make hair condition better. Hair constantly need moisturizing and treatment. Porous dry hair, of course, is also good and quickly painted, but as a result, the color is obtained uneven and stains.

  • Experiment competently.

If you decide to experiment with your hair, you first better apply temporary paint and, if you are satisfied with the result, you can use a resistant dye next time.

Video: how to choose the beauty paint


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Alla 24.09.2017 To answer

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