
Kefir diet

Kefir diet
What is the benefit of a kefir diet? How to lose weight with such food?

If a woman is committed to perfection, then she is ready for any sacrifices, up to starvation and exhausting training. In order to become slim, it is not necessary to torment yourself, because you can lose weight with a rather tasty and useful kefir diet. There are many varieties of such techniques - these are the mondetes that will help quickly lose weight, for example, a quick kefir diet, and longer duration, but no less effective food methods in order to get rid of excess weight. And now let's go about everything in order.

What is the essence of a kefir diet?

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In popularity among all diet heads the tops of a kefir diet, the reviews about which most of the most positive. Of course, well-known people played a large role here, which with this method of food got rid of excess weight - for example, Larisa Valley.

In fact, such a diet was invented was farmers from Texas. Before starting distilting livestock, they needed to quickly lead themselves in the form - for this they chose kefir, and indeed, quickly lost weight.

Important properties of kefir diets

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  1. Kefir is much more useful than other fermented milk products - due to the unique composition of bacteria, as well as yeast-like fungi, which accelerate the metabolism of the human body, contribute to the normalization of digestion. As a result, a person loses extra kilograms.
  2. In addition, the role of calcium is equally important, which is contained in milk fat. This trace element is an excellent assistant to accelerate energy metabolic processes in the body.
  3. In kefir there is a lot of utility - it perfectly cleans the liver and kidneys, as well as the intestines. In addition, it is possible to remove slags and toxins from its body.
  4. It is kefir that suppresses the growth of pathogenic organisms and drives sodium salts due to a small diuretic effect.
  5. Diet in kefir has the properties of cleansing diets.
  6. Fresh kefir is a great remedy against constipation.
  7. The constant use of kefir increases immunity.

What results can be achieved using a kefir diet?


Depending on how much kefir you will use the final result dependent on the day. Here you can highlight a lot of different options - from a simple discharge day to a strict mondue for a period of 9 days or even less. The classic of the genre is a kefir diet for a period of 5 days.

Diet with a kefir diet, for a period of 5 days

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Every day it will be necessary to eat 1.5 liters of fresh kefira. It is preferable to a product with a smallest shelf life, since it is more than more beneficial bacteria and yeast-like fungi.

In order to diversify the diet, you can use unsolved rice in the first 3 days, boiled chicken for 4 and 5 days, as well as prunes and lightweight. Apples must be added to this list. It is very important to remember that in addition to kefir, at least 1.5 liters of drinking water should be drunk.

How to get out of a kefir diet?

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This should be made extremely careful. Do not eat fatty and fried food immediately at the end of kefir days. Drink in small portions, but often. It is necessary to include in the diet of the milk product - it may be a non-residential yogurt or rippy.

Effective Kefir Diets for Fast Slimming

To lose weight, you can sit on monodulations or longer in time. Watching what effect you want to achieve and how much time you have for this.

Kefir diet for a day


To lose weight very quickly - for 1 day, you need to eat during the day on the next menu of the kefir diet:

  1. For breakfast, drink a glass of kefir and taking a slice of gallery cookies or a little dried rye bread.
  2. The second breakfast should consist of 1 cup of kefir and fruit assortment - portions should be no more than 100 grams.
  3. At lunch, drink again a glass of kefir. In addition, the menu includes a vegetable salad weighing 100 gr. Come it with sunflower, and even better - olive oil.
  4. Humannik - 1 cup of kefir, 2 apples. Instead of apples you can eat other fruits or berries.
  5. Dinner - 1 cup of kefir, cottage cheese mass - 100 gr.
  6. Before bedtime, drink an incomplete glass of kefir.
  7. In the intervals between meals drink pure non-carbonated mineral water. During the day you need to drink from 1.5 liters.

The total number of kilocalories per day should not exceed 1200 kcal.

This monodimate is very effective, so if you need to urgently get rid of the couple - the troika kg, then boldly try to work.

You can use another kefir diet, designed for 1 day - reviews and results are very positive.

During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir, separating the reception by 5 - 6 parts. Drink it at an equal period of time.

Kefir diet for 3 days

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With a kefir diet, designed for 3 days, you can reduce weight by 3 - 4 kg. Every day you should drink kefir - from 1 to 1.5 liters. During the day, the entire volume should be served in 6 receptions, each of which is done at an equal period of time.

Kefir diet for 7 days

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With the help of a kefir diet in 7 days you can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. It is important to remember that all the dishes need to be prepared without salt and sugar. Every day you should drink 1.5 liters of kefir. In addition to this menu, this kefir diet looks like this:

The first day - we are taking 5 boiled potatoes.

The second day - chicken boiled meat - 100 gr.

Third day - Beef Boiled meat 100 gr.

The fourth day of a kefir diet, calculated for the week - boiled fish 100 gr.

Fifth day - fruit, except grapes and bananas.

Sixth day - 1.5 - 2 l kefir.

Seventh day - non-carbonated mineral water in any quantity, kefir does not drink on this day.

In order for this kefir diet to lose weight easier, you can alternate the use of pure kefir with fruit or bioeffir.

Kefir diet for 9 days

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This is a rather tough diet that lasts 9 days. It is necessary to leave it very carefully - do not overeat and do not abuse with calorie goodies.

The first three days should be eaten for a day of boiled rice - 100 grams.

Next for another 3 days, eat boiled chicken meat - 100 gr. in a day.

For the last 3 days, eat apples.

All days need to drink 1% kefir, and in unlimited quantities.

The results of this kefir diet are very impressive - in 9 days you can reset from 8 to 9 kg.

Kefir Diet Larisa Valley


Basic rules here - meals must be at certain hours. There must be 6 meals. In 8, then at 10, then at 12, then at 14, at 16 and 18 hours. Feeding, as usual, during the week, restricting sweets, fatty dishes and sharp, as well as flour, you can consolidate weight. After a week of consolidation, it will be necessary to sit on the diet again. The alternation with the fixing week is necessary in order to achieve the desired weight. Be sure to be a unloading day before starting the diet, and then clean the intestine daily with thefts.

Menu kefir diet

  • 1 day - baked potatoes 400 gr., Without salt. Half-liter kefir;
  • 2 day - cottage cheese 400 gr., It must be low-fat, 500 ml of one-leen kefir;
  • 3 day - any fruit 400 gr., Except bananas and grapes. Half liters of 1% kefir;
  • 4 day - boiled chicken breasts 400 gr., Without salt. 500 ml kefir;
  • 5 day - fruit 400 gr. Paul liters of kefir;
  • 6 day - 1.5 liters of minerals non-carbonated;
  • 7 Day - Fruits 400 gr., Paul Litra kefir.

Do not replace the products, eat only what is prescribed by a diet. First it will be difficult, but after a couple of days the stomach is black, a glass of kefir will become a full lunch for you.

As a result, such a diet succeeds in the first week to reset 5 kg, and for the second one more to lose weight by 3 - 4 kg. For a couple of months you can really reset 25 kg of excess weight.

Kefir-buckwheat diet


The effectiveness of such food for the purpose of weight loss is justified by scientific confirmations and nutritionists. When you sit on a buckwear alone, the body, without getting a protein, consumes muscle mass. After such a diet, a strengthened weight set begins, and the fats are postponed 2 times more. If you add bucking protein in the form of a kefir, then everything falls into place - each of these products works for the benefit of a thin body.

  1. The main rule here is to use a kefir with low fat content - one-percent. The day you should drink it exactly 1 l, and 30 minutes before meals or after half an hour after it.
  2. During the day, except for kefir, 1.5 liters of fluid should be drunk. It can be mineral water, green tea or herbal.
  3. The last time buckwheat should be eaten 4 hours before you are going to sleep. It will not be superfluous to drink before bedtime and a glass of kefir.
  4. Feed in this way follows for 1-2 weeks.
  5. Take multivitamin complexes during the diet - so you will fill the deficit of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  6. Due to the fact that buckwheat in this alone can be eaten in unlimited quantities, feelings of hunger can be avoided.
  7. To maintain the body during the day, drink a cup of green tea with ginger. It is delicious, and useful, and even for eliminating fats.
  8. In the morning, together with tea, we dwell 1 tbsp. Honey - so your brain will work better all day.
  9. If irritability appears during a diet, then you eat a bit of dried fruits - so your system will come to full order.
  10. So that buckwheat becomes tastier, tick it in a swollen form on a dry pan.
  11. With the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms, namely, feelings of weakness or lowering pressure, please buckwheat - the cause of such symptoms can be a lack of salt. The same applies to dizziness.

Kefir-apple diet

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It also attracts not only simplicity, but also saving in the cost of food. The main products in such a diet are green apples and low-calorie kefir. So you clean your body and you can lose weight correctly.

Only a week you can get rid of hated extra 6, and then 9 kg of weight. But it is necessary to take into account that such a diet is not suitable for everyone - only healthy people can afford such weight loss. The thing is that due to a sharp drop in the diet, the development and progression of chronic ailments is possible. On the day it will take 5 - 6 apples and a liter of kefir. Divide your diet for 5 - 6 receptions. Tear apple, then after half an hour, drink a half cup of kefir. After a couple - the top three will repeat the tactics.

In addition, per day you can drink up to 2 liters of non-carbonated water. It will not be superfluous to afford green tea, only without sugar. Outdoor Drink a glass of water.

Kefir-fruit diet

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It helps not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve the condition of the hair, as well as nails. Even the skin on the face after such nutrition looks much better - its color becomes healthy, disappear acne.

Duration diet - from 3 to 5 days. Although it is possible to sit on such a yummy.

For breakfast, drink half liters of low-fat kefir and be taking fresh berries, fruits for 200 - 300 gr.

At lunch, again, kefir in the same volume, and fruit berries should be from 200 to 300 gr., As for breakfast. But here there are still delicious additions - these are raw vegetables, for example, a cucumber or a tomato, and maybe carrot.

Dinner as a breakfast is absolutely no different. As appropriate and afternoon - make a salad from berries and fruits and make a kefir.

Sweet-kefir diet

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During the week, you should drink kefir and eat beets. They can be alternating in a day - there will not be a stomach disorder. If there are no intestinal problems, you can use these products together. Fucking flour products should be excluded. Once every 3 days is allowed to eat chicken.

Striped kefir diet

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For kefir lovers who also want to lose weight, there will be an excellent choice: it is necessary to alternate the menu. One day drink kefir in any quantity and drinking water, and the other is to eat as usual, but moderately.

Such a kefir diet for weight loss is very effective, it can be respected long enough. Due to the fact that it is pretty tough, such doctors' such nutrition schemes recommend only to those who really suffer from serious weight or obesity. Similar alternations of unloading and ordinary days in a day can be held no more than 14 days.

Kefiro-curd diet

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If you need to lose weight quickly, then such a diet will effectively help achieve the goal. In order to reset 5 - 6 kg, it will take quite a bit of time. In order to get rid of the pair of extra kilograms, there will be enough kefir-curd unloading within 3 days. Divide all products on 6 receptions. The last two must be necessarily liquid, kefir. Salt is a taboo in this diet. Carefully add spices to cottage cheese - limit yourself with natural cinnamon or dill. Liquid drink in unlimited quantities, taboo - dietary cola, coffee with milk. Better go to mineral water or green tea.

You can choose a weekly diet, the diet of which is similar to three days. On the day you can eat 400 grams. Cottage cheese, 2 unsweetened fruits and drink 1 l kefir. During this period, it is not necessary to engage in extreme workouts, yoga and philates, as well as a light run - the thing is that such a diet is rather tough. You can stretch a kefir-curd diet for 21 days. But in this case, the menu will be completely different. Breakfast follows 200 g of cottage cheese with any disadnant fruit puree. On the second breakfast, drink a cup of kefir with cinnamon. Lunch is any carbohydrate garnish. It may be porridge or brown rice, and maybe baked potatoes with a small piece of meat or fish.

Dinner - Limit 200 gr. Seafood or taking as many low-fat fish. Before bed, drink kefir. Taba - sugar and alcohol.

Such a kefir diet will reduce 10 kg and even more.

Kefiro-cucumber diet


Kefir and cucumbers - it would seem such incompatible products, and how much benefit. They are not only low-calories, but also capable of providing the human body with the necessary substances. Such a diet guarantees getting rid of excess weight and practical does not have side effects.

Every day you need to drink 2 liters of low-calorie kefir, although low-fat is better not to take. In addition, it is necessary to eat 1.5 kg of cucumbers and drink at least 1.5 liters of water. You can also drink green tea. If for you this is too rigid menu, then add 100 grams. Non-fat fish cooked for a couple.

Kefir diet Malysheva

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This is one of the most effective diets in the fight against unnecessary kg. But first should be verified in the absence of contraindications. With the help of such a diet, you can derive an excess liquid from the body, and therefore prevent the swelling. In addition, the metabolism is improved and the intestinal microflora is normalized.

For 1 - 3 days you can get rid of hated 3, or even 4 kg of excess weight. How to eat? During the day, drink 1.5 liters of kefir, separating this volume by 5 or 6 equal parts. Drink in small sips.

The recipes of a kefir diet can be the most diverse - it all depends on the diet itself and on what is allowed to eat and drink these days, such important for perfect figures and health.

Disadvantages of kefir diet

Unfortunately, a kefir diet has its own minuses.

  1. An unpleasant fermentation process in the intestine, accompanied by burly sounds.
  2. Does not suit people suffering from excessive allocation of bile.
  3. With caution should be applied to those who have chronic ailments.
  4. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, a violation of intestinal peristals is possible.

Photo "To" and "After" a kefir diet

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Kefir diet. Video


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