
Green slimming coffee

Green slimming coffee
Green coffee is now very popular as a means for weight loss.

Green coffee appeared about 800 years ago in Kuffa province, which is located in Ethiopia. There began to grow grade coffee, the grains of which were used for consumption unprocessed. The color of the grains can be from the pale olive to dark green. The taste of green coffee is softer, but very saturated and, moreover, has a multitude of useful properties.

The benefits of green slimming coffee


In green coffee, compared with black, contains a greater amount of purine alkaloids - theobromine, theophylline and caffeine, which are effective brain activity simulators. They help with migraines, antispalgic pains and anemia. Promote memory concentration and attention.

High amino acid content (more than in green tea or olive oil) and antioxidants in green coffee helps to purify and rejuvenate the body and strengthening immunity. Also green coffee makes higher sensitivity to insulin, which, in turn, suppresses the attacks of hormonal appetite. Therefore, doctors recommend regular, but moderate use of this drink to those who relate to the risk group by diabetes mellitus. Caffeine in green coffee is a small amount, as it is manifested in the process of roasting coffee beans. But the main advantage of green coffee is the chlorogenic acid present in it, which actively affects the carbohydrate metabolism and slows down the glucose intake. And green coffee extract is able to normalize blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, which prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Green slimming coffee

lose Weight by Drinking Raw Green Coffee

Caffeine, combined with chlorogenic acid, which is present in such a large quantity only in green coffee, gives a stunning result. Caffeine burns fat, makes skin with elastic and taut. A chlorogenic acid accelerates the process of metabolism in the body, cleaves fat cells. It helps the formation of glucose reserve, which usually enters our body in the form of glycogen is a complex carbohydrate, laid in the liver as a concentrated source of energy. Usually, when the body requires calorie, the energy source is converted into glucose molecules, which satisfy this need. At the same time, fats forming from carbohydrates and lipids are "spare" until all free glycogen will be spent. Then fats begin to split fats. The main problem of chlorogenic acid is to convert fat to the calorie source and release glucose from glycogen. Then the body primarily consumes fats. This is what promotes weight loss. In addition, green coffee helps to purify the body from toxins and extra fluid, which also helps get rid of excess weight.

Green slimming coffee which it happens


Green coffee happens in beans or ground. The most common varieties available on sale are Robust and Arabica. In the first more and caffeine, and chlorogenic acid, but the second has a milder taste. Sometimes there is a mixture of these two varieties. The best is the green coffee obtained by a wet way. In the process of grain production, washed in a large amount of water. This allows you to immediately get rid of marriage. With a dry coffee method, the territories suffering from lack of moisture. The fruits dry under the sun's rays right on the trees, and when they fall, they are collected and seized by grain. Such coffee is cheaper, but also worse than quality.

You can just buy ground green coffee: ground green coffee with ginger, cardamomon and other natural extracts. It happens green coffee extract, it is sold, as a rule, in capsules. In addition, the green coffee "tropicana Slim" in tablets can be bought in pharmacies.

Green coffee oil


Green coffee oil is used for cosmetology. It has antioxidant, antiseptic, antitoxic and regenerating properties. Green coffee oil is a good tool for leather, hair and nails.

It is successfully used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and increase skin elasticity. It is also effectively oil during irritation, burns and for too sensitive and dry skin.

Use green coffee oil and in the anti-cellulite program. It helps to dissolve subcutaneous fat deposits.

In addition, the oil eliminates the fragility of nails and hair and improves their growth.

How to brew and take green slimming coffee


If you bought green coffee beans, you need to grind it before cooking. It is best to do it in a coffee grinder, but in a blender. Green coffee grains are wet, so they are difficult to grind. It is not necessary to grind them to the state of the powder, enough so that they were about this size like buckwheat. It is necessary to grind such a number of coffee as you will drink during the day and no more, otherwise its beneficial properties will be lost.

Green coffee can be brewed in a french press or cook in the Turk:

  • in the water heated in the Turk, it is necessary to pour 2-3 hours l. Coffee (1 cup), cook on small fire, not bringing to a boil, and remove as soon as coffee starts to boil;
  • in the Franch press, pour coffee depending on the volume of the French press, pour boiling water and pursue some time.

If you have neither one nor the other, it is possible to brew coffee in a circle, letting it brew for 5-10 minutes. To get the desired effect from coffee, it is not necessary to add sugar or any other sweetener. The day is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of green coffee. But, as the caffeine in it still contains, although in much smaller numbers than black coffee, it is better not to drink it before going to bed.

Recipes for preparing a beverage of green coffee slimming


Because you have to drink green coffee for a long time to lose weight, it is possible to vary the taste by adding spices and other ingredients:

  • Cinnamon or cloves. Using these herbs, you can achieve an enhanced effect, as they further accelerate the process of metabolism, and you will lose a greater amount of kilos.
  • Slices of orange, lemon peel or any other citrus fruit. You can grate the zest grated or cut any figure to lighten the mood. Citrus tidy metabolism.
  • Ginger. It promotes weight loss by itself. And in combination with the green coffee - ideal for weight loss. In addition, the coffee taste is pleasant and unusual.
  • Black pepper. Green coffee with black pepper refreshing and gives vivacity. You can drink a cup of coffee in front of such an important meeting or a visit to the gym.
  • Goji berries. Grind berries, green coffee mix with goji and brew. Goji berries improve digestion and have an impact on glucose metabolism, regulating appetite and helps lose weight.

Green coffee to drink 10 minutes before meals. Try not to drink coffee right after a meal, as this may adversely affect the work of the stomach.

Reviews on the use of green coffee slimming


If you use the green coffee correctly, the first weight-loss effect is usually seen within a week. More serious changes can be seen after 7-8 weeks, with daily intake of coffee. 1 or 2 cups of green coffee every day - and within 6 months, you can lose weight by 8 kg without harming your body. If there are no contraindications, the coffee can be drunk within a year or even longer. With proper diet lost weight does not come back.

Even residue remaining after drinking coffee will help you to be beautiful. It can be used as a scrub. It not only affects the skin, but also as chlorogenic acid remains in the coffee sediment, it will fight against cellulite.

Harm green coffee slimming

There is no harm from the use of green coffee, if not to abuse them. It is not recommended to use it with pregnant women, children, people with increased nervous excitability and atherosclerosis. Those who suffer from the diseases of the vegetative and nervous system, it is better to first consult a doctor. And do not forget that instructions for use are attached to each type of green coffee. Check out the instructions before starting to take it.

Where to buy green slimming coffee


Green coffee can be bought in specialized coffee shops, in online stores or in a pharmacy. It depends on what form you wish to purchase this drink. The price ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles and depends on the form of release and weight.

So, green coffee helps to get rid of excess weight. But, one use of coffee can not do. You also need to play sports, to eat and follow the general state of your health.

Green slimming coffee. Video


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