
Castor oil from cellulite

Castor oil from cellulite
How to return your skin tone and smoothness with the help of the Caster

The appearance of cellulite on slender legs is not a reason to be upset and inactive. The inquisitive female mind knows dozens of ways to combat this unattractive cosmetic defect. Today we will not list them all, but we will tell only about one of them. The use of castor oil against cellulite is far from an innovative, but a very effective way to improve the condition of the skin, the appearance of which spoil the hated pits and tubercles.

In the people, castor oil is more known as Castor. Extract vegetable raw materials from Kleschevina. For a spectacular decorative type of plant, the plant was loved by many dachensons: they gladly ennoble with bright bushes of Kleschildren their homesteads. Plant fabrics are saturated with ricin, which is part of castor oil. By poisonousness, this substance exceeds potassium cyanide! But there is nothing to be afraid: reasonable and precisely counted doses of Rizzin bring to a person only benefit. This natural component is even included in the list of substances potentially suitable for combating malignant tumors.


Castor oil and its properties

To obtain the Castor region, the seeds of the Kleschevina are pressed. The technological process allows you to make it a cold and hot way. As practice shows, castor oil, mined by a cold spin, is characterized by higher quality and is therefore considered more useful for human health.

The vegetable remedy from Kleschevina was widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The values \u200b\u200bof the Caster are explained by the presence of recycling, linoleic and oleic acids in its composition. The latter acid contains in very large quantities - it is her the tool is obliged to their healing qualities. The physical properties of the Caster also give it an advantage over the rest of the vegetable oils: the tool is characterized by high density and viscosity, and when applied to the skin it is not captured by the film under the action of oxygen and does not dry.

The yellowish oily liquid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. The tool is famous for its healing properties due to the high content of fatty unsaturated acids in its composition.


Application of castor oil in medicine

Perhaps, many of you know that Castorka used to be a very popular laxative means. True, at present this medicine had to be signed under the onslaught of other modern means from constipation, but castor oil and does not think to leave the shelves of pharmacies, because he has a lot of other advantages.

Castor oil is used in the complex of therapeutic measures for treatment:

  • skin diseases;
  • bruises, wounds and ulcers on the skin;
  • inflammatory reactions;
  • tumors;
  • meteorism;
  • varicose veins;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • malgia;
  • violations in female sexual sphere.

But how not to remember the miraculous power of castor oil in the fight against cold and protorted bronchitis! In order to quickly go on the correction, the chest in front of the bed is tricious with a heated mixture of 1 part of the turpidar and 2 parts of the Caster. Then you need to wrap in a warm blanket and, tuned to recovery, sleep.

Castor oil can even be taken inside. The tool displays toxins from the body, stimulates metabolism and improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Notably effective action of the Caster in the fight against helminths. In order for sure to get rid of parasites, first eaten 150 - 200 g of raw pumpkin seeds, and then take 1 tbsp. l. castor oil.

In the past, with the help of the Caster stimulated weak generic activity, since the components in the composition of the oil caused a reflex reduction in the uterus. It is not surprising that today the absolute contraindication for the use of castor oil inside is pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, it is strictly impossible to use this vegetable agent for intoxicating the organism with phosphorus, benzene compounds and other substances that have the property dissolve in oil.

Sony DSC.

The use of castor oil in cosmetology

Castor was and remains a very popular tool for cooking soap, massage oil and cosmetics for skin care and body skin. The healing fluid obtained from the molecraft seeds is a wonderful means for lightening freckles and pigment stains and smoothing the shallow wrinkle grid around the eyes. In addition, the Castorp can handle coarse corners on the legs, and the erased fabric is sufficiently softened in order for it to be easily believed.

Here are the main indications for the use of castor oil in order to improve the appearance of the skin of the face:

  • acne;
  • extended pores;
  • excessive dry skin.

He will come to the aid of Castor and those who would like to improve the condition of their hair. Weak, dull hair dropping with whole beams can be treated with a mask based on warm castor oil, which is applied to the roots of the hair, are covered with polyethylene and left for 30 to 60 minutes. Eyelashes and eyebrows will be thicker and darker if every evening apply Caster on them with a cotton wand.


How do castor oil use in the fight against the so-called orange crust on problem places of the body, which every representative of a beautiful gender has? To begin with, we learn which defect is denoted by the term "cellulite".

Castor oil from cellulite: cellulite and its stages

It is not difficult to understand what the problem looks like is not difficult: for this, many of us are enough to surrender with two fingers a wide fold of the skin on the stomach, hip or buttock. You can also test the skin of the forearm, arms or poning depressions. The surface of the skin, compressed with his fingers, will become inhomogeneous, covered with hollows and tubercles.

Cellulite is a disease of subcutaneous fatty fiber, which consists in focal fibrous dystrophic lesions of the tissues. The victims of the inesttic defect becomes mostly women, but the strong half of humanity is not insured.

The reasons for "settled" cellulite on our legs, abounding. Here are the most important of them:

  • hormonal "shakes" of the body in the form of pregnancy, menopause or endocrine diseases;
  • circulatory disorders and venous failure;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • passive lifestyle, lack of physical exertion;
  • excessive use of coffee, alcohol, drugs;
  • smoking.

The basis for the development of the disease is the violations in the circulatory system, in particular the destruction of the capillar stations and the deterioration of microcirculation. As a result of an increase in the permeability of the walls of the plasma vessels penetrates into the thickness of the connective tissue.


There are 4 stages of the disease:

  1. The first stage. The skin still retains its natural shade and smoothness, but the formation of fat mass, similar to jelly, has already been launched. Against the background of a satisfactory turgora (elasticity) of the skin in problem places, swelling and minor edema appear. The outflow of lymphs and venous blood flow slow down, and liquid accumulates in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  2. Second stage. The skin in the place of lesion is barely noticeably pale, looks sluggish. Due to the more noticeable tissue swelling, the surface relief of the skin seems uneven. As a result of the impaired microcirculation, the intoxication of the tissues by the accumulated metabolic products begins. Fat continues to accumulate and becomes more dense.
  3. Third stage. The edema becomes well distinguishable, bruises can catch the skin on the skin, which will not be dissolved in the future. If the skin is squeezed into the fold, the notorious orange crust appears. The accumulated fluid presses on the artery, and blood and lymph penetrate the tissue. Under the skin on problem places, a connecting tissue is formed, similar to honeycombs.
  4. Fourth stage. Orange peel is clearly visible even when a person is at rest. During this period, so-called cellulite stones appear under the skin, and when pressed on the affected place, a person feels pain. The skin acquires a shiny shade and becomes cold to the touch.


Castor oil from cellulite: action and effect

How does castor oil helps from cellulite? The combination of acids in the composition of the Caster not only stimulates the outflow of lymphs from subcutaneous tissues, but also helps the body get rid of the extra liquid and waste of cellular livelihoods. In addition, the effects of oily fluid particles on the bloodstream improves the ability of blood to carry oxygen and nutrients into the cells. As a result of the effects of the Caster on the body "wakes up" and begins to actively function the lymphatic system, and the body is cleaned of slags at the cellular level.

According to reviews, castor oil against cellulite is not even the fact that it has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Massage of problem places to the tool, which includes Castorka, helps to significantly reduce the painful sensations from touching the skin-affected skin. After all procedures, the skin remains moistened and velvety for a long time, because the Castor has high softening properties.


How to apply castor oil against cellulite

For compresses, masks and wraps, you can use the product purchased in the pharmacy. The main task of therapeutic procedures for the skin is as follows: With the help of intensive massage and regular wraps, it is necessary to break out fat "blocks", which prevent blood circulation and lymph movement in problem places. The condition and appearance of the skin will improve as soon as the process of cellular respiration and nutrition is adjusted.

Wraps with castor oil from cellulite rightfully considered one of the most effective procedures in the struggle for healthy skin. The secret lies in the prolonged action of heat and the healing elements of the Caster on the fabric located deep under the skin.

  1. So, the large and dense piece of the wool is abundant to impregnate with castor oil, distribute it at the place of accumulation of the pits and tubercles, and then wrap the problemable place with a woolen tissue (for example, an old shawl). Top to attach a warm height. Hold the compress to the full cooling of the water in the heating - this time will be enough, so that under the influence of heat, castor oil penetrated deep into the skin.
  2. Castorka works even more efficiently in the complex with other "strong" means - essential oils. Prepare the mixture: Take as many castor oil as it is necessary to rub the skin, disfigured cellulite, and add 15 to 20 drops of other oils there. Cedar, grapefruit, lemon, lavender essential oils are suitable.
  3. For massage, also use the following recipe:
  • castor oil - 120 ml;
  • grapefruit essential oil - 40 cap;
  • lemon essential oil - 30 cap;
  • cedar essential oil - 30 cap;
  • lavender essential oil - 25 cap.

Take the glass vessel and mix all the components in it. Use the mixture as needed.


How soon will the first results appear? Perhaps this question worries women most. Judging by the reviews, castor oil from cellulite can not be called radical medicine.

First, the visible effect will be after applying the Caster on problem areas with cellulite only first degree (initial stage). The remaining stages of correction of castor oil, alas, are not subject to. However, regular massage by this oil will help to suspend the spread of the fumes and tubercles on healthy areas of the skin.

Secondly, positive results will appear on the condition that the approach to cellulite problem will be complex. To do this, it is necessary to seriously revise the diet of your food, finally make friends with sports (it is quite suitable for elementary gymnastics in the morning) and get rid of bad habits.


How to clean the body with the help of the Caster. Video

We did not accidentally mention that castor oil can be used not only for outdoor (local) application. Castor was and remains an effective potent tool for cleansing the intestines. Do you know that elasticity and radiant skin will please you only if the intestines will be delivered from poisonous toxins, which then do it accumulate in it? Castor oil serves as the "brush" that carefully suggests order in the gastrointestinal tract. Read more about this video.



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