
How to enlarge your lips with makeup. How to visually enlarge your lips

How to enlarge your lips with makeup. How to visually enlarge your lips
How to make a makeup with puffy and attractive, the massage technique, cream and new-fangled simulators for visual lips.

Today's fashion inexorably dictates to us standards and imposes the standards not only on wardrobe items, but also on appearance. If in the 18th century the young lady with a pale face and thin features was considered aristocratically beautiful, then the 21st century became a cradle of self -confident girls with bright features, puffy lips and magnificent breasts.

The covers of magazines are full of beauties with silicone lips, superheroes in feature films fall in love with girls with full lips, so we will consider in this article in detail how to visually enlarge the lips with makeup, special oils that appeared on the cosmetology market of new -fangled lip simulators.

According to the postulates of physiognomics, full lips characterize good and generous people who are ready to rush to a friend, while people with thin lips are biasedly considered cunning, calculating and “themselves on their minds”. Such a psychological background attracts men to the owners of calling beautiful full lips, encouraging girls to change their external data.

The simplest and most risky option is to appeal to a plastic surgeon.

However, you should remember some risks:

  • the high cost of such a procedure;
  • possible negative consequences (sepsis, unsuccessful or unnatural shape of the lips);
  • unprofessional doctor who does not guarantee his work.

Hyaluronic acid It is a source of natural lubricant for body cells, which constantly moisturizes them and does not allow cells to compress (wrinkle), that is, get old. A person weighing 70 kg contains approximately 15 g of this element. The injection of hyaluronic acid will provide the instant effect of chubby and sexy lips, but after a year the moisture will begin to evaporate and the size of the lips will have the same look.

The longest effect will be achieved through the application of the procedure lipofilling - Introduction to the lips of adipose tissue. However, there is a risk that fat cells will not take root.

The most radical way is the introduction to the lips silicon - an inorganic compound consisting of oxygen and silicon. Having a liquid texture, silicone is easily distributed around the perimeter of the lips. Owners of silicone lips may also be dangerous in the form of a surgeon error or an unnatural lip size that will not improve, but significantly vulgarize the whole image.

Before going to radical measures, let's look at cosmetic methods more loyal to natural beauty by visual lip an increase.

How to enlarge lips with makeup: lip gloss

The most common remedy that increases the lips is lip gloss.

Choosing increasing lip gloss, it is important to remember some rules:

  • pay attention to the release date and texture of the shine: if the shine is oily and viscous, then the percentage of its resistance is very small. Choosing a denser and lighter lip gloss, it adjusts the volume and lasts longer on the lips;
  • when choosing shine, immediately decide on the color of the contour pencil, which should be in harmony and emphasize the shade of lip gloss;
  • paying attention to the composition of the shine, choose those that contain a high percentage of lanolin and other nutrients for the lips of the ingredients;
  • when giving preference to brilliance in a jar, for the hygiene of applying it to the lips, do not forget to purchase a special brush.

Any shine, gel, cream, pencil or lipstick, increasing lips, are called plampers. They give seductive volumes, natural juicy shade and volume to the lips. The effect of the flamers is explained by the composition of the special ingredients included in them that cause blood flow to the lips: Kayen pepper, a mixture of carry, mustard, peppermint, cinnamon, menthol. Also, flickering particles that make up its composition create a glossy volume and visually enlarge the lips.

Lipsticks and shine containing hyaluronic acid, usually cost much more. However, the effect of their use will not be visible immediately, but after 10-14 days.

The most popular lip glosses: Smashbox O-Plump Lip Plumper, Tony Moly Kiss Lover Lip Plumper, Jane Iredale Just Kissed Lip Plumper, Rouge Bunny Rouge Lip Pluswell Bliss, Lauras Cier Lip Plumper, Glam Shine - Natural Glow (natural shine) , shine-outing M.A.C PLSHGLASS, ALMEA XLIPS PLUMPER, NYX PUMP IT Up Lip Plumper, Eldan Cosmetics Lips Plumper lips.

How to enlarge lips with makeup - lipstick

Psychologists are told that the color of the lipstick gives out a woman’s mood: beware of ladies with red lipstick - she is belligerently and confidently goes to her goal, but a light pink mother of pearl characterizes modest sophisticated natures who do not strive for primacy in relationships. Be that as it may, every woman tried on all these images for herself. To pamper yourself with a new lipstick is a whim of women in which they should not deny themselves. Lipstick that enhances lips is Masthev in the cosmetic bag of any fashionista. Famous manufacturers of cosmetics, changing the texture and juiciness of the shades, create lipsticks that visually increase the lips by adding hyaluronic acid, other substances that irritate the mucous membrane in their composition, and provide the effect of puffy lips for a certain time.

Here are some lipsticks democratic in price, visually giving lips the volume: “Maxi-extension” SPF 15 from AVON (Terracotta, “Luchezarno Pink”), Giordani Gold “Sensual Color” from Oriflame, and sphere sphere whey Rolips.

How to enlarge your lips with makeup

Giving preference to shine with a glossy finish, you can visually enlarge your lips. At the same time, it must be remembered that in makeup focuses on one thing: eyes or lips. Lips with a brightly exposed contour and covered with bright lipstick will attract attention in combination with light eyelash make, beige or caramel-pink palette shadows.

Dark matte shades of lipstick are perfect for “drawing” a new shape of the lips.

Below is the order of simple actions, how to enlarge the lips with makeup:

  1. In order to get the desired shape of the lips, for a start, we will cover the natural contour with the tonal cream of the lightest shade and apply two thin layers of powder. Such a basis allows not only to simulate a new shape of the mouth, but also ensures the resistance of lipstick or shine.
  2. We draw the desired shape of the lips with a contour pencil. Try not to go out for the natural contour of the lips so as not to get an unnatural or ridiculous option.
  3. Cover the middle of the lower lip with a dark matte tone of lipstick, shade with a brush and clearly draw the outline of the upper lip. Then cover the lips with the main tone of lipstick or shine. It is best to use gradient or glossy shine, liquid flakes or mother -of -pearl shades of lipstick with the addition of essential oils, enhancing blood circulation in the lips and thereby giving them additional volume.

Thus, we get an optical increase in those areas that we corrected in a dark tone.

Life hacks how to enlarge the lips with makeup:

  • a solid lip pencil makes the contour clear and persistent, while a soft pencil makes the shape of the lips softer and natural;
  • in order for the labial lipstick to last longer, after applying the first layer, it is necessary to get your lips with a napkin, powder them and apply a layer of lipstick again;
  • it is better to apply a liquid flamper or lipstick with a brush, so you can evenly fill your lips with the chosen cosmetic product;
  • lipstick should not reach the contour, it must completely cover it;
  • remember, the lipsticks of dark matte shades visually narrow the mouth, but pearl and gradient - visually increasing the lips;
  • do not copy blindly fashionable lips, pick up an individual make for your lips.

  How to visually enlarge the lips with a pencil

The pencil allows you to simulate the lip form you like, so it must be treated with special care. The pencil should approach the lipstick tone for tone, or be darker no more than 2 tones. It is best to buy a pencil soft so that the shape of the lips seems more natural. In order to check the resistance of the contour pencil for the lip, the tester must be drawn on the inside of the palm and is easy to rub if the pencil pigment remains - it will be the same persistent on the lips.

If you want to increase the shape of the lips, you can’t do without a pencil. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to cover the lips with tonal means to hide the natural contour, then draw the desired shape with a pencil and cover with lipstick or liquid brilliance. If makeup involves the use of only shine, the pencil will emphasize the lips and make the image more vivid and sexy.

How to enlarge the upper lip with makeup

The shape of the lips are very different: thin, wide, bow, one sponge is already another. Let us consider in more detail how to increase the upper lip without surgical interventions.

Correctly selected makeup will always hide appearance defects and emphasize the shortcomings. Increase the upper lip and give it additional volume as follows:

  • apply a foundation and a layer of powder to the upper lip;
  • draw the desired contour of the upper lip a little more than the natural;
  • apply lipstick of juicy shades with an increasing effect;
  • glue your lips with a napkin, get again and apply another layer of powder and lipstick;
  • over the outer lip outlet, draw a line with a beige pencil-rocket and shade it with a brush or fingers;
  • cover the upper lip with a transparent luster, which visually enlarges your lip and harmoniously complete the image.

How to visually enlarge your lips

A piggy bank of the tips of famous makeup artists, how to visually enlarge the lips:

  • during the brushing of your teeth, massage your lips with a soft brush. This procedure will improve blood supply and microcirculation in the tissues;
  • 1-2 times a week use a scrub and lip peel, apply nutrient and strengthening lip masks 3-4 times a week;
  • buy only high quality cosmetics with natural components;
  • in addition to the flamers and lipsticks, for the beautiful design and effect of chubby lips you will need a foundation, powder, light beige pencil-rocket.
  • when applying a bright lip make -up, do not forget, men like natural beauty, a lady with ultramarin lipstick is unlikely to kiss.

Funds that increase the lips visually

lip masks
Funds that increase the lips can be prepared at home.

Lip -lip scrubs

The lip scrub allows you to remove dead cells from the surface of the delicate skin of the lips and activates the processes of regeneration and recovery. All scrubs are applied with light massaging movements to the surface of the lips for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with warm water and moistened with oily cream or other nutrient mask prepared at home.

  • Sugar scrub. Mix 1h. l. sugar with 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • Coffee scrub. 1 tsp. Mix gums from custard coffee from 1 tsp. fat sour cream.
  • Honey scrub. Sniffling honey is best suited for such procedures. 1 tsp Mix honey from 1 tsp. Sahara.
    Lip massage acts as a peeling that is quite gentle and is recommended to activate blood flow in the lips and, therefore, their increase in volume.

The lip massage is carried out by a toothbrush with soft bristles, it is better than silk - it is the most delicate and will not damage the surface of the lips. Either a nutritious cream is applied to a soft toothbrush, or a slightly sugared honey, or guts from custard coffee. With progressive circular movements, massage your lips for 2-3 minutes, then smack your lips with a cotton pad moistened in cool water. It is recommended to perform at least 3-4 times a week.

Lip masks

  1. Mix 1 tsp. Dry mustard with 1 tsp. Vaseline or nutrient cream, ½ tsp. olive oil and ½ tsp glycerol. Heat all the ingredients in a water bath, constantly stirring, until completely dissolved. After the mixture has cooled to room temperature, apply to the clean surface of the lips for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  2. Finely chopped rotunda pour 50 ml of alcohol or vodka, insist 3-4 hours. Having moistened a cotton pad with such tincture to wipe your lips several times a day.
  3. 2 tsp. Fat sour cream mix with ½ tsp. cinnamon. Lubricate the lips with such a cream 2-3 times a day.
  4. 1 tsp Mix olive oil from 1 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese. Pass the mixture through a blender. Homemade nutrient cream for lips is ready.
  5. A mask of honey will be useful and nutritious for delicate lips. Apply it at night, and wash it off in the morning. Such care not only nourishes, but also protects your lips from weathing.
  6. Before going to bed or after you removed all decorative cosmetics from your lips, wipe your lips with ice cubes from a chamomile decoction. 2 tbsp. l. Dry chamomile pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist 3 hours, strain. Standed broth to pour into ice molds.

Using home remedies to increase the volume of the lips, it should be remembered that only the regularity of such procedures in combination with cosmetic care will help to achieve the desired effect.

Totage increases the lips

In order not to spend a lot of time on makeup with the effect of chubby lips every day, many girls decide on permanent makeup - lips tattoo, which visually increases the lips. The result is held for 3-5 years, then correction is required.

This method of lip enforcement is not a very expensive procedure, the only minus is a different degree of pain threshold in women, which allows you to endure pain during the adjustment of the shape of the mouth.

To date, the lip tattoo includes not only the “outpatient” of the circuit, but also makes it possible to get lush lifes, changing their natural shade to a more juicy one, also in trend tattooing with adjustment, referred to as 3D tagnation. The 3D tenture technique includes: applying the circuit, filling the lips with a more juicy shade, drawing up the relief and highlighting the sites in the center of the lips. It is this type of tattoo with the application of a transparent shine that gives the effect of magnificent sexy lips.

The healing process of the lips lasts approximately 7-10 days, during this period, makeup on the lips is not recommended, but a certain care will be required in the form of the use of healing ointments.

Regarding the cost of the service, applying a conventional circuit in permanent tattooing will cost 3000-3500 rubles, 3D taging lips reaches the price of 7000-10000 r.

Women with herpes virus in the body should be especially carefully prepared for this procedure. In 3-5 days, preparations against herpes (“Kagocel”, “Acyclovir”, etc.) should be put and do not forget to apply a moisturizer at night. It should be noted that the day of the procedure should be carefully planned so that after it you can sit at home for full recovery for 3-4 days.

How to enlarge lips without surgery

You can increase lips without surgery with systematic gymnastics. Special exercises, designed to stretch the periral region of the face, noticeably raise the corners of the lips and give them a more attractive shape.

Below in the video roller there are gymnastics to enlarge the lips:

The fastest way to enlarge the lips is the use of new -fangled technology with vacuum caps, which are called Fullips.
Depending on what size of the lips you want to get, there are 3 types of such simulators: to obtain small sponges with a bow, to obtain medium volume and maxi-volume.
It is enough only 10-15 minutes a day during the application of makeup to practice with such a fashionable exercise simulator, and your lips will become attractive and sexy. Unfortunately, the result of such a device is enough for 2-3 hours.

How to visually enlarge your lips - a cream enlarging lips

Creams that increase lips contain silicone, hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamin E, which moisturize and give volume to the lips, as well as vegetable oils that feed the lips: grapefruit, shi, avocados, grape seeds, honey extracts and aloe.

The lips enhance the lips are easy to cook at home. The basis of such a cosmetic agent should be either fat sour cream or cottage cheese, to which a little olive or linseed oil with the addition of cinnamon is added. The resulting mixture is passed through a blender. Such a cream should be applied several times a day for 10-15 minutes, and then wash off a cotton pad moistened in warm water.

Any nutrient and moisturizing home -made masks are much better than creams bought in a cosmetic salon, since you choose the ingredients yourself.

Plastic surgery, thanks to the fashion on roundness, is at the peak of popularity, despite the high cost of its services and some risk of possible unsuccessful consequences. In addition, many men are already aware of new -fangled procedures and quickly recognize artificial lips, considering them vulgar. Let's take care of nature in himself, God created us just like that - with his zest and nuances, and a wide selection of cosmetics will help us preserve our beauty. Do not forget the simple truth, the most beautiful lips - lips of a loved one!



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