
How to remove swelling

How to remove swelling
Evenkers add age, how to get rid of them?

Edema is a fluid delay in the body tissues. If such a phenomenon is rare, it may be a consequence of nutritional disorders or drinking mode. The liquid can be delayed due to increased consumption of salt or spices, which includes salt.

edema GL

More often swelling on face, hands or legs. The skin on the place of the edema is made stretched shiny. When pressed on the elastic muscle, a depression remains, which does not pass within a few minutes. The volume of elaborate hands or legs increases significantly. The causes of edema are very diverse. To figure out in detail, you should watch how often swelling are met and what can provoke them.

Causes of edema:

  1. Abuse of acute and salted food.
  2. Excessive fluid consumption, especially in the evening.
  3. Hydodina, reduced motor activity.
  4. Premenstrual period.

If the edema acquire a chronic form, it can talk about the presence of any serious illness.

  1. Cadic problems. The kidney diseases lead to a fluid delay in the body, morning swelling under the eyes and edema of ages that pass throughout the day. Drinking diuret teas and treated in such cases it is not recommended.
  2. Heart failure. Edems that appear on the ankles in the evening, and by the morning pass, can be associated with heart disease.
  3. Varicose veins can also lead to a fluid delay in the legs. Feet edema associated with this disease are accompanied by weight and pain in the legs in the evening and afternoon.
  4. Allergy. This disease can lead to very serious external and internal edema. Allergy is a frequent cause of edema in children.

In such cases, it is dangerous in such cases, it is necessary to be foreseen from a specialist, and the doctor will appoint treatment from edema.

If you follow some recommendations, the edema can be warned. For this you need:

  1. Walking, engage in physical education, move more.
  2. Limit the use of fluid overnight.
  3. Limit the use of salt into food up to 5 g per day. Try to plant already cooked food.
  4. Restrict the use of roasted dishes, including green, salads, apples in the menu.
  5. Dinner no later than 3 hours before sleep. The cause of eye edema can be a late dinner.

How to remove swelling

How to remove edema with eyes and eyelids

swelling face

What to do if the face stepped up in the morning, and you have a very responsible day? Recipes in order to quickly remove swelling:

  • Raw potatoes rub on the grater, slightly squeeze. Put on gauze, attaching to the place of edema. Hold 10-15 minutes. You can apply cheese purified potatoes. This will make rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • Remove swelling from the eye in the morning with cosmetic ice. To freeze the chamomile flowers in cubes, calendula, sage, firmly boiled green tea. Wipe the face with ice cubes on the massage lines. This procedure tones the skin, causing it to pull it up and align.


  • Washing warm and cold water in turn.
  • To quickly remove swelling from the age and eyes, you need to cool 2 tsp. In the freezer for 5 minutes. Wrap a thin cotton cloth spoons, attach to the centuries, hold 3-5 minutes.
  • Remove the bags under the eyes and remove the edema with the eyelids will help the infusion of daisy flowers. 1 tbsp. Chamomile pour 200 g boiling water, insist 15 minutes. Making warm compresses and eyes.

Remove the edema from the eye will help strong green tea and phytquia:

  • Infusion of bear ears. 1 tbsp. l. Ground herbs pour 200 g of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, take 1 tbsp. l. Before each meal.
  • Brush leaf lingry.

They have a slight diuretic effect. In order to get rid of the swelling of the face and the excess swelling, it is recommended to give up potato eating and baking. They contain a lot of carbohydrates that provoke fluid retention.

To quickly remove the swelling of the face, you can make a mask. Such masks can be put on his face, but you can only make application under the eyes to remove the swelling.

  1. Mask of parsley. Minced parsley, put on face or under the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  2. The mask of fresh cucumber. To do this, chop the cucumber, you can simply put slices of cucumber on the skin.
  3. The mask of sour cream and dill. 1 tsp. fresh dill mixed with 2 ch. l. sour cream.
  4. The mask of strong green or black tea. Make tea, soak the cheesecloth in a warm infusion of tea, put on your face. Change in process of cooling.

How to remove the swelling in the legs


If swelling in the legs are constant, while there is a heaviness, tired legs, you need to consult a doctor. Having the diagnosis, you can find out the causes of edema and get treatment. Sometimes swelling are the result of a long stay on the feet or forced stay in the same position (for example, a long journey in the car, plane). What should I do if the have a lot of hours to stand up or sit for a long time in the office, and this leads to swelling of legs? There are many ways to get rid of swelling.

  • Diuretics. Any diuretics for edema must appoint a physician. Some diuretics output of potassium from the body, which can lead to heart disease. Therefore, uncontrolled use of their danger to health.
  • Removes swelling of feet receiving diuretic herbal. For example, the collection of birch buds, knotweed and horsetail. 1 tsp. herb mixture pour 200 g of boiling water, warmed for 15 minutes on a water bath. Infuse for 30 minutes, filter. Eat within 3 days 3 times a day for 1 st. l. after meal. Make a break for 1 day. The course of treatment for 3 weeks.

tea 1

  • Venotoniki: ointments and gels. These medications, which are used in place of edema formation. They reinforce the walls of blood vessels, improve venous circulation, relieve edema. Applying these drugs course, within 2-3 weeks, can significantly improve the condition of the feet, to get rid of weight, fatigue and edema.
  • Preventive compression linen. These are special golf or tights, which are recommended to wear people prone to legs. Such underwear is sold only in pharmacies, it can be purchased without a doctor's appointment.
  • Exercise stress. Help to remove swelling feet of water sports: swimming, aquaeerobics. Excellent tones the vessels on the legs run, walking, cycling.

There are some more preventive advice to withdraw swelling of the feet:

  • if possible, take a break in work, lie down for 10-15 minutes, raising my legs;


  • monitor weight, excess weight leads to stagnant phenomena in the limbs;
  • get rid of alcohol and smoking.

How to remove swelling legs during pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, women often suffer from feet. Escapes during pregnancy occur due to changes in the hormonal background, stagnant phenomena in the lower limbs, weight gain.

What if there were edema during pregnancy? There are several recommendations to remove edema in a pregnant woman:

  • Making a feet with cool water for 15 minutes.
  • Massage of the feet and legs will help with edema and stagnant phenomena.

massage at one

  • Lying with raised feet 15-20 minutes a few times during the day.
  • Drinking hawk tea with lemon or brushing compote.

Dorganic drugs during pregnancy appoints only a doctor.

How to remove swelling on your hands

Constantly swelling hands and fingers can cause any serious kidney disease or cardiovascular system. This is a reason to take care of your health and turn to the doctor. If diseases are excluded, you can remove the edema of the hands with the help of physical exchange and normalize water exchange.

What to do with your fingertips?

  • Trace the amount of injubiled fluid. Perhaps the kidneys do not have time to remove excess water and it is delayed. Limit the use of fluid in the evening.
  • Refuse fried, smoked and acute food, it can delay the fluid in the body, and this leads to a finger edema. What does the edema of fingers look like in the photo.

hand swelling

  • In the hot season to air the room, use the air conditioner.
  • It will help to get rid of the edema of the hands of the contrast shower. He tones blood circulation and removes swelling.
  • Sometimes to remove the edema help the baths with the use of sea salt. In a warm bath with a temperature of 35-37 degrees, 300 grams of sea salt are pouring. Taking a bath of 30 minutes.
  • Perform simple exercise exercises, do the morning exercise.

How to remove edema with eyes and eyelids. Video

In this video, you can explore 5 simple exercises in order to quickly remove swelling and circles under the eyes.


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