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How to reduce appetite

How to reduce appetite
Methods and means to reduce appetite.

Healthy appetite in childhood determines the sufficient intake of beneficial substances in the body and normal development. Satisfying the feeling of hunger, a person with food receives energy for normal functioning, labor and other achievements during the day. Problems appear when the desire to eat takes on an annoying character - excessive appetite occurs as a means of removing emotional stress, seizing stress and increasing mood. Overflow is fraught with excess weight problems, a deterioration in well -being - and can lead to health problems.

Causes of increased appetite

An increase in appetite occurs in the presence of the so -called food impulses - an appetizing appearance and smells of food, characteristic of eating the situation, conversations and thoughts of food. At the same time, a person may not experience physiological hunger, but increased appetite does not allow to concentrate, provokes a snack on the go, there is a craving for unhealthy nutrition. In the case of the development of the trend, there is a constantly chewing something that leads to the appearance of extra pounds, there is a feeling of guilt-and then in a vicious circle. If you want to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, to control appetite you need to realize the trigger mechanisms of your food habits. Lack of sleep, physical, mental overload and subsequent fatigue aggravate the feeling of hunger. Stressful situations at home and at work, boredom, the desire to reward yourself to another tidbine piece and in such a simple way to cheer up - also common reasons for overeating. Often, views of television programs and work at the computer are accompanied by small snacks, during which you can significantly sort out calories.


How to reduce appetite: Methods of control

To reduce your appetite, try to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, remaining in a good mood, while building your diet with a minimum number of restrictions and prohibitions. A full -fledged dream, a relaxing warm bath, walks in the fresh air, participation in various events and meetings with interesting people belong to antidepressant influences.

Nutritionists give the following tips on how to reduce your appetite to lose weight:

  • 15-30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water or eat an apple-such a simple trick will muffle the feeling of hunger and eat a little less;
  • to reduce your appetite, during food, try to completely focus on this process. Do not mix the meal with other activities - reading, watching TV, working at the computer. Eat slowly, carefully chewing food and while making a sufficient number of chewing movements (at least 30). Try to completely feel the taste and aroma of food;
  • to reduce appetite, reduce portions, put the food in small plates. Cold tones dishes have the ability to reduce appetite. The blue color and all the shades of blue in the dishes neutralize the desire to eat tightly, the combination of pink and gray, marsh and black reduce the appetism of dishes;
  • to reduce your appetite, use a sufficient amount of liquid during the day. Sometimes thirst is confused with a sense of hunger;
  • to reduce your appetite, try to eat slowly. At the same time, it is not recommended to sit at the table, because after physiological saturation there is a risk of eating something “in reserve”. The saturation mechanism works 20 minutes after eating. Do not overeat-it is recommended to get up from the table with a feeling of light hunger;
  • it is advisable to distribute about 80% of the calorie content of the daily diet for the first half of the day. To reduce your appetite, use vegetables and fruits - vitamins and fiber contained in them will allow you to be saturated with health benefits. For a healthy diet, it is recommended to give preference to simple carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, a variety of greens, pasta from whole grain varieties of wheat). The amount of white bread and sweet pastries in the diet should be reduced;
  • to reduce your appetite, limit the use of salt and pepper, pickled dishes and smoked meats. A variety of spices and seasonings increase appetite. Snings and fast food are often stuffed with stimulants of appetite-flavor and aroma amplifiers, and provoke overeating in the same way as alcohol;
  • to reduce your appetite, limit the use of sweets - they shortly reduce appetite due to the release of glucose into the blood, while sugar is converted into fat and appetite increases again. A vicious circle occurs - the body requires a new portion of high -calorie treats;
  • to reduce your appetite, go to the fractional five -rat power - while the portions should be small. To reduce appetite, low -calorie fruits, natural yogurt or kefir as a snack are suitable;
  • products that reduce appetite and allow to control saturation include seafood and sea fish, as well as low -fat cottage cheese, oatmeal and legumes;
  • to reduce your appetite in the evening, you can drink a glass of weak tea or low -fat milk.

Also, the means of reducing appetite include the exclusion of lack of sleep, a full rest and moderate physical activity, giving a sense of vivacity and good mood.

Funds that reduce appetite


If you think about how to reduce your appetite, then it should be borne in mind that in addition to controlling the diet, motor activity and rest, there are other means that dull the feeling of hunger that will protect from overeating and eliminate excess weight. These include:

  • medicinal plants - to reduce appetite, they are used in the form of infusions and decoctions, as well as teas to suppress appetite;
  • pharmacological substances that reduce appetite.

How to reduce appetite: herbs

Medicinal plants used to reduce appetite affect the human body as follows:

  • slowly soothe (have a sedative effect);
  • cleanse the intestines due to laxative;
  • envelop the stomach, forming a thin mucous layer that blocks the feeling of hunger;
  • accelerate metabolism, reduce the production of gastric juice, as a result of which appetite decreases and rapid saturation occurs.

Some plants cause a person to feel the fullness of the stomach and feelings of satiety - without the need for excessive calories. Herbs help control the feeling of hunger, reduce appetite, develop new food habits. In connection with a decrease in the volume of portions, the body begins to spend its own fat reserves, which contributes to weight loss.


Among the healing herbs that reduce appetite, we can note:

  • hello - this plant helps to cope with many diseases. It is effective for reducing appetite and losing weight, as it has a laxative effect, cleanses the intestines, reduces the suction of the body, removes heavy salts - and in general heals the body;
  • altie is medicinal - to reduce appetite, a decoction of the root of the alteus is used.  Due to the high content of plant mucus in it, enveloping the protective film of the wall of the stomach, appetite decreases;
  • peppermint - it has a soft sedative effect, dulls a feeling of hunger;
  • milk thistle is a safe tool to reduce appetite, which activates metabolic processes, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the breakdown of fats;
  • corn stigmas - relieve depression and neurosis, drown out a feeling of hunger, stabilize metabolism;
  • fennel - stimulates metabolic processes, has a diuretic effect, improves digestion and helps to reduce appetite.

How to reduce appetite: drugs


If you want to use medications to reduce appetite, you must first consult a doctor. Such means that suppress the feeling of hunger, as a result of which the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced are called anorectic. Depending on the principle of action, the following types of drugs that reduce appetite are distinguished:

  • andrenalin -like - these tools activate receptor adrenaline sensitive to stress hormone, improve mood, activate metabolic processes and at the same time suppress hunger. With prolonged use, such tablets that reduce appetite are addictive. Side effects include a variety of disorders in the work of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
  • serotonin -like drugs - support in the body a high level of serotonin (hormone that regulates mood and sleep), reduce appetite and change food behavior. The detected numerous side effects, among which a violation of cardiac activity, blood circulation and brain functions, led to the prohibition of this type of anorectic.

Sibutramin is the popular and permitted by the prescription at the moment - as the manufacturer assures, this drug combines the effect of both groups of anorectic, accelerates metabolic processes, breaks down fat and prevents the set of excess weight in the future. There is an extensive list of restrictions on the use of this tool, as well as side effects.

Natural drugs are also produced to reduce appetite with the content of plant fibers, extracts from medicinal plants - for example, based on guarana seeds, cactus core.

Before using drugs that reduce appetite, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor.

How to reduce appetite: folk remedies

There are a significant number of recipes on how to effectively and safely reduce appetite folk remedies:

  • Pour 200 g of wheat bran with a liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and take half a glass three to four times a day;
  • in the morning before meals, drink on an empty stomach two tablespoons of linseed oil;
  • before each meal, drink half a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.


Herbal fees to reduce appetite:

  •   To reduce the appetite, mix chopped peppermint leaves, crush bark, fennel fruits and dandelion root in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of hot boiled water, insist for an hour and strain. Take before bedtime;
  • a tablespoon of gathering from equal parts of sage and ordinary heather pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist at least half an hour, and then strain. Take before meals three times a day to reduce your appetite.

To suppress a sense of hunger and normalize digestive processes, you should regularly use tea that reduces appetite-within one to two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a two-week break.

How to reduce appetite - video


Pauline 12.09.2017 Answer

It seems to me that the easiest way to reduce appetite is still pharmacy products ... I drink a flat dietary supplement with a homogi extracts

Anna 19.09.2017 Answer

And I also drink it. Weight immediately began to leave faster. There is still a little left and I can be proud of myself and my body))
