
How to lose weight by 5 kg without diets. Effective weight loss for 5 or 7 days

How to lose weight by 5 kg without diets. Effective weight loss for 5 or 7 days
Nutritionists and fitness coaches claim to lose weight by 5 kg per week without diets real. Tips for nutrition and physical training from specialists.

Extra centimeters on our circles we appetite "eat" months, or even years. But at one very old, we notice that a favorite dress is not enough, and someone else's mapping display in the mirror. Then the thoughts immediately appear, as if to throw away hated kilograms as soon as possible, and without special physical efforts and exhaustive diets. If you are a supporter of fast weight loss and you urgently need to take the same form to the weekend, you perfectly fit the various options for express diet "5 kg in 5 days".

Recommendations from nutritionists and fitness coaches, how to lose weight by 5 kg without diets

Slaughterhood is not only the Beach of the modern world, but also a guarantee of a healthy body. Slender appearance always supports the level of self-confidence, serves as a reason for a positive attitude and, of course, attracts the sights of the opposite sex. That is why everyone who fell into the trap of "brutal appetite", so rapidly trying to get the tightened form.

Nutritionists, coaches and psychologists who are directly related to weight loss, always claim that one desire to lose weight is not enough. The solution to solve the problem must be versatile.

If you need to lose weight in a week for 5 kg, listen to the advice of specialists:

  1. Refuse evening trips to the refrigerator. This is probably the most acting way to reset a couple of kilograms per week. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of "increasing" of new centimeters. Do not eat after six not everyone is suitable, because not everyone goes to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, so ideally you need to dine low-calorie dishes three hours before the pen.
  2. Cut the use of roasted, baking and high-calorie desserts. It is not necessary to refuse from such yummy, but the portion should be small and eat such dishes is better in the morning. But products with many empty calories, such as soda, hot dog, chips completely exclude.
  3. Do not forget about the water balance. The body to quickly burn fats, and remove toxins you need a lot of pure water. For a day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking water. We will not be able to fix the habit of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will help the body to "wake up."
  4. Adhere to the method of frequent meal. Fit 5-6 times a day with small portions. If you eat rarely, but in large quantities your weight will not fall per gram.
  5. Learn to distinguish the physiological feeling of hunger, which goes out of the stomach, and the signal about the need of the next snack from the head. Make it easy. When you are really hungry, you agree to eat even the unloved porridge, but if you dream about a fragrant bun, you can safely go drink a glass of water and eliminate your contrived appetite.
  6. Enter into your routine of the Day of Fizkultminthka. Pick up comfortable exercises for you and perform them at least 3 times a week. The duration of one lesson should be about 40 minutes. In order for the weight loss process to go faster, combine cardion loads and strength exercises. For example, you can alternate jumps on the rope and pressing press.
  7. If you decide to try an express diet, choose the one that consists of your favorite ingredients. In other words, you should not extend yourself to eating cabbage, if you do not like it or starve on the water. It will only "drive" your body into a state of stress and in the end result, you will lay down and stretch more.

These tips are effective and pretty easy to perform. Regularly adhering to such rules, you can "run" overweight and keep your forms under control. Therefore, if such a lifestyle becomes usual for you, you do not have to pick a diet to lose weight by 5 kg per week.


How to lose weight by 5 kg without diets. Five steps on the way to harmony

Step number 1. Fitness and Health Physical Culture

Teach yourself to run in the morning. It is quite difficult to make it, because there is always an excuse: the weather is rainy, then the head hurts. But believe me, if you break up too lazy, after three weeks you will be happy to run on the jog. As an alternative to run, cycling or individual classes in the fitness club will fit.

Fitness is an excellent assistant in the fight against the extra "kg", but he has a lot of contraindications. If you have health problems and physical exertion you are contraindicated, you can always find a way out. With any diseases there are permitted complexes of health physical education. Find out what exercises are you, and then begin to strengthen health and lose weight.

Step number 2. Positive attitude to "victory" over fat

Confidence in your victory is half your success. An incredible engine lies in your head. If you really want to lose weight, no cakes will stop you. Create yourself a tolerant - the image of your perfect figure. Every time you feel that the Will's power gives slack, imagine how new dress will sit on your slender body. Believe me, your desire to eat an excess portion of fried chicken immediately will disappear. Just believe in your strength.

Step number 3. Daily rational nutrition

Replace harmful fast food and fried dishes on homemade baked meat with vegetables, and fatty cakes and desserts - on fruit smoothies and berry jelly. Make a menu so that it has a lot of fresh fruits, berries, greenery and vegetables.

Hang on the refrigerator door list of products with their glycemic index. What he is higher, the more dangerous is the product for your figure. Therefore, focusing in the indicators of this index for different products, you can choose yourself to choose those that you are suitable.

Step number 4. Tabo on fat burning tablets, teas for weight loss and other dietary supplements

Booklets in pharmacies and advertising information on the Internet "litters" the head to people with problem weight. They offer miraculous pills, teas, cocktails, powders and even coffee. If you believe advertising, then these funds in three accounts will reduce your size several times, while you can eat without restrictions and does not go to the gym. Dream, not weight loss, - you say. But here is the river underwater stones. Means for weight loss is not a panacea, but a start-up mechanism that will destroy your liver and will still violate the and without that bad metabolism. Whatever this temptation is in, go around such attempts to lose weight.

Step number 5. Do not believe in the effectiveness of cosmetics

Getting rid of cellulite, slimming for a couple of centimeters in volume and tightness of the skin are marketing tricks of manufacturers of cosmetic gels, masks, scrubies and other means for weight loss. Do not make yourself illusions, you will not lose weight with their help. And instead of spending a lot of money on creams, buy yourself a subscription to the gym or a good Vitamin complex.

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How to lose weight by 5 kg without diets. Choose the appropriate weight loss method

Among all the proposed recommendations on getting rid of excess weight, if neither twist, diet occupies a leading position. But how not to be confused in a huge number of diets and choose the one that will help you? When choosing a diet, pay attention to such details:

  • Decide in advance with the list of products from which you can refuse to lose time.
  • Set the time frame for "Seating on a diet". If you want to lose weight by 5 kg for 4 or 5 days, you will not work for weight loss, designed for 3 weeks.
  • Call your health condition. If there are products that cannot be used, choose a diet without their participation.


Review diets how to quickly lose weight by 5 kg

In the process of weight loss is the exigeant rule - it does not succumb to the temptation. After all, in a rush to gobble up a packet of crisps, pastry cream or a portion of the cake is so easy. But are you then suffer from the pangs of conscience, having lost hope of losing weight. Not to blame themselves for a denial and do not reach the state of stress, you need to choose a diet that you close in spirit.


The essence of this diet is very simple: a daily ration of 90% is made up of a single product, which will have to eat for several days. It is obvious that eating dumplings, pies or sausage, will not work to lose weight. Therefore, for such a low-calorie diet and provided nutritious foods: apples, buckwheat, oranges, cucumbers, rice, carrots, yogurt. And to add some fun to a boring menu, as the remaining 10% is allowed to use the "light" products, such as herbal tea, pomegranate, coffee without sugar.

The optimal duration of mono - 5 days. These time frames are justified by the fact that abruptly abandon the usual food is difficult, moreover, the body is sharply limited in the flow of nutrients. Hence, there is irritability and fatigue.


drinking diet

This is the easiest diet to lose weight by 5 kg. According to the rules of this diet for 5 to 14 days, it is used only liquid food. What to drink:

  • Water.
  • Broth based on fish, vegetables and meat. It is not allowed to add salt and spices.
  • Tea without sugar. It can be brewed black, white, herbal, green tea.
  • Any milk products with a fat content of up to 2%. homemade milkshakes without sweeteners are also suitable.
  • Fruit drinks, fruit drinks, jellies.
  • Fruit and vegetable juices. Eat only home product as shoplifting juices contain salt, sugar and preservatives.


kefir diet

If you are not a fan of five-time preparation of different dishes on the day top of the list and even more trips to the gym, you perfect kefir diet "5 kg per week for the lazy".

This method of weight loss is very popular, and if you believe the reviews on the net, is quite effective. Clear rules of food and lists of allowed foods do not work here. You can eat a different protein and plant foods in cooked form, such as lean meats and fish, vegetables and fruits. But the main rule of the diet is to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of yogurt a day.

Glass of kefir, apples and measuring tape, on green background


A short refusal of food for the purpose of recovery and weight loss today has become very popular. With the help of "hungry" days, many not only lead their shape in the perfect condition, but also easily healed from many diseases.

The bottom line is to complete food. It is allowed to drink water, and if a strong weakness can be felt to a glass of warm water add a spoonful of honey.

The duration of fasting can be different, but if you do not expect 5-7 days, then easily get rid of 6-7 kg.

Before the start of the "hungry" days you need to prepare: smoothly go to light food, remove the breakfast, and take the enema before fasting. After the diet should also begin to eat small portions.


Slimming program for 5 kg in 7 days

Nutritionists advise to resort to more gentle weight loss methods, because express diets often introduce the body into a shock state. A sharp restriction in food and drink makes the body doubly accumulate fat about the reserve after the end of the diet. And as a result, after a couple of weeks, your weight will not only return to the previous indicators, but also can become much more.

To throw out extra weight, it is better to adhere to a special program when weight loss is due to the activation of metabolism and reducing calorie dishes. Consider the approximate menu for the day.

  • Breakfast. First prepare lemonade. To do this, add the juice of the lemon half to 200 ml of water. Sugar do not add. After half an hour, you can have breakfast in a fruit salad, refilled by yogurt with fatty 2%.
  • Dinner. Prepare a vegetable mix without salt, refilled with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. You can also pamper yourself with a glass of degreased kefir.
  • Dinner. For this meal, any fruits are suitable. They can be used entirely or make salad. Try to dinner no later than 7 pm. You can drink green tea.

In the interruptions between food you can drink kefir. A day is allowed to drink about 1 l of this drink.

Under all rules in 7 days, you can lose up to 5 kg. And to consolidate the result, leave the diet slowly. For example, following seven days, follow the same menu, but gradually add boiled fish and meat. Then gradually return to the former diet.


Efficient and simple set of exercises: slimming by 5 kg per week without diets

If you solvely decide to lose weight, the best option will be the correction of nutrition and physical activity. Even the most exhausting diets will not help forever get rid of excess weight. But permanent exercises, help to lose weight and pull the muscles.

You can go sports at home or in the company of a personal trainer in the fitness club. It all depends on your willpower and personal preferences.

For maximum effect, you need to combine cardiotrans, such as swimming or running, and weighing exercises. After a couple of weeks of regular sessions, you will see colossal changes in your figure. But the main thing is not to rearrange. Do not do every day to exhaustion. 3-4 lessons per week fully enough.


Now you know how to get rid of 5 kg in a couple of days at home. Make it easy, just trust in your strength and stick to the basic rules of weight loss.


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