
How to learn to get up on the bridge at home. How to get up on the bridge standing. How to learn to get up from the bridge on the feet

How to learn to get up on the bridge at home. How to get up on the bridge standing. How to learn to get up from the bridge on the feet
The article will tell you how to become a bridge from different provisions at home.

At the average person, the spine and its muscles are practically inactive, performing, except, the reference function. As a result, a person grinds with age, making the vertebrae less mobile and flexible. The back does not hurt at the same time, but no longer goes to get back and see the wall or bend forward and reach the fingertips of the toes. Avoiding such a situation will help a simple gymnastic exercise - bridge. It is useful not only to perform athletes and people who are interested in physical education, but also to every person who wishes to always remain healthy and follow their musculoskeletal system. In today's article we describe in detail how without much difficulty learning to get up on the bridge at home.

How to learn to get up on the bridge. We test the spine on flexibility

Before proceeding directly to getting up to the bridge, it is necessary to check the spine to the degree of its flexibility. The flexibility of the spinal column is one of the main criteria for the mobility of the musculoskeletal system. Also, having learned the degree of flexibility of the vertebrae, you can define an individual workout mode for yourself: if the spine is less mobile, then the stroke on the bridge will take you more time and requires powerful costs, if more movable - bridge will be submitted quickly and without excessive effort. You can check this indicator without complicated tests.

Test 1.

  1. Secure the label on the wall behind yourself at the shoulder level.
  2. Become a back to the wall at the distance of one step from it.
  3. Rock back and try to see the label.

If the label was at the level of the eye - the degree of mobility of the spinal column is excellent. If you saw the label, but it was below the eye level - mobility within the normal range. If the label could not see - the mobility of the vertebrae leaves much to be desired, and to get up on the bridge you will have to sweat.

Test 2.

  1. Turn the right side to the wall where the label is.
  2. Raise the left hand up, completely straightening it.
  3. Try to touch the tag fingers.
  4. Do similar movements turning to the wall left side.

If the movements managed to do without difficulty - the mobility is excellent. If the manipulations caused your difficulties, but the tags were touched - the flexibility is good. It did not take place to touch the label - the spine is practically not moving.

How to get on the bridge for beginners: warm up

Any gymnastic exercise, which is both the bridge, requires careful body preparation, muscle heating and brake workout. Both beginners and experienced athletes need to perform a number of exercises for the preparation of the shoulder belt, the lumbar department, the muscles of the back and the spine before learning to get up on the bridge. We made a small selection of the most efficient warm-up exercises for the preparation of the body to further exercise.

Warm up brushes hands to stand on the bridge

Exercise 1:

  1. Compact fingers into the castle.
  2. Bend elbows.
  3. Tasters perform rotating movements.
  4. Perform an exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 2:

  1. Compact fingers into the castle.
  2. Bend elbows.
  3. Perform a wave over the entire length of the hands.
  4. Make an exercise 1-2 minutes.

Exercises for the shoulder belt to stand on the bridge

Exercise 1:

  1. Palm Put a little lower hips.
  2. Clean elbows slightly.
  3. Perform rotating brackets clockwise.
  4. Rotate shoulders counterclockwise.
  5. Perform eight bills for each direction.

Exercise 2:

  1. Hands straighten.
  2. Both hands rotate forward seven bills.
  3. Then back seven bills.

Exercise 3:

  1. Bend the right upper limbs in the elbow and raise it to the shoulder level of the orthogonal floor.
  2. Turn the body to the left, twisting the spine.
  3. Repeat manipulation with the second hand.

Exercise 4:

  1. Right hand shagging up.
  2. Bend the right hand in the elbow so that it is behind the head.
  3. Left hand lower down.
  4. Bend the left hand in the elbow so that it is behind the back.
  5. Compare fingers in the castle behind your back.
  6. Stand in such a pose of 11 accounts.
  7. Repeat the exercise by changing the hands in some places.
  8. For a better effect, you can break down slightly.

Warming up lumbar department to get up on the bridge

Exercise 1:

  1. Put the legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt.
  2. Tilt the housing, flexing in the thighs first forward, then back and left-right.
  3. Repeat the movement of 12 accounts per side.

Exercise 2:

  1. Put your feet at a distance parallel shoulders, handles on the belt.
  2. Rock back, folding your head as low as possible.

Exercise 3:

  1. Put the legs on the width of the shoulders.
  2. Hands pull upstairs and closer into the lock.
  3. Tighten down the floor to 12 bills. Each account is the point on which you want to fix your hands.
  4. On the 12 bill, lock the body as much as possible to the floor. Hold the body in such a position of 7 bills.
  5. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Workout back and lumbar departments to get up on the bridge

Exercise 1:

  1. Take a seitant position, straightening your legs.
  2. Bend the left leg in the knee, right leave straight.
  3. Foot, which is closed in the knee, throw for the second, resting the stop in the knee.
  4. Lococcuit right hands. Eat in the knee left (bent) legs.
  5. Palm of the left hand. Help the floor.
  6. Please try to turn back as far as possible, along with your head.
  7. Fix yourself in this position on 12 bills.
  8. Repeat the exercise by turning to the other direction.

Exercise 2:

  1. Lie on the tummy.
  2. Hands clutch into the lock on the back of the head.
  3. Check the back in the most advance.
  4. Take an exercise of 12 bills.
  5. At 12 account hold the body upstairs and hold 9 bills.

Exercise 3:

  1. Become on all fours.
  2. Imagine before the owl crossbar.
  3. Get back diving under imaginary crossbird.
  4. Repeat the exercise 9 times.

Exercise 4:

  1. Become on all fours.
  2. Make alternate mahs back first right, then with the left foot.
  3. Head during Makhov Figure, trying to see the foot.

The final exercise is preparation for the whole body. It is necessary to perform it like this:

  • sit on the knees, the pop - on the feet, the stomach - on the hips;
  • the top of the body and the head relax, lowering down;
  • get your back forward extremely;
  • you are in such a position from 60 seconds to 3 minutes.

After performing the exercises described above, you can proceed directly to the execution of the bridge. After such a gymnastics, it's not so difficult to get up on the bridge, because the muscles are warm up, and the body is prepared for more serious exercises.

How to get up on the bridge from the position lying

How to learn to get up on the bridge? It is very simple if you fulfill all sports recommendations. First you need to try to stand on the bridge from the position lying. This is the easiest option of performing this gymnastic exercise, because under you there is always a support and you can not be afraid of falls. For security purposes, primary learning bridge should be carried out on a soft mate.

Learning to get up on the bridge lying on Mate.

  1. Take a position lying on your back.
  2. Send your legs in the knees so that the heels are as close as possible to the buttocks or relate to them.
  3. Put your hands on the floor behind the shoulders, fingers, at the same time, should touch the body.
  4. Strain the muscular structure of the legs and the press and weigh the pelvis.
  5. Making focus on the hands, follow the back of the back.
  6. Try to straighten your legs.
  7. When returning to a stay, you first go down to the blades, then lower the ass.

How to get on the bridge from the sitting position

The next stage of training should follow when to take a pose of a bridge from the position is not difficult for you.

Get on the bridge from the sedent

  1. Sit on the pages. At the same time, the back should be straightened, the knees are bent, and the feet are well reflected in the floor.
  2. Put the right upper limb to the floor behind yourself, a little thump the housing.
  3. Based on the feet and right hand, bring the back and take off the ass from the legs.
  4. Out of the left hand of the arc, silence it into the floor, fixing the body.
  5. Check the back and line the legs, getting on the bridge.

Return to the initial position is no less difficult than becoming a bridge.

For this:

  1. Turning the upper part of the housing to the left, put the right hand for the left.
  2. Then rearrange the right leg, putting it for the left.
  3. At the same time, rearrange the left handle and the right leg, strain the press, stand up in the initial position.

How to stand on the bridge from the standing position

If you thoroughly captured the bridge from the position lying and sitting and easily fulfilling it, then the time of a more serious gymnastic exercise is the bridge from standing poses. It is more difficult to perform it, since the support point is based in one place and it is easy to lose from the slightest movement. Before you get up on the bridge from the position of standing "without insurance", practice on the Swedish wall.

How to become a bridge near the Swedish wall

  1. Stand your back to the Swedish wall.
  2. Make a small step forward.
  3. Straighten your hands, throw them back and securely lock your fingers on the crossbar, which is easiest to get.
  4. Slowly move down, rearring your hands on the crossbar below, while brave your back well.
  5. At the bottom crossbar alternately, move the hands of the hands to the floor and stand up on the bridge.

Exit this position in the same way: gradually grab the crossbar above and move up until you accept the original position.

If you get up on the bridge with a Swedish wall, it is possible to easily try to make a bridge from the standing position. But, be sure, the first time do the gymnastic element on a soft mate, otherwise you risk is injured.

How to stand on the bridge standing

  1. Stant smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders.
  2. Imagine lower back and slightly bend the legs in the knees.
  3. Extend hands upstairs.
  4. Gradually, send, controlling the process with the muscles of the back and press, and try to reach the fingertips to the floor.
  5. Having reached the floor, securely lock the hands, resting the palms in the floor.
  6. If necessary, make some small steps to the hands and rectate the legs.

It is also important to correctly fit up with a bridge on your feet. The return on the opposite position requires even greater physical fitness and strong muscles of the back and press.

How to get off the bridge on your feet. Option 1

  1. Being in position on the bridge, tilt the body forward, making the main focus on the legs bent in the knees.
  2. Legongly push off the hands from the floor and straighten the body with the effort of the muscles of the back and press.

How to get off the bridge on your feet. Option 2.

If you can't get to your foot on the left above the option, you can't have a more lightweight method.

  1. Standing on the bridge, tilt the body ahead, rubbed my feet into the floor.
  2. Raise the right hand first, through a light shock. At the same time, turn a little body to the left side, making it the main focus.
  3. Immediately release the left hand and, slightly twisting the back, stand up on your feet.

Stand on the bridge at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to believe in your strength, constantly train, keep the body in a tone and, here you will see, not only bridge, but also more complex gymnastic exercises.

How to learn to get up on the bridge at home. Video


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