
How is the lip microblading. Lips after microblading - photo before and after

How is the lip microblading. Lips after microblading - photo before and after
Lip microblading - a new technique of permanent makeup, with which the lips can be given the desired color and adjust their shape. How the microblading of the lips is done, this article will tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the cosmetology procedure.

The desire of a modern woman to look flawless in any situation is a difficult task, requiring time, which, as you know, is never enough. For those ladies who always want to look great, regardless of whether she managed to make a makeup or not, the new rescue was a new technique of permanent (long -term) makeup - microblading lips. Thanks to the improvement of the tattoo technique, the sponges are visually more chubby, filled with color, and their contour acquires clarity. There is no need to constantly tint the lips or bring their contour with a pencil. In addition, if nature has not awarded you with full lips of a beautiful shape, with the help of microblading you can adjust and change their shape, giving attractiveness and seductiveness. How the lip microblading is made, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this tattoo technique, as well as a photo of the lips before and after the procedure, read on.

What is the microblading of the lips?

Micropigmentation or microblading is a new service in cosmetology, which enjoys great success in women of different ages. It is a type of permanent makeup to give the perfect shape of the lips and eyebrows. This is a manual tattoo, which is performed using a special handle with many thin needles collected in a beam in several rows (MicrobLade translated from English - “Micrelease”). A natural pigment is introduced under the upper layer of the epidermis, the color of which can be selected at will. Microblading allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the lips, make their color saturated, minimally injuring delicate skin of the lips. This technology is also used to correct eyebrows, to give perfect shape and color. When choosing lip microblading, you can forget about lipstick and contour pencil, at any time of the day the sponge will look well -groomed. The effect on the lips persists from a year to two.

Lip microblading: Advantages of the procedure

  1. Micropigmentation allows a woman to forget for a long time about lipstick, contour pencil and the need to constantly tint her lips in everyday life.
  2. Girls who have an allergic reaction to decorative cosmetics, thanks to the procedure, can get a bright saturated or natural color of the lips, without resorting to lipstick or shine.
  3. If you want to increase the volume of the lips or adjust the contour of the shape of the mouth without resorting to plastic surgery or Botox injections, this tattoo technique is ideal for you. The sparing tattoo technique in just one session allows you to adjust a small asymmetry or give the lips the desired volume.
  4. After the procedure, the sponge looks perfect, the introduction of the pigment does not cause swelling or redness. In the process of work, thanks to the introduction of the finest needles under the skin, pain is practically not felt, and rehabilitation is quickly and imperceptibly. After a few hours, the client can return to the usual lifestyle only following the advice of a cosmetologist about the subsequent care of the skin of the lips.

Miclining lips: contraindications

The manual micropigmentation procedure has contraindications, it is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, in the presence of damage, skin inflammation, and also in the presence of such diseases as:

  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute forms of infectious and viral diseases (SARS, influenza, cold);
  • hypertension;
  • diseases associated with blood coagulation disorders.

Miclining lips: disadvantages

  1. With sensitive lips, microblading causes pain and discomfort.
  2. Unprofessionalism of the master can lead to sad consequences, up to infection.
  3. You can evaluate the staining effect only after the film comes down.

The technique of microblading lips

Before going to the master for the procedure, you must prepare in advance for the session. Preparation for microblading should begin 2 weeks before the procedure with the adoption of antiviral drugs against herpes in order to avoid possible infection - as preventive goals. During the preliminary consultation, the master conducts a conversation with the client about contraindications to the procedure, selects the necessary pigment for introducing lips under the skin, and if necessary, correcting the shape of the lips, it will offer a sketch, according to which it will draw a new circuit.

The color of the pigment is selected according to the wishes of the client, and the color type and facial features, hair complexion, are also taken into account. It should be remembered that the choice of a shade of lips needs to be approached responsibly, because the result of lip coloring after the procedure lasts about two years and in the near future it will be impossible to change it.

A few days before the procedure, the use of alcohol is excluded, and smoking is prohibited on the day of the session, and also to refrain from taking coffee and energy drinks.

Miclining of the lips is performed in several stages:

  1. The skin of the lips is treated with a disinfectant.
  2. The master, according to the sketch, with the help of a special tool, draws the contour of the lips.
  3. Then, a pigment is implanted under the skin, the thinnest microblading needles are introduced by a maximum of 3 mm, painting only the upper layers of the epidermis.
  4. The manual permanent tattooing session for about 20 minutes lasts.

Microblading: photo before and after

What is the difference between classic tattooing and lip microblading

Many girls believe that the tattoo of the lips is microblading. However, there are differences between classic tattooing and the new technique of lip tattooing.

  1. The method of introducing the pigment into the skin. During tattooing, the master implants the dye using one needle, with microblading, the pigment is introduced using a special handle with many thin needles.
  2. The puncture of the needles and the introduction of the pigment occurs to a slight depth of the epidermis, which allows to minimize the negative consequences of the procedure. The delicate skin of the lips is not injured.
  3. Microblading is a gentle and practically painless procedure, the introduction of a bunch of thin needles into the skin causes only a slight discomfort, unlike tattooing.
  4. After lip tattooing, inflammation and swelling of the tissues are observed, microblading avoids such side effects after the procedure. The lack of tissue injury allows the patient to return to ordinary life after 2-3 hours, not afraid that one of the people will notice that she recently resorted to the services of a cosmetologist. Fabric healing occurs much faster.
  5. The disadvantage of microblading is the appearance on the lips of a thin film, due to which it is difficult to evaluate the tone of the skin in which the lips occurred. After 3-4 days, the crust will come down and it will already be possible to see the real result of painting.

It is not recommended to remove the crust from the lips yourself, otherwise you can injure delicate epithels and bring the infection.

How long does the result from the microblading of the lips last?

The effect after microblading persists up to 24 months, while additional sessions or correction are not required. It should be remembered that the color after healing of the tissues can be several tones lighter than after the procedure, this is due to the fact that only 50% of the coloring substance is absorbed into the upper layer of the epithelium.

In addition, factors such as:

  • Pigment quality.
  • The depth of the dye under the skin.
  • Professional skills and experience of the master.
  • Proper lips care after the procedure.

Lip microblading: healing and care after the procedure

Healing of the lips after the session passes quite quickly. For soon healing during the first day, the lips must be treated with a healing tool that the master recommends. The ointment is applied with a thin layer. You can not touch the processed area with your hands, wet it, and to use sparing care products, such as soft gels or baby soap for washing. Within two weeks, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bath, take hot baths and steam your face, as well as swim in the pool and sunbathe. A film that is formed after microblading should never be removed independently, use scrubs or peels. It is necessary to wait for the film to leave the surface of the lips on its own, on average it takes 3-4 days.

Miclosing lips: reviews

There are a lot of positive reviews from the girls who have passed this procedure about such a new technique of permanent makeup as microblading.

Irina, 35: “The result of the microblading of the lips and eyebrows surpassed all my expectations! My face became expressive, and apply daily makeup, which takes a lot of time in the morning, is no longer necessary. I always look fresh and attractive, wherever I am. In the cabin, they promised me that the effect would last about 24 months, but a year later the color became less pronounced, I had to correct it a little. ”

Natalia, 27: “Having read positive reviews and looking at numerous photos on the Internet of microblading lips photos before and after, I decided on this procedure. My goal was to adjust the shape of the upper lip, it was a visually much smaller upper one, as well as coloring the lips in a natural pink-cream tint. The tattoo session passed quickly and almost painlessly, and the result was very pleased with me. Now the sponges look symmetrical, chubby, and the color is just chic - fresh and seductive. ”

Eve, 31: “I always had thin and very pale lips that I dreamed of making chubby and juicy. After searching for the best and safe methods of lip correction, it stopped at microblading. The master helped me choose the perfect shape of the lips ideal for the shape of the face. I did not make the color saturated, I stopped at a pale pink, as I am a blonde. The sponges look natural, I have become more attractive and confident in myself. "

A sparing and safe technique of permanent makeup of microblading is a find for girls who value time and who monitor their appearance. After the procedure, the lips look fresh, seductive, they can give a beautiful sensual bend, volume, saturated shade, adjust their shape and hide minor disadvantages. One of the advantages of microblading is the duration of the effect of staining and preserving the contours of the lips. An important point for the procedure is the right choice of a professional master who will make the sponges perfect.

Miclosing lips: video




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