
Homemade face masks with aloe

Homemade face masks with aloe
What is the useful masks from aloe for the face. Recipes for cooking at home.

Everyone knows about aloe as a useful plant, which is very popular in various therapeutic recipes of traditional medicine. But not everyone knows that the use of aloe juice for cosmetic purposes found not only its place, but also became an indispensable ingredient in masks, tonics, creams and facial lotions. In almost all soothing, tonic, cleansing and softening masks for the skin, as the main component you will definitely find aloe vera. Then why buy cosmetics, the content of natural substances in which it causes doubts, if you can independently make a face mask with aloe at home? With constant use, you will quickly notice changes and amazing results in a state of your skin.

The action of masks with aloe extract to the skin


The main difference between aloe juice and other plant ingredients, in its transdermal ability to quickly and deeply penetrate the skin. Thus, the epidermis is four times faster moistened with a mask of aloe juice than any other remedy.

Aloe juice composition:

  1. It is thanks to allantoone that aloe vera juice and the plant itself became so popular in modern cosmetology. Exclusively due to its content in aloe, the skin quickly receives the necessary moisture and transports the rest of the useful composition of the face masks deep into the epidermis. This accelerates the result, since the time for absorption of nutrients through the pores is reduced. In addition, allantoin promotes the rapid restoration of the structure of the epidermis and damaged cells, as well as healing of wounds.
  2. The content in aloe trace elements, enzymes and minerals is large. Their number is about 200 items, although the composition has not been studied until the end and more and more new components are opened regularly. The presence of such a amount of substances in one product is simultaneously the main distinguishing feature of the benefits of aloe juice.
  3. Promotes general cleansing, as well as the release of cells from toxins and toxins.
  4. The regenerative properties of aloe vera provide 20 natural amino acids in its composition. This is the main building material for skin cells and the body as a whole. Due to the influence of such a set, regeneration takes place 10 times faster than usual: collagen, connective tissue are actively formed and dead cells are destroyed. In addition, due to the large amount of moisture, the skin cells are protected from dehydration, and masks with aloe from wrinkles are not only warned, but also prevent their premature aging.
  5. Thanks to vitamins E, C and B masks with aloe extract, they have an antioxidant (cleansing) effect, and beta-carotene and group A vitamins protect the skin cells from oxidation.

The regular use of facial skin care masks with aloe vera juice and oil will contribute to:


  • strengthening the throughput barriers of skin cells to protect against aggressive external factors and environmental influences;
  • moisturizing and nutrition of the skin, which is especially good for a dry type of face;
  • control of the release of subcutaneous fat and narrowing of pores;
  • removal of inflammation in the problem areas of the epidermis;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles and at the expense of nutrition, revival of wilting skin;
  • deep cleansing and removal of toxins;
  • improving color and alignment of skin tone;
  • restoration of the acid-base balance of the epidermis cells to combat bacteria.

Regular care with aloe masks at home will allow the skin of the face not only to shine with health, but also to look younger. In addition, Aloe home masks can be used for any type of face skin. They effectively dry and normalize the release of fat for oily skin, but at the same time dry - they have a good and moisturize. For a mixed type of mask with aloe extract, it is good to use to cleanse pollution and tonization. The problem areas of Aloe soothes, levels the inflammatory process, disinfects and eliminates redness.

Recipes for face masks with aloe at home


Before preparing homemade masks for skin with aloe, you need to choose the right and prepare the plant itself. It is necessary to know that the active formation of biological stimulants in the leaves occurs in the dark and at a low temperature.  In this way, the formed organic elements contribute to the strengthening of the activities of all other components contained in the leaves of aloe.

To prepare the mask, always cut the lower plant leaves and wash well with boiled water. Then, wrap each individual leaf into a paper cloth and put in the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes. From, thus processed, aloe leaves, you can extract juice for the preparation of face masks. Natural homemade aloe masks should be applied to pre -cleansed skin with a special tool for removing dirt and cleansing the pores.

Aloe mask from wrinkles


Such a mask is well suited for dry skin prone to the appearance of wrinkles. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, refreshes and has an anti -aging effect. Using a homemade mask of Aloe from wrinkles at least a day, you will significantly improve the condition of the skin and complexion, smooth out facial wrinkles, heal the disadvantages and young people.


  • cooled aloe juice;
  • nutritious cream (preferably children);
  • any cosmetic oil;
  • salt;
  • chicken egg.


Pre -prepared juice, combine with children's cream in a ratio of 1: 2. Cover cleansed skin, excluding the area around the eyes, and withstand for about 15 - 25 minutes. Wash off with warm cleaned water and get wet with a dry towel. In no case do not rub the skin. Combine the chicken egg with 0.5 teaspoon of small salt until it is completely dissolved. Take such a mixture on the face for about 5 - 10 minutes, until it dries. After removal, apply the children's cream with a thin layer. Do not rub, let the cream be absorbed. Remains with a paper towel after 5 - 7 minutes.

Aloe mask with honey


One of the most popular homemade facial masks using aloe is rightfully considered a mixture of honey. Honey itself is an excellent treatment, and in combination with Aloe, its properties are doubly intensified. Such a mask can be used for any type of skin, and in all cases it is perfect. Comprehensively improving the general condition, it moisturizes well, gently removes the keratinized cells of the epidermis, heals and increases the elasticity of the walls of the capillaries, saturates the skin with vitamins and the necessary trace elements for quick regeneration and renewal.


  • kashitsa from aloe leaves, chopped in a mixer;
  • fresh liquid honey;
  • glycerol ampoule;
  • any essential oil to your taste;
  • turmeric.


In an enameled container with aloe gruel, add a little dry turmeric powder in a ratio of about 1: 3. After everything is mixed well, gradually add glycerin and essential oil in the same amount of about 2 to 3 drops for the entire volume. The last mask ingredient, of course, will be honey. We add it last - about 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons and thoroughly mix to uniform porridge. We cover and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that the mask cools down and thickens. Apply with light movements, excluding the area under the eyes. Do not rub, leave the mask alone for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better to take a horizontal position, turn on relaxing music and relax. Then gently rinse the skin of the face with water or tincture of chamomile. Use no more than 2 times a week for dry skin and about 3 times for oily.

Aloe mask with fruit


Such a home mask with aloe juice is suitable for people with very dry skin, which constantly needs to be deeply nourished and moistened. To do this, we need the fruits of avocado, melon and apricot. By varying fruit sets, it can also be used for oily skin. For example, grapes, peach or orange - will be ideal in this case.


  • aloe: juice and small grinding;
  • pulp 1 of the fruit to choose from;
  • cold pressing olive oil;
  • sour cream of medium fat content.


In a blender, mix the flesh of the fruit and treated aloe leaves, add sour cream and a few drops of oil there. Add sour cream gradually until you reach the necessary familiar density of the mask. Apply such a mixture every other day, but after 10 continuous days, be sure to take a break. As a result, your skin will feel the incredible freshness of fruits, eating sour cream and rejuvenation of aloe juice.

Facial masks with aloe. Video



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