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Cleaning problem skin using tar soap.

Since the beginning of the annalistic times, the healing properties of a birch tar have been known. In folk medicine, it is traditionally used as a bactericidal and wound healing agent. If you are worried about rashes on your face or body, and you do not know how to get rid of them for a long time, it is not necessary to use potent drugs of short -term action - use the tar soap for acne.

Degtyar soap from acne: composition

This tool is tested by time - our grandmothers also successfully used it to improve the condition of the skin. Wood tar is traditionally obtained as a result of dry distillation of the wood crust of trees (mainly birch, pine and beech) when heated.

For the manufacture of tar soap, a birch tar is used, which, first of all, is a fairly powerful antiseptic for external use and is used as part of drugs - for example, the widely known Vishnevsky ointment.

Degtym soap is an effective and affordable natural remedy. In appearance, it resembles the well -known laundry soap, but in its composition these are two completely different products.  Tar soap helps with acne and is ideal for healing problem skin. It should be noted that this tool containing about 10% of a natural birch tar is characterized by a rich specific smell - some people do not tolerate it very well, while others like it. At the same time, many in their reviews of tar -soap from acne notes that some time after washing or washing on the skin, there is practically no characteristic smell of tar. Some advise you to place a bar of soap in a closed soap dish, as well as wash with it at night, 10-20 minutes before bedtime-during this time the smell is already mostly disappeared. If you wash yourself or wash with tar soap in the morning, you should do it in advance, since its smell can mix and overlap on the smell of toilet water or spirits.

The tar soap is almost not soaked with proper storage and is consumed quite economically - the standard bar is enough for washing for more than a month. In addition, it favorably differs in a completely natural composition, without the presence of harmful chemical components - perfumes and dyes.  Deg! Acne soap can be used to wash various types of skin - thanks to the hypoallergenic composition, this tool is suitable, including for sensitive and prone to allergic reactions of the epidermis. Intolerance to the components of this tool is quite rare.


Degtyar soap can be freely bought in stores - in the sections of household chemicals and cosmetics, in pharmacies. This skin care product is characterized by low price and ease of use. When acquiring targeted decimal soap, pay attention to the expiration date - it should be borne in mind that the duration of the storage of this product is about two years. In addition to solid bar, you can also purchase a fairly convenient liquid tar soap to use.

Degtyer soap from acne: beneficial properties

In the treatment of various skin diseases and damage, as well as as a means of caring for the problematic and prone to various rashes of the skin of the face and body, tar soap is successfully used.

The effect of the healing of problematic skin is endowed with the main active component - birch tar.

This tool in the composition of soap is characterized by the following useful properties:

  • anti -inflammatory and antiseptic. This tool is characterized by a powerful bactericidal and antiparasitic effect;
  • restoring properties and the effect of accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues, resorption of scars and stagnant stains;
  • the ability to normalize tissue metabolic processes, as well as blood circulation, regulate the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin;
  • light brightening action.

Degtyar soap stimulates blood flow to the processed area, improving blood microcirculation. In addition, this tool dries the epidermis and acts antiseptically, along with it is dried after using tar soap acne and acne. Birch tar stimulates the speedy healing of various damage to the skin, wounds and scratches. Washing with tar soap is also used in the treatment of skin diseases (including eczema, pyoderma and dermatomycosis), for gaps, burns and frostbite, for disinfection of wounds and cracks on heels.

The advantages of the use of tar soap include its versatility - this tool is suitable for various types of skin. To avoid this tool for peeling and dehydration of the skin, after washing, you can use children's or moisturizing cream.

Degtyar soap from acne: how to apply

This product is able to help with normal and oily skin with minor rashes, as well as with acne, when gels for washing problem skin and numerous wiping were powerless. Thanks to numerous healing properties, tar is traditionally used in folk medicine, including for a sensitive epidermis, in the presence of various skin problems. This product largely dries the skin, after its use, a feeling of tightness and some discomfort may appear. To wash with tar soap, you need to foam it a little and use it, like ordinary soap, washing off with warm water from the skin.


It should be borne in mind that in the presence of overdred and dehydrated skin, tar soap can aggravate its problems, provoking the appearance of peeling, irritation and inflammation - and, accordingly, new acne. Therefore, do not be too zealous, it is recommended to use it for washing no more than once or twice a day. If tar soap dries the skin, after using this tool, if necessary, it should be taken care of the restoration of humidity - by wiping the skin with an immortal lotion and applying a moisturizer. For dry skin, it is preferable to use tar soap from acne made by your own hands - such a product has a milder effect. For oily skin, washing once or twice a day will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. A tangible result can be achieved after a few days of using tar soap from acne. As a rule, after the use of tar soap from acne, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of problem skin - the amount of inflammation is minimized, the abscesses and rashes disappear, the wounds gradually heal and the complexion is aligned.


In addition to ordinary washing, there are several ways to use tar soap:

  • a small amount of thick soapy foam should be applied to the skin pre -cleaned of pollution and cosmetics. After waiting for the drying of the mask on the skin, after 10-15 minutes, rinse it with cool water. Such a mask with tar soap will help get rid of acne on the face and other parts of the body;
  • you can eliminate several foci of inflammation (acne or boils) by applying a small amount of moisturized soap directly to them.  Tar soap will help from acne on the back, as it effectively dries the abscesses and localizes the spread of infection;
  • apply soap to abrasions, cuts and scratches and rinse them with cool water after drying out. This procedure significantly accelerates the healing process of skin damage. After squeezing the ripened acne and wiping it with a cotton swab moistened in alcohol, it is recommended to rinse the skin with tar soap, and then apply a gel antiseptic (for example, levomekol);
  • you can get rid of freckles and age spots, washing with tar soap once a day.

How to make tar -soap from acne

Degtyar soap is a quite affordable tool that can be freely purchased at a low price. Despite this, some crafts may want to prepare such a tool with tar. At home, make soap with a birch tar, differing from an industrial way, softer and sparing exposure, is easy. The use of such a tool will help to avoid overdrying the skin.


In order to make tar soap, you will need to cook:

  • soap with a minimum of additives and flavors (ordinary baby soap is optimal);
  • birch tar (freely sold in pharmacies).

Squeare of actions:

  1. Grate the bar of soap.
  2. Put a pot of water on a small fire, place a container with grated soap in it. Heat in a water bath, stirring periodically until the soap begins to melt to an adhesive consistency.
  3. Add a small amount of water, as well as one and a half tablespoons of birch tar, mix thoroughly.
  4. Remove the capacity with tar soap from acne from the fire. When the mass has cooled up to about 40 ° C, pour it into molds, cover them with paper on top and leave in a cool place until completely cooled. If you are concerned about too much the smell of tar soap, put the molds for a while on the balcony. It is convenient to use plastic tanks from under the yogurt as soap forms.

The soap made in this way comes out with a soft, with a delicate consistency and not too plentiful foam, which is convenient to apply to the skin with a cosmetic sponge. Rinse tarry soap from acne is recommended with cool or warm water.

A therapeutic ointment with tar soap from acne can be prepared as follows. Take a birch tar or tar soap, as well as children without additives. The soap grated on a coarse need to be heated in a water bath, and then add tar (2 tbsp to a bar of soap) and 2 tbsp. natural wine. Stir the resulting mixture until a homogeneous consistency and leave until cool. A small amount of ointment should be applied directly to the foci of inflammation, using once or twice a day.

Dermatologists recommend after the use of tar soap for two weeks to take a break within a month. If you want to get rid of a small amount of acne, it is convenient to apply tar soap on them pointwise. In the presence of problematic skin with abundant acne, regular washing using tar soap will be useful.

Tar soap from acne - photo before and after




Degtyar soap - Supercover from acne (video)




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