
Slimming diet for a week

Slimming diet for a week
Put in order the figure in one week is quite real! It is enough to choose a suitable diet for you and soon friends just do not know.

All women dream to look spectacular. Especially in the eyes of men: to strike with slender legs, amazing with a flat stomach and worry the tumaled booze. But, alas, not everyone does it work, because stress, a tense working day and, as a result, overeating, which is reflected on the waist - frequent satellites of modern lady. But there is a way out of such a situation - a diet for a week will help you to purchase former forms. True, we strongly recommend that you advise with your attending physician before trying one or another meal.

Diet for a week at home

Is there any solemn event or on the nose vacation? And maybe you just decided to change? In fact, the message is not important, the main thing is desire and willingness to achieve results. Experts argue that at home, especially without any effort, in a week you can get rid of at least three or four kilograms. And if you add to the home diet for a week exercise, then you can lose weight by 10 kilograms.


Recipe diet for a week

Short-term diets are most often called express diet - they are designed for a period of three to seven days and, most often, are a tough restriction in nutrition. For a short period of time, you can really lose weight, but it is still not necessary to abuse this mode, since a long limitation or malnutrition may worsen well-being.

Recommendations for losing weight:

  1. Do not starve. Eat as it should be, but replace the calorie products of low-calorie.
  2. Make focus on fruit (only not bananas and grapes), berries and vegetables. Eat their raw, make salads from them, bake, prepare for a pair or grilled.
  3. Prepare degreased soups - on vegetable or fish broth.
  4. Eat as many non-fat sour milk products.
  5. Prepare porridge from wholegrain croup.
  6. Do not replace the products in the Other menu.
  7. Want to eat? Eat an apple, drink a glass of juice or kefir.
  8. Take a vitamin complex.
  9. Do not sit on the spot - walk, dance, sign up for swimming, fitness or pilates.
  10. Drink as much purified water as possible - at least two liters per day.
  11. Buy coffee or slimming tea. Whether these drinks will help to lose weight - the question is controversial (it all depends on the individuality of the body), but the fact that there will be no harm will be. In addition, according to the fans of coffee and tea for weight loss, these products not only dull a feeling of hunger, but also help to remove slag from the body, and also act as a soft laxative.

Woman Eating Healthy Food

Diet: menu for a week

The first day.

  • Breakfast: either warm milk (1 tbsp.) + Honey (C.L.), or degreased cottage cheese (100 g), a worn toast (wholegrain).
  • Snack: Apple (green).
  • Lunch: vegetable broth soup, boiled fish (100 g), lettuce leaves with lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Punch: Tomatoes (2 pcs.).
  • Dinner: Vegetables for a pair (or grill).
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).

Second day.

  • Breakfast: Hercules (3 tbsp), honey (ChL), grated apple.
  • Snack: Orange (1 pc.).
  • Lunch: chicken fillet (0.5 pcs.) Vegetables with lemon juice and herbs.
  • Afternoon school: skimmed kefir (1 tbsp.).
  • Dinner: Pasta (only from wheat solid varieties), vegetables.
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).

Day Three.

  • Breakfast: omelet (yolk + 2 protein + peeled greens).
  • Snack: Juice (1 Art.).
  • Lunch: borsch vegetable, potatoes (2 pcs.).
  • Afternoon school: salad.
  • Dinner: low-fat fish (100 g), steamed vegetables.
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).

Day four.

  • Breakfast: yogurt (natural only), fruit.
  • Snack: carrot juice (1 tbsp.), Skimmed cream (C.L.).
  • Lunch: Veal boiled (100 g).
  • Halfoon: cucumbers (2 pcs.).
  • Dinner: Potatoes in Mundire, Dill.
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).

Fifth day.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat, onions, carrots.
  • Snack: Berries (1 Art.).
  • Lunch: cream soup (for example, from broccoli) and garlic croutons.
  • Afternoon person: vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: low-fat fish (100 g), steamed vegetables.
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).

Day sixth.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal + Ch.l. Honey + crushed mandarin.
  • Snack: Tomato Juice (1 Art.).
  • Lunch: boiled beans + tomato sauce.
  • Afternoon school: Bulgarian pepper.
  • Dinner: Degreased cottage cheese (100 g), salad.
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).

Seventh day.

  • Breakfast: boiled cauliflower, boiled egg.
  • Snack: Degreased yogurt.
  • Lunch: veal boiled, carrots and celery - for a couple.
  • Afternoon person: Apple (green).
  • Dinner: cousin + vegetables.
  • For night: Degreased kefir (1 tbsp.).


Diet for women for a week

This diet is very useful for women, as it will help to restore and improve not only the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the nervous system as a whole. In addition, thanks to this strict diet, you can enhance immunity, clean the blood and lower cholesterol. It is difficult to withstand it, but the result is just awesome! Be sure to consult with your doctor for contraindications to this diet.

Every day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir, distributing this volume for the whole day.

  • First day: kefir + Potatoes in Mundire (5 pcs.).
  • Second day: kefir + boiled chicken meat (100 g).
  • Third day: kefir + boiled beef (100 g).
  • Fourth day: kefir + boiled fish (100 g).
  • Fifth day: kefir + vegetables and fruits.
  • Sixth day: kefir.
  • Seventh day: kefir + mineral water (1.5l).


Diet for slimming belly for a week

If you want to lose weight in the waist area and get rid of the abdomen, then you will help proper nutrition and mandatory physical exertion.

What can eat for weight loss in the abdomen:

  • vegetables - raw, boiled, cooked for a pair or grilled, as well as in the form of lettuce or soup (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, cabbage, sweet pepper, green peas);
  • berries and fruits: apples, plums, allycha, apricots, cherries, pears, peaches, varied berries;
  • greens: Aruk, Celery, Kinza, Dill, Basil;
  • meat: beef or bird;
  • fish: Safety varieties;
  • dairy and fermented products: kefir, cheese, milk, cottage cheese;
  • cereals: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

Here is a rather interesting and effective diet:




Egg diet for a week

This power regime received another name - "Maggie diet". Thanks to the rigorous compliance with all the recommendations, you can lose up to 10 kilograms.

Maggie diet is as follows:


  • Breakfast: boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Grapefruit (1 pc.), Green tea without sugar (1 tbsp.).
  • Lunch: boiled egg (1 pc.), Orange (1 pc.), Chicken fillet boiled (150 g).
  • Dinner: Chicken fillet boiled (200 g), kefir (1 Art.).


  • Breakfast: boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Juice (1 Art.).
  • Lunch: Chicken fillet Boiled (150 g), orange (2pc.), Water (1 Art.).
  • Dinner: boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Grapefruit (1 pc.), Milk (1 Art.).


  • Breakfast: Boiled Egg (1 PC.), Water (1 Art.) + Lemon Juice (ChL.).
  • Lunch: Boiled veal or beef (200 g), grapefruit (1 pc.).
  • Dinner: Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Mineral water (1 Art.).


  • Breakfast: omelet (3 eggs + greenery crushed).
  • Lunch: salad (leaves), chicken legs boiled (2 pcs.).
  • Dinner: boiled egg (1 pc.), Grapefruit (2 pcs.), Water (1 Art.).


  • Breakfast: boiled eggs (2 pcs.) + Carrot (1 pc.) + Article. Sour cream low-fat + greens \u003d cook salad.
  • Lunch: Carrot (2 pcs.), Juice orange (1 Art.).
  • Dinner: Fish stew or boiled (100 g), boiled egg (1 pc.), Mineral water (1 Art.).


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese (150 g), juice (1 tbsp.).
  • Lunch: boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Grapefruit (2 pcs.).
  • Dinner: Mineral water - in unlimited quantity.


  • Breakfast: boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Grapefruit (0.5 pcs.).
  • Lunch: Boiled veal or beef (200 g), orange (1 pc.).
  • Dinner: Mineral water - in unlimited quantity.


Skin diet for a week

This diet can be observed not only for a week. This power mode is quite suitable for long slimming. The meaning of the diet is that only protein product is allowed - carbohydrates under the strictest ban!

What you can eat:

  • turkey;
  • chicken;
  • fish (low-fat);
  • seafood;
  • beef;
  • veal;
  • liver;
  • any degreased dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • celery;
  • tomatoes;
  • apples;
  • citrus fruit;
  • tea;
  • coffee;
  • mineral water.

Thanks to this diversity, you will be absolutely not difficult for you to make an independent menu.


Diet for a week minus 7 kg

Thanks to this cabbage diet, you can lose weight on average for seven kilograms. The secret of this power supply is low calorie and, importantly, availability. All seven days must be powered by the following scheme:

  • Breakfast: coffee (natural, but no sugar) or tea (green, without sugar).
  • Lunch: cabbage salad with carrots (grate), with olive oil, boiled fish or chicken fillet.
  • Dinner: cabbage salad with carrots and apple (grate), squirrel from egg.
  • At night: warm kefir.

healthy and Junk Food Concept - Woman With Fruits Rejecting Hamburger and Cake

Diet 10 kg per week

Yes, it is very difficult and to stand it will be able to not every woman, but nutrition specialists are confident that this diet will hit you with its result - you lose at least 10 kilograms! You can repeat it no earlier than in 3 months!

Day number 1. To drink only six glasses of mineral water - without gas and various additives.

Day number 2. Drink four glasses of milk, and before bedtime to eat a medium green apple.

Day number 3. Drink six glasses of mineral water.

Day number 4. Carrot salad, cabbage and greenery with olive oil, two glasses of mineral water.

Day number 5. Drink four cup of milk.

Day number 6. One boiled egg, 0.5 tbsp. Tea, vegetable broth, 100 g veal boiled, green apple.

Day number 7. 100 g of cottage cheese, liter of kefir, tea.


Diet for 7 weeks

This is a very rigid German diet, but thanks to such a nutrition, according to its authors, really lose weight by 18-20 kilograms. What is the most attractive - weight does not return!

First week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday-Sunday: you can eat everything you want.

Second week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday: Oranges + Apples - about two kilograms.
  • Wednesday Sunday: You can eat everything you want.

Third week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday: Oranges + Apples - about two kilograms.
  • Wednesday: Apples are about two kilograms.
  • Thursday-Sunday: you can eat everything you want.

Fourth week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday: Oranges + Apples - about two kilograms.
  • Wednesday: Apples are about two kilograms.
  • Thursday: Fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Friday-Sunday: You can eat everything you want.

Fifth week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday: Oranges + Apples - about two kilograms.
  • Wednesday: Apples are about two kilograms.
  • Thursday: Fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Friday: Degreased kefir.
  • Saturday-Sunday: You can eat everything you want (but without special fanaticism).

Sixth week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday: Oranges + Apples - about two kilograms.
  • Wednesday: Apples are about two kilograms.
  • Thursday: Fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Friday: Degreased kefir.
  • Saturday: boiled zucchini or pineapple - near a kilogram.
  • Sunday: You can eat everything you want (but without special fanaticism).

Seventh week.

  • Monday: at least five liters of water.
  • Tuesday: Oranges + Apples - about two kilograms.
  • Wednesday: Apples are about two kilograms.
  • Thursday: Fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Friday: Degreased kefir.
  • Saturday: boiled zucchini or pineapple - near a kilogram.
  • Sunday: at least five liters of water.


Malysheva diet for a week. Video


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