
What is Brazilian manicure. How to do Brazilian manicure

What is Brazilian manicure. How to do Brazilian manicure
Step -by -step instructions for the implementation of the Brazilian manicure with your own hands

Time today is worth its weight in gold. A successful woman is often forced to save precious minutes to the detriment of her beauty. “I didn’t sign up for a manicure again - once,” a frustrated girlfriend complains, but you yourself do not remember when the last time you visited a beauty salon. Fortunately, with the advent of the Brazilian Balbcare manicure, this problem is solved once and for all. Let's get acquainted with this wonderful procedure closer.

What is Brazilian manicure

Even a very busy woman can now pamper yourself with a pleasant care of the nails. Brazilian manicure and pedicure is a brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bBrazilian cosmetologists in its simplicity. The procedure will not require outlandish tools and devices and at the same time will not take much time.

BALBCARE Brazilian manicure is a set of disposable use, with which you can quickly bring the nails and skin around them in order. Here you will not find anything superfluous:

  • cosmetic polyethylene gloves containing a special filler to prepare hands for manicure;
  • polyethylene socks for pedicure with the same filler;
  • orange sticks for processing the cuticle;
  • ferates to give shape to the nail plates.

As you can see, all the most necessary and safe. Initially, the set was created taking into account the interests of Brazilian women, but later it liked the entire world community.

Brazilian manicure: Advantages of the procedure

This method of nail care is a lot of fans around the world. The beautiful half of humanity appreciated the positive points of the procedure with a minimum of negative. So, what is the interesting Brazilian manicure:

  1. In this way, the beauty on the nails is made faster than the traditional way, when a lot of time takes the softening of the cuticle in water.
  2. With the help of a set of Brazilian manicure, you can not only take care of your hands, but also put the legs in order.
  3. The Brazilian manicure procedure does not require special conditions for conducting - it can be done between the matter at home, watching the TV show.
  4. To process hands and nails in this technique, special skills and expensive tools do not need. You just need to look into the store to buy a ready -made one -time set of Brazilian manicure.
  5. The method will allow you to combine some pleasant moments: to give a beautiful shape to the nails, nourish the skin of the hands with useful substances and just give yourself a few relaxing minutes to relax.
  6. The innovative procedure allows you to prepare nails for further extension.
  7. Brazilian manicure is not a wiped procedure. This, of course, will delight women who advocate painless and safe guidance of beauty. The risk of infection in Brazilian manicure is reduced to zero.
  8. The gel in cosmetic gloves saturates the skin with nutrients, thanks to which the handles after the first procedure become moisturized, soft and silky. The substance is suitable for any skin type without exception. In addition, the miracle pitch filler restores the nail plate, whiten and improves its appearance. Vitamins and trace elements in the composition of the gel make nails flexible and strong.

The disadvantages of the Brazilian manicure

There is no need to talk about the negative moments of the procedure for a long time, since there are almost no them. Among the indirect shortcomings of the Brazilian manicure, we will single out the following:

  • such sparing nail care is unlikely to appreciate ladies who prefer a deep tearing manicure, who does not leave a hint of the cuticle;
  • an uncomplicated procedure has gained immense popularity among residents of Brazil, Australia, the USA and many European countries. For Russian women, this is still a novelty, so there are not so many salons providing such a service;
  • the price of the Brazilian manicure is not suitable for some - a simple procedure costs from 800 to 1000 rubles. However, unconditional hygiene and safety are more expensive than any money, isn't it?

Brazilian manicure execution technique

You always follow new trends and already want to know how sultry Brazilians take care of their nails? Then go to the manicure salon for a portion of positive emotions! How to make a Brazilian manicure yourself and how its experienced craftsmen do, we will now tell:

During the procedure, water is not used. Given that all civilized countries are trying to consume water resources very carefully, this is an extremely important aspect.

  1. First of all, hands are wiped with an antiseptic.
  2. Now the nails need to be rid of the old coating (colored varnish, enamel or therapeutic varnish). They do this as usual - using a cotton pad and a special means to remove varnish without harmful components such as acetone.
  3. The set for the Brazilian manicure is opened and the first thing they take out a one -time file to decorate the nail plates.
  4. When the nails gain the desired shape, gloves for the Brazilian manicure are used. Using an orange stick, the nutrient emulsion is evenly distributed over gloves, and then put gloves for 5 - 8 minutes. Polyethylene should fit tightly to the skin. During this time, the hands are nourished with beneficial substances that moisturize the skin and soften the unavailable cuticle. This is express hand training to the further stage of the Brazilian manicure.
  5. To extend the exposure to the nutrient emulsion on the skin, the gloves do not remove, but only cut off their tips, crossing the finger to the finger, processing the cuticle on each of them with an orange stick. By the way, the rules of the Brazilian manicure allow to cut an unattractive skin with manicure forceps at the request of the client.
  6. When the last nail is processed, the gloves are removed and the hands massage for some time. The emulsion does not need to be washed off with water, its remains are simply wiped with a paper towel.
  7. Before covering the nails with colored or protective varnish, they are degreased with a varnish removal.

What is the Brazilian manicure and pedicure clearly demonstrates the photo:

Emulsion in gloves for Brazilian manicure: composition and benefit

In order not to be unfounded, speaking about the benefits of the filler in gloves, let's find out what kind of substance it is and what components are contained in its composition:

  • calcium - strengthens the nails, for a long time allows you to forget about such annoying troubles as the formation and fragility of the nail plates;
  • allantoin - stimulates the ability of the skin to regenerate, the skin on the hands looks freshened and smooth. In addition, with the participation of this substance, the healing processes of microcracks and small cuts occur. Perfect "ambulance" for dry skin;
  • keratin - helps to retain moisture in the nail plate, prevents the formation of “waves” and other defects on the surface of the nail, levels the nail plate;
  • polymer R236 - with the participation of this substance, processes occur that contribute to bleaching and alignment of the surface of the nail plate. This component is also considered natural protection of the nail from varnish;
  • tea tree oil - a powerful antiseptic that manifests a pronounced bactericidal effect;
  • gammamelis - strengthens the vessels and capillaries, being a natural antiseptic, accelerates the healing of wounds and other minor skin damage. Has a strong anti -inflammatory effect;
  • bisabolol - the substance effectively soothes the skin, eliminating the rash and irritation. Quickly softens the cuticle and makes it supple.

There are no preservatives and silicones in natural filler. Judging by the enthusiastic reviews of the fans of the Brazilian manicure, this fact attracts them no less than the short -term and the effectiveness of the procedure.

Brazilian manicure: Are there any analogues

The most popular species of modern manicure is rightfully recognized by biofield, shellac, Brazilian manicure and Japanese manicure Masura. A worthy batch of safe technology of Brazilian cosmetologists today is Japanese tradition and thoroughness.

Indeed, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun were able to invest their love of traditional rituals even in the mechanical process of nail care. What is this expressed? All tools for working with hands are made exclusively from natural materials. So, during the Japanese manicure, the master will push your cuticle with a wooden stick, polish the nails of real calf skin and decorate the nails with a nail file. The composition of the nutrient serum, which will be applied to your hands, include ginseng, pearl powder, bee wax or rice milk.

The implementation of Japanese manicure Masura is better to entrust a real professional. First, the master will evaluate the condition of your pens and individually select tools and materials for work. To soften the cuticle, they mainly use jojoba oil, the nails are strengthened with bees wax. Also, a variety of serums are used to work with the nail plate, which include bamboo, vanilla, red tea, special pastes with vitamins and minerals. After processing with a ceramic file and grinding with calf skin, your nails will be transformed beyond recognition. In the end, the specialist massaces your hands, using special silk bags with sand, mineral pebbles or dry multi -track.

For what manicure - Japanese or Brazilian - to go to the salon, to solve only to you.

As you could already understand, the Brazilian manicure is very easy to perform, however, the procedure has performed a real splash among fashionistas who carefully monitor the latest news in the world of beauty. Every day, the Brazilian version of nail care conquers more and more female hearts: how nice it is to connect the pleasant with useful in a matter of minutes! To make up your opinion about the Brazilian manicure, you just need to purchase a disposable Balbcare set or sign up for a salon procedure. Drink!

And in order to finally clarify the Brazilian manicure, we offer you an introductory video:



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