
What you need to know about diamond peeling

What you need to know about diamond peeling
Diamond peeling is an opportunity to regain the beauty and freshness of the skin, but at the same time a rather expensive procedure. Will he justify the costs? What do you need to know about diamond peeling?

Diamond peeling has recently become more popular. And this is not surprising - because he is very effectively fighting for the beauty and health of the skin. What is this procedure? What should you expect and what is important to remember when agreeing on it?

Diamond peeling - what is it?


Diamond peeling is one of the latest achievements in cosmetology, which combines achievements in the field of medical equipment using the properties of diamond for skin care. It is also known as microdermobezia, since during its conduct, all kinds of pollution, including natural ones (the secret of skin glands, dead cells) are removed mechanically from the skin).

A special vacuum apparatus with several nozzles on which diamond dust is located helps carefully, but at the same time safely cleanse the skin from the upper, keratinized layer and various contaminants. Such peeling does not even cause the slightest pain, so it is well suited for sensitive skin. The possibility of choosing a nozzle helps to choose the best option for the skin of each person.

Currently, in cosmetic salons it is possible to peel any part of the body. Given the high efficiency of this type of peeling in eliminating complex skin defects (scars, scars, deep wrinkles, traces of burns), it can be confidently argued that the role of this procedure is important not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine.

To begin with, it is worth considering the essence of diamond peeling, figure out how exactly it differs from any other type of peeling.

The essence of the diamond peeling procedure


To carry out diamond peeling, or microdermobesia, a special medical device with many nozzles is used. Each nozzle is covered with the thinnest layer of very fine diamond dust, which is obtained by laser processing. And the nozzles differ from each other in sizes and how intensive their effects or abrasive properties.

Abrasive properties, that is, the ability to clean pollution and a keratinized layer from the skin, depend on the degree of granularity of diamond dust, which is applied to this nozzle. In any case, diamond dust is very small crystals, but even a small, imperceptible difference, the difference, greatly affects the intensity of exposure to the skin. Therefore, it is very important that the nozzle for each area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, especially if we are talking about peeling of the face, select a competent cosmetologist - this will help prevent any skin damage, no matter how sensitive it is.

In addition to nozzles with diamond spraying, which help to mechanically cleanse, almost polish the skin, the apparatus to which microdermobrazia is equipped with an exhaust system. Its presence brings double benefits:

  1. Everything that is cleaned in the process of peeling is immediately drawn into the apparatus, which determines even greater speed and thoroughness of purification.
  2. Thanks to the exhaust system, a vacuum forms at the place of contact of the device, which reduces the risk of swelling reactions in the areas where peeling is performed, and stimulates an increase in blood circulation. And a higher level of blood circulation contributes to the nutrition and oxygen enrichment of the skin, as a result of which it is more intense and high -quality updated, retains an attractive, fresh look.

Is it true that diamond peeling is unsafe?


It is possible to answer with full confidence that, subject to all precautions, (which it will be discussed a little further) and with the correct selection of the nozzle, which any good cosmetologist can make it easily, there can be no talk of dangers or pain during the procedure.

The coating itself is very durable, since the diamond is the strongest crystal, so it will not crumble. But even if there was such a danger, these crumbs or fragments could not get on the skin, since nozzles are in protective casings that suck all small particles that fall under the nozzles: pieces of a dead epidermis, pollution, dust. All this ultimately falls into a special hermetic reservoir, which is completely safe for both the client and for making him cosmetologist peeling.

For what purpose is diamond peeling use?


Like all other types of peeling, microdermobrazia, or diamond peeling, are used to restore and maintain the beauty and health of the skin.

Diamond peeling very effectively evens out skin tone, improves its color, especially if we talk about the diamond peeling of the face, helps in the fight against pigment spots, photographs of the skin, wrinkles, stretch marks and scars. True, in order to remove the scars, it is necessary to go through more than one procedure, but a cycle of 20 procedures. At the same time, it is important to take into account the price of diamond peeling - the cost of treatment depends on the number of procedures.

Another advantage of this species is the presence of vacuum massage during the procedure. Such a diamond-vacuum peeling not only cleanses the skin, but, thanks to the effects of vacuum, activates the blood circulation and production of elastin and collagen. As a result, the skin becomes not only cleaner and fresh, but also more elastic, its tone increases.

Diamond peeling: before and after

The most clearly the effect of diamond peeling is noticeable in the photo made shortly before the procedure or immediately after it. Below you can see some of them.




How diamond peeling is performed

Diamond peeling should be carried out in a salon or medical office by a specialist - a cosmetologist. This helps to avoid non -hygienic conditions and related problems (skin irritation, inflammatory reactions), and also creates the possibility of a competent individual approach to each client.

The duration of the procedure is about 40 minutes. Diamond face peeling usually lasts about 20 minutes. In many ways, the procedure and the amount of its repetitions depends on the condition of the skin and goals set regarding its improvement. In order to simply cleanse the skin and make it younger, 4 or 5 procedures are enough, in order to remove the scar, you may need to pilw about 20 times.

Modern achievements regarding the device of devices for diamond peeling, equipping it with a sufficient number of nozzles suggest the possibility of this procedure in any part of the body.

Piling should not cause:

  • any painful or even just unpleasant sensations during the procedure;
  • strong redness, soreness or irritation after the completion of peeling.


The entire diamond peeling procedure can be divided into 3 stages.

  1. Preparatory.  At this stage, the skin is prepared for the peeling procedure - it is moisturized, warmed up and steamed. This helps to exfoliate dead cells, helps to increase the effectiveness of further actions.
  2. Hardware grinding.  The main part of the procedure during which the apparatus with nozzles is used, that part, in fact, for which the cabin is visited. By alternating nozzles or selection of one, the most optimal, high-quality diamond-vacuum peeling in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body occurs.
  3. Final.  A nutritious and moisturizing mask is applied to cleansed skin, which helps improve metabolic processes, provide conditions that prevent skin injury.

Diamond peeling can be combined with other skin procedures, which often after peeling become more effective.

Who is recommended diamond peeling


Diamond peeling is shown to everyone who wants to rejuvenate the skin, improve its condition.

It is known that by about 30 years the elasticity of the skin is no longer the same as at a young age. In this case, diamond peeling helps to restore and maintain it at a fairly high level, which will help to look younger than its age.

Another category of women who helps with diamond peeling is a young mothers who have stretch marks after pregnancy. The procedure cycle helps successfully and without a trace to cope with scars and restore the smoothness and attractiveness of the skin.

In addition, one more evidence can be distinguished for diamond peeling:

  1. The presence of skin areas with advanced pores or the tendency of the skin to such a problem.
  2. Skin pigmentation disorders: uneven pigmentation, excessive pigmentation, the presence of age spots, freckles.
  3. The appearance of wrinkles.
  4. The skin is sagging.
  5. Deterioration of the appearance of the skin: dull, lifeless color, creating the impression of fatigue.
  6. Tsilluis.
  7. Scars, scars, stretching on the body.
  8. Comedons on the skin.
  9. Traces from acne.
  10. Clogged pores or a leather tendency to blockage of pores.
  11. Ugric rashes on the skin or a tendency to them.
  12. The presence of ingrown hair.
  13. Increased oily skin.
  14. Pronounced irregularity, bugrosity of the surface of the skin.
  15. Skin aging (both natural and caused by premature depletion of the skin, for example, as a result of excessive fascination with the receipt of tanning).
  16. Reducing the level of elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Diamond peeling: Contraindications for the procedure


Despite the fact that diamond peeling can be adapted to any type of skin, there are still many contraindications for its conduct. These include:

  1. The presence of fresh burns on the skin, including sunny.
  2. Scratches, wounds, ulcers or fresh scars on the skin.
  3. Any of infectious diseases that affect the skin.
  4. Scleroderma.
  5. Hyperkeratosis.
  6. Pregnancy on any line, as well as a period of breastfeeding.
  7. Menstruation.
  8. The presence of irritation on the skin, pustules, allergic reactions.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. Bronchial asthma.
  11. Epilepsy.
  12. Increased body temperature.
  13. Viral, inflammatory diseases, including diseases affecting the digestive tract.
  14. Neoplasms on the skin, pappilomas, nevi, moles, warts.
  15. The presence of "vascular stars."
  16. Any type of oncology.
  17. Heart disease and vascular system.
  18. The presence of a pacemaker.
  19. Atherosclerosis.
  20. Swelling, especially if they are significantly expressed.

Precautions for the use of diamond peeling


Even if there are no contraindications, it should not be frivolous about the diamond peeling procedure. It is very important to responsibly approach the selection of a salon or office, the choice of a specialist, since the incorrect conduct of the procedure can still harm the skin.

After the procedure, it is necessary to immediately moisturize the skin (a special mask should be applied directly in the cabin), as well as within 1-2 weeks to observe precautions:

  1. The effect on the skin is contraindicated, in particular, on the areas where peeling was carried out, direct sunlight.
  2. During the first 10 days, it is undesirable to visit baths, saunas, pools, paired.
  3. After the diamond peeling procedure, the skin is excessively sensitive to hot water, salts, sweat, so you should not play sports with intense loads or perform heavy physical work.
  4. Caution should be taken into account in relation to the use of cosmetics. It is permissible to use moisturizing cosmetics, sunscreens, but you should not use cosmetics with the content of ethyl alcohol, glycol and lactic acid, retino-a, as well as all kinds of tonal products, powder, and blush.

Diamond peeling: Video about the procedure

Below is a video where the specialist will talk about the essence of diamond peeling, about how it is carried out and what result can be expected after the completion of the procedure.

Prices and reviews about diamond peeling

The prices for diamond peeling are usually quite high. Therefore, the cost of procedures is the main drawback of this type of peeling. But still, it becomes more and more popular due to the high efficiency in the fight against skin problems. Reviews of diamond peeling show that the result justifies the cost, of course, if there is an opportunity to go through the necessary number of procedures.

Diamond peeling is possible only in the cabin. Indeed, in order to buy everything you need for diamond peeling (apparatus, nozzles, products used at the preparatory and final stage), you need a lot of means. This factor also positively affects the number of successful results of the procedure that usually happens when specialists in specially equipped rooms do peeling, and not at home. Accordingly, this makes peeling safer, more effective and promotes positive reviews.



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